Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 791: Entering Tianbei Mountain Again

Don’t forget Chen, or Qin Chi, he’s gone.

Before leaving, he told Chu Yan that if one day he was desperate, there was a place in the fairyland that could protect him from death.

Qintian Pavilion is a place that Chu Yan has been in contact with for a long time, but has always been mysterious.

So, does it also exist in the Immortal Realm?

Chu Yan didn't think too much about it. The road to cultivation was long and bumpy, and the immortal realm was in crisis. Ouyang Mu had told him about this in the Immortal Realm, but as Mo Wangchen said, that was his fate. But it is the only path he must take in this life.

He raised his head and looked at Jiuyou, who looked ruined.

The officials of the Jiuyou Dynasty in the distance were all trembling, as if waiting for the verdict.

"Now that Jiuyou has been destroyed, not long after, the Tongtian Xinghai will have a different owner. I will give you two choices, one is to surrender, the other is to destroy. You can choose on your own." Chu Yan said calmly without killing them all.

Everyone looked at each other. At this point, do they have any choice?

"Boom!" Suddenly, a prince slowly knelt down and said respectfully to Chu Yan: "We are willing to surrender and see the King of Chu!"

"See King Chu!" Someone took the lead, and more people knelt down and saluted Chu Yan. The reason was simple, if you don't surrender, you will die.

Moreover, Chu Yan seems to be very confident, and with what Mo Wangchen said before, Tianbei Mountain may not be the opponent of the young man in front of him.

"Who knows where the Heavenly Fairy is?" Chu Yan slowly sat down on the Nine Nether Throne without being polite.

"I know." Since he chose to surrender, he naturally wanted to express his stance. A prince immediately took the initiative and said: "King Chu, I will go and bring him here."

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded, and not long after, the king brought Heavenly Fairy'er back.

Seeing Chu Yan again, Heavenly Fairy's autumn eyes immediately turned red, and she hugged Chu Yan deeply: "In the battle that day, Emperor Jiuyou came with the Immortal Weapon Divine Sword and seriously injured the master. I thought... I'll never see you again. No more for you."

"I know." Chu Yan looked at the injury of the woman in his arms and blamed himself.

"Tianbei Mountain has issued a wanted order. Master and others are wanted in the world." God Xian'er said hurriedly. Although Chu Yan returned and destroyed Jiuyou to save her, now, the whole star sea is wanted for all the saints. As long as the wanted men of Sect, Demon Sect, and Wangxian Tower are still wanted, the people of the three major forces will never be able to live in peace.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with anger. Everything before was the Jiuyou Dynasty, so he came here to destroy Jiuyou.

But unexpectedly, Tianbei Mountain launched a nationwide wanted manhunt.

"Xian'er, let's go." Chu Yan stood up. Xian'er always believed in him, so he didn't ask any more questions. He nodded lightly and stepped on the evil sword.

"Gather all the people above you in the Jiuyou Dynasty and go to the All Saints Gate to wait for me. If you encounter anyone from Tianbei Mountain on the way, you will kill them without mercy." Chu Yan gave an order to a person in charge of the monarch, and then he said it. , he flew away in the air.


The sky is full of stars, on the highest mountain peak.

On this day, an extraordinary brilliance bloomed, and a phantom of a saint appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, many figures flew over, including the strong men from Tianbei Mountain itself, as well as countless extraordinary figures who came to befriend them from the alien sea.

"Young Master Tianmang successfully broke through. Congratulations to the old Saint King. There is another sage in Tianbei Mountain." A star sea overlord said to the old Saint King.

"Young Master Tianmang has only been cultivating for a hundred years. There are rumors in the Xinghai that a man who has been a king for a hundred years is an evildoer. Now, a young man named Tianmang who has lived for a hundred years has become a sage in a hundred years. This should be considered unprecedented and unprecedented in our land of Xinghai."

"You're welcome." The old Saint King said with a smile, and the elite light in his old eyes became even stronger.

As a century-old sage, and as a disciple of Sword God Mountain, Tianbei Tianmang will have an endless future in the future.

"Oh, what a pity. It would be great if he was my heir." One of the overlords of Xinghai sighed: "With Tianbei Tianmang alone, Tianbei Mountain will inevitably rise. It seems that it is better to choose to surrender as soon as possible."

Now, the Heavenly Monument has become a sage, and he has come out of seclusion with a stronger temperament. Compared with when he walked out of the world of seeking immortals three years ago, he is a little less decadent, and his self-confidence is burning again.

Although he knew very well that he was not the so-called chosen one, but so what?

Now, he is the person attracting the most attention in the sea of ​​stars, and Chu Yan may never have the chance to leave the world of seeking immortality.

In other words, even if he is still alive, he must be miserable and has provoked some big shots. Otherwise, how could Sword God Mountain send an immortal disciple to accept him as a disciple?

"Breakthrough?" In the Sword God Mountain, an Immortal Swordsman stepped forward. This person was the senior brother of the Immortal Realm in the Sword God Mountain, Hetian.

"Living up to everyone's expectations." Sky Monument Tianmang bowed slightly and said with great respect.

"Very good, a century-old sage. Although he is not a great evildoer, he is still a genius. Practice well." Hetian nodded, then hesitated, and said: "Not long ago, the Xunxian World was closed."

The sky monument and Tianmang were slightly focused, looking for the fairy world, the place where they were ashamed, finally closed.

