Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 787 Return of the Legend (Part 2)

Chu Yan was not polite. If the Saints were attacked, everyone he cared about would be threatened, so he stepped directly into the space tunnel.

The people of Shenzhu Mountain and Tiandi Gate were slightly shocked. Is this the power of immortals?

Shrinking the earth into a foot, it's just like this.

One person was left in the Iron-faced Legion to imprison all the people in the Star Sea, so that the saints dared not move a step.


Tianbei Mountain was still unaware of what happened in Shenzhu Mountain.

Since the arrival of the disciples of Jianshen Mountain, the status of Tianbei Mountain has risen rapidly, and countless people from other Star Seas have come to visit.

Now, since the battle a few days ago, Mu Tian risked his life to block a move of the immortal sword. The Saints Gate was disbanded, and all the disciples fled. This place has become a ruin.

But there are still many people walking here, all of them are people from some forces, who want to take this opportunity to find some treasures from the ruins.

At this moment, above the Saints City, the sky was dark, and then a crack was torn open, and a group of figures stepped out from it.

Arriving at the City of All Saints, Chu Yan's mind was sinking, his eyes were extremely cold, and he swept across the entire City of All Saints.

Is it still too late?

Here, where is the former glory? All the holy statues that were originally built have been destroyed, including the holy statue of Shangcang Xian'er. There is not a single disciple of the All Saints Sect, and instead, there are some unfamiliar faces that he has never seen before.

"Who are they!" A group of figures suddenly appeared in the void, which also alarmed the people in the City of All Saints. All forces looked up and frowned.

"I don't know, so young."

"Stop!" Chu Yan glanced at the crowd below who were carrying the treasures of the All Saints Sect, and shouted with luck, sweeping the world.

In an instant, countless people looked up, and a young man in luxurious clothes flew into the air in the distance. Seeing Chu Yan's good temperament, he frowned and said, "Who are you? Why are you stopping us?"

"This is the holy land of the All Saints Sect, what are you doing?" Chu Yan asked extremely coldly.

"The Saints' Gate has long ceased to exist. The Holy Mountain of Heavenly Stele has issued an order that whoever finds all the treasures here will own them." The young man said.

Chu Yan's face became even colder. The Holy Mountain of Heavenly Stele was really ruthless.

"Everyone, get out. From today on, whoever dares to step in will be killed." Chu Yan stopped talking nonsense. A terrible sword intent emerged from his body, covering the entire Saints City, shocking countless people.

Those who were looking for treasures frowned, and the young man became even more cold: "You want to monopolize this place? Isn't this a bit against the rules?"

"I'll let you, get out!" Chu Yan looked at the young man, and his eyes suddenly emitted a strange light.

The young man's face suddenly turned cold. In the distance, more figures flew into the sky. Many people gathered and stared at Chu Yan: "Who are you? The treasures of the Saints' Gate belong to the world. This order was issued by the Holy Mountain of Heavenly Stele. Aren't you afraid of offending the Holy Mountain by doing this?"

"Three breaths, if you don't leave, you will die!" Chu Yan's voice was extremely cold.

"You are, Chu Yan?" At this moment, a young man suddenly fixed his eyes there.

The young man's heart trembled slightly. He had participated in the battle of the Emperor Road. In that year's Emperor Road, Chu Yan was hailed as a legendary existence. A Tiandi Gate swept across the Emperor Road. Now, he is back, back to Tongtian Star Sea.

The people who were still curious suddenly looked up, full of shock.

Chu Yan, the legend of the Emperor Road, is back?

"Are you really Brother Chu?" In the City of All Saints, a weak voice suddenly sounded. Chu Yan looked over and saw that it was an old friend, Zhou Yu from the Zhou family.

When he first came to the City of All Saints, he lived in the Zhou family for a while. Zhou Yu took good care of him. He nodded: "Zhou Yu, it's me."

"Brother Chu, it's really you! You're back." Zhou Yu's autumn eyes turned red and cried like a tearful person: "Everything is gone, the All Saints Gate is gone, the Zhou family is gone, and everything is destroyed."

"What happened here?" Chu Yan's voice was cold, and a sword shadow was suspended in the void, covering the world.

"Not long ago, Tianbei Mountain issued an order to kill. Led by Emperor Jiuyou, they led all the branches of Tianbei to come, and brought a sword from Jianshen Mountain. They directly broke through the gate of the saints and killed countless people. Fortunately, Senior Mu Tian broke through the immortal position and tried his best to block the sword, disbanded the gate of the saints, and saved many disciples." Next to Zhou Yu, another graceful woman, Zhou Tingqiu, spoke.

"Has Senior Mu Tian entered the immortal position?" Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at the group of people who were moving treasures in the gate of the saints.

"Who are they?"

"People from all branches of Tianbei Mountain, and people from the Donghuang clan. After the gate of the saints was destroyed, they stopped here and moved all the treasures of the gate of the saints." Zhou Tingqiu said truthfully.

Chu Yan's eyes became colder, and he roughly knew the situation. Then he swept to the figure in the distance, and it became even colder.

"Are you from all branches of Tianbei?" Chu Yan said extremely coldly.

"Chu Yan, since you are alive, you should leave. The Saints Sect has been destroyed and will no longer exist." Everyone's heart sank and they all became alert.

"I'm asking you a question!" Chu Yan released his aura, which immediately put pressure on countless people.

The group of people were enveloped by the terrible sword intent, their faces sank, and one of them growled: "Yes, that's right, you'd better not mess around. Tianbei Mountain is not what it used to be. If you dare to touch us, you will die!"

