Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 92: I, Chu Yan, will fight at Changsheng Hall

The terrifying killing intent permeated Chu Yan, making him exude a demonic aura, as if a demon god had appeared in the world.

His long black hair covered his eyes, and his whole body was filled with vitality, engraved with blood marks. Those blood marks wrapped around his body, causing many disciples to shake their hearts!

"Blood, it's blood!" If Chen Hao's blood was fake because he used the blood seal pill, the blood on Chu Yan's body was real now, and every blood mark was so real, as if in an instant, the vitality in the air was afraid of Chu Yan, like a docile sheep, kneeling in front of Chu Yan.

"Bang!" Chu Yan stepped towards them, blood filled the sky, and the wind whistled.

"He wants to fight Chen Hao?"

Chen Hao's face also sank. At this point, he couldn't afford to lose. Once he lost, he was afraid that he would never have the chance to return to Changsheng Hall in this life, and would become Lin Changsheng's abandoned child, and his martial arts career would end.

"Kill!" Chen Hao also shot out, and the blood marks surrounding him continued to crush down. The blood marks collided in the air, then exploded, and finally exploded like fireworks.

The vitality was shattered, the earth trembled, and the high platform on the third floor seemed to have cracks at this moment.

"Don't you want to fight? I'll fight!" Chu Yan roared, punched out, and the Soul Capture Technique shot out immediately, blooming violently on Chen Hao's body. Chen Hao's mouth was sweet and he vomited blood.

"How is it possible... The first level of Juechen has such a terrible blood power?" Many elders were full of waves in their hearts. They are all kings, and they all have blood, but they all comprehended it after the king, but now seeing Chu Yan, they are all ashamed.

Luo Tianyi's face kept changing, and Luo Feng showed a bitter smile. Is this kid finally going to burst out his aura?

"Defeat!" Three Thousand Galaxy Falls passed by, Chu Yan briefly stepped into the air, grabbed Chen Hao's head with five fingers, and smashed it hard on the ground.

Chen Hao lost, Chu Yan won! The Wolf Group won again, and everyone's heart was hanging, as if it was difficult to even beat.

"Too violent! This Chu Yan's style of doing things is too cruel."

"This time, he completely slapped the face of Changshengtang, and Lin Changsheng will never let him go."

"But Changshengtang deserves it. They were the first to use despicable means, but in the end they were worse than Chu Yan. Shame."

A handsome young man in the Medicine King Group glanced at Chu Yan and said to Mu Ling'er: "Ling'er, is this the genius you are talking about?"

Mu Ling'er's almond eyes flashed: "Just watch, based on my understanding of this kid, today's matter will never end here, he, he is going to make a big fuss again."

The young man smiled and said nothing, but he looked at Chu Yan with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Chen Hao, lost! Who wants to fight?" Chu Yan said in a cold voice, and the whole audience was silent, and no one spoke.

The Wolf Group finally held the third place, even though the Changsheng Hall used such despicable means.

Chen Hao was defeated, and no one dared to challenge him anymore. Lin Changsheng said to Li Yan with a gloomy face: "Chen Hao, you don't need to go back to Changsheng Hall anymore."

"Yes, Senior Brother!"

"Since no one is challenging, then I, the Wolf Group, will challenge next!" Chu Yan said loudly again. He stared at the first high platform and stepped onto the second high platform.

"Chu Yan, what do you mean?" Lin Yuyan frowned. Chu Yan didn't even look at Lin Yuyan and said coldly: "At the beginning, we intended to join your Yan League, but you were afraid of Lin Changsheng's revenge and looked down on us. I just destroyed the new student camp. You valued our potential and wanted to win us over. I refused it, which was not wrong. But my brother was seriously injured just now. I didn't ask you Yan League to help, but you were full of sarcastic words, saying that we were just not as strong as you. Well, now Chu Yan of the Wolf Group is here to challenge the Yan League!"

Yan League! The second team of Haotian Sect, no one has challenged it for many years... But today, is someone going to challenge it?

Chu Yan of the Wolf Group is here, challenging the Yan League!

It's not a very loud voice, but it roars in the hearts of countless people.

It will never end. Everyone knows that after today, they will remember a team called the Wolf Group.

Looking at Chu Yan, Lin Yuyan's jade face turned green, and she looked at Chu Yan with hatred: "Challenging the Yan League, you are asking for humiliation."

"You don't deserve to say that!" Chu Yan said contemptuously, and everyone's eyes widened! Lin Yuyan, who ranked in the top three of the disciples of Haotian Sect in the past five years, is not worthy of saying that?

Looking at Chu Yan, Zhou Yingfeng's eyes were also full of complex colors. She sighed. She knew that from today on, the Yan League and Chu Yan and his group would break completely, and that rift could never be repaired.

"Yan League Chen Ran accepts the challenge!" A young man stepped onto the stage, the fourth level of the Dust Realm!

"Kill!" Chu Yan didn't waste words. He fought proudly. Yanmeng was definitely not the last one. He had only one goal today, which was Changshengtang.