"The man named Chu Yan is back. If you were asked to fight him, would you be confident?" Hetian asked.

"He's not dead?" Tianbei Tianmang's eyes flashed fiercely, but then, the sage's will bloomed in his body, and he said confidently: "I will kill him."

"That's good. Next, you can practice with me. I will teach you some sage magical powers and sword skills. After this battle, I will take you back to the Immortal Sect." Hetian nodded with satisfaction.

The top of Tianbei Mountain.

Inside the hall, there was a little chaos. Many people came today. Now the things that happened in Shenzhu Mountain and Jiuyou Dynasty have spread, and the rest of the people in Xinghai and Tianbei Mountain have naturally heard about it.

"Old Saint King, you should have known about Shenzhu Mountain, right?" A Xinghai Overlord asked in a deep voice.

Not long ago, the young man named Chu Yan returned, and several Xinghai Overlords were destroyed in Shenzhu Mountain. It was rumored that an immortal had descended.

In the past few years, in order to please Tianbei Mountain, they also targeted Shenzhu Mountain.

"I know a little. The Xunxian Realm is closed, and it is common for Tianjiao to return." The old Saint King said calmly and didn't care.

"That boy is back." A person from the Xinghai Overlord suppressed: "It seems that there are many people in the realm of immortals around him."

"Do you not believe in my Tianbei Mountain, or do you not believe in Jianshen Mountain?" The old Saint King smiled and looked at everyone, but there was a bit of terrible majesty in his voice.

"The old Saint King has misunderstood. We don't mean that." Several people from the Star Sea whispered.

"I know you are worried, but you can rest assured. Tian Mang is the chosen one. Now he has joined the Sword God Mountain. You have seen it with your own eyes, so there is no need for me to say more. Even if Chu Yan has some opportunities in the Immortal World, what can he do? Since he has returned, soon, our Tianbei Mountain will destroy the God Pillar in one fell swoop, and all the traitors of the year will die." The old Saint King said forcefully.

After hearing this, everyone relaxed a little, and then they thought about it, what kind of existence is the Sword God Mountain?

One of the top forces in the Immortal Realm, even if Chu Yan has an immortal position around him, what does it matter?

Could it be stronger than the Sword God Mountain?

Realizing this, the minds of many Star Sea overlords became more determined. They must please the Tianbei Mountain, so that they will have a place in the unified Star Sea soon.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew in the sky, and there was a whistling sword intent, which made countless people frown and look up.

In the distance, a thousand-foot-long sword was seen flying. On the long sword, there seemed to be a figure, approaching the peak of Tianbei Mountain.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked. This place was the holy land of Tianbei Mountain. Who on earth dared to fly a sword here? Did he want to die?

You know, now countless Star Sea Overlords are in the palace, as well as the Sword Son of Jianshen Mountain, and even many strong men in the Immortal Realm.

After a while, the sword was closer and had arrived at the bottom of the cliff. It was the Evil Sword. The handsome young man above was undoubtedly Chu Yan.

This was his second time to Tianbei Mountain. The last time, he came here to participate in the Tianbi Banquet, and then fled in embarrassment. At that time, Tianbei Mountain was unattainable for him. It took him a long time just to climb the mountain.

At the Tianbi Banquet, Chu Yan won all the glory, the Emperor and the Lord, and took the first place. Later, he refused Tianbei Mountain and escaped from the dead, and was remembered by many people.

Although his temperament has changed a lot over the years, there are still some people who recognize him.

"It's Chu Yan! The traitor of Tianbei Mountain back then, he's back!" The hearts of people from all sides trembled suddenly, and his goal seemed to be the peak of Tianbei Mountain.

"Is he crazy?" Many people thought.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" At this time, countless figures flew over from a distance, all of them exuding the spirit of sages. The leader was very familiar to Chu Yan, and it was Tai Yan, the elder of the Tai generation of Tianbei Mountain.

"Chu Yan, stop!" Tai Yan looked at Chu Yan, and was shocked in his heart. The young man back then had grown to this point.

Although he had not entered the realm of sages, the terrible luck entangled him, and even he was a little afraid.

"Get out!" Chu Yan seemed not to see Tai Yan, and the evil sword continued to gallop.

"How dare you!" Tai Yan flashed and took the initiative to attack, and the spirit of sages bloomed and turned into a sage hand.

"Iron-faced Legion, listen to my orders. Anyone who blocks the road will be killed without mercy." Chu Yan still ignored it. He just opened his mouth and said one sentence. The void immediately cracked, and extraordinary figures stepped out. Every step they took made the ground tremble.

Tai Yan was full of fear when he looked at the iron-faced figures. That group of people were all immortals?

"Chu Yan, how dare you! The people of Jianshen Mountain are in Tianbei Mountain." Tai Yan said palely. He couldn't figure it out. Even if Chu Yan had immortals to help, what was the use of immortals with Jianshen Mountain's people?

"Go in directly." Chu Yan was too lazy to talk to him. The evil sword passed through the earth. Wherever it passed, the sword energy was connected to the sky. All the jade buildings collapsed and were razed to the ground. The originally glorious Tianbei Mountain was in ruins.

The evil sword was still humming. Chu Yan's body leaped quickly, making a lot of noise. Soon, everyone in the first hall of Tianbei Mountain was startled, and countless people stared at him.

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