Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 790 Similarities between the Past and the Present

That terrible sword of destruction directly destroyed all the hopes of the Jiuyou Dynasty.

The body of the Jiuyou Emperor was broken in the void. In front of everyone, he lost his vitality, turned into a corpse, and fell from the sky.

Jiuyou Zuo Xiang and others were still bound in the air by the Five Elements Hand. They witnessed this scene with their own eyes and were extremely terrified.

Did the Jiuyou Dynasty just end like this?

Their emperor had just broken through to the sage not long ago. Shouldn't they be greeted with endless prosperity and rise in the sea of ​​stars?

Why, would it be such a result?

Many people couldn't believe it, but in addition to unwillingness, they were more afraid.

They all looked up and looked at the young man in white in the void, trembling. Even the sages were destroyed in his hands. What should they do?

"Run!" The first thing that Jiuyou's ministers and princes thought of was to escape.

"Can you run away?" Chu Yan glanced at everyone, and the power of the five elements and yin and yang bloomed in his body, turning into endless light. Green vines flew out from the ground and turned into chains, binding everyone and making them unable to move.

"Stop!" At this time, a terrible breath descended from the distance of the Jiuyou Dynasty. It was an old man in his seventies.

"Ancestor!" Seeing the old man, the eyes of the Jiuyou Emperor were ecstatic. This person was the ancestor of the Jiuyou Dynasty.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Jiuyou Emperor has always been the top, but few people know that there is a sage ancestor in the Jiuyou Dynasty.

Thirty years ago, a great monster was born in Xinghai, but because of different ideas, he eventually defected from Tianbei Mountain, and later became enemies with Jiuyou Xinghe, and killed several monarchs of the Jiuyou Dynasty.

Jiuyou Dynasty was angry about this, and chased him to the land of Yixinghai, captured his wife in Xinghai, and angered him.

He went into the Nine Netherworld alone and killed the Emperor of the Nine Netherworld, who had no choice but to avoid him and flee to Tianbei Mountain for shelter. Later, a saint figure took action and killed this person, ending the war.

Many people in Xinghai knew about this matter. This person was Mo Wangchen, but few people knew who killed Mo Wangchen.

The saint back then was the Ancestor of the Nine Netherworld.

The Ancestor of the Nine Netherworld looked at Chu Yan with a serious look. Many years ago, he had seen Chu Yan once, but he was a saint at that time, and Chu Yan was just an immature junior. He was just an emperor, and he could easily crush him with one hand, so he had never looked at him straight in the eye.

But today, the Emperor of the Nine Netherworld, his own offspring, who was also a saint, was killed by him.

"Chu Yan, you are so presumptuous. This is Tongtian Xinghai, the land of Tianbei Mountain, and you dare to openly be the enemy of Tianbei Mountain!" The Ancestor of the Nine Netherworld shouted angrily.

"I remember correctly that you also went to the Six Realms Galaxy, right?" Chu Yan looked at the Nine Nether Ancestor with a cold voice.

In the Six Realms, several saints hid in the dark and took action. At that time, he was not at a high enough level and could only vaguely perceive it, but now he is a top-level Heavenly Monarch, plus the Eye of the Great World, which is enough to know.

The Nine Nether Ancestor frowned, and then said coldly: "So what?"

"Ancestor, this boy is extremely arrogant. He killed the Emperor. The Ancestor will make the decision for us." The ministers of the Nine Nether Emperor spoke one after another.

One of the princes looked even more ferocious. He looked at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, the ancestor of my dynasty is here. How can you survive today!"

Chu Yan glanced at the prince and smiled sarcastically. Then he said nothing and walked out directly towards the prince.

"You are so presumptuous!" The Nine Nether Ancestor was in the sky, his old eyes were condensed, and a terrible demonic aura bloomed in his body, turning into an extremely powerful force.

"I will settle my grudge with you later. For now, just watch from there." Chu Yan glanced at the Nine Nether Ancestor, and the evil sword rose into the air. The terrible luck in his body was like a storm, covering the entire Nine Nether Dynasty.

"Do you think he can save you?" Chu Yan's steps were very slow, but every step seemed to trample on the prince, making his face extremely pale. He wanted to run, but found that he couldn't do it at all.

"Die!" Chu Yan's mind moved, and countless terrible sword lights immediately condensed in the air, aiming at the prince.


"Puff!" The prince's eyes suddenly widened, and he lowered his head in disbelief, only to see a blood hole as big as a bowl on his chest, where his heart was.

The only remaining prince of the Nine Nether Dynasty died just like this, and his body was shaky.

"You are looking for death!" Jiuyou Patriarch's eyes were filled with strong anger, and the demonic energy in his body burst out. With a thud, he turned into a nine-headed dark demon dragon, and the dragon's breath burned the world and swallowed Chu Yan.

However, the next moment, Chu Yan stretched out his hand, and the evil sword flew into his hand. The terrible sword light burst out, and then he slashed across the sky. With just one sword, the world seemed to be torn apart, and the dragon's breath was separated alive, and then everything calmed down.

Jiuyou Patriarch stood in the void, and the surrounding aura dissipated. He wiped his throat in disbelief, and there was a red blood line there, and then the blood could not stop pouring out.

"You should have died long ago." Chu Yan's voice was indifferent, and Jiuyou Patriarch's eyes were finally filled with fear. Then his body gradually stiffened, and he fell headfirst. Another sage, and a sage for many years, was killed by a sword.

