Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 785 Please come back

After saying this, a terrifying sage spirit was born in the body of Emperor Jiuyou, which turned into a big hand and grabbed Shangcang Xian'er through the air.

"You are so presumptuous!" Mu Tian's face changed, and the aura of the immortal position in his body continued to rise.

"Bang!" But almost at the same time, Emperor Jiuyou sacrificed the exquisite little sword in his hand, collided and hit Mu Tian: "Mu Tian, ​​it's useless, you are the only one in the immortal position, but I have the immortal weapon of Jianshen Mountain in my hand, this girl, I want it today!"

"Master!" Shangcang Xian'er said: "I will let him go!"

At this point, she naturally understood that the current situation, the saints are no longer able to compete, even her master can't.

"Xian'er!" Mu Tian's face was ashen and full of anger.

"Master, wait for him, he will come back!" Shangcang Xian'er smiled, at this moment, the flowers and branches trembled.

"Hmph, at this point, you still want to dream. Even if Chu Yan doesn't die and comes back, what can you do? Take him away!" Jiuyou Emperor said contemptuously, and the terrible killing intent descended crazily.

"Destroy this place!" Jiuyou Emperor ordered, and countless people's hearts became colder.

Immediately, countless storms descended, destroying the Saint Gates.

Mu Tian's eyes were red, but he had no choice. At this point, all he could do was to disperse the people. The aura of the immortal position in his body kept climbing and burning.

"Everyone, go!" Mu Tian let out a low roar.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were red, and the Saint Gates were left with only ruins. The people of the major veins were crazy and blood flowed like a river.


Here, in a void in the Star Sea, a fairy gate suddenly opened.

Figures immediately emerged from it. This group of people seemed to appear out of thin air. The most important thing is that each of them is very young and has an extraordinary temperament, attracting a lot of attention.

At this moment, a Heavenly Monarch passed by here, and was about to go to Tongtian Xinghai to visit the current overlord. He was surprised to see this scene. His mind swept, but his body stiffened, and then he showed an unbelievable look, because he found out... Every one of these young men in front of him was a Heavenly Monarch?

In the light, there was a young man who was extremely dazzling. He stood in the center of the crowd. The men next to him were all handsome, and the women were beautiful, but all of them were centered on the young man.

The young man was Chu Yan who had returned from Xunxian Realm. He looked up and glanced at this place, and his heart was also a little excited.

Missing, feeling, hatred, all broke out at this moment.

"Xinghai, I'm back." Chu Yan said softly.

"Is this the land of the Star Sea?" Many disciples of the Holy Dragon League nearby were slightly stunned, and some could not believe it: "The vitality is so weak..."

"Brother Chu, did you really practice in such a place? This is simply unbelievable." Someone else said, you know, external factors are also the conditions for a person's growth. Their realm is generally not as high as the Star Sea because the resources of the fairyland are rich and the vitality is strong.

But Chu Yan is different. He has been in the Star Sea, but he can achieve achievements that are not inferior to theirs.

It can be seen that Chu Yan's talent is terrible.

"Let's go." Chu Yan knew that Tianbei Tianmang had returned to the Star Sea three years ago, and he was always uneasy in his heart, so he did not stop at all along the way and rushed back at full speed.

"Wait a minute, someone will come soon." King Qin paused, looked up at Jiutian, as if waiting for something.

A moment later, a ray of light shone down from the sky, and a figure walked over, very handsome.

"Brother!" Chu Yan's eyes were happy, the person who came was not someone else, but Lin Ang.

Not only Lin Ang, but also a group of figures followed behind him. They stood there quietly, with iron faces, but their whole bodies exuded a burst of power, which made people extremely shocked at a glance.

Chu Yan also trembled, because he found that there was an aura in this group of people that he had only felt from the old Saint King of Tianbei Mountain.

This group of people were all powerful people in the realm of immortals?

King Qin glanced at the group of iron-faced people, and his mouth twitched: "Iron-faced Legion? Dragon Alliance, have they even been sent out?"

"Junior brother, there are some movements in the fairyland this time, I will tell you first." Lin Ang did not respond, and paused: "This time in the search for the fairyland, Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and Jianshen Mountain suffered heavy losses. Both sides sent people to Xinghai, but the people of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty have been intercepted by Senior Brother, but Jianshen Mountain took a step ahead. They came to Xinghai to accept a disciple. Do you know that person?"

"Who?" Chu Yan was slightly surprised.

"Heavenly Monument, Heavenly Mang."

Chu Yan's eyes suddenly shrank. Jianshen Mountain sent people to Xinghai to recruit disciples, and it was Tianbei Tianmang. Is this to stir up trouble?

"But you don't have to worry. I have told my senior brothers about you. They all like you very much. This time on Xinghai, my third senior brother asked me to bring you a message." Lin Ang paused and suddenly said: "No one in this world can bully the Dragon Alliance. This Iron-faced Legion is a lost army in the fairyland. At the beginning, my third senior brother traveled around the world and rescued them. They are all powerful people in the fairy realm. This time in Xinghai, they are at your disposal!"

Chu Yan's heart warmed up, and he had a better impression of the Dragon Alliance.

Then he looked at the group of Iron-faced Legions around him, bowed slightly, and lowered his posture. He understood that this group of immortal legions in front of him were completely for the face of the Dragon Alliance. Otherwise, how could he, a small monarch, mobilize them.

"Next, I will trouble you all."

"Young Master Chu, you're welcome. The Dragon Alliance has been kind to us. We swore back then that we would serve the Dragon Alliance to the death. Now that Young Master Chu is a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, we will do our best to deal with Xinghai."


Chu Yan nodded with relief, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Everyone, let's go back to Shenzhu Mountain first!"

