Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 85: I will accompany you through ten years of ups and downs

The Heavenly Punishment Auction ended, and many people got what they liked in the auction. Of course, some people who didn't get the auction made a few complaints, but they didn't dare to cause trouble, so they had to leave.

Seeing Chu Yan come back, Ye Xun asked: "How is it? Have you figured it out?"

Chu Yan glanced in the direction of Binghe Sect again. Yunlong still smiled and nodded at him: "I don't know, Sister Xishuang said Yunlong was very good to her. Looking again, I always feel that things are not that simple."

"Are you too worried? I see that Yunlong is also very fond of Princess Xishuang. His eyes don't seem to be fake. If Wu Meng hadn't caused trouble just now, Xuan Bingjian would have been photographed by him."

"I hope so." Chu Yan remained silent, but he had his own thoughts in his heart. If Yunlong truly treated Su Xishuang, he would give him a generous gift. That gift would definitely be no weaker than the Xuanbing Sword.

In the past month, Chu Yan had found almost all the ancient artifacts left in the mortal world. He had an exquisite and detailed map in his hand. After a while, he thought about finding these artifacts.

"Is this your Excellency who just bought the Xuan Bing Sword? The price is eighty pieces of second-grade spiritual jade, and it can also be used as an advance payment by Heaven's Punishment. It's so exciting." Lin Changsheng had not added any information in the exhibition hall where the Xuan Bing Sword was auctioned before. When Shang Chuyan came back, he put on his cloak again, but he didn't recognize it, and said to himself: "Lin Changsheng, the first disciple of the Haotian Sect, are you free in the evening to have a drink instead?"

Lin Changsheng knew a thing or two about Tianshu. He had a good background and it was not easy to get Tianshu to advance his funds, so he wanted to make good friends with Chu Yan.

Ye Xun smiled at Chu Yan and said, "There is a big gap between this and the arrogant Senior Brother Lin back then."

Chu Yan also smiled, and then glanced at Lin Changsheng from the corner of his eye: "Get out!"

Lin Changsheng was stunned, and his expression was not very good. He was the number one member of the Haotian Sect, and now he represented the Haotian Sect. Now he wanted to make friends, but when this person opened his mouth, he actually told him to get out?

"Your Excellency, are you too crazy to speak? Although I don't know who you are, I, the Haotian Sect, are not easy to mess with."

"Your name is Lin Changsheng, right?" Chu Yan paused and continued: "Remember one thing, the debt you owe will have to be repaid sooner or later."

"Sir, do we know each other?" Lin Changsheng became strange. From Chu Yan's words, he had a vague feeling that the two had a grudge, but he did not remember meeting Chu Yan.

"Get lost." Chu Yan repeated again, and the whole place was cleared. At this moment, Lin Changsheng finally couldn't bear it anymore. However, the Yuan Power on his wrist had not yet condensed, and there was a strong aura rolling down on him.

"Three breaths, roll away or die." A young man appeared behind Lin Changsheng out of thin air. Everyone was shocked, the king?

Lin Changsheng finally felt a chill in his heart. Although he was the number one person in the Haotian Sect, he was still at the peak of Juechen, and he was still unbearable in front of the king. This made him grit his teeth and endure it, but before leaving, he felt deeply He glanced at Chu Yan and secretly noted Chu Yan's gaze.

"The person you once looked down on will one day step on you and let you know that the so-called number one person in the Haotian Sect is actually just a waste." Chu Yan repeated again. Lin Changsheng paused, said nothing, and turned around leave.

As dusk fell, Chu Yan drank a cup of wine at the Xifeng Restaurant in Tongtian City. Ye Xun, Shao Tong, and a strange young man were here. That young man was the young king who had appeared at the auction house earlier. He sat next to Chu Yan and looked at Chu Yan. His eyes were full of strong friendship. That friendship was definitely life-saving. He also drank a glass of wine.

The young man was very handsome, with clean short hair. There were some eye-catching scars on his forehead and arms. His eyes were very clear, but there was a hint of sharpness, like a sword, which made people dare not look directly at him.

This young man was none other than Qiu Yu, whose stomping feet would make Tongtian City tremble. Chu Yan looked at every scar on his body with emotion, because those scars were all caused by him.

"After all, we haven't seen each other for ten years, right?" Chu Yan spoke first.

"How dare you say that!" As soon as Qiu Yu opened his mouth, everyone was stunned and yelled: "When I wanted to follow you, you beast, you drugged me! You even let someone take advantage of me while I was unconscious, Send it to ASEAN!”

When Chu Yan decided to leave the outer circle, Qiu Yu wanted to follow, but Chu Yan disagreed. It’s okay if he doesn’t agree, but he even drugs him!

"Uh..." Chu Yan felt embarrassed. Was he so shameless back then? Why don’t I remember?

"Think about it, if it weren't for ASEAN, would you be where you are today?" Chu Yan laughed dryly.

"Don't you understand the virtues of your own sister?" Qiu Yu was speechless for a while. The ASEAN Empress... The reason why this woman makes everyone in the world fear them is for the same reason. It's because of her fierce appearance. Now Thinking of how life was worse than death in those first few years, Qiu Yu also felt a lingering fear.

After entering ASEAN for three years, Qiu Yu suffered a life like a devil. He was trained crazily by Qin Zixuan and was unable to complete the task. He was not even allowed to eat. However, it was also like this that he became what he is today, one year older than Chu Yan. , but he is a true king.

