Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 786 Return of the Legend (I)

The young man in white stood quietly in the air, looking at the tragic situation of Shenzhu Mountain, his eyes were slightly red.

It was really thrilling, just a little bit.

If he had come back a little later, Shenzhu Mountain would have been in ruins today, all living beings would have been in ruins, all the people he cared about would have died, and all the hard work he had done so far would have been in vain.

It was precisely because of this that he became even more angry.

The sudden appearance of the young man made everyone look up. The familiar voice made everyone in Shenzhu Mountain tremble slightly. Fatty, Hua Zhixu, Li Xiaoyao and other brothers all raised their heads and looked at the young man's appearance, their eyes were filled with excitement. The fat man turned red and started crying.

Liu Mu and Ye Ting'er were both there, and they also saw Liu Qingcheng, who was quietly beside Chu Yan. After ten years, they finally came together again, and they seemed to be such a perfect match.

After the First Holy Lord and the one-eyed old man saw Chu Yan, they couldn't help but get a little excited despite their realm and years of life.

"Back! The sect master is back!" The disciples of the Tiandi Sect clenched their fists. Old Man Kun was covered in blood and couldn't help laughing. This battle was worth it.

In addition, the other overlords in Xinghai frowned. They had all seen Chu Yan. Six years ago at the entrance to Xunxian Realm, Chu Yan alone could be said to have captured all the splendor and shine. It is precisely because of this that these six Years ago, no one dared to attack Shenzhu Mountain easily.

It wasn't until not long ago that Sword God Mountain came to accept the Heavenly Monument and Tianmang as his disciples, and the pattern of the star sea became clear, they all took their positions one after another. However, they did not expect that the young man would come back at this time.

A sage from the Dragon Star Sea looked at Chu Yan and snorted coldly: "You came back at the right time. In that case, you can be buried with Shenzhu Mountain."

Chu Yan glanced at the other party, his eyes were extremely cold, and he did not respond. Instead, he turned down and slowly leaped towards Shenzhu Mountain. He first looked at the First Holy Master: "Teacher, I came back late, and I will cause trouble to Shenzhu Mountain." ”

The First Holy Lord shook his head: "Not long ago, the Sword God Mountain came and took the Heaven Stele Tianmang as his disciple, causing a sensation in the world. Now the Heaven Stele Mountain has announced that the star sea will be unified within three months. Now all the people in the major star seas are They are flocking to each other, Shenzhu Mountain and Tianbei Mountain are mortal enemies. They both want to destroy Shenzhu Mountain and hand over military orders. "

"I know." Chu Yan nodded, and the First Holy Master's eyes narrowed. Chu Yan said that he knew, but he was still so calm. Could he be sure?

"Old Dog from the Sky Monument is right. The sea of ​​stars has been in chaos for many years, and it's really time to unify it."

Everyone's hearts trembled, and the sages from several star seas in the distance sneered. What will happen to Chu Yan when he returns? Shouldn't he just follow the destiny?

"Teacher, are you willing to be the king of this sea of ​​stars?" Chu Yan asked calmly. The stars and rivers are indeed going to be unified, but not at Tianbei Mountain.

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes suddenly froze, and they were stunned and speechless.

Chu Yan asked the First Holy Lord, would he be the King of the Star Sea?

The King of Star Sea, shouldn’t it be Tianbei Mountain?

Tianbei Tianmang, regarded as the chosen one, was accepted as a disciple by Sword God Mountain. It was the general trend. Many sages and saints present were the overlords of a star sea, but even they did not dare to have such an idea. In the glory of Tianbei Mountain All you have to do is obey.

However, Chu Yan spoke so easily at this moment, with such confidence in his voice.

"How presumptuous!" The sage from the Dragon Star Sea sneered: "It seems that after entering the Immortal Seeking World for a while, you don't know what your surname is. King of the Star Sea, when will it be your turn to judge?"

Chu Yan glanced at the other party and said indifferently: "Back when you were looking for the entrance to the Immortal World, you, Jiaolong Xinghai, have always followed Tianbei Mountain. The person who mocked me several times is your heir, right?"

For some reason, he was obviously a sage, but when he looked at Chu Yan, he actually felt a hint of coldness, and said calmly: "So what?"

"Just admit it." Chu Yan nodded, and then his voice was calm but full of majesty.

"Then today, you will die!"

"Boom!" The Dragon Sage stood up fiercely, his face extremely cold.

Except for him, the other sages in Xinghai were also stunned. Although Chu Yan entered the Xunxian Realm in six years, his aura became very strong, but so what, he was still in the One-Monarch Realm.

The Dragon Sage is a true saint, but Chu Yan actually wants to decide his life or death?

"It's ridiculous, where do you get your confidence!" A terrifying demonic aura suddenly erupted from the body of the Dragon Sage. His body became huge, like a real demon, and his hands turned into dragon claws, as if he was about to tear Chu Yan to pieces at any time.

"Iron Masked Army obeys the order!" Chu Yan said.

"Iron Masked Lord is here!" Above the nine heavens, a group of extraordinary figures suddenly descended. Each of them seemed to represent a world, but they were also very quiet. They appeared behind Chu Yan out of thin air and stood there quietly.

