Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 87: Nightmare in the Freshman Camp

In Haotian Sect, the three teams' competition is getting closer and closer. Every time this time comes, the atmosphere in Haotian Sect will become tense. The disciples of several teams are busy with the trial and do not come out in the mirror trial.

Three days before the competition, Lin Changsheng returned to Haotian Sect, and Li Yan personally led people to greet him.

"How are the preparations for the competition?" Lin Changsheng got straight to the point. He could not participate in the competition now, but he must be the first place, which is the main source of his honor points.

"Don't worry, brother, just like every time, there is no problem with the first place." Li Yan paused and continued: "Three years ago, I led the team myself, and Xiaoya and Du Hao, except for Yu Ruoxi of Yanmeng, the rest were not opponents."

Lin Changsheng nodded and looked at Zhao Yu: "You should also participate this year. With your current strength, you can deal with some second-year disciples. Just treat it as practice."

"Yes, brother!" Changsheng Hall valued Zhao Yu very much, but Chen Dong and the other two were directly ignored.

"What about the rest of the freshmen this year?"

"They haven't come back yet. These freshmen are all from the outside. They left Haotian Sect and thought they could survive. How naive." Li Yan sneered, but Zhao Yu didn't say anything. He definitely didn't believe Chu Yan was dead, but he made a lot of progress in this month. Now he is at the second level of Juechen. With the Iron King Dragon Spear, he can fight against people at the fifth level of Juechen. It is no exaggeration to say that he alone is enough to kill the freshmen camp in seconds.

Scar is only at the fourth level of Juechen.

Many disciples continue to prepare for the three-team competition. The mirror trial has become a hot topic. For the remaining three days, Haotian Sect was empty. Almost everyone entered the mirror trial and practiced madly in it.

Because once you die, you can't enter the mirror trial within half a day, so there are fewer internal fights in these three days. Everyone is busy hunting mirror monsters in the mirror trial and looking for natural treasures.

Until the late night of the second day, this peace was finally broken. In the mirror trial, a miserable cry was heard.

"Ah!" The cry was miserable. It was from a disciple of the freshmen camp. When many freshmen camps came, they saw that the man had only miserable blood holes on his body. His wrists and ankles were all cut off, but it seemed that he deliberately didn't want to live, making him suffer.

"Who did it?" Scar roared with a hint of anger.

"I don't know... That man was wearing a mask and attacked me directly. He also said something to our freshmen camp... Let me, let me tell everyone." The disciple twitched all over. This feeling was worse than death.

"What did you say?" Scar frowned. At this juncture, even Changsheng Hall was unwilling to cause trouble. This was the hidden rule of Haotian Sect.

"All debts owed must be repaid!" The disciple got up painfully and said to a freshmen hall disciple next to him: "Kill me!"

The disciple gritted his teeth and killed him, so that he no longer had to endure such great pain.

But the people in the New Student Hall didn't know that it was not over yet. In the next day, a masked figure kept running wildly in the mirror trial. He was so fast that it seemed like there were wings of vitality behind him, making it difficult for people to catch his figure. Once the people in the New Student Hall met him, they would be killed on the spot, even if they were at the third level of Dongchen.

This completely angered Scar, and the New Student Camp began to chase the masked man with all their strength.

Unfortunately, the masked man seemed to disappear out of thin air, and Scar couldn't find him no matter how hard he looked.

Outside the mirror trial, Chu Yan suddenly opened his eyes. He and many new students had rushed back, but they didn't say anything. It was him who slaughtered the New Student Camp in the mirror trial before.

He must pay back those blood feuds. He still remembers the scene when Mu Ye was nailed to death by more than a dozen spears in order to let him escape.

The New Student Camp suffered a huge blow today. This news also spread in Haotian Sect, but no one knew who did it.

"Have you heard? Today in the mirror trial, someone was madly killing the freshmen camp, and no one knows who it is."

"The only people with such strength in the sect are probably the people from Changsheng Hall and Yanmeng, right? They probably want to weaken the strength of the freshmen camp."

"That shouldn't be the case. In the past, Changsheng Hall and Yanmeng didn't look down on the freshmen camp at all. Scar is only at the fourth level of Juechen. That freshman named Zhao Yu is enough to kill them in seconds. Why should they be weakened?" Many disciples kept discussing.

Unfortunately, there was still no result. The next day, the second day before the three-team competition, the mirror trial was still a mess.

But finally someone saw the true face of the masked man. The mask was a wolf head, a bloodthirsty wolf. Unfortunately, the man who saw the wolf head mask died again, and was directly pierced through the throat by the man with a sword.

In a ruin in the mirror trial, Chen Yi from the freshmen camp was here. This man was the second person in the freshmen camp, second only to Scar, and was also a strong opponent in this competition. The third position of the freshmen camp depended on him.

Next to Chen Yi, there were several disciples from the freshmen camp, who were together encircling and suppressing a fantasy monster.

