Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 784: Crisis of the Saint Sects

Three years ago, Tianbei Tianmang left the Xianjie, and Tianbei Mountain released the news, which caused a great sensation.

However, no one knew that in the past three years, Tianbei Mountain seemed to be glorious, but they were worried.

No one in the rest of the Xinghai knew everything about the Xianjie, but didn’t Tianbei Mountain know it?

So in the past three years, although they were very powerful, they did not launch a real general attack on Shenzhu Mountain. Instead, they were waiting until not long ago, when a strong man of the immortal level suddenly came to Jianshen Mountain, which made them rise for a while.

Now, Tianbei Tianmang has become a disciple of Jianshen Mountain, and the rumors have come true. All parties in the Xinghai have made friends and surrendered. The unification of the Xinghai is inevitable.

On this day, on Shenzhu Mountain, on a huge cliff, there were several ancient figures standing, the leader of which was the First Saint Lord, and the one-eyed old man was also here.

"Holy Lord, there is news. Tianbei Tianmang has indeed joined the top power in the fairyland, Jianshen Mountain. Now, there are several immortals from Jianshen Mountain in Tongtian Star Sea." Suddenly, several figures descended from the distance, all of them were powerful saints of Shenzhu Mountain.

The first saint's eyes turned cold: "Jianshen Mountain... Tianbei Tianmang, does he really have such talent, can he let the people of Jianshen Mountain open the way for him?"

"Tianbei Mountain claimed that this world is looking for the fairyland, because a sword emperor on Jianshen Mountain valued him, so he opened the fairyland for him and named him the chosen one. Now that he has returned, Jianshen Mountain will do its best to cultivate him." A saint sighed.

"Tianbei Mountain also sent people to deliver a message, asking Shenzhu Mountain to surrender within three days and hand over all the people in the six domains of the galaxy, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy." Another old man sighed.

"Holy Lord, should we contact the old Holy Lord of our Shenzhu Mountain in the Immortal Realm?" The second Holy Lord asked, but the first Holy Lord shook his head helplessly: "If it is true as rumored, with Jian Shen Mountain leading the way, even the old Holy Lord cannot change the outcome. Our Shenzhu Mountain is going to die."

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" At this moment, several sages suddenly descended from the sky in the distance.

"Here they come!" The first Holy Lord's eyes condensed, and he looked through the sky. In the distance, there were figures standing, all of them were elders of the Tai generation of Tianbei Mountain, and Tai Yan was standing among them.

Behind them, there were also a group of disciples of Shenzhu Mountain following them. They broke in.

The second Saint Lord frowned and scolded: "Tianbei Mountain, you are too presumptuous. This place is the holy land of my Shenzhu Mountain. You can't do anything rash?"

"Hehe, if I offend you, please forgive me, Second Saint Lord. But we are here today on orders. This matter is so important that it concerns the survival of Shenzhu Mountain. We dare not delay." Tai Yan looked down and sneered.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of Tianbei Mountain coming here." The first Saint Lord said coldly.

"Now that Master Tianmang has joined Jianshen Mountain, the star sea is unparalleled. The star sea has been without a master for thousands of years. After a long separation, it will reunite. Now that unification is imminent, the old Saint King came to let me advise you that within three days, Shenzhu Mountain will hand over all the traitors of the six domains of the galaxy and surrender to Tianbei Mountain, otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!" Tai Yan said proudly, his voice was extremely domineering, and it resounded throughout the star sea.

"Boom!" In Shenzhu Mountain, everyone's face turned extremely ugly.

"What if I say no!" The first Saint Lord said extremely coldly.

"If not, then Shenzhu Mountain will be ready to perish." Tai Yan was not polite and said sneerfully: "The message has been delivered. Survival and destruction, Shenzhu Mountain will decide for itself."

"Goodbye!" After saying that, Tai Yan turned around and flew away.

