Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 911 opens in advance

After the battle, the Three Thousand Sword Sect disappeared as expected. From then on, there was no Three Thousand Sword Sect or Heavenly Dao Master in Yushan County.

Of course, Chu Yan didn't care about these. After finishing everything here, he left with Chu Yu and Chu Feng.

At this time, in the underground prison of the Three Thousand Sword Sect, there was an extremely desolate figure, wearing cloth clothes, almost desperate, it was Mr. Chu.

"Grandpa!" At this time, a hollow voice suddenly came, which made the old man more alive. He looked up and saw the delicate body running towards him, and he became extremely excited.

"Xiaoyu? Is it you?"

"Grandpa, it's me." Chu Yu ran forward, and there were several guards who didn't know about it. They all frowned and wanted to stop him.

But the next moment, an extremely terrifying sword power descended from the sky, turning into a terrible sword violence, blocking their bodies.

"Senior, this is the Three Thousand Sword Sect!" Several guards looked nervously into the darkness, where a young man was walking towards here.

"The Three Thousand Sword Sect has been destroyed. You can go on your own." Chu Yan looked at the guards and said softly. The guards trembled and were full of disbelief. But now that the young man came to the Heavenly Prison and no one was chasing him, they had no choice but to believe it.

"Yes!" The guards had no choice but to obey the order, take off their armor and leave.

At this time, Chu Yu had rushed into the arms of Grandpa Chu. Chu Yan and Chu Feng stood not far away. Grandpa Chu was still confused about all this: "Xiao Yu, Xiao Feng, what is going on?"

"Grandpa, it was Big Brother Chu who saved us. The Three Thousand Sword Sect, Ling Tian, ​​and Master Tiandao all paid the price for this. By the way, Big Brother Chu is very powerful now. He won the first place in the Yushan Refining Competition not long ago. Now he is a celebrity in Yushan County." Chu Yu said with excitement. Grandpa Chu listened and was extremely shocked.

"Grandpa Chu." Chu Yan walked over and looked at Grandpa Chu with a smile.

Looking at Chu Yan, Mr. Chu still had some unreal feelings. Back then, he was kind-hearted and took Ling Tian in. Later, it led to the death of Chu Feng's parents, the decline of the Chu Mansion, and the recent murder. But in the same way, he was kind-hearted and took in Chu Yan, who had just entered the Holy Dragon Pavilion, but everything was resolved because of Chu Yan.

It was like a reincarnation. He slowly stood up, looked at Chu Yan and smiled: "When I first met you, I was just curious. I didn't expect that when I met you again, you had already reached a certain height."

"What are your plans next, old man?" Chu Yan asked with a chuckle.

"Now that the Chu Mansion has been sold, I thought that the wealth of the ancient house would be enough for the three of us, the grandfather and grandson, to travel the world, but now, we have been caught again. Now we have nothing, so I haven't thought about it." Mr. Chu smiled bitterly.

"Have you ever thought about being the lord of this city?" Chu Yan asked. Mr. Chu's body trembled. Even though he has lived for many years, Chu Yan's words still shocked him.

"Can I do it?" But after a moment, Mr. Chu laughed at himself.

"Of course I can. As the lord of a city, I protect the people of the city and ensure the peace and prosperity of the country. Although Mr. Chu's realm is not high, he has a kind heart. I believe that this city will get better and better in the hands of the old man." Chu Yan smiled. The city lord does not have to have a strong fighting force, but he must have the world in his heart.

Obviously, Mr. Chu is such a person. Even after Ling Tian's incident, he is still full of confidence in the world.

"Grandpa, don't refuse. You have done a favor to countless people in this city." Chu Feng said on the side.

Chu Yan also smiled and said, "Yes, old man."

"Okay!" Mr. Chu took a deep breath and agreed. Then, several people looked at each other and laughed.

Chu Yan personally handled this matter. He did not go to find the Princess of Yushan, but found people from Taixu Sect. Later, Taixu Ting came in person to prove to Mr. Chu that with one of the top ten forces in charge, even if Mr. Chu's own strength was not enough, it was enough.

On the day when Mr. Chu took office, the city was renamed Chuxin City. Many people came, including the top ten forces such as the Han family, the Wang family, the Lihuo Palace, and the Piaoxue City, as well as countless people.

This day also became the most lively day in the original Three Thousand Swords City, making countless people sigh that good deeds are rewarded. Everyone knows that from today on, Mr. Chu's position as the city lord is solid and no one can shake it.

After all, everyone knows that behind this city lord position, there is a young man who serves as a master of refining in Yushan County.

When everything was over, Chu Yan finally had to leave.

"Brother Chu, will you come back in the future?" Knowing that Chu Yan was leaving, Chu Yu lowered his head and asked a little disappointedly.

"Of course, I still want to see Chu Yu get married." Chu Yan chuckled, Chu Yu's beautiful eyes twinkled: "It's a deal! When I get married, Brother Chu must come to witness it for me."

"Definitely." Chu Yan smiled, turned around and looked at Chu Feng again: "Chu Feng, practice well, don't let this little darkness in the world cover your eyes, only when you become strong enough, you can change your world."

"Brother Chu, I will." Chu Feng said seriously.

"Old man, goodbye." Chu Yan chuckled, and Old Man Chu nodded with a smile. Chu Yan then jumped onto the evil sword, slowly raised his head, and looked at the endless sky. He knew that he was still too small now. This city or Yushan County was just the tip of the iceberg of the Holy Dragon Pavilion, and his goal was indeed the highest place in the Holy Dragon Pavilion, so he should set off.

"Let's go!" The evil sword entered the air and passed through the clouds. The sound of the sword was clanging, like a moving song.

"Brother Chu, I hope you will be young in this life, with a heart as pure as a child, and be frivolous and regretless." Chu Yu looked at the back and smiled brightly. The gloomy clouds seemed to dissipate because of her bright and beautiful figure.


After saying goodbye to the Chu family, Chu Yan returned to Yushan County.

The days passed slowly like the past, without any abnormality.

On this day, Yu Meiren came in person, and Chu Yan naturally had to entertain her. He stood up and said with a smile: "Princess."

"You still remember to come back." Yu Meiren's beautiful eyes were very moving, curved, as if they could smile: "Why don't you ask Yushan County to help you, wouldn't it be simpler?"

"The princess is busy with all kinds of things. I can solve these small things myself. How dare I bother you." Chu Yan said.

"You are afraid that my father will force you to marry me." Yu Meiren rolled her eyes, and Chu Yan coughed and laughed dryly, but didn't say anything.

"Okay, let me tell you something serious. According to reliable information, the Shenwu Ruins will be opened in advance. After seven days, we will set off to the Shenwu Ruins. You should also prepare." Yu Meiren saw Chu Yan was frustrated and smiled sweetly.

Hearing Yu Meiren's words, Chu Yan's eyes condensed slightly, and he became serious as well. Is it going to be opened in advance?

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