"Damn it, this beast is so powerful!" Several disciples couldn't help but curse, and Chen Yi's face was serious. The monster wolf in front of him didn't seem to be a fantasy, but was very real, agile, and powerful, even he couldn't deal with it.

"Ah!" The monster wolf roared again, spitting out a beam of energy from its mouth. Chen Yi's face was gloomy. He finally realized a problem, that is, this monster wolf, he was no match for it, he immediately said: "Run! Give up this monster wolf!"

Chen Yi and the others turned around to leave, but were blocked by a figure. The figure was wearing a black robe, a wolf-head mask, and holding a three-foot-long sword.

"Wolf-head mask?" Chen Yi's eyes turned cold. They all knew that the freshmen camp had been hunted in the past two days.

"Who are you?"

"I'm here to seek revenge." Chu Yan didn't waste any words. He suddenly leaned forward, and his body instantly turned into nothingness, approaching Chen Yi.

"Juechen level 1?" Chen Yi showed a hint of contempt. The freshmen camp disciples were weak, so it was not surprising that they were killed, but he had enough confidence in himself. Juechen level 1 was definitely not his opponent.

"Kill!" Chen Yi also roared, and the freshmen disciples who followed him immediately approached Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan was very fast. There were three beams of light flashing under his feet from time to time. Every time it flashed, Chu Yan seemed to move a distance in the air, like a phantom. The long sword in his hand rolled up, as if there was a howling wind, and immediately took the life of a freshmen camp disciple.

"Ah!" screams rang out immediately, and another freshman was killed. At this time, only Chen Yi was left, and there was a demon wolf.

Chen Yi stared at Chu Yan: "Who are you? Which team? Are you going to break the rules?"

"You don't deserve to know." Chu Yan did not speak, and the demon wolf roared behind Chen Yi: "Ah!"

"This demon wolf is very strange, and its strength is comparable to the fifth level of Juechen. If you kill me now, you will definitely suffer losses. When the time comes, this demon wolf will not let you go." Chen Yi turned around and looked at the demon wolf.

Unfortunately, Chu Yan did not take Chen Yi's words to heart. There was a whistling of vitality in his throat, and he uttered a deep voice: "Kill!"

"Asshole!" Chen Yi was furious, and the spear in his hand immediately stabbed out, but unfortunately, Chu Yan's shadow flashed and disappeared out of thin air for his shot, and Chen Yi did not hit him at all. However, the next moment, Chen Yi's eyes widened, because the demon wolf had already pounced on him.

"Crack!" One of Chen Yi's arms was bitten off. He howled in pain, and the monster wolf's bloody mouth descended again, trying to swallow his head.

At this time, Chen Yi wanted to be free. He stared at Chu Yan: "Boy, don't be complacent. If I die, this monster wolf will definitely not let you go! You will die too. I'm waiting for you outside the mirror!"

However, Chu Yan snorted disdainfully and suddenly shouted to the monster wolf: "Little wolf, don't kill him, let him live a life worse than death!"

Chen Yi's eyes widened, because he found that this monster wolf actually listened to Chu Yan's words? How is it possible? How can the monster in the mirror serve people? However, what Chen Yi didn't know was that this monster wolf was not a mirror monster, but a real monster, Chu Yan's apprentice, Little Wolf.

The demon wolf attacked, leaving countless bloody holes on Chen Yi's body, but at this moment, he still did not stop. The little wolf looked up to the sky and howled: "Ah!"

In the mirror trial, countless demon beasts rushed over. All of those demon beasts were used by the little wolf. They trampled on Chen Yi crazily and tortured Chen Yi, just to prevent Chen Yi from dying.

"How is it possible! How is it possible!" Chen Yi roared in pain. The mirror demon beast was transformed from a drop of demon beast essence blood, and these essence bloods were not as good as the little wolf's blood.

Chen Yi went crazy. This was the cruelest experience he had ever had in the mirror trial.

When Scar arrived, Chen Yi was dead. There was no healthy part of his body. It can be said that he was dismembered to death.

Scar stared at Chu Yan intently. That figure made him feel a little familiar, but he couldn't say it: "Who are you and why are you targeting my disciples in the freshmen camp?"

"Blood debts must be paid with blood!" Chu Yan said coldly, with a hint of chill in his voice. He moved and rushed towards Scar.

"Looking for death!" Scar's eyes also became grim. The freshmen camp had been slaughtered countless times in the past two days, which had completely angered him, but he had never met him. When he saw him today, he was determined to kill Chu Yan.

"Juechen level one, garbage!" Scar thrust out a long spear, and a whistling sound immediately appeared in the air, but at this moment, Chu Yan grasped it with his bare hands and took the initiative to meet Scar's shot.

At this time, in addition to the people in the freshmen camp, the disciples of Yanmeng and Changshengtang were also attracted. In the past two days, this masked man did cause a huge momentum, but no one knew who he was.

Chu Yan was extremely fast, twisting with Scar, and that kind of body movement made many people fascinated.

"Too fast..." Li Yan also swallowed his saliva at this time: "This body movement is not the body movement of my Haotian Sect. Could it be that he is from an outside sect?"

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