Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 929 Familiar Voice

Looking at Yang Yi's back, Chu Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head. Since Yang Yi didn't care, he didn't care. After a while, he continued to practice.

However, the two of them didn't care, and the rumors got worse and worse.

Until one day, a figure descended from the sky and came to Chu Yan's guest room. This person was a very handsome young man with black hair, wearing a dragon robe, and looked arrogant.

"Master Long?" Upon seeing the young man, the beautiful eyes of several maids outside the guest room flashed with surprise and admiration.

This person's name is Long Yang. He is also a direct disciple of Emperor Yang, and he is also the eldest son of the Immortal Lord Family. He is extremely talented. Rumor has it that he has become a saint when he was half a hundred years old. Now he has practiced cultivation for less than a hundred years, but he has become a top saint. With great strength, he is expected to become a century-old immortal.

The most important thing is that Long Yang has been accepted by Emperor Yang since he was a child, and he grew up with Yang Yi. Everyone can see his thoughts, but now it is spread inside and outside the Bingchan Sect that Chu Yan and Yang Yi Now that he has come here, what does it mean? Do I need to say more?

"Is that Chu Yan in there?" Long Yang's voice was extremely cold, but several maids looked embarrassed. Now Chu Yan was in seclusion, and he had deliberately explained that no one was allowed to disturb him.

Seeing that the maids didn't speak bitterly, Long Yang's eyes flashed coldly and he walked towards the room without saying a word.

"Young Master Long, no!" Several maids were shocked and spoke to stop him, but the next moment, a terrible storm erupted from Long Yang's body, knocking the maids away immediately.

"It's over!" Several maids' hearts sank.

"Are you Chu Yan?" Long Yang stepped directly into the guest room. Chu Yan was sitting cross-legged on a futon and practicing, and called out.

Long Yang sent a message, and Chu Yan frowned fiercely, feeling unhappy about how the maids were doing things.

Last time he found the shackles of the top saint. Today is the day when he is preparing to try to break through, so it is particularly critical.

"Who are you?" Chu Yan tried to control his breath and responded.

"Go to the battle platform and fight with me." Long Yang didn't talk nonsense. Chu Yan was speechless for a while. He didn't know Long Yang at all. How could the other party break into his house and challenge himself as soon as he opened his mouth?

"Your Excellency, the top saint, Chu thinks he is inferior, so there is no need to fight." Chu Yan said calmly, but Long Yang's eyes were even colder: "Cowardly to fight? How can Master accept a waste like you? Since Master intends to Yang Yixu is betrothed to you, but you don’t even have the courage to fight? "

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly realized, and then he became angry and said with a bitter smile: "Your Excellency may have misunderstood. I have nothing to do with Princess Yang. Those are just rumors."

"Do you think I will believe it?" Long Yang raised his head slightly and shouted angrily: "Let me go!"

"I have already explained, why are you so reluctant to let me go?" Chu Yan was also a little unhappy. He was the key to a breakthrough. Interrupting at this time would not only fail to break through, but would also cause internal injuries.

"Are you going or not?" Long Yang asked again.

"No!" Chu Yan refused directly this time. Since the other party was unreasonable, he didn't bother to talk nonsense.


With a bang, Long Yang took a step forward, and then without any nonsense, he held his palm and turned it into a dragon claw. On his arm, there seemed to be a green dragon lying on the ground, making a deafening dragon roar, and then he took a step forward. Cracks appeared on the ground, and he smashed directly at Chu Yan's throat.

The strong dragon intention roared in the air, and the room was suddenly in chaos. Chu Yan endured it, and his face turned pale, but he still worked hard to clench his fists and move his lips and teeth slightly.

With a buzz, the evil sword came out of its sheath when he sat down, and roared towards Long Yang. The power of the immortal weapon struck in the air, and immediately shattered Long Yang's dragon claws, and before it stopped, the evil sword was still speeding up. Sweeping out, endless fairy light swept through Long Yang's throat.

Feeling the threat, Long Yang's expression also changed with shock, and he quickly retreated, but the evil sword was faster, and in the blink of an eye, it was at his throat, and his eyes widened.

"Evil Sword, that's enough!" Chu Yan shouted, and the Evil Sword suddenly stopped.

Long Yang stopped and touched his throat. There was a tiny trace of blood, which made his face turn even more livid. He could feel that the sword strike just now, if Chu Yan didn't stop it, would probably kill him directly. His life.

"Next time, it won't just be as simple as scratching the skin." Chu Yan said coldly. Now in the Ice Zen Sect, Long Yang is a disciple of Emperor Yang. He didn't want to cause trouble, but the other party bullied others too much. He Why be polite?

"Relying on the immortal weapons, this is all you have?" Long Yang glared at Chu Yan.

"Get out!" Chu Yan yelled angrily, and with a buzz, the evil sword trembled wildly beside him again.

"You will regret it!" Long Yang clenched his fists, his anger had never been stronger, but he said no more and turned and walked out of the guest room.

Watching Long Yang leave, Chu Yan snorted coldly, then closed his eyes and continued to practice. Countless vitality surged towards him from the sky.

