Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 782 Confused

Searching for the Immortal Realm once in a hundred years has always been a feat in the Immortal Realm.

Now, after six years, it has finally come to an end. At the exits of the various immortal-seeking worlds, there are people from some top powers greeting them, waiting for the return of their descendants.

It's just that this time, the Xunxian World seems to be unusual. All the major forces have suffered extremely heavy losses, especially the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, a top force, but it suffered a devastating blow.

The Huaqing Immortal Dynasty sent a total of 1,001 disciples into the Xunxian Realm this time, but all of them were wiped out. When this news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the Immortal Realm.

In addition to the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, the Sword God Mountain was almost completely wiped out. Only a few talented people who were not talented enough to enter the Immortal Burial Cliff left alive.


Fairyland, this is a world above the sea of ​​stars.

In the Immortal Realm, there is still a blue sky above with white clouds floating, but in the Immortal Realm, there are countless fairy bridges connecting it. Looking down, there are still stars. The entire Immortal Realm seems to be sandwiched between heaven and earth.

On this day, there was an extremely towering fairy mountain in the fairyland. This mountain was as straight as a sword, ten thousand meters high. Looking from below, it seemed to reach into the sky and seem to have no end.

This place is one of the top forces in the central part of the Immortal Domain, Sword God Mountain.

At this time, above the edge of the sword, in the sky filled with clouds, and on the edge of the cliff, there was an old man with green pine trees. He had snowy hair, but his body stood upright, like a spiritual sword suspended next to him, as if he had been there forever. It won't bend at all.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, there were sharp sword lights in the distance, and several figures came with swords. They landed in front of the old man and bowed slightly: "Disciple, see the master!"

"Do you know the reason why I summoned you today?" The old man held a spiritual tablet in his hand. His eyes were cloudy, and when he closed them, a terrifying sword intent emerged, full of sadness.

This old man is one of the seven Sword Emperors of Sword God Mountain, the third Sword Emperor, the Juesheng Sword Emperor.

"I don't know, disciple." Several sword masters are all disciples of the old man, and the strongest one among them has already reached the realm of sword master.

"Bei Feng has died." The old man's voice was calm, but the expressions of several sword masters suddenly changed. Sword intent was born in their bodies, and they were filled with anger.

"Who did it?"

"A new disciple of the Dragon Alliance." The Juesheng Sword Emperor said in an extremely cold voice. Then he slowly closed his eyes and said, "Give me my order and send someone to the lower world to find the Heavenly Monument and Tianmang and ask him. Are you willing to join the sect of my Sword God Mountain?"

"Yes!" Several sword masters responded, turning into sword light and flying out.

Almost on the same day, in the center of the Immortal Realm, in an Immortal Dynasty, several extraordinary figures flew out. Their goals were extremely unified, reaching the lower sky and the sea of ​​stars.

Of course, Chu Yan knew nothing about these things and didn't care. According to Lin Ang, even if the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty was destroyed, the hatred would be recorded on him alone at most, and he would never make an alliance with Long because of this trivial matter. Start a fairy war.

The reason is simple. Even the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty cannot afford this price.

The reason why the Dragon Alliance is known as the legend in the central part of the Immortal Realm and is famous in the Immortal Realm is not without reason. Although the disciples of the Dragon Alliance are the smallest force in the Immortal Realm, they belong to the Holy Dragon Alliance.

However, the five previous disciples of the Dragon Alliance all had brilliant records and a history of becoming famous, especially the second and third disciples.

Although few people knew about Lin Ang's incident, when the three disciples left the mountain and went to Sword God Mountain to challenge the First Sword Emperor, some people from the top forces naturally knew about it.

As for the second disciple, he is known as the person in the central part of the Immortal Realm who has the best chance of becoming the King of the Immortal Realm. Rumor has it that his level can already rival some of the top Immortal Emperors in the Immortal Realm.

What's more, there is a eldest disciple in the Dragon Alliance who has never met before. The third disciple and the second disciple are both Immortal Emperors. With such strength, can this eldest disciple be just an ordinary person?

Start a fairy war with the Dragon Alliance?

Yes, but are you prepared to pay the price?

There are only nine disciples in the Dragon Alliance so far. The worst is, if they leave the central part of the Immortal Realm and settle down anywhere, what about the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty?

As the overlord of the central part of the Immortal Realm of the previous generation, he has long been entrenched and has a great family and business. How can he just break up?

At that time, once the Immortal War begins, the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty will surely suffer a heavy price.


In the Xunxian World at this time, Chu Yan is still here, but he is much less optimistic about cultivation. The reason is very simple. Today in the Xunxian World, he has reached the top, first on the list, and his luck has also reached the highest level. One step further up is the sage.

In the world of seeking immortals, sages are at a critical point, so he is not in a hurry.

So in the next month, he spent most of his time helping his friends practice and improve their physical fitness. Later, Li Xian'er, Wang Yue Fairy, Mengya and others were all taken to the Immortal Burial Cliff by Chu Yan, and he personally I had the opportunity to visit several immortal coffins to give guidance on practice.

