Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 927: Entering the Bingchan Sect [Three Updates]

If anyone knew what Chu Yan was thinking at this moment, they would definitely think he was crazy.

He planned a battle of emperors just to spread the news to a girl?

If this is not crazy, what is? You know, the Immortal Emperor cannot be desecrated. If you are not careful, you will die.

But even so, he still did it at all costs.

In his world, he owed Qingyi. When he was on the road to the emperor, Qingyi's last madness, at all costs, destroyed the Beiming Dynasty, and asked Ye Xun to tell him that I have been waiting for him. In a blink of an eye, it has been more than ten years since they last met. Now he knows that Qingyi is in the Holy Dragon Pavilion, hugging the sky with him, breathing the air of the same world, how can he remain indifferent?

He walked back to where Yang Yi was, and the ice and fire in the sky were still colliding wildly.

The two Immortal Emperors only agreed to fight for three moves, but even these short three moves, many people felt that it was as long as a century, the sun and the moon turned, and the world was in the north.

Until the last moment, the flames went out and the glaciers melted.

At an altitude of 90,000 meters, only two shadows of the Immortal Emperor remained.

"Is it over?" Everyone held their breath and looked at the two people in the sky.

"Chiyang, I will take Renheqin away." Emperor Yang spoke first, chuckling, but one sentence made countless people tremble. In the end, did Emperor Yang win?

Emperor Chiyang looked at Emperor Yang with cold eyes: "You and I are in the same place, and we are neighbors. We are also old friends for many years. Are you sure you want to go to this extent for someone from the Immortal Realm?"

"Since I promised this little guy that I would protect him at the critical moment, I will do it naturally." Emperor Yang smiled calmly.

"What if I force him to stay?" Emperor Chiyang was still unwilling, and Emperor Yang kept smiling: "You won't do that."

"Humph!" Emperor Chiyang finally snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and looked down: "Everyone, retreat."

In an instant, the strong men of Chiyang Palace and Zhantian Immortal Mansion were shocked. Did the Immortal Emperor still fail to keep Chu Yan after taking action?

"Are you still not coming?" Emperor Yang was in the sky. Chu Yan nodded, leaped into the sky, and came to Emperor Yang's side.

"Goodbye!" After Emperor Yang finished speaking, a snowy road appeared behind him. Chu Yan, Yang Yi, Dong Wu and others stood beside him. Their figures gradually disappeared, including Jiuyou Qin, and left in the distance.

The people of Chiyang Palace, many top forces, and several states could not calm down after seeing this scene.

The Shenwu Ruins was originally a good experience, but because of a young man, it triggered an imperial war. The funny thing is that in the end, he left alive.

The people of Zhantian Immortal Mansion had extremely gloomy faces. The biggest loss this time was naturally his Zhantian Immortal Mansion, which lost an immortal figure and countless Tianjiao. What made them hate was that Chu Yan had Emperor Yang as his backing. They were afraid that they would never be able to avenge this hatred.

"Everyone disperse." Chi Yang Emperor snorted coldly, breaking the dead silence, and then he disappeared from the spot. Although he lost the battle with Emperor Yang today, he still gained some insights. As for Chu Yan, he was a fairy emperor, so he naturally didn't bother to argue with him.

Of course, this was only him, because he was a fairy emperor, he could ignore the opinions of others.

The others couldn't do it, and soon, this battle spread like wildfire in the Holy Dragon Pavilion.

The name of Chu Yan, this time, was also truly spread in the Holy Dragon Pavilion, and was known to everyone. A crazy saint instigated an emperor war.

In addition, there is another name that is remembered by countless people, that is Chen Jian. Therefore, many extraordinary forces sent people to find this place called Chen Jian.

But unfortunately, all of them returned empty-handed. Of course, some of the forces of the Immortal Emperor used some special means and connections with the Immortal Realm to actually find a place called Dust World, but unfortunately, it was just a grain of star under the Immortal Realm. The strongest, that is, the Saint, did not even have an Immortal, so it was naturally ignored.

Chu Yan did not know about these, and even if he knew, he would not care.

After leaving the Shenwu Ruins, he followed Emperor Yang all the way away. The speed of the Immortal Emperor was extremely fast, and he could cross mountains and rivers in a moment.

So that day, Chu Yan came to Bingchan Sect. On the way, Emperor Yang did not speak, and Chu Yan naturally did not speak, all the way to the main city of Bingchan Sect.

This city radiates thousands of miles of territory, is extremely vast and prosperous, and is surrounded by frozen snow-capped mountains. Later, Chu Yan learned that each of those snow-capped mountains is a fairy stone mining area, supporting the cultivation of the disciples of the entire Bingchan Sect, and even some mining areas have appeared Supreme Fairy Stone.

In addition, all kinds of industries in the main city of Bingchan Sect are very developed, which is rare even in the fairyland. Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh. No wonder people say that Shenglong Pavilion is a holy place for cultivation. Not to mention the opportunity, the cultivation resources alone are too terrible.

