Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 788 Return of the Legend (Part 3)

On the City of All Saints, Chu Yan left by the wind after explaining everything one by one.

Nowadays, he is the top heavenly king, and he drives the evil sword at an extremely fast speed. He disappears from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye, leaving only the people in the holy cities alone in a daze.

"So fast..." someone whispered softly.

"Of course, he was a legend in Tongtian Xinghai. He was number one in the Heaven Seizing Banquet, and he dared to challenge Tianbei Mountain when he first entered Tianjun." An admirer of Chu Yan said enthusiastically.

"Then when he comes back, can he compete with Tianbei Mountain?" Someone asked, but the space fell silent.

Many people thought of the scene not long ago. On Tianbei Mountain, there were immortals coming with swords. They were high and majestic. With one word, they resounded throughout the world, and they accepted the light of Tianbei as their disciples.

Although Chu Yan is very beautiful and stronger, compared with such a being, he is probably not of a high level.

"Sister, Brother Chu has become even more powerful." Zhou Yu smiled happily.

Zhou Tingqiu looked at the retreating figure, and she didn't know what it was like in her heart. Although she didn't want to admit it, she understood that she and Chu Yan were no longer on the same level now. It was a legend that one person could kill all the major monuments in the sky. He has connected with countless people, and when he returns, he is still a legend.

"Yes, I hope he can always be like this and live up to this life." At this moment, those grudges were blown away by the wind, and Zhou Tingqiu sent her best wishes.


Chu Yan didn't know what the people of the Holy City thought, nor did he care.

After knowing that the Goddess of Heaven had been captured by Emperor Jiuyou, he was so anxious that he galloped all the way, spreading the roc wings behind him, summoning the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, making a strong buzzing sound from time to time, and headed straight for Jiuyou Dynasty.

Soon, he arrived in a mountain forest outside Jiuyou Dynasty, but then he suddenly frowned and stopped.

Because he discovered that there were several forces approaching him quickly in front of him. With a sweep of his mind, he realized that there was an acquaintance above the monarch.

In the mountain forest, several beautiful figures were flying rapidly. Their faces were all extremely beautiful, but they looked a little embarrassed at the moment, and their bodies were covered with dust.

Behind them, there were more figures chasing them, as well as a huge nine-headed demon dragon.

"Roar -" a dragon roared, spitting out a terrifying dragon's breath, burning the Emperor of Heaven, destroying the mountain forest, and immediately stopped all the beautiful figures.

"Wangxian Tower, I have been chasing you for many days, and finally I have caught you. This time, you have nowhere to run!" A middle-aged man on the Nine Nether Emperor gave an evil smile, and then ordered the people behind him: "Surround them all. Get up, it’s so beautiful, don’t miss it, don’t kill it, waste it, keep it for later and enjoy it slowly!”

"Bastard!" the fairy in Wangxian Tower yelled, and Lord Ningyue was among them.

"Ningyue, give up your resistance. If you follow me from now on, I will take good care of you." The middle-aged Emperor Jiuyou laughed.

"Shameless!" King Ningyue's autumn eyes were filled with anger.

"Haha, Ningyue, what you said is a little too much. How can a man love a woman so shamelessly? The order from Tianbei Mountain is to leave no one alive in Wangxian Tower. If you follow me, you can still save one life. This is right. Your gift." The middle-aged man smiled even more ferociously: "I have long heard that the women from Wangxian Tower are the best in the world, but it is a pity that I never have the opportunity. I will not miss it this time."

"You go first, I'll hold them back." King Ningyue said with cold eyes.

"Master!" The eyes of many fairies in Wangxian Tower turned redder.

"Let's go!" Ning Yue shouted sweetly without looking back. Her eyes were filled with the will to die. Then she stepped out with a jade sword in her hand and charged towards the people of Jiuyou Dynasty in the air.

"Ningyue, do you think you alone can help Wangxian Tower escape today?" The middle-aged man said sarcastically. For today, he, Emperor Jiuyou, had been preparing for many days. He finally caught the person, how could he let him escape? .

"Do it!" the middle-aged man ordered, and the Jiuyou Dynasty pressed harder.

The eyes of the fairy in Wangxian Tower are red, and the owner of Wangxian Tower is also there, but now she has been seriously injured, her legs are disabled, and she can only be carried by a disciple.

"Put me down and run."

"Master!" The fairies in Wangxian Tower shook their heads desperately.

"Silly girl, as long as you are still alive, Wangxian Tower will never be destroyed, and there will be another chance to rebuild it in the future. We are old and dying here may be our destination." The owner of Wangxian Tower smiled softly and reached out to brush his hands. Pass the fairy's hair.

Then, she raised her head and her eyes became determined. At this moment, a bright flower seemed to fly out of her body, extending ruthlessly, blooming in the void, covering the world, and the petals were like knives, flying towards the Jiuyou Dynasty. of countless people.

"Think this is useful?" A top-ranking Tianju of the Nine Nether Dynasty smiled sarcastically. As he raised his hand, ruthless pressure came, causing the petals to wither.

"Is God going to destroy me in Wangxian Tower..." At this moment, the fairies in Wangxian Tower were all red-eyed.

"Wangxian Tower, you may regret it now. If you had not followed the rebels of the Saints, now the Monument lineage would at least have a place for you."

