Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 746: The Aura of Dominating the World [Three Updates]

Yin Wudao, a member of the Yin clan, was born with a vision and was gifted. He was accepted as a disciple by a good sect in the eastern part of the fairyland.

This sect is called Zifeng Sect, which is equivalent to Shangqiu Fairyland. In terms of status, his identity is not much weaker than that of Prince Shang Yang, so many people did not expect that he would come to the banquet for the prince's 100th birthday today.

Yu Xieyu immediately stood up and greeted him with a bow: "Brother Wudao is honored to be here. Please take a seat."

"No problem, today is the 100th birthday of Prince Shang Yang, I came to congratulate you, just sit anywhere." Yin Wudao said calmly, but his tone was full of arrogance: "Has the Yin family not arrived yet?"

"They should be on the way." Someone said, Yin Wudao nodded, and said no more.

"Brother Wudao, long time no see." Dongyang Mu also stood up and said with a smile. Yin Wudao nodded with a smile: "How are you, Lord Dongyang? I heard that Brother Dongyang has become a mid-level Tianjun and has a bright future."

"Haha, Brother Wudao is polite. You have already become a top-level Tianjun. I am far behind you." The two exchanged greetings.

Guests surged, and soon the City Lord's Mansion was full.

At this time, a group of people came over. They were the people of the Yin clan and the Xu family. Chu Yan also followed them. Compared with the countless Tianjiao guests today, they were a little embarrassed and inconspicuous, and no one paid attention to them.

But Yin Wudao glanced at Yin Jun and said lightly: "Yin Jun, when you see me, shouldn't you call me brother?"

"Yin Jun meets Brother Wudao!" Yin Jun was surprised to see Yin Wudao. Although they were from the same clan, they had very few opportunities to meet. Yin Wudao had entered the top ranks, and he was still struggling. Seeing him today might be an opportunity.

"Come sit next to me." Yin Wudao said calmly, but Yin Jun was flattered, nodded hurriedly, and walked up.

In terms of seniority, Yin Jun was not worthy of being a distinguished guest, but who dared to disobey Yin Wudao?

The Xu family was completely ignored, as if they did not exist like air, which made Xu Ying smile bitterly. This was the family status. If it were not for the recovery pill, the Xu family would not be worthy of attending a banquet of this level.

Fortunately, Xu Ying didn't care. She found a spot on the edge and said to Chu Yan, "Let's sit down first."

"Yes." Chu Yan nodded, but just as he was about to sit down, he was scolded and rushed towards him with a mixture of vitality and might: "Who told you to sit down? Are you qualified to sit at today's banquet?"

Chu Yan's face turned cold, and he looked up at Yin Jun beside Yin Wudao. Similarly, the other party stared at him and said coldly: "Today's banquet is the banquet for the prince's 100th birthday. Those present are all city lords or geniuses, and who are you? You are just a waste picked up by the Xu family. You survived with the recovery pill presented to the prince. Now, you still want to sit down? Do you have any shame?"

"Swish!" As soon as these words came out, countless eyes immediately pierced Chu Yan.

Including Yu Xieyu, Dongyang Mu and others who were sitting in the upper seat, Yu Xieyu frowned. He also knew about the matter of the recovery pill. It was handled by the Yu family and the Yin family. He asked: "Brother Yin Jun, what did you say just now? Is it related to the recovery pill?"

"The city lord doesn't know that not long ago, this person was seriously injured and dying. The second lady of the Xu family picked him up and used the recovery pill to prolong his life. Otherwise, he would have died long ago." Yin Jun said truthfully with an evil face.

Yu Xieyu's eyes turned cold and looked at Chu Yan: "Did you take the recovery pill?"

"City lord! This matter has nothing to do with Brother Chu. I took the recovery pill on my own initiative and gave it to Brother Chu." Xu Xiaoya said hurriedly.

"I didn't ask you, shut up!" Yu Xieyu's face was gloomy. With a bang, a deterrent pressure came, making Xu Xiaoya's pretty face pale.

Xu Ying frowned. At this point, she knew that she couldn't escape. She stood up and used her vitality to block countless forces: "City Lord, this is indeed the fault of my Xu family, but human life is at stake. Xiaoya didn't think much at the time. The recovery pill is worth one pill every hundred years. It can save a life, which is worth it. As for the offering, my Xu family will give it up this year."

"How dare you!" Yu Xieyu scolded: "Worth it? His cheap life is also worthy of the recovery pill? Also, the offering is a respect for the prince. Can your Xu family give it up just by saying it? You said a recovery pill, so you must hand it over today!"

After speaking, Yu Xieyu's power became stronger, and the rolling pressure made Xu Ying gradually powerless. She was a genius in the Xu family, but here, she was nothing. There were too many people stronger than her.

Thinking of this, she looked at Chu Yan powerlessly.

"It's okay." Chu Yan smiled calmly, then he slowly raised his head and looked at Yu Xieyu: "I took the recovery pill, but it belongs to the Xu family. I took it, and I will remember this favor. If there is a chance in the future, I will repay it."

"However..." At this point, Chu Yan's tone suddenly changed: "I am very curious, what does this have to do with you? Are you qualified to ask more questions? Since the beginning of the banquet, you have been high and mighty, looking down on everyone. If there were no recovery pills and no Xu family, how could you have the honor today? But you forgot that the recovery pill belongs to the Xu family, and the person they want to present it to is the prince. Excuse me, what does this have to do with you? Can you take out the recovery pill, or can you represent the prince?"

