Emperor Yutianwu

Announcement: Welfare

Everyone, next Monday, June 4th, the theme event of the Detective Camp Showdown that the website has previously announced will be officially launched.

At that time, please remember to click on the opening screen, the male banner or the floating icon to actively participate.

It is said that it is very simple to participate. As long as you go online every day to do interactive tasks, even if you have no consumption, you can get free cool coins after the event. In addition, if you are a book fan who completes the consumption task, the reward will be more generous.

In addition, if you are a reader who has opened a membership, the task is doubled, and you can also receive a Cool Crafts 24-volume physical book gift package.

Also, if you see my book in one camp, please be sure to choose to join my camp and cheer me up. This month, the author will have a generous bonus to get, and it depends on you whether you can get it.

I hope everyone can complete the interactive tasks every day, thank you!

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