Looking at the departing figure, the faces of the disciples of Shenzhu Mountain were extremely embarrassed.

Tianbei Mountain was simply bullying, but they had no way to deal with it.

"This group of bastards, it seems like Zhang!" Countless people cursed in their hearts. In the Tiandi Gate, Kun Lao frowned and said: "Old Saint Lord, with the talents of Chu Yan, Ye Xun and others, they are definitely not weaker than Tianbei Tianmang. Although I don't know what happened in Xunxianjie, if Tianbei Tianmang can join the top forces in the fairyland, Chu Yan can do the same. He will definitely come back!"

"Can we still wait?" The first Saint Lord thought of the young man who took all the glory in the world that day and smiled bitterly.

He also has absolute confidence in Chu Yan, but so what?

Six years after the opening of the Immortal World, only Tianbei Tianmang walked out, and Chu Yan and others were still unsure of their lives.

Even if Chu Yan was still alive, his realm was still a little low. When the Immortal World was opened, he had just entered the Earth Lord, but Tianbei Tianmang was different. He had already been a top Heaven Lord.

Although in the eyes of the big forces, talent is more advantageous than realm, but realm is also a kind of constraint?

Perhaps if the boy had time, he would become an unparalleled figure in the star sea or even the fairyland, but in the current situation, Shenzhu Mountain can't wait.

The one-eyed old man also condensed his eyes at this time, looking at the endless sky, and whispered to himself: "Am I...really seeing it wrong?"

His soul is divination. He once saw the boy born in a storm, stirring up the world. Six years ago, when he witnessed that scene again, it was at the entrance of the Immortal World.

The boy came into being in the storm, gave birth to the top luck, and was invincible, but now, what returned is the disaster of Tianbei Tianmang and Shenzhu Mountain.

Soon, Tai Yan's words spread throughout Shenzhu Mountain.

The threat was unreserved, chilling the hearts of countless people.

The people of Shenzhu Mountain seemed to be shrouded in a haze.

Three days, they still have the last three days.


Tongtian Star Sea, now the place of many saints.

When the Holy Sects declared their independence, the Demon Sect and Wangxian Tower responded one after another, opening the mountain gates, openly confronting Tianbei Mountain, and fighting against each other. It has been six years now.

In the past six years, Tongtian Xinghai has been in chaos, and Tianbei Mountain has never taken action against the holy sects.

However, on this day, the sky above the Saint Sect was shrouded in endless black clouds.

The broken walls outside the All Saints Gate looked dilapidated. The main hall, which was originally held up by nine holy elephants, now looked slightly depressed, with only a few people in the main hall.

Mu Tian, ​​the Patriarch of the Demon Sect, the Master of Wangxian Building, and people from the three major forces were all among them, but their expressions were extremely embarrassing.

Not long ago, Tianbei Mountain announced a crusade against them. The original Thirteen Lineages of Tianbei, headed by Emperor Jiuyou, launched several strong attacks on the Saint Sects. The Saints alone sent out more than a dozen people.

Now Mu Tian has also been seriously injured. The person who injured him is the Holy King of Tianbei Mountain's generation, and he has also joined forces with several immortal realm powerhouses from Sword God Mountain.

That battle was extremely brutal, and it was also that battle that made everyone suddenly realize why the old Saint King tolerated the Gods Sect for six years even though he was here. It turned out that Mu Tian was already a powerful person in the Immortal Realm.

Mu Tian's combat power was extremely strong, and he showed a terrifying brilliance. He was jointly attacked by three powerful men in the fairy realm, and still seriously injured the Holy King of this generation. However, it was still useless. The opponent's lineup was too terrifying, and there were swords The people from Shenshan came to help, but Mu Tian was defeated one after another. In the end, the ancestor of the Demon Sect and the owner of Wangxian Tower arrived in time and rescued the people.