"In that case, you all don't have to leave!" Chu Yan raised his palm, and countless lights immediately intertwined in the sky, turning into a huge sword net, covering the Saints City.

"No!" The faces of the group of people became darker and became frightened. They were all of noble origin, but today, they were killed in the Tianbei Mountain?

"Destroy!" The sword net swept down, cutting off everything, destroying the world. In just one breath, the countless figures were destroyed into nothingness under the sword net, and they all disappeared.

"This..." Some people in the distance who were not from the Tianbei lineage were full of shock. Is this true?

Many of the people in the group just now were Earth Lords, top Earth Lords, but Chu Yan just raised his hand and died?

Zhou Tingqiu looked at Chu Yan, finding it difficult to accept it.

Back then, she was regarded as the number one genius of the Zhou family. She once looked down on Chu Yan. Now, she has entered the realm of the king. She originally thought that she could get closer to Chu Yan, but it was not until this moment that she discovered that between them The distance between them is still an unbridgeable gap.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" At this moment, a sound of piercing the air came from the distance, and then countless figures descended and surrounded the place.

They were all wearing the clothes of Tianbei Mountain. The leader looked at the people killed by Chu Yan with a serious expression: "Who are you?"

"Are they all from Tianbei Mountain?" Chu Yan asked Zhou Tingqiu without responding.

"Yes! Beast King Palace, Deputy Palace Master, Crazy Lion, Top Heavenly Sovereign Realm." Zhou Tingqiu whispered, the group of people who appeared in front of her were all Heavenly Sovereigns, and there were also top Heavenly Sovereigns.

When Chu Yan heard the first half of the sentence, he raised his head. As for who the person in front of him was and what state he was in, he didn't care at all. He shot out his eyes and said coldly: "Kill them all!"

"You are so presumptuous!" the mad lion roared.

"Yes!" The men of the Iron Mask Legion responded, and stepped out with a thud. With just one step, the ground shook and the mountains shook. Behind them, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying brilliance, destroying everything, like the end of the world.

The faces of Kuangshi and others changed at this moment. The power was so terrifying. It was a sense of oppression that even saints did not have. Are all the people in front of them immortals?

There are so many immortals. Who is this young man? The mad lion said in fear: "We are from Tianbei Mountain. Who are you? When did I, Tianbei Mountain, sin against you?"

"Chu Yan!"

Chu Yan put his hands behind his back and said calmly, but these two words were like a stormy sea, making the hearts of Kuang Shi and others sink completely.

Has the legend from back then returned?

After knowing Chu Yan's identity, the mad lion's pupils shrank and he immediately wanted to run away, but unfortunately, he had no chance at all. A terrifying big hand of fairy light grabbed him in the void, spanning thousands of meters, and with a grasp of his hand, the mad lion He didn't even have a chance to scream, he just died.

"Miss Zhou, do you know where the people from the All Saints Sect, Demon Sect, and Wangxian Tower have gone?" Killing everything seemed to be just a casual thing for Chu Yan. He lowered his head and looked at Zhou Tingqiu.

Zhou Tingqiu felt dissatisfied for a long time, and she endured the shock and said: "In the battle that day, Senior Mutian blocked the Immortal Weapon Divine Sword, but still suffered a lot of injuries. As a last resort, he had to dissolve the Saint Sect and let everyone hide. In the Starry Sea, no one knows its exact location.”

Chu Yan's face turned even colder, but at this time, Zhou Tingqiu hesitated and suddenly said: "But I know the whereabouts of one person."


"God's Fairy!"

"Xian'er? Where is she!" Chu Yan's voice became urgent.

"In the battle that day, Emperor Jiuyou was worried that you would return for revenge, so he captured Shang Cang Xian'er and took her to the Jiuyou Dynasty."

Suddenly, there seemed to be angry flames erupting in Chu Yan's body. Emperor Jiuyou actually caught Shang Cang Xian'er, and his eyes became colder and colder.

"In which direction is the Jiuyou Dynasty?" Chu Yan asked in an extremely cold voice.

"Are you going to the Jiuyou Dynasty?" Zhou Tingqiu frowned and reminded: "The Jiuyou Emperor is already a sage!"

Although she had seen Chu Yan take action, it was extremely terrifying, and it seemed that even the Heavenly Lord was no match for him, but the sage was different. Once he became a saint, he was extraordinary and could be compared to the king.

"Where." Chu Yan asked again.

"Go east from here and you will see a statue of a nine-headed demon dragon, which is the Jiuyou Dynasty." A person below said, reaching out to point out a direction for Chu Yan.

Chu Yan looked up. The top-level Heavenly King, coupled with the Eye of the Great World, had astonishing pupil power. He could see through tens of thousands of meters, and there was a vaguely huge nine-headed demon dragon statue.

"Young Master Chu, we will go with you." The guards of the Iron Mask Legion said one after another. There was a sage on the other side, who was like an ant in their eyes, but Chu Yan was only a king after all.

"No, I will handle this matter myself." Chu Yan shook his head and then looked at everyone: "Seniors, I have a request. I have many friends in this sea of ​​stars. Can you release your immortal thoughts? , tell them I’m back.”

"Okay, let's do this and let everyone in the One Star Sea see it. Our power is not enough, but we will go to various places and carve words on the fairy dome."

"Thank you." Chu Yan nodded, waved his hand, and the evil sword leapt towards him from afar. He turned around and leaped towards the direction of the nine-headed demon dragon in the east.

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