Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 930 Don’t leave without saying goodbye

In the Ice Zen Sect, time seems to have stood still.

In the void in the distance, there are also many figures standing. They all look like young men and are extremely handsome. They are not from the Ice Zen Sect. They are Tsing Yi's prodigies in the Shenglong Pavilion. Not long ago, Tsing Yi suddenly announced that he was retiring from the sect and wanted to Going to find someone, they were curious and followed him all the way.

Seeing the scene below, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

In addition, there are some curious things. Ever since Qing Yi entered Shenglong Pavilion, her identity and background have been thoroughly investigated. Even the Immortal Emperor loves her very much and has countless suitors, but Qing Yi's character is extremely... Cold, as if there was always only cultivation in her world.

But at this moment, many people understood that it was not the case, it was just that they had not met the right person.

You hurt me.

The voice was very clear, but everyone could hear the deep longing in it.

"Let me hug you again." Chu Yan said softly without letting go. Qing Yi listened, her beautiful eyes blinked, a faint smile appeared on her delicate and pretty face, and then she stood there quietly, what? He didn't say anything and let Chu Yan hold him.

Everyone around was stunned.

Yang Yi stood not far away. For some reason, he looked at the beautiful pair in front of him and felt a little envious in his heart: "Is this the person he wants to find at all costs?"

After a long time, Chu Yan slowly let go of his hand, but his eyes still did not leave Qing Yi for a moment. After too many years, they finally met again.

"Hello, my name is Chu Yan, I like you!" Chu Yan looked at Qing Yi and smiled cleanly. Qing Yi blinked her beautiful eyes, which was very cold. She was like this by nature, but this time, she also smiled brightly and crisply. Response: "Well, I like you too!"

It has been many years since the emperor passed away, and the two of them have been apart in life and death. From that pain, to a promise, to today's reunion, they have really gone through too much.

Now the two meet again in the fairyland. Chu Yan reaches out his hand and holds Qing Yi. This time, he doesn't want to hide his heart, nor does he want to lose her. He wants to tell everyone that Qing Yi is the person he likes.

"That's enough for you!" Long Yang stood not far away, his power still swirling, and shouted angrily.

Hearing his words, Qingyi frowned slightly, turned around, and looked at Long Yang with cold eyes. Then she walked towards Long Yang step by step without saying anything, just like before.

But suddenly, Chu Yan took her hand and shook his head at Qing Yi.

"He bullied you." Qing Yi looked at Chu Yan and said crisply.

Chu Yan smiled bitterly, this girl is still like this, but this feeling is really good.

"Princess, Emperor Yang came out of seclusion to tell me that I have been taking care of you for many days, so I have to say goodbye." Chu Yan looked at Yang Yi and said.

"Are you leaving?" Yang Yi frowned, and Chu Yan smiled slightly: "When the person I want to wait for arrives, I won't disturb him."

"No!" For some reason, Yang Yi's heart suddenly ached, and she said, "If you want to leave, you can do it yourself when my father comes out of seclusion!"

"Then let me leave without saying goodbye." Chu Yan shook his head. He didn't want to wait any longer. The original purpose of entering Shenglong Pavilion was to find Qing Yi. Now that he saw her, he didn't want to waste time.

"Let's go." After Chu Yan said this, he turned to look at Qing Yi. Qing Yi looked at Long Yang again, nodded lightly, and left.

The two just held hands and left. As for Long Yang, he stayed there and Chu Yan never looked at him.

"Chu Yan, you bastard!" Yang Yi scolded full of grievance. Chu Yan's steps stagnated slightly, he shook his head with a wry smile, and continued to step forward. He could feel Yang Yi's love for him, but it didn't mean that , he must accept that whether it is Liu Qingcheng or Qing Yi, he owes too much. His world can no longer accommodate a third person, at least not Yang Yi.

In this case, why not leave in style?

"Are you satisfied now?" Chu Yan came over, and Yang Yi looked at Long Yang with red eyes.

Long Yang stood there, shocked in his heart. When he looked at Yang Yi, he lowered his head in confusion: "Yier, I, I was impulsive, but you know, why don't you explain to me?"

"Why should I explain?" Yang Yi looked at Long Yang coldly and smiled mockingly: "The rumors are true. I like him, but so what? He has someone he loves, and for her , He can do whatever it takes, but compared to her, who am I?"

