Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 789: One man and one sword enter the Netherworld

Chu Yan's voice was cold, and huge hands floated in the sky, grabbing all the people of Jiuyou Dynasty.

Originally thought it would be a tragic battle, but in an instant, it disappeared into thin air.

Jiuyou Zuo Xiang, countless Tianjun of Jiuyou Dynasty, were vulnerable in front of Chu Yan. With just this one move, he captured all of them in the void.

The fairies in Wangxian Tower in the distance saw this scene, and their mood was extremely uneasy. Many of them were elders of Wangxian Tower, and they were considered Chu Yan's elders. A few years ago, after the end of the Emperor Road, they all saw this stubborn boy with their own eyes. At that time, he was forced to flee to Shenzhu Mountain because he was forced to break through Tianbei Mountain.

However, it has only been a few years?

When he returned, he was already an existence that they all needed to look up to. His power was too strong and too terrible. He destroyed the world with one move.

"Seniors, the Saints' Gate has started reconstruction. I have informed Fairy Xian'er and Fairy Wangyue that they will go to the Saints' Gate soon. You don't have to flee anymore. Just go back to the Saints' Gate." Chu Yan restrained his breath and said to King Ningyue and others.

"Saints' Gate? Will Tianbei Mountain not go again?" The fairy in Wangxian Tower said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Tianbei Mountain dare not." Chu Yan smiled casually, but it was full of confidence, which made many fairies tremble.

Chu Yan said, Tianbei Mountain dare not?

Tianbei Mountain, now gathers the power of the world, the overlord of the sea of ​​stars, is there anything they dare not do in this sea of ​​stars?

But seeing Chu Yan so confident, it is definitely not a joke.

"What about you?" King Ningyue frowned and asked.

"Destroy Jiuyou!" Chu Yan spoke slowly, and then he looked up at the huge nine-headed demon dragon stone statue in the distance, his eyes filled with a strong chill.

"Seniors, I'm leaving. See you at the Saint Gate." Chu Yan left a sentence, and then he moved, the evil sword flew over, and he disappeared out of thin air.


Jiuyou Dynasty, one of the sixteen veins of Tianbei, plus the fact that Emperor Jiuyou has now become a sage, is also the most powerful of the sixteen veins of Tianbei.

Here is an extremely huge dynasty, and nearly a hundred stars are connected, with tall buildings standing above, each of which is extremely majestic.

And among the countless tall buildings and stars, there is an extremely magnificent hall, as if it is held up by the stars. On the hall, there are two big characters engraved: Jiuyou.

This place is the Holy Palace of Jiuyou Dynasty, the residence of the emperor, and the most sacred place of Jiuyou Dynasty.

At this time, a sword light suddenly broke through the sky above Jiuyou Dynasty, shattering all the formations, and then countless people stared at it, all of them were shocked.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" The next moment, countless guards flew into the sky. At the end of the sword light, there was a man with a sword, wearing white clothes, with long hair flying, looking extremely frivolous.

He stepped in from the outside of the Jiuyou Dynasty just like that, with a man and a sword. Above him, there were giant hands of the five elements, grasping figures one after another.

Seeing this scene, countless people's faces changed in shock.

"Who are you?" A top-level Tianjun stepped forward, and saw Zuo Xiang and countless Tianjuns of Jiuyou were tied up. He looked at Chu Yan seriously: "You treat people of my Jiuyou Dynasty like this, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

"Within three breaths, let Jiuyou old dog roll out to die, otherwise, wash Jiuyou with blood." Chu Yan's voice was extremely cold, ignoring everyone.

The hearts of the people of Jiuyou Dynasty sank. This person actually asked the emperor to roll out directly, otherwise he would wash Jiuyou with blood?

Who does he think he is?

At this moment, there was a prince in the distance. When he looked at Chu Yan, everything was distorted: "It's you!"

"Prince, who is he?" The ministers beside him asked one after another.

"Chu Yan..." The prince said in a deep voice, but the faces of many ministers suddenly changed: "Chu Yan? How is this possible? The prince should have entered the emperor's road with him back then, right? He was at most a Heavenly Emperor at that time. It's only been a few years, and he has already reached the top Heavenly Monarch?"

The prince looked painful, and he didn't want to admit it, but... this is the fact.

"Stop him!" The ministers in the Jiuyou Dynasty roared, and then saw a line of Heavenly Monarchs flying into the sky.

"Boom!" However, Chu Yan took a step forward, and it seemed that he had endless power. With every step he took, the hearts of those Heavenly Monarchs trembled strongly, and then fell madly.

For a time, everyone in the Jiuyou Dynasty was terrified. A top Heavenly Monarch couldn't even withstand Chu Yan's attack?

"Go and inform the Emperor!" At this moment, countless people finally understood that the young man in front of them was no longer someone they could contend with, or rather, in the entire Jiuyou Dynasty, only the Emperor could stop him.

"Stop!" Another person flew out from a distance to stop Chu Yan.

Chu Yan looked at the other person and laughed at himself.

Tuoba Junhou, one of the top ten in the King's Road in the Tianjun Ruins, was in the Tianjun Ruins at the beginning. At one glance, he made himself feel an extremely terrifying power, as if he was sinking, and he was an existence that he needed to look up to.

However, now, that breath was so weak in front of him.

"Get out!" Chu Yan shouted, bang, a terrible curse seal blasted out, Tuoba Junhou only felt his whole body tremble, his five internal organs seemed to be shattered, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Back then in the Tianjun Ruins, you were high above me, looking down on me, but I didn't expect that you were so weak?" Chu Yan shook his head sarcastically, and then stepped out. Tuoba Junhou was oppressed by a stream of power and was unable to resist.

