Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 932: Cloud Emperor of Wilderness Immortal Realm

When the news of the Holy Dragon Pavilion spread, the Immortal Domain was immediately in an uproar, including the central part of the Immortal Domain.

On this day, a large army gathered in the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, and the Emperor Huaqing personally showed up. The full opening of the Holy Dragon Pavilion meant that the Immortal Domain would usher in a new era, and he, the Immortal Emperor, should also pay attention to it.

In addition to the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, the central region, Jianshen Mountain, the Holy Academy, the Tianhua Immortal Palace, the Yaochi Immortal Palace, and the Holy Dragon Alliance were all like this. Many people gathered and were ready to set off together to the Holy Dragon Pavilion.

Since the last conflict, the contradiction between the Holy Dragon Pavilion and the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty broke out. There was no small war in the Immortal Domain. Of course, it was still a collision at a low level. Above the Immortal Venerable, it was rare to take action.

In the past three years, Lin Ang has been practicing on the battlefield. Wang Feng and Ye Xun were arranged by Li Chaoyang to travel in the Immortal Domain. Later, they also went to the battlefield. Now, hearing the news of the opening of the Holy Dragon Pavilion, the three of them returned together.

"I'm back." Bu Liuxing saw the three people on Longshan Mountain and said.

"Brother, is the news true? Is the Holy Dragon Pavilion really going to be fully open to the Immortal Realm?" Wang Feng asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Bu Liuxing smiled bitterly. This time the news was too sudden, and even the Dragon Alliance was a little unprepared. He couldn't help but think in his heart, I don't know if it is the blessing of this generation or bad luck. When I entered the Holy Dragon Pavilion to practice, I didn't experience it.

"Great! Then will I be able to see Brother Chu soon? It's been three years, and I don't know if Brother Chu has found Sister Qingyi." Wang Feng was still the same, like a big boy, smiling happily.

"You all get ready, half a month later, I will personally take you to the Holy Dragon Pavilion." At this time, a romantic man came up from Longshan, and it was undoubtedly Li Chaoyang. He looked at Wang Feng, Ye Xun, and Lin Ang and said calmly.

When the three heard this, their eyes showed a glimmer of excitement. Mo Wen watched from the side and smiled with relief. The opening of the Holy Dragon Pavilion, everyone in the Immortal Realm knew that something big would happen. Although there would be endless opportunities, it would also be accompanied by crises. Even many people would not dare to go to the Holy Dragon Pavilion because of this, but these three people did not, and instead had some crazy intentions.

Is this what the Dragon Alliance should be like?

"Wait for half a month, and you will see Senior Brother. I wonder how Senior Brother has improved in the past three years." Wang Feng chuckled.

"It won't be bad." Ye Xun smiled confidently on the side: "I guess that guy has already turned the Holy Dragon Pavilion upside down."

"Yes, Senior Brother Chu is so talented, it must be right." Wang Feng nodded in approval. Lin Ang blinked on the side, thinking of the bitter smile in the Xian Realm. Many forces in the Holy Dragon Pavilion are probably going to be unlucky.

Not only in the central part of the fairyland, but also in the eastern part of the fairyland, the major forces such as the Cantian Taoist Temple, the Supreme Military Hall, and the Xuantian Sect have also gathered their manpower. Obviously, no one wants to miss this opportunity.

The news of the Holy Dragon Pavilion spread to every corner of the fairyland, and the Wilderness Fairyland was no exception.

The Wilderness Fairyland, a place known as the birthplace of sin, is an evil place that countless people in the fairyland avoid.

On this day, a competition was taking place on a Shura stage in the Wilderness Fairyland. It was a feast hosted by an immortal emperor, attracting countless geniuses to participate.

The winner of this life-and-death competition will not only be rewarded by the immortal emperor, but will also be reused by the immortal emperor and appointed as a leader. All the major immortals brought people to participate.

At the feast, on a suspended seat in the sky, there was an extremely huge figure, a hundred feet tall, who was the overlord of this area: the Cloud Emperor.

Rumor has it that Emperor Yun was once a hegemon in the fairyland. He lived for many years, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years. Later, because he offended a certain ancient clan, he suffered a catastrophe, and his entire clan was destroyed. Even he was defeated and fled to the wild fairyland to survive.

Because all of Emperor Yun's relatives were killed, he would hold a banquet every ten years to recruit subordinates and adopt them as his adopted sons.

"Emperor Yun, almost everyone is here." A maid whispered beside Emperor Yun. Emperor Yun just nodded and said with a smile: "Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. I accidentally lived for another ten years. I am honored to meet you all."

"Emperor Yun, you are unparalleled in your divine power. We are all here today under your holy light. Even if it's thousands of years later, you will still be strong and unparalleled." Immediately, an immortal figure introduced him. This person, Immortal King Kun, ruled ten main cities.

"Haha, no, I'm old. The next era will be the younger generation." Emperor Yun smiled vicissitudes, turned around and looked down again: "Let's start, are there any good people this year?"

"Reply to Emperor Yun, I have a general under my command, with unparalleled talent, a sage realm, invincible in the world." Immortal King Kun immediately recommended, and a young man stood up, bare-chested, very burly, and arrogant.

"What's your name?" Emperor Yun looked at the young man, and the young man respectfully said: "Reply to the senior, I am Zhang Ming, the junior."