In addition, there is also being with Liu Qingcheng. The two have been separated most of the time since they fell in love.

Now, we can finally stay together forever, and Chu Yan cherishes this time very much.

However, finally one day, this beautiful peace was broken.

On this day, outside the Holy Dragon Alliance, a figure suddenly came over. However, his clothes were ragged, his body was covered with mud, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Who is coming!" Guards from the Holy Dragon Alliance immediately blocked him.

"I am a friend of Chu Yan. I have something urgent to see him." The embarrassed young man said hurriedly.

The disciples of the Holy Dragon League all frowned. If it were normal, they would never take a person dressed like a beggar seriously. But now Chu Yan's status in the Holy Dragon League is rising, and they know that Chu Yan is from the Star Sea, so they will not look down on him. They smiled and said, "So you are my friend. What's your name?"

"Holy Phoenix Snow!" This man, the prince of the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom, took three years to finally break out of the Endless World and come to the Burial Immortal Cliff.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll go and notify them first." The disciple of the Holy Dragon League nodded and turned back to the camp.

At this time, Chu Yan was chatting and laughing with a group of friends, smiling. The disciple came here and whispered, "Little Junior Brother, there is a man outside who claims to be your old friend and wants to see you."

"Who?" Chu Yan was stunned. He didn't have many friends in the Xunxian Realm, and most of them had been brought here by him.

"He said his name is Holy Phoenix Snow." The disciple said truthfully.

Chu Yan was stunned, then stood up and took the initiative to follow the disciple out. He still remembered the kindness of the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom.

"Your Highness, how are you?" Chu Yan took the initiative to greet him and said politely.

Seeing Chu Yan, the Holy Emperor Taxue felt very unfair. He still remembered the scene when he first saw Chu Yan.

At that time, Chu Yan was wanted by the Southern Phoenix Immortal Kingdom and fled to the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom. He stepped into the Shura Road and saw him. He was frivolous all his life and told him that if he believed him, the Immortal Kingdom would have a different master in the future, and the Holy Phoenix would be established.

Now imagine, what a frivolous statement that was. Even he was just holding a fluke heart, but now, he also knew about Chu Yan's deeds. In three years, he ranked first in the Battle of Seeking Immortals, destroyed the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, and joined the Dragon Alliance. For such a person, what is the Immortal Kingdom to him?

Thinking back to the beginning, he still had a sense of superiority in front of Chu Yan, but now, Chu Yan is much more noble than himself.

The sixth disciple of the Dragon Alliance, this identity, looking at the fairyland, how many people can be compared with it?

"Finally meet you." Shenghuang Taxue laughed bitterly, it was too hard to come all the way.

"Your Highness entered the Burial Cliff by yourself?" Chu Yan was also curious. When the Burial Cliff was opened, he took the initiative to invite Shenghuang Taxue, but Shenghuang Taxue had no intention, but now he ventured into it again.

"I entered the Burial Cliff this time for you." Shenghuang Taxue took a deep breath and said seriously: "The Heavenly Stele and Heavenly Mang, found!"

Chu Yan's eyes condensed slightly. The matter of the Heavenly Stele and Heavenly Mang has always been a thorn in his heart. At the beginning, he asked Shenghuang Taxue for help to block several exits of Xunxian Realm and wanted Tianbei Tianmang in Xunxian Realm.

Now, is there finally news?

"Where?" Chu Yan asked coldly.

"Three years ago, he left Xunxian Realm." Shenghuang Taxue said.

"Squeak!" Chu Yan clenched his fist suddenly, and his slightly sharp nails pierced into his palm, with blood flowing out.

It has been three years since Tianbei Tianmang left Xunxianjie?

What does this mean?

Chu Yan didn't even dare to think about it.

"It's all my fault. My talent is too weak. Three years ago, I was going to be buried in Xianya, but I didn't expect to be trapped in the Endless World for three years." Saint Emperor Taxue said weakly.

"Your Highness, thank you." Chu Yan shook his head. He knew that Saint Phoenix Taxue had tried his best. He had also experienced the Endless World at that time. How dangerous it was.

It was rare that Saint Emperor Taxue took the risk to come here to tell him the news.

But at this moment, the anger in his body could not be suppressed. In three years, too many things may have happened. Shenzhu Mountain, the Demon Sect, and Senior Mu Tian, ​​as well as many good friends, he didn't even dare to think about it in the future.

"Everyone, I have to go first." Chu Yan raised his head, looked at the endless sky, and suddenly made a deep voice.

"Something happened in Xinghai?" King Qin also came over at this time, frowning.

Chu Yan said without hiding: "Well, there have been some changes in Xinghai. I am worried and must rush back now."

"I will accompany you." King Qin hesitated, Chu Yan hesitated, but did not refuse. After all, King Qin came from the fairyland. If Tianbei Tianmang borrowed some forces from the fairyland, with King Qin's presence, at least it could deter them.

"When do we leave?"

"The sooner the better!" Chu Yan was eager to go home. If something happened in Xinghai, he would definitely blame himself.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements and we'll leave today."

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