Today's Shenzhu Mountain is in chaos.

Although the threat from Tianbei Mountain has not yet come, it does not mean that the other major star seas will not take action.

For example, there were the Dragon Star Sea and some other star seas that had a grudge against Chu Yan back then. Now that Tianbei Mountain is in power and dominates the situation, they naturally hope to cling to it. The best way is to help Tianbei Mountain destroy Shenzhu Mountain.

Now outside Shenzhu Mountain, there are dark figures, a huge monster in the distance, and an extraordinary giant dragon standing above him. He is wearing a purple robe and has his hands on his back.

"Shenzhu, at this point, aren't you ready to surrender without mercy?" The Dragon Sage said indifferently.

"You bully me like this?" The First Holy Lord's eyes were cold, and then he turned to look at a middle-aged man in the distance, and said coldly: "Ziyun Xinghai, we were allies back then, and Tianbei Mountain once attacked you. At that time, without my Divine Pillar Mountain, you would have been destroyed long ago. Now that the Divine Pillar Mountain has achieved some success, you are so eager to follow it? Do you think that if my Divine Pillar is destroyed, you, Ziyun Xinghai, will be fine?"

"Shenzhu, in this world, those who understand the current affairs are heroes. Now that Bei Mountain has gathered the power of the world, the general trend is the trend. Submission is the only choice." The Ziyun Sage said coldly.

"Asshole!" The disciples of Shenzhu Mountain all roared.

"Shenzhu, stop struggling fearlessly and hand over all the people. Those people are originally the people of the galaxy under Tianbei Mountain. Remembering the old friendship, if you hand over the people, I will also be in the Holy Land in the future. If I give you a few kind words in front of the king, at least Shenzhu Mountain will not be destroyed," Sage Ziyun advised.

"You're dreaming!" the Heavenly Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect roared.

"Ziyun, why bother talking nonsense with them, just kill them directly." The big demon dragon in the distance scolded them, and said without boredom.

Ziyun glanced at Zhushan again and shook his head with a sigh: "Shenzhu, in this case, I have no choice but to offend you today. Do it!"

"Boom!" Suddenly, the auras of countless saints erupted. They all came from all the major seas of stars, and they all came to Shenzhu Mountain today just to crusade.

Under the pressure of that terrible power, the First Holy Lord's face turned extremely ugly.

The one-eyed old man looked up at that day, feeling bitter in his heart. He couldn't figure out, could everything he had seen be wrong? Will the boy born in the storm really not come back?

"Holy Lord!" At this moment, Qiu Yu suddenly took a step forward. Now he is also the deputy sect leader of Tiandi Sect. He has been in Shenzhu Mountain. By his side, there are Fatty, Hua Zhixu and others.

"Hand us over." Qiu Yu said weakly. In today's situation, several major star seas came to attack, and Shenzhu Mountain could not stop them at all.

"Silly boy." The First Holy Lord smiled and shook his head: "Do you think that if we hand you over, Tianbei Mountain will let us go? What they want is to destroy our Shenzhu Mountain. Besides, handing you over , If that kid comes back one day, how will I, the master, explain to him? "

"Disciple of the Tiandi Sect!" At this moment, a general in the Tiandi Sect, even though he had lived for nearly a thousand years, his eyes were red at this moment, and he shouted.


"Are you afraid of death?"

"Don't be afraid! The Heavenly Emperor's Sect will bleed but not shed tears!"

"Then let's fight! Heavenly Emperor Sect, we will defend the sect master's family to the death! Until the last person is killed!" At this moment, one after another figures stepped into the sky and sacrificed their magic weapons to block Qiu Yu, Fatty, and Hua who came from the galaxy. In front of Zhixu and others, their eyes were determined. Today, they will fight to the death here.

"Little boy Chu, if I don't die today, and you come back later and don't let me be the deputy sect master, I'll never be done with you!" Old Man Kun was also ready to fight at this time. Now he is a junior heavenly king, with terrifying dark arrogance. Burning and swallowing a dark dragon in the distance.

"Kill!" Thousands of figures surged out, and countless people fell. This battle was so heroic.

The people of Shenzhu Mountain were all red-eyed. Shenzhu Mountain, which was already in a mess, was completely destroyed and turned into ruins. The peaks collapsed, and the rivers were buried in the yellow sand. Everything was so absurd.


At this time, there was another sound in the distance, and a sword suddenly appeared in the void, making countless hearts tremble. As soon as the sword came out, it slashed directly towards the Heavenly Emperor's Gate. The original hall was shattered. There were also people from Xinghai. At that time, the people from Yijian Xinghai were led by the Sword Master. He was carrying the peerless sword on his back and looked arrogant.

Shenzhu Mountain disintegrated inch by inch under that terrifying sword intent.

"Shenzhu Mountain, you are doomed today!"

"For one person, you sacrificed an entire sea of ​​stars. Now, have you ever regretted it?"

Everyone's eyes were red at this moment, and the fat man clenched his fists tightly, almost crying.

Hua Zhixu and Li Xiaoyao all flew out with death intentions in mind.

"Come back...please, come back quickly..."

Zi Yan, Su Guyan and others were so helpless at this moment, their voices were full of prayers, and their delicate bodies were trembling slightly. The current situation was a disaster, and all they could think of was that... Transform decay into a magical young man.

"Chu Yan, come back quickly!"

"Please, come back!"

The sad voice became everyone's only belief.

At this moment, there was a very fast sound of breaking wind in the distance, like a violent beast, sweeping over madly.

Under the strong wind, countless people looked in the direction, and then their eyes froze. They saw a young man in white clothes, with wings behind him and long hair flying in the wind. He stood in the void in the distance, as if he was above the sky.

His eyes were red and his voice was a little choked.

"I'm back!"

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