"Chu Yan, you are too presumptuous!"

At this moment, a terrifying force suddenly came from the void. With just this thought, it seemed to seal the sky and cover the entire Jiuyou Dynasty.

"It's the Holy Will! It's the Emperor!" Everyone in the Jiuyou Dynasty shouted in joy.

Feeling the arrival of that power, Chu Yan stared out and landed on the Jiuyou Palace, where the Jiuyou Emperor was standing with one arm.

"Where are the people?" Chu Yan said coldly.

"Chu Yan, I didn't expect that you could actually come back and reach the top level of Heavenly King. It's just a pity. If you could be more patient, with your talent, after some time, maybe our Jiuyou Dynasty will really have a disaster. , but you didn't, so you must die today." Emperor Jiuyou roared, and the terrifying holy intention climbed up in his body, and poured out crazily, turning into a big hand and slapping towards Chu Yan.

The surrounding air suddenly condensed, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and without any nonsense, his body flew out, and suddenly there was a terrifying sword intent flying around him, full of destructive power.

"Boom!" Countless sword lights intertwined, and the big hand crushed it and shattered it.

"Chu Yan, what if you become the top heavenly monarch? In front of the sages, all monarchs are like ants. You will die today." Emperor Jiuyou smiled ferociously. He had always remembered the revenge of the broken arm, but now he actually Gave him a chance to take revenge personally.

Glancing at the other party, Chu Yan did not respond. Instead, a terrifying power bloomed all over his body, turning into a dark color and turning into terrifying roc shadows.

The roc's shadow flew out, covering the sky and the sun. The most important thing was that those roc's shadows were filled with the power of the sages. The huge palms were vulnerable to a single blow under the roc's shadow and shattered into pieces.

"So weak?" Chu Yan smiled sarcastically. He had fought against Chen Huangsheng in the Immortal Seeking World. They were both sages, but when Chen Huangsheng first became a sage, his power was hundreds of times that of Emperor Jiuyou.

This is the difference between the Immortal Realm and the Star Sea. Their backgrounds are different, and the power they possess after stepping into the Sages is also very different.

"With such great power, does he deserve to be called a sage?" Chu Yan's power became even more powerful, destroying the world and destroying the world: "If I were you, even if I didn't become a sage, I wouldn't be able to condense the shadow of such a weak saint."

"Bastard!" Emperor Jiuyou's face turned pale. He couldn't figure out why, even though he had become a sage, Chu Yan's power was even more terrifying than his own.

"Ask you again, where is the person?" Chu Yan stepped out, the strong wind beat on him, making a cold sound. Affected by luck, his figure continued to expand in everyone's minds.

"You are looking for death!" Emperor Jiuyou roared, and suddenly, a delicate little sword appeared in his hand and was thrown into the sky.

"Haha, Chu Yan, so what if your fighting power is extraordinary? I have the Immortal Weapon Sword from Sword God Mountain in my hand. This sword can kill immortals, how can you defeat me!" The power of the delicate little sword was released, and then countless sword shadows were cut down. , overwhelming the heavens, Emperor Jiuyou's smile was distorted, as if he had seen the scene of Chu Yan being strangled by the light of a sword.


However, the next moment, the sword light fell, and his eyes were dull.

Because he found that the sword light disappeared and Chu Yan was holding the evil sword and standing in it peacefully. Instead, the delicate little sword was spinning around Chu Yan at this moment. There was no trace of immortal power left. It's more like a docile Mianyang trying to please its owner.

"Immortal weapon?" Chu Yan's eyes became even colder, and he slowly raised the evil sword in his hand and pointed it at Emperor Jiuyou.

"Since you want to die so much, I will let you see what a true immortal soldier is."

The sword rose, gathering momentum, and suddenly there was a surge of wind and clouds. Countless forces gathered together. The evil sword grew bigger inch by inch in Chu Yan's hand, and finally became more than a thousand feet long. The shadow of the sword showed an extremely terrifying light.

For a moment, it seemed like the world was full of swords.

"Invincible saints?" Chu Yan shook his head: "Jiuyou old dog, you are not happy with your retribution. When you were on the imperial road, you allowed your descendants to do evil. If I don't take your life today, I will."


At this moment, Emperor Jiuyou was really scared, but unfortunately, so what?

Invincible saints?

But, is it really invincible?

At this moment, everyone in the Jiuyou Dynasty witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

The king kills the saints.

"No!" Emperor Jiuyou let out a miserable cry, and with one thought, Zhu Xian turned into countless rays of light and slashed down. Emperor Jiuyou's figure was finally buried by thousands of rays of light and disappeared without a trace.

All the ministers and monarchs of the dynasty felt extremely fearful in their hearts at this moment, looking at the young man in white in horror. Not long ago, they were proud of Emperor Jiuyou, but at this moment, Emperor Jiuyou died.

The left prime minister of Jiuyou, who was grasped by the five elements' big hands, was even more desperate. They couldn't imagine why this young man was so terrifying.

"Bang!" At this time, Chu Yan held the evil sword in his hand and slashed it out from the void. The huge nine-headed demon dragon stone statue in the distance shattered and turned into powder.

Many people followed from a distance, but as soon as they arrived here, they saw this scene, and for a while, their hearts could not calm down for a long time.

An idea popped up in everyone's mind.

The Jiuyou Dynasty was destroyed.

Just like the Beiming Dynasty back then.

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