In an instant, the terrifying immortal energy burst out. As they stood there, the Dragon Sage seemed to be sealed. His power was so small that he was not even qualified to get close to Chu Yan.

"The Immortal Position is the Immortal Realm!"

"Oh my god, these people are all immortals!"

Everyone felt terrified. Are all the Iron Masked Legions that suddenly appeared in the Immortal Realm? In the sea of ​​stars, there is an existence that is out of reach.

What is even more shocking is that such a group of legions in the Immortal Realm seem to all obey Chu Yan's orders.

The face of the Dragon Sage turned livid. He was a sage, the overlord of the One Star Sea, a high-ranking existence in the past, but so what?

What was in front of him at this moment was a group of powerful people in the Immortal Realm. Any one of them could destroy his entire star sea, let alone so many of them?

"No!" Everyone in Xinghai was shocked at this moment. They couldn't figure out why. Isn't Tianbei Tianmang the chosen one? He was accepted as a disciple by Sword God Mountain, but why would there be someone behind Chu Yan at this moment? Follow so many immortals?

The people in Shenzhu Mountain were shocked when they saw this scene, and the First Holy Master suddenly laughed.

When he returns, he is a legend.

Is that what I'm afraid of?

He looked at the one-eyed old man next to him and smiled: "You are right."

The one-eyed old man laughed at himself: "I just calculated his fate, but the result is much different than what I expected. His fate is destined to be extraordinary."

"Kill him, and surround the rest. No one who participated in today's siege of Shenzhu Mountain is allowed to leave." Chu Yan's voice was cold.

"Yes!" The men of the Iron Mask Legion burst out with violent force, and one man stepped out, towering over all living beings, with fairy light shining all over his body. As he raised his hand, the Dragon Sage felt extremely terrifying pressure. He was frightened. Under the breath, he was so small.

"No..." The Dragon Sage screamed in despair: "Chu Yan, you bypassed me, all because Tianbei Mountain spread the news, I was forced, let me go!"

"Kill!" Chu Yan said coldly, without any sympathy.

Today, if he hadn't come back, Shenzhu Mountain would probably be even worse. In that case, let's all pay the price.

"Boom!" A ray of fairy light struck down, and the body of the dragon sage was annihilated in the brilliance and turned into fly ash. Not even the body was left behind, and he was finally killed.

The other overlords and sages of the Star Sea were all trembling at this moment, not daring to move at all.

"Chu Yan, we were all deceived by Tianbei Mountain, and I hope you can forgive me." Sage Ziyun said tremblingly.

Chu Yan glanced at the other party, his eyes were cold, was he deceived?

"Teacher, let you handle them all." Chu Yan said to the First Holy Master.

"Okay." The First Holy Lord nodded, still feeling aggrieved, even though he had been the Overlord of the Star Sea for so many years.

"Shenzhu, let me go... You know, I have never wanted to be an enemy of Shenzhu Mountain. I was forced to do so."

"Forced?" The First Holy Lord smiled sarcastically: "Back then, when Ziyun Xinghai was surrounded and suppressed, it was my Shenzhu Mountain who extended a helping hand. Now, the sun sets on our Shenzhu Mountain. If it weren't for the return of my disciple, you would not be here today. Will you spare me and go around Shenzhu Mountain?"

Ziyun was speechless.

"Remembering the past, Ziyun, you should abandon your cultivation and become a mortal." The First Holy Master shook his head. He and Ziyun were good friends, but today, he was really cold-hearted, so this will be the best ending.

Ziyun's heart trembled. He is the Overlord of the Star Sea, but from today on, will he become a mortal?

But he knew that this was the best ending, although he still didn't know what position Chu Yan had reached.

Whether it can compete with Shenzhu Mountain, but the group of Immortal Realm powerhouses around Chu Yan, at least not Ziyun Xinghai can compete with him.

"The rest of them should all be destroyed." Chu Yan said coldly.

Countless Xinghai Overlords' faces darkened, and they all became ferocious. Someone roared: "Chu Yan, do you really think that you can change everything just by returning? Don't forget, Tianbei Tianmang is already a disciple of Sword God Mountain , with him around, Shenzhu Mountain will be destroyed sooner or later!”

"You can't see me anymore." Chu Yan's voice was cold, without any emotion on his face.

"No!" Countless overlords of the star sea screamed, unable to escape the end of being abolished.

"Chu Yan, the situation on the other side of the Holy Gate is not good either. Not long ago, Tianbei Mountain issued an order to clean up the gate. The troops should have arrived at the city by now." The First Holy Lord said: "I, Shenzhu Mountain and Tianbei Mountain The teleportation array is still usable, so it might be urgent to go for support now.”

Chu Yan's eyes were slightly cold: "No need, teacher, you stay in Shenzhu Mountain and tidy up. Soon, the sea of ​​stars will be unified. I and the Iron Masked Lords can go there on our own."

The First Holy Lord was slightly surprised, but when he thought of the terrifying Immortal Legion, he nodded: "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

"Seniors, I would like to trouble you to come with me." Chu Yan said.

"Young Master Chu, you're welcome. The teleportation array is too slow. I'll take you there directly." The leader of the Iron Mask Legion said, and then his immortal thoughts bloomed, and the space of tens of millions of meters was torn apart, and an entrance appeared directly.

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