Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 780 Chen Huangsheng, the Sage

Everyone was shocked and speechless. Chen Xiao was definitely not weak, but was he beaten like this?

"These two brothers are both monsters." Some people whispered.

After sending Chen Xiao flying, Wangfeng said coldly and proudly: "In today's battle, my senior brother Chu will definitely win. No one named Chen is worthy of competing with him!"

"Idiot!" Xiaolang rolled his eyes again and cursed.

In the sky, the battle between the two became more and more intense, and to a certain extent, it was already extremely terrifying. Especially Chen Huangsheng, who was opening and closing with the strongest power of luck, unparalleled in the world, and the terrifying power was falling crazily, as if he was about to fall at any time. Chu Yan was strangled on the battlefield.

During this battle, both of their fortunes blossomed, as if there was a force that was vaguely affecting everyone.

From that fate, they seemed to have seen two completely different growth experiences.

Chen Huangsheng, his luck is extremely strong, as if he was born as an ancient god of war. He was born into the top power in the fairyland. He was born extraordinary, a young emperor, and dominated the country.

He is like an ancient god of war, and terrifying peaks rise from time to time on the ground.

However, in the middle of the storm, Chu Yan was calm and composed. His flowing white clothes gave people a different kind of unruly feeling.

Compared with Chen Huangsheng, he had no inherent advantages. Instead, he had a thorny journey full of ups and downs. He did not have the love and care of his elders, nor did he have as many terrible cultivation resources as Chen Huangsheng.

But the young man is good and has a pure heart. He cares about the world and never complains.

Everyone watched with their own eyes as the young man walked out of a star. Every step was a disaster. He was like a scholar studying. He walked all the way across mountains, rivers, and deserts, just to pursue the strongest martial arts. In his life, he He has encountered countless life and death crises, and his lover was destined to be destined by the people of the galaxy. He refused to accept it and carried the Eternal Haotian Tower to level the mountains and seas.

However, as the young man came and went through experiences, his character did not change at all. He once looked up to the sky and asked why he wanted to pursue martial arts in his life. He was also at a loss, but he soon picked up his determination and practiced in a down-to-earth manner. In the past thirty years, all his experiences have brought him to the top step by step, like a one-man emperor.

The figure of the young man gradually expanded infinitely in people's minds.

Until this moment, the young man stood in front of the emperor, fighting against each other and seizing the throne.

But the difference is that everything about Chen Huangsheng was born, while Chu Yan's was born step by step. In comparison, Chu Yan's luck is more flexible, and it is still growing with Chu Yan's power. .

Vaguely, the young man transformed into an ancient human emperor, controlling thousands of troops, slashing the sky with his sword, and shattering the earth. However, the young emperor in the distance gradually became smaller and smaller, suppressed by terrifying forces.

"Wow!" Chen Huang spit out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Chu Yan coldly and couldn't believe it: "I have the strongest luck, but why is your luck better than mine?"

Looking at Chen Huangsheng, Chu Yan said in a calm voice: "Whether you or Hua Qingfu, in the eyes of outsiders, you were born into a top power and were born with a golden key. However, to you, this is not the case. A kind of bondage? What you practice is the ancient prose of the Chen clan and the ancient methods. These are all the magical powers that your father is famous for. The secret knowledge of the immortal realm is correct, but have you ever thought that these are suitable for your father, but... you?"

"Boom!" Chen Huangsheng's heart trembled violently.

"The same is true for the strongest luck. After all, after understanding, you are just following the footsteps of the ancients. However, do you know that your strongest luck is the luck of the human race or the luck of the demon race? You also know that this What is the true meaning of luck?”

"Only learn its form, but not its soul. This power does not belong to you, so how can you compete with me?" Chu Yan said calmly. He had complained a long time ago that his mother is Qin Ruomeng, the god of the palace. King, why don't you leave her some peerless magical powers? In terms of magical powers, will what his mother practiced be weak?

But it was not until he realized the Tao that he understood what the Tao was.

Everyone's path to spiritual practice is different. However, for some people who were born into imperial aristocrats, their path is more like being destined to follow the path of the ancients.

This is why the top powers only guard their country, but for ordinary people, after a few hundred years, a great evildoer suddenly appears out of thin air.

"Are you questioning my way? It's ridiculous. My ancient method is the avenue of the immortal realm. How can your way be compared to mine?" Chen Huangsheng let out a low roar.

Chu Yan shook his head and stopped talking. In Chen Huangsheng's eyes, the ancient methods were deeply ingrained, so no matter how much he said, he wouldn't understand.

Fortunately, he didn't need to understand anymore. The brilliance in Chu Yan's body bloomed, and the king's diagram behind him merged with the life soul. The devil's hand deduced, and a terrifying sword intent was aimed at Chen Huangsheng.

