Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 913 On the sailboat

"That's it." On the ice warship, a young man next to him smiled.

"Then let's set up camp here." The beautiful woman nodded lightly, very proudly, and then her autumn eyes turned and fell on a place very close to the relics of the gods, where many forces had been stationed, and she said lightly: "Let's go there, Dongwu, go and clear the people."

"Okay." The young man nodded, and then he jumped off the ice warship in one step, with the strength of the immortal, and flew alone above the crowd: "Everyone, we value this place, you can disperse on your own."

"Roar!" When the people in the mountains heard the young man's words, they all showed anger. They were all the immortal forces of the Chiyang Palace, and they came here very early, so they occupied this place close to the secret realm of the gods, but now this young man came here and wanted to clear people?

"Humph, where did this arrogant person come from? The opening of the Shenwu relics is a common opportunity in the world. Whoever can get it will belong to it. Do you want to clear people?" At this time, the same young man scolded coldly.

Of course, some people frowned and looked at the other party seriously. This is the Shenwu Ruins, where many geniuses from all over the world gathered. Since the other party dared to come here to clear people, it must be a person of extraordinary status. An old man said lightly: "Sir, this place is very close to the seal of the Shenwu Ruins. It is a treasure land. I am afraid it is a bit far-fetched to want us to give up just based on your words?"

"Then will you give in or not?" The young man stood there with his hands behind his back, not in a hurry.

"Where are you from?"

"Ice Zen Sect." The young man paused and smiled lightly: "I am a disciple of the Ice Zen Sect, Dongwu, and that one is my little princess of the Ice Zen Sect, Yang Yi."

"Sure enough!" In the mountains, the old man's eyes shrank. He had guessed before that Dongwu must be from a top force to dare to clear people so arrogantly. But when he heard it with his own ears, he was still shocked. The Ice Zen Sect, like the Chiyang Palace, has a fairy emperor sitting in charge.

But he didn't expect that the opening of the Shenwu Ruins would attract them.

"I, Yunzhou Zijun, am willing to give up the camp." The old man who spoke earlier sighed and said to the people beside him: "Let's retreat!"

"What about you?" Dongwu looked at the others with a cold look, which made him a little unhappy, but when he thought of the existence of Bingchan Sect, he snorted coldly and had no choice but to give up a piece of open space.

Seeing everyone disperse, Dongwu smiled calmly and did not feel strange. This is the world of martial arts. Sometimes, strength is more important than anything else. Rules are created by those with strength.

"Princess, let's go down." On the ice warship, an old man spoke to Yang Yi. Yang Yi nodded lightly, slowly landed, and set up camp here.

This time, the Shenwu ruins loosened and attracted many top forces. In comparison, Yushan County was considered to be the weaker side, with only one immortal. In addition, some forces from Chiyang Palace also came, and the state lords of the thirteen states all came. It can be said that it is now extremely lively here.

At this time, Chu Yan was accompanying Yu Meiren and Long Kuang to play together. There are some small towns, restaurants, and lakes near the Shenwu ruins.

The three of them walked along. Long Kuang touched Yu Meiren intentionally or unintentionally along the way. Chu Yan followed behind him all the time, silent and silent. Looking at the various scenery along the way, he felt quite shocked. There were many fire pattern arrays in this mountain range, all of which were extremely powerful.

"Miss Yu, the famous Shenwu Lake is ahead. Now is a good season. How about you and I go boating on the lake together?" Long Kuang chuckled and invited.

Yu Meiren frowned and wanted to refuse, but Long Kuang laughed first: "Miss Yu, my father told me to treat you well, don't refuse."

"Okay." The other party brought out the Black Dragon Immortal Venerable, and Yu Meiren had to agree, but her beautiful eyes looked at Chu Yan pitifully, which made Chu Yan sigh and take a step forward: "Princess, I'll go with you."

"Yeah!" Yu Meiren smiled brightly, quite happy, but hearing this, Long Kuang's face gradually darkened. He glanced at Chu Yan coldly and chuckled: "Friend, you seem to have no self-awareness at all."

Before, he invited Yu Meiren to go out for fun, and Chu Yan followed him all the time, which made him quite unhappy. Now that it has come to this point, he actually wants to keep up.

"It is my mission to protect the princess." Chu Yan said indifferently, and Long Kuang's eyes were slightly cold: "Do you think I will harm Miss Yu?"

Chu Yan did not respond, and he always stood behind Yu Meiren. Long Kuang's eyes could not help but flash a cold light.

But after a moment, he smiled casually: "Want to go together? Okay, there are many friends on the cruise ship ahead, let's go and take a look."

"I'm sorry for getting you involved." After getting on the cruise ship, Yu Meiren looked at Chu Yan with self-blame, and Chu Yan smiled casually: "It's okay to do something within my ability for the princess."