"Well, do well." Emperor Yun did not show much: "Are there any other people who recommend, or recommend themselves."

"Reply to Emperor Yun, there is also a good person in my camp, and this time we must get him." Another immortal recommended, a top saint named Qin Wu.

"Not bad." Emperor Yun also smiled and nodded, and after that, people kept recommending, in addition, some people stood up and recommended themselves.

"I heard that Emperor Yun is hosting a banquet today, and I would like to recommend myself to attend." At this time, a man stepped out and introduced himself.

"It's Chen Yang!" When this person came out, many people were surprised. Chen Ri was a top-level sage, but he had been famous in the Wilderness Immortal Domain for a long time. It was said that his strength was about to reach the half-step immortal level.

"I didn't expect him to come, and Qin Wu and Zhang Ming, these people are all famous very early." In the Wan'e Immortal Venerable camp, a young man standing in the front frowned. He was a great general among the Wan'e Immortal Venerable saints, Yang Lei, a top-level sage realm.

"It seems that Kun Wang Immortal Venerable and several immortals are well prepared. Zhang Ming was a casual cultivator not long ago, but now, he is fighting for Kun Wang Immortal Venerable." Yang Lei sighed again.

"You guys, be careful later. If you can't do it, just admit defeat. Kun Wang Immortal Venerable has a very high status, second only to Senior Yundi. There is no need to offend the other party for this." Yang Lei looked at the other saints and generals behind him and sent a message.

Several generals nodded, but there was one man, wearing a black robe, who kept looking at the battle stage without responding.

Seeing this, Yang Lei couldn't help but frown. Since becoming a general, the leader of the Tiandi Sect has always been his own way and never took him, a great general, in his eyes. He had been very unhappy with him for a long time, and now he dared to ignore him.

"I'll ask you another question!" Yang Lei scolded, and the leader of the Tiandi Sect slowly turned around and looked at Yang Lei calmly: "Are you talking to me?"

"What else?" Yang Lei's face turned cold, and Chu Yan nodded: "Sorry, I don't have that habit."

"You..." Yang Lei was a little angry, but after a moment, he sneered again. The leader of the Tiandi Sect was only a seventh-level saint. Even if he didn't admit defeat, what could he do? At that time, he would humiliate himself and die, which would be fine.

"Wan Evil, it's been another ten years, and your people still don't seem to be very good. They won't be wiped out at the beginning like last time?" At this time, Kun Wang Xianzun looked at Wan E Xianzun and smiled sarcastically.

Wan'e Immortal Venerable's face was also somewhat gloomy. In the past ten years, he had tried very hard to find generals, but he did not expect that Immortal Venerable Kun Wang would directly recruit Zhang Ming, a first-class super-powerful casual cultivator.

"When the time comes, your people must be careful." Kun Wang sneered, and there was a slight intention of competition between the two.

"Let's start." Emperor Yun spoke slowly from above.

Suddenly, the feast inside and outside boiled up. Immortal Emperor Kun Wang showed a smug smile, and Zhang Ming was the first to jump out and challenge the subordinates of another Immortal Venerable.

Zhang Ming was good at using spells. When the two started fighting, there was a terrible light spinning around him, and he was extremely handsome. The world around him seemed to be thundering, and the ground trembled wildly. The other person was shrouded in endless spell light, and his face turned ashen.

The man immediately took out his weapon, but he didn't need to. Under the spell, everything was empty and destroyed. Suddenly, there was a roar, and it seemed that a real dragon roared out of the spell, shining with golden light, and blasted out. The man's eyes widened and his hands were raised high, but it was too late. With a bang, when the force hit, the man's sleeves were all shattered, his body was bent, and with a thud, he flew out of the battle stage.

As for Zhang Ming, at the moment of releasing the spell, he turned around and walked off the stage. When he walked off the stage, it was just when the opponent was defeated. Everything was just right.

"So strong...!" Countless people trembled. If the person who was defeated just now was just an ordinary person, it would be fine, but he was not. He was also a general of an immortal figure. He must have fought out of thousands of people and was famous. But he couldn't even block Zhang Ming's attack.

"Wan'e, do you think any of your generals can block such an attack?" Kun Wang Xianzun laughed, and Wan'e's face became darker. He and Kun Wang Xianzun had some personal grudges, which was no secret in the Wilderness Immortal Domain. Unfortunately, in the past few years, Kun Wang Xianzun's realm has broken through and his status has become higher, which has also made his position in the Wilderness Immortal Domain more and more humble, and he may even be wiped out at any time.

"Still continue?" Yundi's entourage looked at Zhang Ming, Zhang Ming nodded, and then he turned his eyes and looked at Wan'e Xianzun: "I challenge Wan'e Xianzun's generals."

Everyone immediately showed an interesting smile, and Wan'e's face was extremely stiff.

"Wan'e, it's been ten years, you can't even show a decent person, right?" Kun Wang Xianzun laughed sarcastically.

"Yang Lei!" Wan'e Xianzun roared, although he also knew that Yang Lei would most likely lose in the battle, but except Yang Lei, there was no one in his camp who could look down on such a powerful person as Zhang Ming.

Hearing the order from the Immortal Master Wan Evil, Yang Lei's face darkened and he was a little scared, but there was nothing he could do. He knew that if he didn't fight, he would be in a worse situation, so he had to bite the bullet and walk onto the battlefield.

"Cut off one of your arms and I'll spare your life."

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