"Bang!" Chen Huangsheng didn't say much. The ancient texts collided endlessly. The battle between the two became more terrifying. The more they fought, the braver they became. In the end, the sky was dazzled.

However, some people with high realms can still see that after Chu Yan's luck blossomed, his power became stronger. On the contrary, Chen Huangsheng was vaguely at a disadvantage and had been resisting, being restricted and suppressed everywhere. Living.

"This..." Although some people had speculated that Chu Yan might win today's battle, they still felt uneasy after seeing this scene.

"Without the advantage of luck, Chu Yan's power seems to be stronger and more pure. Whether it is life soul, monarch map, or magical power, he is stronger than Chen Huangsheng."

"Chen Huangsheng, are you going to lose?" Some people also felt disappointed. It was a myth they worshiped.

"Chen Huangsheng, I said that if you and I were in the same realm, you would not be my opponent." Chu Yan's voice was cold, and the palm print in his hand turned out, turning into an extremely terrifying force and smashing down. The blood of the holy beast in his body was burning, prompting his whole body's strength to prepare to release a more powerful attack.

The light of destruction pierced the sky.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, without even taking a breath, the attack like heavenly fire fell from the sky, and the sun soul dominated the whole scene.

A moment later, everyone saw with their own eyes that Chen Huangsheng was buried alive in a ruin. He let out a terrible roar, raised his hands, ancient texts rose into the sky, and stars fell. He wanted to defend, but unfortunately, the power was too strong, like destroying the world, and it also contained a ruthless sword shadow.

"Puff!" A bright red blood stain spurted out, and Chen Huangsheng's face was as pale as paper. He finally failed to block the previous attack. His body trembled violently and was blown into the ruins, but the most uneasy thing was his heart, because he was defeated.

The word "defeat" is something he has never experienced since he was born. Even Hua Qingfu and Lin Ang were not taken seriously by him. He was arrogant.

But today, he was defeated, and he was defeated miserably when he had seized the strongest luck.

Chu Yan, also did not use immortal weapons and magical powers.

"It's great!" At this moment, Wang Feng shouted excitedly, and then looked at Chen Huangsheng with cold eyes: "No. 1 on the Immortal Seeking List? In the end, it's just a joke. You just bullied my senior brother because his realm was low before. Now that we are in the same realm, you are not worthy of comparing with him at all!"

"Brother Huangsheng!" The faces of the Chen clan disciples were also complicated. The myth they had been blindly following was broken today.

From the ruins, Chen Huangsheng stood up and looked at Chu Yan coldly.

"Don't look at me. All this is your Chen clan's own fault." Chu Yan said coldly.

"Really? Did you really win?" Chen Huangsheng suddenly showed a sarcastic smile. Chu Yan's heart trembled slightly, and he had an ominous premonition.

"Your growth really shocked me. If you and I were at the same level, I would not be your opponent. However, what if I am not a top-level Heavenly Monarch?"

After saying this, countless people trembled in their hearts. The next second, the power in Chen Huangsheng's body suddenly burned and turned into endless flames. The ancient law was running to the extreme. However, this time, there was an unshakable force in his power. On the sky, a golden shadow gradually condensed, overriding the monarch and destroying everything.

Suddenly, the power enveloped the world. Chu Yan's face became extremely ugly in that power. That was not the power of the monarch.

Outside the battlefield, countless people saw this scene and their faces changed in shock.

"Sage... This is the power of the sage!"

"Asshole!" Wang Feng immediately roared, and King Qin's eyes condensed. He stepped out and glared at Chen Huangsheng and said, "Chen Huangsheng, you are despicable!"

Shrouded by the sage's intention, Chu Yan also felt the oppression he had never felt before. The top Heavenly Monarch and the sage were only one realm apart, but that was a big realm.

Saints are extraordinary and transcendent, and they are superior to mortals. Even the top Heavenly Monarchs cannot compare to them.

Chu Yan's face turned extremely pale, and he looked at Chen Huangsheng: "You deliberately concealed your strength in order to deceive the Xunxian World. Is this what you call pride?"

"I said that someone must pay the price for Fengsheng's death. Although, I still feel a little sorry to kill you." Chen Huangsheng entered the air here, and his power transformed. The monarch map was dissipated, and replaced by a shadow of a saint, whose power was so strong that it made people tremble.

"Now I am a saint, how can you fight me?" Chen Huangsheng said arrogantly. The saint is not ordinary, and his power has countless saints' brilliance, reaching the extreme.

"Senior brother!" Wangfeng and others' eyes were red. In today's battle, Chen Huangsheng was defeated in the same situation.

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