Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 912 Shenwu Relics

The ruins of Shenwu are located in the central area of ​​Chiyang Palace. This is an endless mountain range that radiates widely. There are endless monsters in it, and it is a very dangerous place.

But in recent days, there has been an extremely lively scene outside the sacred relics. From time to time, there are figures walking in the sky, and they are all extremely arrogant and arrogant.

On this day, in the endless clouds, there was a huge blue luan, which was screaming across the mountains and rushing towards the land of Shenwu ruins.

There are several figures standing above Qingluan. The leader is a majestic middle-aged man who is in the realm of Immortal Master. He is the princess of Yushan. Behind him are Yu Mei and Chu Yan.

"Is it coming soon?" Chu Yan couldn't help but ask, and the poppy nodded lightly: "Well, further ahead is the center of the mountain range, where the Shenwu ruins are."

"There are still people setting up camp over there?" Chu Yan looked down curiously and saw many camps among the mountains. Princess Yushan nodded: "Well, they are the forces of other states and counties, because This time the birth of the divine object is of great importance to all forces, and many people have come, some of whom have been camping here for more than half a year. "

Chu Yan nodded, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked through a valley in the Central Mountains. There was an endless canyon there. From within the canyon, he felt a strong call.

This feeling has appeared since leaving Yushan County, and has gradually become stronger. Until now, it has become extremely obvious.

"Princess, does the princess know what the divine object is in this ruins?" Chu Yan couldn't help but ask after looking away.

Princess Yushan shook her head and said solemnly: "No one knows, but rumors say that this ancient ruins were the birthplace and death place of a king of the fairyland in the past. That king of the fairyland, He was known as the King of the Shenwu Immortal Realm. According to some ancient records, the Shenwu Immortal King loved martial arts and was extremely powerful. However, he had a weird personality and loved music. He practiced extraordinary piano skills and finally passed away. , it was like playing a piece of heavenly music again, sealing the entire mountain range."

"Qin?" Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and thought in his heart: "Looking at it this way, the divine object in this ancient ruins should be the Nine Nether Qin."

"Yu Immortal King!" At this time, a bright voice came from the distance. Princess Yushan turned around and saw a dark demon dragon there with several figures standing on it. She smiled and said: "Brother Black Dragon, long time no see." "

"It's been a long time." Princess Yushan nodded and sent a message to Poppy and Chu Yan: "This person is the Immortal Lord of Dongzhou Demon Dragon County, the Black Dragon Demon Lord."

"Is this the daughter?" The Black Dragon Demon Lord looked at Poppy with a smile, and exclaimed: "Like father, like daughter, she is really a beauty."

"Brother Black Dragon is so complimentary." Princess Yushan said seriously. Black Dragon Immortal Lord smiled and looked at a young man next to him: "Jian'er, you are about the same age. If you have the opportunity, we can get in touch more and see if we can create any sparks. ,Ha ha."

"That's what father said." The young man Long Jing stepped forward with a smile: "Miss Yu, you must have just come here, right? There are also some good places to visit near this mountain range. There is still some time before the Shenwu ruins are opened. Why don't I Take you for a walk?"

The poppy beauty frowned lightly and glanced at Princess Yushan, but before Princess Yushan could speak, the Black Dragon Immortal Lord smiled and said: "Brother Yu, this little girl is a bit disrespectful."

"Girl, you might as well go and have a look." Princess Yushan said in a deep voice. The poppy nodded her head lightly, then blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Chu Yan next to her: "Come with me?"

Chu Yan looked surprised. He could naturally tell that the Black Dragon Demon Lord intended to bring his son into contact with Poppy, with the intention of marrying him. With his personality, he was too lazy to get involved in such calculations between forces, but before he could say no, he refused. , another voice came from my ears.

"You don't want to marry me, I won't make it difficult for you, but you won't let me become a victim again, right? If so, I can tell my father that I want to marry you." Poppy blinked her beautiful eyes.

Chu Yan, who had black lines all over his head, let out a bitter smile and took a step forward: "Princess, I will follow you."

Hearing this, Long Jing couldn't help but frown, and his sharp eyes pierced Chu Yan, but Chu Yan seemed not to see it and just stood there quietly.

"I'm new here and haven't seen much of the world. Master Long shouldn't mind, right?" Chu Yan said calmly, and Long Jing snorted coldly: "This is natural."

"Go and have fun." Princess Yushan chuckled, and then watching the three people leave, Black Dragon Immortal Lord sneered: "Is that person your new subordinate?"

"That's right." Princess Yushan smiled, and the Black Dragon Immortal Lord nodded: "Haha, my eyesight is not that good."

Princess Yushan did not respond and continued to look into the distance. From time to time, people from top powers came and descended on this land of divine and martial ruins.

"It's Immortal Lord Feng Wang!" At this time, there was a strong dragon roar in the sky, and people from all forces raised their heads, only to see a huge dragon flying across the ground, with many people standing above it.

"People from Yunzhou are also here." Someone said again at this time. Princess Yushan and Black Dragon Immortal Lord also raised their heads. When they saw the two of them, they both became serious.

"It seems that there is a lot of movement in the Shenwu ruins this time." Princess Yushan said softly, and the Black Dragon Immortal Lord smiled at the side: "What's more, it is said that those people will also come?"

"Chiyang Palace?" Princess Yushan's eyes were focused, and the Black Dragon Immortal Lord nodded: "Well, many forces from Chiyang Palace will come. This time, it is too difficult to get the divine object, but I will take the opportunity to show it. You might as well give it a try."

"Will the Immortal Emperor come?"

"That won't happen. Although the divine weapon is precious, when it comes to the level of the Immortal Emperor, there is no strong desire to pursue external forces. Instead, the realm breakthrough is more important. Besides, since the people from the Chiyang Palace have come, it is equivalent to the arrival of the Immortal Emperor soon, right?" The Black Dragon Immortal Venerable smiled, and the Princess of Yushan nodded in approval.

But he also understood that even the Chiyang Palace was divided into many forces. Thinking of this, he looked at the rift in the distance and couldn't help sighing. Although the birth of the divine object this time was an opportunity, it was too difficult. Even if Chu Yan performed very well, it was difficult to break out among these many top forces.

Just at this time, there was another sound of breaking through the air in the distant sky, and a cold ice warship made of pure ice jade slowly flew over, covering the sky and the sun.

In an instant, it attracted countless eyes.

"Is it them?" The heart trembled slightly when he saw the figures on the warship below. Even before, the people from Yunzhou and Fengzhou did not cause such a commotion, because this was not just the Chiyang Palace. This group of people came from that place and existed outside the Chiyang Palace.

On the ice warship, there were several young figures. Even though they were only immortal forces, they were still extremely arrogant and looked down on everything. The pure girl standing at the strongest bowed her head slightly and looked at the rift valley: "Is this the place where the king of the Shenwu Immortal Realm sat in meditation?"

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