Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 86 I owe you an explanation

Wu Xuan's face also turned purple. He never expected that Tianjian, who never participated in the affairs of the four gangs, would suddenly attack his Xuanwu Gang?

"Why? Didn't Tianjian have an agreement not to participate in the war between the four gangs? Why did he kill my Xuanwu Gang?" Wu Xuan roared.

"Because he provoked someone he shouldn't have provoked!" Qiu Yu said coldly: "Tianjian will pave the way for him at all costs. Anyone who provokes him will die!"

"Puff puff puff!"

The Xuanwu Gang was destroyed. Under the wrath of Tianjian, blood flowed like a river. The funny thing is that many people in the Xuanwu Gang didn't know how they were destroyed until they died. Of course, if they knew that it was just because Wu Meng provoked Chu Yan, would they regret it?

This news immediately spread in Tongtian City. The Qinglong Gang and the Xuanwu Gang were destroyed one after another. No one expected this. The situation of the four gangs that had been deadlocked for a hundred years was finally broken and became the world of the White Tiger and Vermillion Bird Gangs.

Tian Zheng is still in the middle. This force with the protection of ASEAN, no one dares to shake it.

But Chu Yan didn't know these. He didn't want to care about the affairs of the four gangs. The White Tiger Gang can win because of their ability. As for why they want to do things under his name, the reason is very simple, but they are afraid that the war will cause dissatisfaction among other forces in the inner circle, so he doesn't care.

Tongtian City is a smaller force in the inner circle after all, without much weight. It just caused a few waves in this night, but then there was no sound.

At night, Chu Yan sat cross-legged in the room alone and continued to consolidate his practice.

Three thousand galaxies fell, Chu Yan has reached the entry level, but there is still a distance from the great success. There are several marks in the middle that he can never comprehend, so he is ready to try it again overnight.

For half an hour, Chu Yan's skin was constantly flashing with silver light, reflecting the moonlight, which was very beautiful. Soon, the vitality in Chu Yan's body began to flow towards his feet. In a short moment, three ancient marks were formed. These marks were like the wings of a monster, very exquisite, with divine patterns flowing on them, giving people a very mysterious feeling.

Chu Yan suddenly opened his eyes. At that moment, it seemed that there were ethereal wings of vitality flapping behind him, which made him ecstatic.

"Is it done?"

At midnight, the stars were twinkling, but on a grassy area in the courtyard of the White Tiger Gang, a shadow suddenly flashed by. The moonlight in the middle of the night made it difficult to catch.

"Not enough! Go faster! This speed is still far behind!"

This shadow was Chu Yan. The three marks hit the soles of his feet, making his feet constantly flashing silver light. Chu Yan ran wildly for a while, and then took advantage of the grass and trees like scimitars to step into the air directly.

Step on the grass and fly! Chu Yan smiled as he saw the symbol of the Three Thousand Galaxy Falling Great Success.

"My speed is good enough now. The key now is to make my swordsmanship match the current speed." Chu Yan stopped on a branch. The branch was only as thick as a thumb, but Chu Yan was as light as a swallow, standing steadily.

After the Three Thousand Galaxy Falling Great Success, Chu Yan found a problem, that is, his swordsmanship began to be insufficient. Although the Heavenly Star Sword and the Sun-Destroying Sword were strong, they could be opened and closed, and could not be performed lightly. Once the speed was fully opened, the hit rate was greatly reduced.

"It seems that I have to change a set of training methods." Chu Yan returned to the room, sat cross-legged, put his soul into his dantian, and went straight to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

The Juechen Realm can enter the third floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, but it was delayed by Su Xishuang before and had not entered. Today Chu Yan decided to go to the third floor to take a look.

Finally, Chu Yan stepped into the third floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. It was the same as before. The walls were still like the sea current, but the flow was more unrestrained and violent, like a river flood.

Moreover, on the third floor, there were more whirlpools. In addition to the third floor of the Tianxing Juechen Classic, the third floor of the Tianxing Secret Method, and the three whirlpools of Xuantian Fragments, Chu Yan saw several more whirlpools.

In those whirlpools, there was a divine object. Suddenly, Chu Yan fixed his eyes and was attracted by a stone statue. The stone statue was like a woman, but with nine tails.

This stone statue was ten meters in radius and had infinite vitality. It seemed that all the power of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower was constantly absorbed by it.

"The 2,700th place on the Eternal List, the Samsara Stone Statue? Can it devour the vitality of heaven and earth and transform it for its own use?" Chu Yan widened his eyes. This divine object was simply against the sky. The most amazing thing was that this Samsara Stone Statue had some relationship with Emperor Qin and Qin Shi.

"This reincarnation stone statue is so powerful. Senior Qin Shi actually used this magical object to transform the power of a continent into ten meters for his own use? He also used this stone statue to reincarnate the world?" Chu Yan was excited.

He had always been looking forward to and yearning for Qin Shi's story. Now that he came to the third floor, he continued to watch. There were many more stories about Qin Shi on the third floor. Qin Shi left the low-level starry sky and went to the high-level starry sky, where there were two continents like black holes, one called Swallowing Sky Void and the other called Covering Sky Void.

These two continents are both supercontinents, and any one of them is comparable to hundreds of earthly continents. This shocked Chu Yan a little. After Qin Shi reached the intermediate continent, he challenged Covering Sky Void and countless continents with one blow.