"Meet the Immortal Emperor!" After returning to the main city, a guard in Bingchan Sect immediately flew out to pay homage to Emperor Yang.

"No problem." Emperor Yang said calmly, looking at Chu Yan: "Follow me."

Chu Yan blinked, and naturally did not dare to refute, and followed Emperor Yang into the main hall.

"Little guy, are you very brave?" When they arrived at the main hall, Emperor Yang smiled, and Chu Yan felt a chill on his back, and laughed dryly: "Senior, the situation was urgent at the time, and the junior had no choice but to do this. I hope you will forgive me."

"You helped my Bingchan Sect to seize the Nine Nether Qin, what crime have you committed?" Emperor Yang smiled, and Chu Yan was speechless for a while. He didn't think that Emperor Yang was so easy to talk to.

"Okay, is Tianhua okay now?" Yang Di changed his tone and Chu Yan was stunned for a moment. Then he remembered the ice crystal order and responded hurriedly: "Senior, Senior Tianhua is very good."

"It has been a thousand years, she should have become a top Immortal Emperor, right?" Yang Di seemed to be feeling a little emotional, Chu Yan blinked, why did this tone sound a bit strange.

"Back to senior, he is the top Immortal Emperor."

"Haha, it's true. She was the most talented among the three of us back then." Yang Di snorted coldly. Chu Yan was so smart. He immediately understood and chuckled: "Senior was Senior Tianhua's suitor back then?"

Yang Di glared at Chu Yan and snorted coldly: "Nonsense, will I chase her?"

But a moment later, Emperor Yang said with some displeasure: "I really can't figure out why the Immortal Realm is in chaos and is now in ruins, why does that guy Tianhua have to leave with Lei Lei."

"Uh..." Chu Yan felt ashamed. This relationship is really complicated.

"The Ice Zen Order in your hand was indeed a gift from me to Tianhua back then. However, Tianhua has always liked peace and quiet and did not fight with the world. But you are different. You have a strong sense of arrogance in your bones. You act boldly and take the wrong path. , It seems like you are from that place, are you a disciple of the Dragon Alliance?" Yang Di said.

Chu Yan's heart trembled, this Emperor Yang knew so much?

Didn’t you say that Shenglong Pavilion and Immortal Realm are different from each other?

"Although I have never been to the Immortal Realm, every ten years, the Immortal Realm will send people to the Shenglong Pavilion, and naturally they will bring some news." Emperor Yang said softly, and Chu Yan suddenly realized that it was right to think about it, the Immortal Emperor With such strength, it is not surprising that he knows some things about the Immortal Realm.

"Yes!" Chu Yan admitted, and Emperor Yang nodded without surprise: "That's right. Since you have come to the Ice Zen Sect, you will practice here. I will spread the news to the outside world and accept you as a direct disciple. In this way, you It will be more convenient to walk in Shenglong Pavilion.”

"Thank you, senior." Chu Yan was ecstatic in his heart. What he lacked most in the Shenglong Pavilion was an identity. He didn't expect that this would happen unexpectedly.

"Go, you can live in the Ice Zen Sect with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about training resources. If you want to go to any ruins, you can ask Yang Yi to take you there." Yang Di said, Chu Yan bowed slightly, then turned and left the hall.

After walking out of the hall, Yang Yi kept watch outside. When she saw Chu Yan approaching, she stepped forward and said, "My father didn't embarrass you, did he?"

"Don't worry, no." Chu Yan smiled calmly, and Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, but you are brave enough. Do you know that when Immortal Emperor Chiyang appeared, I was shocked, only a little bit, you He might die."

"I'm fine," Chu Yan said with a smile, and Yang Yi nodded lightly: "But you still have to be careful. Emperor Chiyang is an Immortal Emperor, so he shouldn't care about you, but Zhantian Immortal Mansion, and The rest of the people are not sure, but if you are in the Ice Zen Sect, you will be safe and no one will do anything to you. "

"Then I will stay here for a long time." Chu Yan smiled cleanly, and Yang Yi nodded lightly.

The next day, there was a news that caused a sensation in all directions. Emperor Yang personally sent an order to accept Chu Yan as his direct disciple. You must know that the status of a disciple of the Immortal Emperor is extremely noble. For a time, all the forces in the Ice Zen Sect were curious. , who is this Chu Yan, and someone came to make friends with him immediately.

Chu Yan did not reject anyone who came, received them one by one, and received many congratulatory gifts. He also patted his chest and promised everyone that if he had the opportunity, he would say a few good words in front of Emperor Yang.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yi was speechless. This guy was really shameless, using the name of her father to deceive her.

But she didn't care. After getting along with Chu Yan for a while, she found that Chu Yan seemed to be a different person. He was no longer as arrogant as under Jiuyou Qin, but instead was humble, polite and low-key. This made her think of that day again. When he was at the Shenwu ruins, his eyes were full of affection.

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