Everyone's eyes condensed. Indeed, the recovery pill belongs to the Xu family and is to be presented to Shang Yang. Whether it is the Yin family or the Yu family, it is actually just a matchmaker.

But today, the two parties acted extremely strong, as if the recovery pill belonged to them.

"I took the Xu family's recovery pill. Is it your business?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously. Everyone in the world is like this. They stand on their own side, but forget that without the Xu family, where would the recovery pill come from with just the Yu family and the Yin family?

"Insolent!" Yu Xieyu's eyes turned cold and he said angrily: "This matter really has nothing to do with us. However, the Restoration Pill is dedicated to the prince. The prince is here to hold a banquet today and asked me to arrange it. I am qualified to make the decision. You must pay the price for taking the Restoring Pill!"

"They are a pair of rare beauties." At this moment, Yin Wudao glanced at Xu Ying and Xu Xiaoya, and suddenly smiled, making the atmosphere condense and become weird.

"Brother Wudao is interested in these two women?" Yu Xieyu turned around and asked. Yin Wudao ignored him, looked at Xu Ying, and said lightly: "Your name is Xu Ying?"

"It's me." Xu Ying nodded lightly.

"From today on, you and your sister will serve me. When the prince comes here, I will help you settle the matter of the Restoration Pill. How about it?" Yin Wudao said calmly, and everyone's hearts trembled. That was Prince Shang Yang, but when he thought of saying this He was the only one, so everyone became indifferent.

Yin Wudao indeed has this qualification.

"Miss, you can't." Several disciples of the Xu family frowned. They were unruly and lustful. This was no secret in the eastern part of the Immortal Realm. The Scorpion Girl technique was practiced by swallowing a woman's yin energy, and it fell into his hands. No woman has a good ending.

Yu Xieyu turned his eyes and said: "Xu Ying, Xu Xiaoya, Brother Wudao values ​​you two. This is a gift to your Xu family. Please agree quickly. In this case, when the prince comes, I will do the same." I'll give you a few good words for the Xu family, and then the prince will only punish this son and kill him to make elixirs, and the Xu family will at least be safe."

Everyone froze, Yu Xieyu still refused to let Chu Yan go.

Xu Yingyu's face turned pale and she clenched her fists slightly. Naturally, it was impossible for her to agree to such a thing.

"Dreaming!" Xu Ying said coldly: "The Restoration Pill belongs to my Xu family. The Yu family and the Yin family just borrowed the name of my Xu family. Now that my Xu family doesn't take it out, you are threatening? Robbing? This Is this the style of a city lord?”

"It's ridiculous. If you promise something to the prince and don't show it, you are deceiving the emperor!" Yu Xieyu's eyes turned cold, and then he stopped talking nonsense: "Since you don't appreciate it, then I am the only one to take action. Someone come and take him away." Come on, prepare the fire formation and refine it into a pill before the prince comes!"

"Bastard!" Xu Ying bit her silver teeth, and Xu Yang said coldly at this moment: "Xu Ying, are you still prepared to be stubborn and ineffective now?"

"Shut up!" Xu Ying scolded.

Xu Yang didn't talk nonsense. He turned around and saw Chu Yan sitting calmly with a calm expression, as if everything had nothing to do with him and he was staying out of it. He said coldly: "Haha, you are at ease. Everything today is all because of you. My Xu family instinct You have risen to great heights, but you are reduced to this because of a waste like you. You are so unappreciative that you can actually sit still. "

"Is it related to you?" Chu Yan glanced at Xu Yang and said disdainfully.

"It really has nothing to do with me, but it has something to do with Xiaoya. If she hadn't given you the Recovery Pill, you would have died long ago. My Xu family has helped you live for many more days. If you are grateful, you should kill yourself here now and be refined into the pill. , to repay Xiaoya for saving his life." Xu Yang said with a righteous expression.

After saying that, Xu Yang looked at Xu Ying again: "As a disciple of the Xu family, I will never see the Xu family perish in the hands of your sisters. Come and capture him!"

"Boom!" However, at this moment, an invisible force came and oppressed Xu Yang.

Chu Yan turned his eyes away, still calm, but his voice was no longer easy-going, with a bit of coldness: "I remember that you are a member of the Xu family, and I don't want to hurt you. Just watch what happens today."

"You are looking for death!" Xu Yang was oppressed and became even more angry. He actually wanted to sacrifice his life soul.

"I'll let you watch!" But the next moment, Chu Yan's eyes shot out a strange light. Xu Yang felt his soul tremble, as if he was being stared at by a huge monster, and he didn't dare to move.

According to Chu Yan's plan, when the prince comes here and all misunderstandings are over, everything will be fine.

As for the Yu family and the Yin family, he was too lazy to care about them, or rather, he was disdainful.

However, at this point, the other party's repeated humiliations, as well as Xiaoya's, put the Xu family in crisis. It seemed that the other party was not prepared to wait for the prince to come, so he was not prepared to be polite anymore.

To be honest, since he left the mortal world, he has been accumulating and sharpening his temperament, and he rarely gets angry anymore, but the arrogance in his bones has never disappeared.

He is Chu Yan, born in the wilderness, the son of Chu Hanfeng, so no matter where he goes, he will be a dazzling existence. It is like this in the world, like this in the sea of ​​​​stars, and it will still be like this in the fairyland. This is the real him. Unparalleled in elegance, he suddenly seemed to have the aura to dominate the world.

In this world, no one can let him lose!

Let him be patient and retreat.

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