It was an ancient battle, but unfortunately, the result of this battle was not told in the third floor, so Chu Yan had to give up.

He continued to practice in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, and a night passed quickly.

Over the course of one night, Chu Yan also memorized the spells of the Tianxing Juechen Classic, as well as the Tianxing Secret Technique. The third level of the Tianxing Secret Technique is a set of finger techniques called "Heavenly Fate Finger". This finger technique is divided into three sets, one finger breaks Yin and Yang, two fingers destroys destiny, and three fingers seizes destiny!

Looking at a set of finger techniques, Chu Yan didn't know what level it was, but the scenes that evolved in his mind, the three fingers falling from the sky, shocked him. If such an attack reaches the limit, Chu Yan has the confidence to fight Shao Baiyu, who is at the fourth level of Juechen.

In short, after this night, Chu Yan and his party went out to practice this time, and it can be said that they all gained a lot. Mu Ye also broke through to the fourth level of Juechen in the next three days.

Moreover, the day of the three-team battle is gradually approaching, and Chu Yan and his party finally left in the early morning.

Before leaving, Shao Baiyu found Chu Yan again and gave Chu Yan three hundred pieces of second-grade spiritual jade.

"What? Is this considered a bribe?" Chu Yan took the three hundred pieces of spiritual jade and sneered at Shao Baiyu.

"It's not a bribe. This time we annihilated the Azure Dragon Gang and took away a thousand pieces of Level 2 Spirit Jade. These three hundred pieces are your revenge. My White Tiger Gang owes you." Shao Baiyu has obviously admitted that he has been using Chu Yan from the beginning, and so has the White Tiger Gang.

Shao Baiyu also knows that if it weren't for Chu Yan, although his White Tiger Gang could have annihilated the Azure Dragon Gang, there are countless forces around him, big and small, who will definitely attack the White Tiger Gang because of the White Tiger Gang's provocation of war. When the time comes, his White Tiger Gang will also go to the back of the Azure Dragon Gang.

It was because of Chu Yan that the White Tiger Gang avoided this war under the name of the Wilderness.

"Okay, I'll take these three hundred pieces of Spirit Jade. From today on, the White Tiger Gang doesn't owe me anything, but Shao Baiyu, you still owe me. You owe me an explanation. The next time we meet, I hope you will give me a reasonable explanation." When the voice fell, Chu Yan and the new students had all left and were ready to return to the Haotian Sect.

Shao Baiyu was stunned, then he smiled bitterly: "It's true that nothing can be hidden."

"Master, he knows everything?" An old man appeared beside Shao Baiyu.

"Well, he just didn't point it out. I owe him this explanation, but it's not easy to repay..." Shao Baiyu sighed with a bitter smile. There were some things that Ye Xun and others didn't see through.

Shao Baiyu used Chu Yan, and it was a huge conspiracy. This conspiracy, perhaps only Shao Baiyu knew, started when Wanzong recruited new members. On the Wanzong stage, when Chu Yan stood proudly and confronted Chiyue and Lin Daoyan, he was there, but he didn't show up. It was also the strength that Chu Yan showed that time that made Shao Baiyu make this decision.

The Xuanbing Sword was the White Tiger Gang's thing. The Binghe Sect appeared here, and it was also the news that Shao Baiyu sent someone to reveal.

That's why there were all kinds of things that happened next. Unfortunately, Shao Baiyu had calculated everything, but he didn't expect that the power behind the Heavenly Punishment was ASEAN. Qiu Yu and Chu Yan had known each other for many years, and the auctioneer of the Xuanbing Sword was naturally known to Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan didn't point it out. Some things were over, so let him go with the wind. As he said, he, Shao Baiyu, owed himself an explanation.


In Haotian Sect, Chu Yan and his group had been out for a month and never returned. There were also people in the sect who said that Chu Yan and his group had died outside the sect.

In the Alchemy Hall, Yu Ruoxi was absent-minded and pinched her little hand. The girl seemed to be worried.

"Are you still worried about that little bastard?" Mu Ling'er brewed a cup of tea and placed it in front of Yu Ruoxi. Since the incident with Chu Yan, the relationship between the two has become closer imperceptibly, even better than when he was with Lin Yuyan.

"This bastard, he boasted that he would change the master of the freshman camp in the next competition, but he hasn't come back yet!" Yu Ruoxi sighed: "Sister Ling'er, will he be okay?"

Mu Ling'er smiled and shook her head: "Don't worry, they should have gone to Tongtian City. With him, no one can hurt that little bastard. Even if he comes from the Red Moon Valley, he will kill him without hesitation."

"Sister Ling'er, who is that person?" Yu Ruoxi blinked her big eyes. These days, she often heard Mu Ling'er talk about Chu Yan's story, and she was even more curious about Chu Yan.

"A person who has no heavenly beings in his heart, but is full of Chu Yan."

Yu Ruoxi was absent-minded. She was thinking, could that person be Chu Yan's favorite? But she didn't know that Mu Ling'er was talking about Qiu Yu.

"Wait, he will come back. I'm afraid you can't keep the second place in the Yan League for long." Mu Ling'er smiled lightly, but in her beautiful eyes, Liu Lu showed a trace of missing, and her heart was full of complaints.

"This little bastard, you have been in Haotian Sect for so long and you haven't come to the Dan Hall once. How abominable! You have to wait for your sister to find you, right?"

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