The people of Jiuyou Dynasty were extremely unfair.

The death of the ancestor shattered even the last hope in their hearts.

Many people who came to watch were trembling with discontent.

How similar is Chu Yan today to Mo Wangchen thirty years ago?

Everything that happened is similar to the past and present.

Back then, the Jiuyou Dynasty captured Youhuan and threatened Mo Wangchen to surrender. How could Youhuan agree to this? He committed suicide on the galaxy. Mo Wangchen was almost possessed by a demon. With a howl, the sky and the earth changed color. When one person entered the Jiuyou, no grass grew.

Now, the Jiuyou Dynasty also captured Shangcang Xian'er, and Chu Yan entered the Jiuyou with one sword.

But the result was different. This time, the Jiuyou Patriarch also took action, but it was not Chu Yan who died, but himself. All grudges were settled with one sword.

"Swoosh!" At this moment, a figure flew in the void. This person was wearing cloth and looked very young, but his long hair was messy and he had a long beard. He stood quietly above the nine heavens, silently watching everything that happened. In his arms, there was a woman who was frozen and sleeping forever.

This person had a very strong aura, and Chu Yan also felt his presence. That power was a holy will that was dozens of times more terrifying than that of the Jiuyou Patriarch.

"You killed Jiuyou?" This person slowly descended, his cloth clothes flying, and looked at Chu Yan and asked softly.

"Thirty years ago, Tianbei Mountain spread the word that Mo Wangchen was dead. It seems that the rumors are just rumors." Chu Yan said calmly. He already knew the identity of this person. There are not many saints in Tianbei Mountain. He has seen many, but this person is different from them. His unruly aura destined his identity.

"They are right. Mo Wangchen died a long time ago." The cloth-clothed young man said calmly without any waves: "The only one alive now is the piano fanatic."

Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and his heart trembled slightly: "There is a crazy piano fanatic in Tianbei Mountain. This person does not practice, but only plays the piano. The piano is full of sadness. There are also rumors that this person can use the piano to deduce the future and understand the art of stars. It turns out that he is the senior."

At this time, another person appeared beside Mo Wangchen. Chu Yan had also seen this person. In the past, he went to Baihui Hall to find Qingyi in the Emperor Road. This person is the master of Baihui Hall, Gu Yun.

"Master's wife loved the sound of the zither. Thirty years ago, Master's wife was forced to death by the Jiuyou Dynasty. Master fought with Tianbei Mountain for ten years, and then retired. He has been playing in the mountains and seas. I hope Master's wife can hear it if she is in heaven." Gu Yun said softly.

Chu Yan was shocked. What kind of persistence is this.

"Senior has already become a saint. With the power of the senior, it should be easy to destroy Jiuyou. Why did you wait until today?" There is one thing Chu Yan can't figure out. Judging from the aura, Mo Wangchen is now more terrifying than the ancestor of Jiuyou. If he wants to destroy Jiuyou, it is too easy.

"I'm waiting for you." Mo Wangchen said calmly, but Chu Yan frowned suddenly: "Senior, are you waiting for me?"

"Yes." Mo Wangchen looked up and looked at Jiutian: "I fought for ten years that year, and I almost became a demon. I wanted to kill all the people in Jiuyou. Later, Jiuyou Patriarch attacked and seriously injured me. Although I didn't die, I was no different from a dead person. All my souls were shattered and my meridians were broken."

"In those years, I lived a life worse than death. Later, I met a man who accepted me as his apprentice and taught me the secret of the zither, so that I could deduce the future with the sound of the zither." Mo Wangchen paused and laughed at himself: "However, I chose the fate of Jiuyou. They will have a calamity, but this calamity is not for me, but for you."

Chu Yan was silent for a while. He had heard about the art of stars. The one-eyed old man in Shenzhu Mountain was a prophet.

The so-called deduction of stars is not to be able to see the future, but to see some destiny and some elements that can affect destiny. Therefore, in the fairyland, many fairy countries have some prophets who let them deduce the future and turn disaster into good fortune.

"Your fate is extraordinary." Mo Wangchen said again: "In this life, the fairyland will be your hurdle. In the fairyland, every step you take is as difficult as ascending to heaven, but there is a way you must go. In the fairyland, there are too many people who want to kill you, and you will also meet many noble people."

Chu Yan's heart trembled. He was born extraordinary. Whether it was Chu Hanfeng or Qin Ruoming, he knew this long ago, as well as his sister Qin Zixuan.

"Senior, have you seen my future?" Chu Yan couldn't help asking. No one is not curious about the future.

However, Mo Wangchen smiled and shook his head: "The so-called prophet is nothing more than peeping into the secrets of heaven and deducing some worlds in advance, but you are different."

"What's the difference?"

"Life is higher than the sky, how do you see it?" Mo Wangchen said lightly, but Chu Yan was stunned. His own life is higher than the sky?

"I shouldn't have come here to meet you today, but Youhuan should be buried here. However, since we have met, twenty years have been too lonely, so I said a little more. Now that all the grudges are finally settled, I should do what I should do." Mo Wangchen sighed, waved his hand, buried Youhuan, and then his figure gradually faded and left. Before leaving, he said one more sentence.

"If one day you are desperate in the fairyland, go to a place that can guarantee your survival."

"Where?" Chu Yan shouted to the void.

"Qintian Pavilion!"

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