"But now you have reached the position of overlord." Chu Yan continued to explain.

But suddenly, Qiu Yu became serious. He stared at Chu Yan: "If possible, I am willing to use this position of overlord to accompany you for ten years."

Chu Yan's heart also moved, and those past events were still vivid in his mind. The two have known each other for more than ten years. In the inner circle, Chu Yan walked out of the wilderness alone. At that time, Chu Yan was just seven years old. He was walking alone in the desert, gritting his teeth and stubbornness. He was almost killed several times. When someone kills someone, there are always people trying to persuade him to go back to the wilderness, but he doesn't.

During the year in the inner circle, Chu Yan and Qiu Yu met. Qiu Yu had no background and was just an abandoned baby. But at that time, he was one year older than Chu Yan. He had blocked the blood mouth of the wolf demon for Chu Yan alone. The sharp claws of the bear demon, when Chu Yan was eight years old, he wanted to leave and go to the outer circle. Qiu Yu resolutely wanted to follow, but was rejected by Chu Yan. Chu Yan asked him to stay and told him that this is the only place where he can stay. It suited him and introduced ASEAN, which is why Qiuyu achieved what he has achieved today.

"Stop talking nonsense, you should make a lot of money in a month now, right?" Chu Yan said with a smile.

"If you want it, I'll give it to you." Qiu Yu said seriously.

Hearing this, Ye Xun took a breath of air. Tianshu's monthly income was definitely an astronomical figure, but now Chu Yan just said a word, and Qiu Yu was willing to give it all to Chu Yan. What have these two people experienced? Something like that? The relationship is so good.

Before Qiu Yu appeared, Ye Xun always thought that he was Chu Yan's best brother. Seeing Qiu Yu, Ye Xun felt a little disappointed in his heart. He could see that there was a connection between Qiu Yu and Chu Yan. A feeling that others don’t have.

"It's just a joke. Do it well, and we will use it in the future. Do you still remember the agreement between you and me?"

"Remember, I have been waiting for ten years for that day!" Qiu Yu's eyes were blazing.

Chu Yan patted Qiu Yu's shoulder: "I'll give you something to do. Keep an eye on it for me."

Qiu Yu looked at Chu Yan, who continued: "Help me investigate the marriage between Yunlong and Su Xishuang. It must be accurate."

"Okay, I'll take care of this." Qiu Yu paused, then continued: "Stay, I can give you better cultivation resources than the Haotian Sect."

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head: "You are stupid, I want to cultivate resources, why not go back to the wilderness directly? Or go directly to my sister, that would be better."

Qiu Yu was silent. Indeed, Tianshu seemed to have financial resources that were envied by all the sects. If Tianshu tried his best to train a person, whether it was an alchemist, a caster, or a martial artist, he would be far more powerful than all sects. It was terrifying, even if it was piled up with spiritual jade, it was unimaginable.

But these are not important in front of Chu Yan. Chu Yan has the wilderness and the ASEAN. If he really wants it, this world is just what he has in his pocket.

As for the Haotian Sect, Chu Yan must return. In the Haotian Sect, there are some blood feuds that he must get back. No one can change those hatreds.

"I understand, but when you have time, you'd better go see my sister. She has always missed you."

"We've met before." When Chu Yan thought of Qin Zixuan, his head was full of black lines. If possible, he really didn't want to see her in a short time. That woman was too tough.

Qiu Yu nodded and said nothing more. Next, he did not ask Chu Yan to stay. Chu Yan still had things to do in Haotian Sect, and if he wanted to assist Chu Yan, he had to stay. , continue to operate Tiansheng.

Fortunately for Qiu Yu, Haotian Sect and Tongtian City are very close. If Chu Yan is in trouble, he can arrive in time.

"Drink!" Several teenagers drank heavily today. And after ten years, Qiu Yu and Chu Yan are finally getting together, and the two young men who turned the inner circle upside down finally meet again.

It was also today that Emperor Xuntian and King Yu met for the first time. At this time, the two were just teenagers here, but many years later, they were destined to become the overlords of the party, accompanying Chu Yan and fighting for Chu Yan.

The Heavenly Punishment Auction is over, and war breaks out in Tongtian City once again. That night, something alarmed Tongtian City. That was that the White Tiger Gang and the Suzaku Gang joined forces and swept the Qinglong Gang out of the country overnight. From then on, there was no Qinglong Gang in Tongtian City.

But there was another more terrifying thing. Late at night, in the southern corner of Tongtian City, inside the Xuanwu Gang.

In the middle of the night, countless strong men suddenly poured in and surrounded and suppressed the Xuanwu Gang. The people of the Xuanwu Gang were shocked. Wu Xuan, the head of the Xuanwu Gang, was covered in blood and stared at one of the figures. Young man: "Who are you? Why do you want to attack my Xuanwu Gang?"

"You don't deserve to know!" The young man said coldly: "Kill!"


The faces of the Xuanwu Gang also darkened. They fought bravely, but this group of figures was too strong. At this moment, the young man slowly approached, moved towards a figure, and stopped beside Wu Meng.

"You, who are you?"

Wu Meng looked at the young man in horror, but at this moment, the man did not speak, but a person beside the young man took off his mask. When he saw the man, Wu Meng's eyes widened: "Shao Tong? Are you... God’s punishment?”

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