In front of Mu Tian, ​​Shangxian'er stood together with Tianyang. Today's Shangxian'er is even more beautiful. She has reached the top level of Earth Lord, and her bloodline is even more unique.

But at this moment, her pretty face was full of solemnity.

"Here we come!" At this moment, Mu Tian, ​​who had his eyes closed at the head of the hall, suddenly opened his eyes, and the hall suddenly became solemn.

Countless people looked up and saw a group of dark crowds arriving outside the All Saints Gate, headed by the broken-armed Emperor Jiuyou.

"The Demon Sect, the Holy Sects, and the traitors of Tianbei Mountain, now that Tianbei Mountain has gathered the power of the world, why don't you come out and die quickly!"

"Master Wangxian Tower, although you are old, your charm is still there. If you are willing to submit to my crotch, I can spare your life. In the future, you will give birth to an heir for me, which can be regarded as Wangxian Tower for you. Leave a seed behind, haha!" Emperor Jiuyou said with a greedy smile.

"Shameless!" Wangxian Building Master shouted, and the Demon Sect Ancestor said from the side: "Don't pay attention to him, he is deliberately provoking you. Now there is a Saints Killing Formation outside the Saints Gate. He wants to break in, but he can't. easy!"

"Saints Killing Formation?" Emperor Jiuyou smiled scornfully: "It seems that you still want to fight to the death. In this case, I will grant you permission."

"Break it!" The next moment, a small sword suddenly appeared in Emperor Jiuyou's hand. The sword was extremely delicately carved, with faint fairy light flowing above it, like a glazed sword.

As soon as the sword was released, it immediately bloomed in the brilliance and turned into an extremely huge sword. It rolled up the entire sky and slashed towards the door of all living beings mercilessly.

"Boom!" With just this blow, the sacred elephants outside the Saints Gate exploded and shattered one after another. Under the extremely terrifying power, everything was empty.

The sword cultivators from Qingfeng City and others were all in the distance. Seeing this scene, they felt extremely fearful in their hearts. The power was too strong.

"It's an immortal weapon, that's an immortal weapon!"

In the Demon Sect, Meng Jun sighed and raised his head. Will that legendary young man really never appear again?

In the world of Xunxian, was he really defeated by Tianbei Tianmang?

"Buzz!" At this moment, a terrifying force burst out from Mu Tian's body, and he turned into a ruthless killing. There was a faint immortal bit in his body rising into the sky, and the void turned into a huge handprint, which violently blasted out, and the sword The violent collision produced an extremely strong roar.

"Mu Tian, ​​you are indeed very strong, but even so, what can you change today?" Emperor Jiuyou said with a cold smile: "Today, except for you, all the members of the Holy Sect will die!"

"Aren't you afraid of him coming back by doing this?" the Demon Sect Ancestor said coldly.

"He, haha, Demon Dao, it seems that you are not awake yet. Young Master Tianmang has joined the Sword God Mountain. So what if he comes back? Besides, he has not left the Immortal Seeking World for six years. Is there still a chance for him to come back?"

"No?" Suddenly, a sweet voice sounded, and the fairy raised his head: "Don't forget, the scene at the entrance to Xunxian Realm, he was born with top luck, he was so dazzling, like a monument in the sky. If you can join a top force, can’t he? With his talent, will he let you go if he comes back one day?”

Emperor Jiuyou's eyes narrowed. He had indeed always been afraid of the words of the ancestor of the Demon Sect. This was why, for six years, he did not dare to take revenge.

Until not long ago, Tianbei Mountain was the general trend, but according to the words of the ancestor of the Demon Sect, he could not deny that the scene at the entrance to the Xunxian Realm really frightened him.

"You are right, you just reminded me!" Emperor Jiuyou looked at Cang Xian'er and said with an evil smile: "If I remember correctly, you still have a bad relationship with Chu Yan, right? In that case, I will do it today. If I capture you, even if he comes back one day, what can he do to me if you are here?"

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