Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 781 The End of the Immortal Seeking List [Three Updates]

"Die!" Chen Huangsheng's terrible power slashed out, endless. He flipped his hand, and the world immediately gave birth to thousands of chains, which also carried a terrible devouring power, rushing towards Chu Yan frantically.

The strangling power made Chu Yan tremble all over, and he was bound. He roared, retreated wildly, and stretched out his hand. The evil sword immediately flew from a distance and fell into his palm.

"Do you think you can block my power with the immortal weapon? Today I will let you understand what a saint is." Chen Huangsheng said coldly. The huge shadow of the saint on the sky was endless and destroyed everything.


"Asshole!" Looking at the destructive light, Wangfeng and others were angry. In today's battle, Chen Huangsheng did not follow the rules, but so what.

Now, Chen Huangsheng is a saint. Except for Chu Yan, I am afraid that no one in the Xunxian world can compete with him.

"When you die, I will send your junior brother, the people of the Holy Dragon League, including Liu Qingcheng, to accompany you, and let them be buried with Fengsheng." Chen Huangsheng said arrogantly, and the giant hand of the saint slapped down from a distance. The power was too strong, destroying the heaven and earth, extinguishing all the brilliance of the stars, wrapped in killing.

Under its power, Chu Yan's eyes flashed fiercely. He could feel the horror of that power. The saint was too strong, even the top heavenly monarch could not compare.

"Ah!" Chu Yan suddenly shouted at this moment. The luck in his body burned layer by layer, and his whole body was bound, but he was unwilling.

He couldn't lose. If he lost, what would happen to Qingcheng, what would happen to Wangfeng and the others, and all the people in the Holy Dragon League, they would pin all their hopes on him.

"Ah!!!" Chu Yan's roar was even more terrifying. The luck rose to the ninth heaven, and at this moment, it suddenly turned into an extremely thick dark light.

Everyone's eyes were fixed, and they were all shocked by this scene.

"Is that... luck?"

"What's going on with the black luck?"

Even Chen Huangsheng's face became serious at this moment. He found that the black luck was like a demon king. His strongest luck became extremely weak in it, and there was a hint of surrender.

In the distance, King Qin's eyes condensed, staring at the black luck, his heart trembling wildly: "It appeared..."

"Dark luck, the only luck, the fate of the king of the fairyland!" King Qin's voice was very light, but it was enough for many people to hear.

"The king of the fairyland..." Countless people's faces condensed, and they were all shocked.

Because they all know what the king of the fairyland means. The world's immortals will be divided after a long time of unity, and will be united after a long time of division. This is an eternal truth.

Even in the fairyland, it is the same. In the long history of the fairyland, countless kings of the fairyland have been born. They conquered the battlefield, ruled the fairyland, and made the law of the world with one word.

It's just that this kind of person only appears once in hundreds of thousands of years. No one has appeared in the fairyland for a long time. However, every time the king of the fairyland appears, it will be a great era.

In history, the fairyland has been unified countless times, and every fairyland king born has a common feature, that is, when entering the fairyland, it is the top luck, and the luck born is dark, chaotic, and unique.

Every time you look for the fairyland, there is only one.

"Why is it you!" Chen Huangsheng's voice was hoarse, and he let out a low roar, and then his eyes became more determined: "It seems that the fairyland can also be blind sometimes, but in this case, I want your dark luck. If the fairyland gives birth to the king of the fairyland, that person will be me."

"Get out!" Chu Yan let out a low roar, his power was sublimated under the birth of the dark luck, and his whole person also transformed.

"Kill!" At this moment, Chen Huangsheng came out with a sword and cut through the sky.

"Boom!" But at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly surged from the distant sky, turning into a big handprint, suppressing Chen Huangsheng alive.

Feeling that force, Chen Huangsheng's face changed slightly, and he wanted to escape, but there was no chance at all. The big handprint seemed to be everywhere, making his body suddenly shorter, locked, unable to move.

"Who!" Chen Huangsheng raised his head fiercely and roared.

"You should go!" An ancient voice came from the void, and Chen Huangsheng's eyes condensed. He knew that it was the guardian of Xunxianjie.

Before, he had been relying on magic weapons to restrain his breath, so he avoided the rules of Xunxianjie, but just now in the battle with Chu Yan, his sage will completely broke out, and the rules naturally came.

Thinking of this, he looked at Chu Yan coldly. He knew that he would never have the chance to kill Chu Yan today: "At the beginning, I should have killed you directly."

"It's a pity that you didn't." Chu Yan looked at him in the same way.

"Hmph!" Chen Huangsheng snorted coldly, and then his figure became more and more ethereal, gradually rising into the sky, and was about to be taken away by this power.

"I'll wait for you in the fairyland!" Before leaving, Chen Huangsheng looked at Chu Yan again, and said in an extremely cold voice.

"I'll come." Chu Yan nodded slightly, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes. He knew that in the fairyland, the two would definitely meet again, and at that time, there would be another top-level duel.