All this was originally intended to wait until the next time, but now, he didn't wait any longer. He wanted to replace Changshengtang and make Ye Xun's blood not shed in vain. Yanmeng was just a springboard for him.

"Fight!" Chen Ran roared and collided with Chu Yan. Unfortunately, after just a face-to-face encounter, Chen Ran froze in place. He clearly saw that the suspended Fengyin stopped at his throat. If he moved forward an inch, he would die.

"I, lost!" Chen Ran lowered his head unwillingly. Chen Ran, lost!

"Is there anyone else in Yanmeng who wants to fight?" Chu Yan stood proudly. At this time, Mu Ye and many freshmen looked at Chu Yan with excitement.

"This madman!" Mu Ye shook his head helplessly, but he was very excited in his heart. Chu Yan finally broke out. After all, this time, he had to thank Chen Hao because he single-handedly caused this scene.

Chu Yan! Is it really just the first level of Juechen Realm? Mu Ye had fought against Chu Yan. His extreme speed, weird swordsmanship, and super strong bloodline were definitely not something ordinary people could look down upon.

"Yu Ruoxi, come on!" Lin Yuyan shouted sweetly. Yu Ruoxi was stunned. She didn't expect that Lin Yuyan would ask her to challenge.

Yu Ruoxi lowered her head and remained silent for a long time. Lin Yuyan scolded again: "Why, are you going to disobey me too?"

Yu Ruoxi's heart trembled again. She finally stood on the high platform. Looking at Yu Ruoxi, Chu Yan frowned: "Senior sister, are you sure you want to block my way?"

"Junior brother... give it up, you can't win against Changshengtang!"

"If I give up here, how can I be worthy of every drop of blood my brother sheds!" Chu Yan said coldly, his eyes still pointed straight at Lin Changsheng, who was full of provocation.

"If you don't accept it, our Changsheng Hall is waiting for you here!" Lin Changsheng said with a joking smile, and Lin Yuyan cursed inwardly. Lin Changsheng deliberately angered Chu Yan, but it was their Yan Alliance who suffered in the end.

Yu Ruoxi sighed. She knew that nothing could go wrong today, so she finally took out the jade sword: "Yanmeng, Yu Ruoxi is willing to accept the challenge!"

Chu Yan was heartbroken. Everyone knew what was right and wrong today. Ye Xun was an iron-clad man who was as strong as Chen Hao. However, Chen Hao took pills and used despicable means to win. Now Chu Yan He wanted to take revenge, but Yu Ruoxi stood in front of him.

"I'm sorry...Senior sister has been kind to me, and I can't disobey her."

"Senior sister, there is no need to say more. I will repay the favor I owe you in the future, but today, no one can block my way!" Chu Yan moved, his figure was like a ghost, and he kept pressing towards Yu Ruoxi. , the blood-stained vitality was like iron chains, tightly entangled in front of Ruoxi.

"Bang!" Chu Yan's palm fell. Yu Ruoxi was defeated and was knocked off the stage by Chu Yan. Everyone was shocked. On the second stage, there was no one from the Yan League anymore.

"Bastard!" Lin Yuyan bit her silver teeth lightly. Her energy surged around her body, and she was about to go on stage, but the next moment, Mu Ling'er blocked her: "Are you going to continue to make mistakes?"

Lin Yuyan's delicate body trembled, and Mu Ling'er said calmly: "All the scenery today should belong to the Yanmeng, but you ruined it all with your own hands. Now, he is standing here with his own strength. The winner of the second station, but you, Yanmeng, are the losers. Are you still unwilling to regret it? In that case, I can accompany you."

Lin Yuyan was trembling again. Would she fight with Mu Ling'er? She wanted to ask, did she really have that power?

Most people in the Haotian Sect only know about Mu Ling'er's talent for alchemy, but who knows that she is also at the ninth level of the Juechen Realm?

If they really fight, Mu Ling'er may not lose to Lin Changsheng.

Lin Yuyan didn't take action... In the end, no one in the Yan League continued to challenge Chu Yan!

The second highest platform!

Chu Yan, wins! The wolf group won.

"Who else wants to fight!" There was a dead silence in the world. Everyone stared at the young man on the high platform with lingering fear! He really did it, but his next actions made everyone's hearts lift. The second high platform is not the end yet.

"Lin Changsheng, when you despised me at the beginning, did you ever think that one month later, I would become your biggest threat to the Changsheng Hall?" Chu Yan said coldly, he jumped up and walked towards the first high platform. Step by step, the sound in his mouth sounded like thunder.

"Chang Sheng Hall, our wolf group Chu Yan is here to fight!"

The first captain of Haotian Sect, Shengtang! Is this position really going to be shaken? Everyone's hearts are in suspense.

Mu Ye, many freshmen were excited. The goal this time was only third place, but because of Ye Xun's incident, this time they wanted to be first. Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan's figure and grinned: " This bastard, if he doesn’t win first place, I’m sorry for holding on here.”

Lin Changsheng's face finally became unnatural. In the past, the Changsheng Hall was blocked by the Flame Alliance, so it could be said that no one could challenge him. However, now, Chu Yan stepped through the Flame Alliance and finally approached the Changsheng Hall.

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