"It's ridiculous. In those days, Emperor Lu, you people from Jiuyou Dynasty did not obey the rules and hurt my Immortal Sect disciples. I feel ashamed to be with people like you." King Ningyue shouted coldly. At this time, countless rays of brilliance The bombardment hit her, exploding on her delicate body and sending her flying into the ruins.

"He will come back!" King Ningyue suddenly raised his head at this moment and looked at the people of Jiuyou Dynasty sarcastically: "Then it will be the end of your Jiuyou Dynasty!"

"Him? Chu Yan?" The young man on the nine-headed demon dragon sneered: "How ignorant! At this point, you still expect a descendant to appear and save you? Even if he comes back, what can he do? Young Master Tianmang is destined to be chosen by God."


Just then, a voice suddenly sounded in the forest. The voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear clearly, as if it appeared directly in everyone's mind.

"Who!" Countless people's faces changed slightly. The young man on the nine-headed demon dragon suddenly raised his head and looked around, but did not find anyone.

But at this time, King Ningyue's delicate body trembled slightly. She was too familiar with that voice, and she was even a little unbelievable.

"Playing tricks, come out." The middle-aged man's eyes condensed, and the nine-headed demon dragons exhaled dragon breath respectively, shattering the surrounding space.

"Bang!" Just then, a sword appeared out of thin air, cutting off everything, and then a young man walked and appeared in the void. He stood there, with an evil sword behind him, clanging.

The young man was very casual, just standing there, but he seemed to be the whole world, arrogant.

The middle-aged man on the nine-headed demon dragon focused his eyes and recognized Chu Yan. It was him. He was back?

King Ningyue looked at Chu Yan, but he didn't recognize him completely at first glance, because Chu Yan had changed too much in the past six years, especially his extraordinary temperament, which was invincible.

Chu Yan slowly landed and said respectfully: "Senior, Chu Yan is back."

"Heavenly King? With your current realm, how can you bear to call me senior." King Ningyue smiled bitterly. Now she is a junior Heavenly King, but Chu Yan's aura is even more terrifying than hers. It seems that he has really grown a lot in the past six years.

"Senior helped me in the Emperor Road back then. This is a favor, and I can bear it." Chu Yan smiled.

"Chu Yan, I didn't expect you to come back!" At this time, the middle-aged man on the nine-headed dragon condensed his eyes, and even had a bit of joy: "This is even better. Now your head is very valuable. Since it appears, leave it." After the voice fell, Chu Yan frowned and looked up at the middle-aged man on the dragon. He didn't recognize him. "Who is he?" Chu Yan asked softly, but everyone around was stunned. Then the disciples of the Nine Nether Dynasty sneered, and they didn't even recognize the left prime minister of their dynasty. "This person is the left prime minister of the Nine Nether Dynasty, the right-hand man of the Nine Nether Emperor. Now the Nine Nether Emperor has entered the sage. In the Nine Nether Dynasty, he can be said to be the second person. In the realm of the monarch, he is the strongest." King Ningyue said solemnly. Although Chu Yan appeared extremely powerful and his aura was terrible, in just six years, he was at most an intermediate heavenly monarch. How could he compare with the top heavenly monarch? "Chu Yan, take the people from Wangxian Tower away, I will hold him back." After saying that, King Ningyue tried to climb up from the ruins.

"Senior, there is no need to be so troublesome." Chu Yan smiled calmly, then he slowly raised his head and looked at Jiuyou Zuo Xiang with a cold gaze.

At this moment, the breath in his body burned, and he climbed madly. In a blink of an eye, he was like a giant, which made countless people tremble in their hearts.

"Top Heavenly Monarch?" King Ningyue was next to Chu Yan, and felt it most clearly. Her heart trembled slightly. Although she had already overestimated Chu Yan, she did not expect that she still underestimated him.

"What did you say just now? I didn't hear it clearly. Say it again!" Chu Yan's breath was released, and it immediately pressed down like a huge rock, covering all the people in Jiuyou Dynasty.

"Aren't you going to kill me? I'm coming." Chu Yan stepped out step by step, and the ground trembled with every step.

"You also encountered an opportunity in the Immortal World!"

Jiuyou Zuoxiang's face changed in shock. He found that Chu Yan's aura was even more terrifying than his, which made his face darker. He growled: "Chu Yan, even if you become a top-level Heavenly Monarch, what does it matter? Now that the Emperor has become a Sage, even you are powerless to save the situation. Let us go, and I will pretend that nothing happened today, how about it?"

"Sage?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously, and then he waved his hand. On the sky, it turned into a series of colorful lights, the five elements plus yin and yang, rising up to destroy everything, and then condensed into big hands, grabbing all the people in the Jiuyou Dynasty.

"You dare!" Jiuyou Zuoxiang's face turned pale, and then he let out a scream and wanted to escape.

"Escape? Can you escape?" Chu Yan always stood in the same place, but the five elements big hand chased out frantically, and no matter how fast Jiuyou Zuoxiang ran, it was still useless.

"No!" Jiuyou Zuo Xiang was grabbed by a big hand and said in horror: "Chu Yan, you can't kill me, otherwise the emperor will not let you go. Even if you are the emperor, you can't compete with the saints!" "Can't? I will let you see with your own eyes how Jiuyou is destroyed."

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