"Long Yang, please go, I won't like you." Yang Yi said in despair, and then she turned and left. She tried her best to raise her head to prevent herself from crying. She looked at the sky, she hated, why , does not belong to her, but wants to break into her life.

Long Yang was left alone. He stood there, filled with anger, but in the end, he blamed all of this on Chu Yan.

He thought that if it weren't for Chu Yan, Yang Yi would definitely marry him, but all this was broken because of Chu Yan's appearance.

And just now, Chu Yan never looked at him from beginning to end. He was obviously just a low-level saint, but he dared to ignore him. Involuntarily, this kind of hatred expanded infinitely in his heart.

Of course, Chu Yan knew nothing about everything that happened in Bingchan Sect and didn't care.

Being able to see Qing Yi again, nothing mattered anymore. The two left the Ice Zen Sect, riding Meow Meow along the way, flying aimlessly.

"Where to go?" Qing Yi asked crisply.

"Anything is fine." Chu Yan kept looking at Qing Yi and said infatuatedly. Qing Yi pursed his lips: "What are you looking at me for?"

"I like you." Chu Yan smiled brightly.

"Not serious!" Qing Yi said crisply. Chu Yan stepped forward again, hugged Qing Yi, and whispered in Qing Yi's ear: "There are more not serious ones. Do you want to try?"

Qing Yi's jade face flushed slightly. When she was in the lower world, she was always protected. Even though she had extraordinary combat power, she was still not very experienced. In addition to following Chu Yan and experiencing some things, she knew very little about the ways of the world, and the same was true for men and women.

But it was different after returning to the fairyland. She experienced a lot and knew more, so she naturally knew that Chu Yan had bad intentions.

"I'm leaving." Qing Yi said softly, and her figure flashed and disappeared again, leaving Chu Yan alone.

"Uh..." Chu Yan blinked, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Meow meow!" Meow meow laughed from below, and the pink rabbit ears stood up, as if laughing at Chu Yan.

Looking at Miaomiao, Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "You dare to laugh at me? Oh, when I see Xiaolang next time, I must let him teach you a lesson."

"Meow! Do you think I'm afraid of her?" Suddenly, Miaomiao spoke human language, which scared Chu Yan: "Fuck, you can talk?"

"Hmph! I'm a demon fairy now!" Miaomiao looked very proud and raised his head slightly. Chu Yan was embarrassed for a while, and then he looked respectful: "I'm sorry."

"Since you performed well, I'll forgive you." Miaomiao pretended to be a little adult, which made Chu Yan laugh. However, it must be said that Miaomiao is now a demon fairy, and Qingyi's realm has reached the top sage, which is much stronger than when he was in the lower world.

"It seems that I have always delayed Qingyi." Chu Yan thought in his heart. Qingyi has a super bloodline and a seal in his body, but when he was in the lower world, he always protected himself and fell behind in cultivation.

"We need to work harder." Chu Yan thought to himself. He was not in a hurry. He rode on Miaomiao. As for Qingyi, he knew that she was guarding him in secret as before. He smiled and drank alone.

Just now, Qingyi asked him where to go, and he said it was okay. Qingyi said he was not serious.

In fact, there was one sentence he didn't say, that is, with you here, where to go, does it matter?

What's wrong with the world as home? Having you is enough.

Leaving Bingchan Sect, just as Chu Yan said, where to go is no longer important, and Qingyi did not go back to her Dizong. The two traveled all the way and encountered many cities on the way. They stopped to rest and continued on their way. They also encountered some unfair things and drew their swords to help.

Shenglong Pavilion, for the two at this time, did not seem like a place for training, but more like a river and lake, where they were very happy to travel the world with swords.

Qingyi, as usual, accompanied Chu Yan behind. She was not good at speaking, but she knew some things.

She had lived in the lower world, and she knew how difficult it was to get out of that humble place and step by step to the fairyland, but he did it. She also knew what it meant to trigger an imperial war in the Holy Dragon Pavilion, but he did it.

"Qingyi, don't leave without saying goodbye, okay?" One day, Chu Yan and Qingyi were in a forest, facing the setting sun, and whispered.

"Yeah!" Qingyi nodded lightly, without much emotion, but then she remembered something, and her beautiful eyes were a little sad. She also hoped that she would no longer leave without saying goodbye, but if that day really came, she might choose to bear it alone.

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