Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 928 Rumors

Although Bingchan Sect is a mountain gate, it is located in a prosperous city. This city is very glorious and is called Jinchan City. Like Chiyang Palace, there are many forces in Jinchan City that rely on Bingchan Sect for survival.

After Chu Yan came to Bingchan Sect, he has been living here. He occasionally walks around in the city and often sees immortals and immortals walking around. But he found a very interesting phenomenon. No matter what realm people are in, they have never seen a massacre in Jinchan City. At most, there are some small conflicts, but they will restrain each other.

You know, this is very rare in the fairyland.

After all, strong strength will make people's hearts swell and murderous.

"Mr. Chu, you don't know that Jinchan City is one of the most peaceful main cities in Shenglong." A female disciple of Bingchan Sect who followed Chu Yan chuckled.

"Why?" Chu Yan asked curiously.

"The sect master once said that the strength of a sect depends on two points. The first point is the combat power of the top masters. Therefore, even though the sect master has reached the realm of the Immortal Emperor in recent years, he often travels outside to find a breakthrough." The woman chuckled, and Chu Yan nodded. Indeed, the strength of a sect depends on the top masters. For example, the Dragon Alliance, although it has only nine disciples so far, is known as a legend in the Immortal Realm. Why? Isn't it because of the strength of the top three disciples?

That day, Li Chaoyang was sitting alone in the wine pavilion, but he dared to make no one in the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty dare to move. This is the top combat power.

"What about the second point?"

"It is the peace of the sect. The sect master said that a powerful sect should have strict rules. The same is true for Jinchan City. There are many rules. The City Lord's Mansion of Jinchan City is affiliated with Bingchan Sect. It is a department that is responsible for the public security here. Killing is prohibited in the city, and bandits are not allowed to exist. If you want to cultivate resources, Bingchan Sect can provide jobs. Going to the fairy stone mine to mine can get a 10% share, but robbing and killing are not allowed to exist, otherwise you will be the mortal enemy of Bingchan Sect." The woman said.

"Of course, sparring and challenging are allowed, but you need to register with Bingchan Sect and sign a life and death agreement." The woman paused and continued.

Chu Yan suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Bingchan Sect was so peaceful.

But it was right to think about it. If there were no rules, the so-called main city would be just an empty shell. In the cultivation world, the realm is absolutely oppressive. In this case, it is difficult for newcomers to rise.

The most important thing is that places like auction houses are also difficult to operate. After all, who would dare to run an auction house without some background?

At that time, if you spend a lot of money on the auction, you will be targeted immediately. Murder and robbery are very common in the fairyland.

"Of course, as residents and major forces here, you also need to pay tribute to the Bingchan Sect every year to obtain protection." The woman said, and Chu Yan nodded: "This is fair."

The cultivation world has always been like this.

The weak follow the rules, and the strong create the rules.

At this time, Chu Yan passed by a magic weapon shop, and his eyes moved. He saw two very beautiful long skirts hanging there, one like a phoenix reborn from the ashes, and the other like a blue phoenix, very charming.

"Let's go and take a look." Chu Yan said, and walked towards the shop. This shop mainly sells women's clothing, which is quite distinctive.

Their trading method is also very special. They do not accept any spiritual stones or fairy stones. They must be exchanged with magic weapons. Fortunately, Chu Yan does not lack magic weapons.

"Please pack these two for me." Chu Yan looked at the two long skirts and couldn't help but think of the two beauties again.

"Mr. Chu has a good eye. Are the two long skirts for the princess?" The female disciple laughed enviously. However, Chu Yan took the two long skirts and shook his head with a smile: "No, they are for my wife."

"Ah?" The woman was full of surprise: "Mr. Chu already has a wife?"

"Is it strange that I have a wife?" Chu Yan smiled bitterly. He should not be so unbearable.

"No, no..." The woman realized that she had said the wrong thing and hurriedly corrected: "I am just a little curious. Mr. Chu is so young and talented. Many people say that the cultivation world should focus on cultivation. I thought that Mr. Chu was not married."

"Then Mr. Chu is really good to your wife. The long skirts here are so expensive, and he bought two at once."

"I have two wives." Chu Yan smiled naturally. Although he and Qingyi had never married and had no status, in his heart, Qingyi was the same as his wife after the end of the imperial road.

The woman couldn't help but blinked and was completely speechless.

After putting away the two long skirts, Chu Yan didn't care and rushed back to Bingchan Sect. During this period of time, he has been living in Bingchan Sect because he believes that if Qingyi hears the news, she will come to Bingchan Sect to find him. If he is not there, Qingyi will be very sad.

However, the practice has never stopped. Emperor Yang also did what he said and prepared many practice resources for him.

One day, Chu Yan just woke up from practice and saw Yang Yi coming here: "Here you are."

"How is living in Bingchan Sect?" Yang Yi asked. Chu Yan smiled calmly: "Very good, I am a little embarrassed."