Finally, Chen Huangsheng's figure disappeared, but the hearts of others could not calm down for a long time, because this battle was too shocking.

Chen Huangsheng, stepped into the sage and left, and Chu Yan was born with dark luck, with the destiny of becoming the king of the fairyland. This session of the Xunxian world has too high gold content.

"Brother Chu, congratulations!" At this time, there was also a Tianjiao who smiled and spoke.

In today's battle, Chu Yan won the turn to the end, after all, he was a king colliding with a sage.

"Now that Chen Huangsheng has left, the number one in the world of seeking immortality is none other than Brother Chu." Someone kept talking.

Sure enough, not long after, the Immortal Seeking List on the Sky Vault underwent surprising changes, and almost all of the top ten rankings were changed.

The first position is undoubtedly Chu Yan.

Number one on the Immortal Seeking List is Chu Yan.

Second on the Immortal Seeking List is Wanderer.

Third on the Immortal Seeking List is Lin Daoyan.

Fourth on the Immortal Seeking List is Liu Qingcheng.

Number five on the Immortal Seeking List is Shuzi.

Number six on the Immortal Seeking List is King Qin.

The seventh person on the Immortal Seeking List is Ye Xun.

Number eight on the Immortal Seeking List is Lin Xuejiao.

Number nine on the Immortal Seeking List is Watching the Wind.

Number 10 on the Immortal Seeking List, Chu Yan’s demon wolf pet.

The appearance of such a list immediately caused excitement in the Xunxian world. Among the original top ten, only Shuzi, Youzi, King Qin, and Lin Xuejiao were still among them.

As for the top three positions, everything has changed. Chu Yan has climbed to the top. Regarding this ranking, no one doubts that the two battles in the past half month have been too thrilling.

As for the second place of Youzi, no one doubts that in the original ranking of Immortal Seeking List, Youzi was very high. Nowadays, top people are dying and leaving, and he is ranked second, which is normal.

In addition, there are two people whose names are slightly controversial, namely Lin Daoyan and Liu Qingcheng. Especially Lin Daoyan was photographed in front of the book, which makes people suspicious.

"When will we have a fight?" Shuzi looked at Lin Daoyan and said with some dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Okay." Lin Daoyan nodded calmly.

"This baby is also in the top ten." Xiaolang rolled his eyes: "Which idiot made this list of seeking immortals? What do you call Shayan's pet? It's so ugly."

"Haha, this little demon wolf is interesting, but I don't know which clan of demon beast it is. It looks like an ordinary demon wolf, but its combat power is extremely terrifying." Someone looked at the little wolf interestingly. Now, the little wolf is already gone. He ranked among the top ten on the Immortal Seeking List, and he also gave himself a very majestic name, Tongtian Wolf King.

"This little guy is really cute, but it's a pity that the wolf tribe is a low-level demon tribe after all. I haven't heard of a wolf tribe at the level of a holy beast. Without extraordinary bloodline, your future practice will be limited." The person from the Yaochi Immortal Palace in the distance The fairy chuckled.

"Sister Fairy, don't worry. This baby is a genius. If the wolf clan doesn't have the top holy beast, then I will open a mountain gate by myself. Then Sister Fairy can come and play with me when she is free." The little wolf is harmless. A smile that made a group of fairy sisters giggle.

"Okay, you little wolf, if you come to the Immortal Realm in the future and you can really create your own Holy Beast Mountain Gate, our Yaochi Immortal Palace will definitely go to watch the ceremony."

"It's a deal." Xiaolang smiled, and then looked at Qingcheng with a cute expression: "Qingcheng, do you think this baby is an adult according to your human age? Can I consider finding a baby? Are you married? I’m jealous to death when I see you and Sha Yan making out every day.”

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed.

Liu Qingcheng glared at Xiaolang.

"Xunxian Realm, it's time for us to leave." Everything was over. Chu Yan was in a good mood. Then he looked up at Xunxian Realm. In the blink of an eye, six years had passed. There were some things in Xinghai that he should go back to solve. Yes.

"Everyone, farewell!" Chu Yan stood up slowly and left first, preparing to go back to Immortal Burial Cliff and start preparations to return to Xinghai.

Looking at his back, many people felt a little trembled in their hearts and sighed: "Haha, I wonder if there will be a chance to see him again in this life."

"The next time I hear his name, I'm afraid he will have become a giant and a legend in the fairyland." Someone laughed.

"Let's go too." Youzi looked at Lin Daoyan and said with a smile, "What is the relationship between you and him?"

"Who knows." Lin Daoyan shrugged. The two of them were really destined enemies. They had walked all the way from the earthly world to the stars and the stars, and now they were about to reach the fairyland.

Two people, chasing each other all the way, are enemies and friends.

Since the peak battle, the world of Xunxian seems to have been much calmer, and the rest is the end. There are still some geniuses who are unwilling to give up, seeking luck in some ancient secret realms to give birth to golden luck.

But then, another piece of news broke out: Lin Daoyan had a battle with Shuzi and won!

Become a veritable top three figure.

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