"This time, many people from top forces came to the Shenwu Ruins. Even my father has to be careful here. Many times, he has no time to take care of it. You should be careful yourself."

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded. He didn't mind it. He could feel the importance of the Shenglong Pavilion to the Shenwu Ruins, but isn't this what he wants?

Now he just lacks an opportunity to become famous. Only when his fame reaches a certain level can he be heard of by Qingyi.

The three of them were boating on the lake, angry and slightly embarrassed. Long Kuang's eyes were always cold, and he glanced at Chu Yan coldly from time to time. Chu Yan didn't care about it. He still looked at the sky in the distance. There were still strong people gathering towards the Shenwu ruins. Isn't this what he wanted?

Now he can be sure that the Shenwu here is Jiuyouqin, so now, he hopes that more people will come, the better, and it would be best if there is an immortal emperor figure, so that the movement will be big enough.

The three of them took a flat boat and soon came to the edge of a huge sailboat in the lake. The sailboat was full of lights and wine, very lively, and there were many strong people in the immortal realm guarding on the side. It can be imagined what kind of people are feasting in this sailboat.

"Who is coming?" As soon as the three people's flat boat approached, the oppression of the immortal realm came down and asked.

"I am the young master of Yaolong County, Long Kuang, and I come to the banquet of Master Chiyang." Long Kuang slowly stood up, humble and polite.

"So it's Master Long Kuang, who are these two?"

"This one is the daughter of the Princess of Yushan County in Fengzhou, Concubine Yu, and as for this one..." Long Kuang glanced at Chu Yan and smiled sarcastically: "Maybe he is a dog slave of Yushan County who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth."

Instantly, Chu Yan and Concubine Yu looked at Long Kuang, and Chu Yan's eyes flashed with coldness.

"What, did I say something wrong?" Long Kuang smiled lightly: "Or do you, a dog slave, have any improper thoughts about your master?"

"Enough!" Yu Meiren shouted from the side: "Mr. Long, I have always respected you for the friendship between our fathers, but some words should not be too harsh. Mr. Chu is the weapon master of my Yushan County and a person I respect."

"Weapon master?" Long Kuang was stunned for a moment, and his smile became more sarcastic: "Haha, Miss Yu, are you kidding? With this, he is worthy of being called a weapon master? Don't embarrass Yushan County."

"Mr. Chu, let's go." Yu Meiren finally lost her patience and said coldly.

"Beautiful sister." At this moment, a loud laugh suddenly came from the sailboat. It was a young man with a very good temperament, wearing a white dragon robe with a Feng word embroidered on it.

"Brother Feng." Yu Meiren saw the young man, blinked her beautiful eyes, and sent a voice message to Chu Yan: "This is the son of the Lord of Fengzhou, Feng Yuan."

"Long Kuang greets Young Master Feng." Long Kuang looked at the young man, also showing some seriousness, and bowed.

"It's okay, we are all family." Feng Yuan chuckled, then he slowly looked at Chu Yan and said with a smile: "You are Chu Yan who made a splash in the Yushan Weapon Refining Competition not long ago?"

Feng Yuan directly said his name, which surprised Chu Yan, but when he thought about it, he was the descendant of the Lord of Fengzhou, radiating the land of a state, and it was not surprising that he knew some of the things that happened in Yushan County, so he nodded: "Hello, Mr. Feng."

"Haha, since you are here, everyone is a guest. Mr. Chiyang is still waiting. Follow me to the table." Feng Yuan smiled, and Yu Meiren glared at Long Frame and nodded lightly: "Okay."

Many geniuses gathered at the sailboat banquet. At the head, there was a red-haired young man with red eyes and wearing a flame red robe, giving people a very good feeling.

At this time, Chu Yan and his friends walked over and stepped into the banquet.

As soon as he stepped into the place, Chu Yan felt a cold gaze. He looked up slightly and saw Cao Yulong there, looking at him coldly. He smiled casually and didn't care.

"Yulong, what's going on?" A young man with good temperament beside Cao Yulong asked in a low voice. Cao Yulong kept looking at Chu Yan and whispered, "Brother, it's this person. He seriously injured me in the Yushan Weapon Refining Competition not long ago."

"Is it him?" The young man's eyes turned cold. Like Cao Yulong, he was the descendant of Cao Mansion Immortal Venerable, Cao Yutian. However, many years ago, he joined the top forces of Chiyang Palace. This time, he came to the Shenwu Ruins on behalf of a top force.

"It's him." Cao Yulong's voice was ferocious. The battle that day was always his shame, and he must get it back.

"If there is a chance, I will help you get rid of him." Cao Yutian narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he was no longer in Cao Mansion, it was his root after all. If Cao Mansion was humiliated, he would not let Chu Yan go.

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