"Are you waiting for someone?" Yang Yi asked directly, which made Chu Yan stunned. Before he could speak, Yang Yi continued: "Don't be surprised, I am the daughter of Emperor Yang. I know a lot of things in Shenglong Pavilion. Before, you won the first place in the weapon refining competition in Yushan County, and then you have been using your relationship to find a woman."

"Shenwu Ruins, what you said should also be said to her, right?" Yang Yi said again.

"You really can't hide anything from the princess." Chu Yan smiled bitterly and did not deny it. Yang Yi blinked her beautiful eyes and asked, "Is she very important to you?"

"It's very important." Chu Yan nodded. It was really important.

"I'll help you." Yang Yi smiled generously. Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then smiled gratefully: "Thank you, Princess."

"It's okay. You help me get the Nine Nether Qin. Although my father saved you, I feel a little guilty if I don't do anything myself." Yang Yi smiled, and then asked Chu Yan about Qingyi again, and then said goodbye to Chu Yan.

After a period of time, Chu Yan continued to practice. Now he is a sixth-level saint. The next step is to become a top-level saint, which is also a crucial level.

So he didn't dare to be careless.

In a blink of an eye, it was half a year. During this half year, Chu Yan had been in seclusion. Yang Yi often came to visit him. The sensation caused by the Shenwu Ruins gradually subsided, and everything returned to calm.

Yang Di also went into seclusion again. He had just broken through and was ready to stabilize his realm. This was also normal. He could turn a city into a peaceful and prosperous era. He must be a wise ruler, so he was extremely demanding on his own strength.

But there has been a lot of talk about Chu Yan. Half a year ago, Chu Yan came to Bingchan Sect and was accepted as a disciple by Emperor Yang. Many people are curious about what kind of person Chu Yan is and where he comes from.

Recently, a rumor has been circulating in Bingchan Sect.

It is about Chu Yan. Some people say that the reason why Emperor Yang accepted Chu Yan as a disciple is actually because Emperor Yang intends to marry his beloved daughter Princess Yang Yi to Chu Yan.

Later, someone else said that Yang Yi and Chu Yan have been very close in the past six months, and the two may have already decided to spend their lives together.

When this news came out, it immediately caused quite a stir in Bingchan Sect.

One day, Yang Yi came to Chu Yan's room. Chu Yan was practicing in seclusion. Yang Yi was not in a hurry and waited quietly by the side.

"Buzz!" At this moment, there was a terrible airflow between heaven and earth. Yang Yi was very close to Chu Yan, and she couldn't help but be shocked. She looked up at the sky and saw that the place where Chu Yan was was an independent world with flames, thunder, ice and snow, roaring constantly, and Peng Ying and a sword that could reach the sky, which made her moved.

"I didn't expect his soul combination to be so terrible." Yang Yi's heart trembled slightly. This was the first time she saw such a terrible soul combination.

"Buzz!" After a long time, Chu Yan's breath was restrained. The moment his eyes opened, there was an invincible spirit that surged out crazily. Yang Yi retreated quickly because she was too close.

Soon after calming down, Chu Yan looked up at Yang Yi: "Are you okay?"

"This princess is not that precious. Besides, I am a top saint." Yang Yi waved her hand indifferently and looked Chu Yan up and down: "The movement is big enough, is it a breakthrough?"

"How can it be so easy." Chu Yan smiled bitterly. Just now, he did find a trace of shackles. If he wanted, he could enter the top saint at any time, but there were still some minor flaws, so he was forced to stop.

"You are asking too much." Yang Yi rolled her eyes. How could she not see Chu Yan's situation? A sixth-level saint was probably not weaker than her top saint.

"By the way, I have news about the person you are looking for." Yang Yi said. Chu Yan's hand trembled slightly. After a moment, he looked up at Yang Yi.

"The person you are looking for is actually the daughter of the Qingfeng Emperor in the north of the Immortal Realm. She is now a disciple of the Immortal Emperor in the Holy Dragon Pavilion, but she left not long ago and no one has seen her since then. I guess she must have heard some news about you, so you should stay in Bingchan Sect for a while." Yang Yi said, and Chu Yan's heart was slightly moved. Qingyi, did you know that I was coming?

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded, but he was extremely excited. Then he hesitated and looked at Yang Yi again: "Princess, have you heard about the recent rumors?"

"You are so embarrassed to say that." Yang Yi glared at Chu Yan.

"Do you want me to come out and clarify it?" Chu Yan smiled bitterly.

"Hey!" Yang Yi looked at Chu Yan unhappily: "Just got the news about your little lover, and you are so impatient to get rid of your relationship with this princess? After all, this princess is also the daughter of the Immortal Emperor, and there are countless suitors. Do you think I am not worthy of you?"

"Uh...!" Chu Yan was black, what is this?

"No need for that. Let them misunderstand. It's not true anyway." Yang Yi snorted coldly and walked away, leaving Chu Yan alone, speechless. He thought he meant well, so why was he angry?

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