This kind of storm lasted for many days. During this period, Chu Yan's power continued to rise and soared. Finally, on this day, there was an explosion sound in his body, and then his whole body was bathed in rain like a long drought. It made him feel extremely comfortable and successfully break through.

"Breakthrough?" Yang Yi felt the power and leaped forward.

"Yeah, but it's not stable enough." Chu Yan chuckled, but Yang Yi was shocked in her heart. She had inquired before that when Chu Yan entered the Holy Dragon Pavilion, he was only at the fourth level of Saint. It only took two years. , reaching the seventh level of Saint. This speed is too terrifying.

"Monster!" Yang Yi glared at Chu Yan. Chu Yan smiled casually and looked at Yang Yi: "Long Yang is also a disciple of Emperor Yang?"

"Has he come to see you?" Yang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then said with a cold look: "Yes, but you don't need to pay attention to him. He is not a bad person, but he is a little extreme. He found you because of the rumors."

"Then why don't you explain to him?" Chu Yan asked in confusion. Yang Yi blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Chu Yan: "Because I like you."

"Princess, don't make trouble." Upon hearing this, Chu Yan's head was filled with black lines.

"I'm not making trouble. I heard from the maid that you have two wives. If that's the case, you shouldn't mind having one more, right?" After Yang Yi said this, he suddenly showed a charming smile and walked towards Chu Yan, slender His hand couldn't help but be placed on Chu Yan's shoulder. Those almond-shaped eyes were rippling, making the corners of Chu Yan's mouth twitch. This goblin definitely did it on purpose.

"Princess, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave first." Chu Yan's body flashed and he hurriedly walked out the door. Looking at Chu Yan who was running away, Yang Yi chuckled, and then her autumn eyes were full of tears. A little disappointed: "They say beauty is a disaster, but if a man is good, how can it be different?"

Chu Yan didn't know what Yang Yi was thinking. After leaving the guest room, he could only be alone and depressed, but suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, which was naturally Long Yang.

"It's really haunting." Chu Yan was speechless for a while, and turned around to bypass Long Yang, but the next moment, Long Yang directly stretched out his hand to stop him: "Fight with me!"

"Why are you forcing me like this? I consider myself inferior to you, the top saint." Chu Yan said in a deep voice. This was the second time.

"Such a useless and timid person, you are not worthy to be Master's disciple. In this case, get out of the Ice Zen Sect." Long Yang was even more forceful, but seeing this scene, Chu Yan's eyes became even colder. At this time, people around him also attracted Many people saw this scene and whispered.

"Long Yang!" At this moment, a sweet voice suddenly came. Yang Yi walked out of the guest room. Long Yang looked at her, especially when he walked out of Chu Yan's room, he was even more angry.

"Yang Yi! You and I have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. Why are you like this?" Long Yang's eyes were red and his face was extremely painful.

"That's enough!" Yang Yi snorted coldly, looked at Chu Yan again with Qiu Mu, and said softly: "I have nothing to do with him."

"In that case, let him leave!" Long Yang continued to press, and Yang Yidai frowned. This was not the first time. In any case, Chu Yan's father personally approved his stay.

"Princess, farewell." Seeing Yang Yi appear, Chu Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense and turned to leave.

Looking at his back, Long Yang's murderous intention became even stronger. Suddenly, a terrible arrogance burned in his body, and his whole body glowed with green light, as if he were a real dragon. The terrifying power shot straight into the sky. He took one step forward and wanted to kill him. Kill towards Chu Yan.

"Kill!" As soon as Long Yang took action, he struck with all his strength. Everyone saw this scene and their hearts trembled. Long Yang actually broke the rules of the Ice Zen Sect and killed him.

Yang Yi stood far away, his autumn eyes becoming extremely cold.

Surrounded and blocked by the dragon's breath, Chu Yan's footsteps also stagnated. His face was extremely cold, but the moment he turned around, a cyan light suddenly fell on the sky. It was a long dress, which made Chu Yan's eyes were glazed over.

Looking at the owner of the long skirt, he seemed to have forgotten everything. Involuntarily, his eyes turned slightly red and he showed a bright smile.

"Okay, what a beautiful woman..." At this moment, everyone saw the owner of the long skirt, and their hearts trembled. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they could not have imagined that they saw such a unique and independent woman.

"Is that her?" Yang Yi watched quietly from the side. Looking at Qing Yi, he even felt a little inferior to her. Is this the girl he was looking for at all costs to trigger the Imperial War? In the Shenwu Ruins Is that look in his eyes also for her?

Qing Yi came, and she stood there. She was still the same Lu Mang as before, breaking into the Ice Zen Sect alone. Behind her, there were countless pursuers. She just stood there, with a cold face, unable to see She didn't show any emotion, but her beautiful eyes were always looking at Chu Yan.

"Gulu!" Chu Yan couldn't help but swallowed. Then he said nothing and walked slowly towards Qing Yi. He opened his hands and hugged Qing Yi tightly, ignoring the gazes around him. .

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Didn't it mean that Chu Yan was the son-in-law chosen by Emperor Yang? Shouldn't he be with Yang Yi?

"You hurt me." A crisp voice sounded, so familiar.

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