Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 747: Invincible

"Huh?" The Yu family, the Yin family, and all the guests were slightly surprised at this time. Their eyes turned and fell on Chu Yan. This guy actually has some temper?

Yin Wudao glanced at Chu Yan, but then stopped looking, showing disdain. He was the genius of the Immortal Sect. How could he be qualified to be an equal to the prince? In his eyes, Chu Yan was just a clown.

The smiles of the Yu family and the Yin family became even more playful. Xu Yang stood there, although he was being suppressed, he still looked at Chu Yan with a ridiculous look. Was he the enemy of the Yu family and the Yin family? It's really life-threatening.

"Haha, a loser who borrowed the Xu Family Restoration Pill to extend his life. I thought you would always hide behind the woman, but I didn't expect that the general would jump out at this time. It's really ridiculous." Yu Xieyu sarcastically said.

"Today is the prince's 100th birthday banquet. The Restoration Pill is originally a property of the Xu family. You are here to borrow the gift of the Xu family. What's ridiculous is that you are taking over the host as if the Restoration Pill is yours. Since I came here, I have been humiliated again and again. You said that my life is like a piece of grass and you want to refine me into a pill. In your eyes, my life is not even as valuable as a pill. You yelled and killed, but in the end, you didn't think that I would resist?" Chu Yan shook his head laughingly, It's like this in the world, and it's like this in the Immortal Realm. Life is like a piece of grass. Today, it's him. Xu Xiaoya has a kind heart. If he had saved just an ordinary person that day, he would have been killed at this moment.

They are the geniuses of the Immortal Realm, they are above the top, their eyes are higher than the top, how can they care about the lives of ordinary people?

"Brother Chu, don't be impulsive. The worst is possible. I promise Yin Wudao that no matter what, I will definitely protect you!" Xu Xiaoya was anxious on the side and said in a low voice. Everyone present today is a big shot, and any one of them is very important. The character is a hundred times more powerful than his Xu family.

If Chu Yan is like this, things will only become more chaotic and out of control.

"Xu family, you are too naive. This person is so impudent and dares to show off his madness in my city lord's palace. Even if brother Wu Dao persuades the prince to let your Xu family go, I will definitely take his life." Yu Xie Yu scolded, and the strong men of the Yu family gradually gathered.

"Yu family?" Chu Yan laughed wildly. Now that he has recovered from his injuries, and with the physique of a holy beast, his combat power is even stronger than before. Let alone Yu City, even the top ten people on the list of seeking immortals in the eastern part of the Immortal Domain, He was confident that he could fight, but today, the other party actually despised his existence.

"You want to kill me? Well, my life is here, but who are you going to send to take it away?" Chu Yan smiled proudly.

"Mr. Chu!" Xu Ying frowned and said in a low voice hastily: "Yu Xieyu is the city lord, the Heavenly Lord is powerful, the Yin family Yin Wudao is the top Heavenly Lord, the person on the list of seeking immortals, don't be impulsive, the prince has not arrived yet , maybe there is still a chance.”

"Xu Ying, your Xu family has good intentions to extend his life, but this person is so ungrateful. In this case, why do you waste your time and refine him into a pill? Then everything will be over. You follow my brother. Go, it can be considered a perfect ending." Yin Jun said coldly and proudly.

Xu Ying ignored him and kept looking at Chu Yan. Since Chu Yan returned today, her view of Chu Yan has changed somewhat.

One step at a time, his talent is not weak in comparison.

Such a person probably really shouldn't die here.

"Miss Xu!"

Chu Yan suddenly spoke, his eyes cold. For a moment, he stood up from where he was as if he was a different person. A terrible storm was blowing around him, making everything solemn.

Xu Ying was very close to Chu Yan. At this time, he felt that Chu Yan seemed to have changed. He was no longer sick after joining the Xu family for the first time. He was no longer approachable. He had put away his gentleness and was replaced by sharpness. He was so arrogant in his bones, it seemed that in his world, there was nothing in the city lord's mansion that was worthy of comparison with him.

Even Yin Wudao is still not as good as his temperament.

It was a spirit that was invincible and domineering over the world. The peerless young emperor wanted the world to admire him, and he looked down upon all living beings.

"Because of my affairs, I brought trouble to the Xu family. Three days ago, I said I would come back today. But I'm sorry, I have important matters, and my life will not stay here. When I came back today, I just wanted to help Xu Family resolves conflicts. Although I will still be fine even without the Restoration Pill, Chu has made a note of this. If we encounter someone in the Immortal Realm in the future and ask for something from Chu, Chu will definitely not shirk it. "

"But today, since I came here, the Yu family and the Yin family have repeatedly humiliated me, despised me, and wanted to kill me for making elixirs. Since they regard my life as a piece of grass, then their life is like an ant. From now on, this matter will have nothing to do with The Xu family has nothing to do with it, and they will all pay the price, which is unforgivable."

Chu Yan said calmly, but his words were extremely domineering and shocking.

Xu Yingmei's eyes were dull. For the first time, she noticed the arrogance of the young man in front of her.

The same goes for Xu Xiaoya. Is this still her easy-going Big Brother Chu? He has the aura of an unrivaled king. If he doesn't speak, he won't stop talking. If he does speak, he will never stop talking without shocking others.

Similarly, the Yu family and the Yin family were also stunned when the guests were sitting at the table.

"Is this guy crazy?" Yin Jun asked sarcastically. A waste who was picked up by the Xu family and relied on the Rejuvenation Pill to survive, is now talking nonsense and asking them to pay the price?

"Chu has no grievances against you, but because of a pill, you want to kill me. How ridiculous. Don't you want me to die? Well, I'll be here, who of you will come?" Chu Yan stepped out. , white clothes fluttering, leaping directly to the sky, looking at the entire audience.

"Killing you is enough for me!" Yin Jun's eyes narrowed. Today is an opportunity to express himself. He slapped his palms on the wine table and leapt out. The wind howled, and a sharp sword appeared in his hand. Stab towards Chu Yan's chest.

The sword burned with fire patterns and turned into countless flames. The speed was also extremely fast, like thunder in the nine heavens, which directly shocked the world.

"The sword with fire patterns has the power of thunder and flames. It is worthy of the Yin family." Someone praised.

"Mr. Chu!" Xu Ying and Xu Xiaoya shouted subconsciously. They were extremely nervous and clenched their fists slightly. However, at this moment, Chu Yan remained motionless with cold eyes, letting Yin Jun's sword stab at him. It's as if he didn't see it.

"Seeking death!" Yin Jun broke through the distance and arrived in front of Chu Yan, with a ferocious look on his lips. Then he deflected the blade and aimed it at Chu Yan's heart. With this sword, he wanted to directly kill Chu Yan.

With everyone's eyes fixed and a sword strike, is it over?

Chu Yan didn't block the whole process. Was it too fast and he had no time to react?

"Crack!" But the next moment, there was a clear sound, and the sword pierced Chu Yan's body, but it was too delicate to penetrate any further. In the heart of Chu Yan, there was a basalt totem hovering, that terrifying sword , even Chu Yan was not hurt at all.


"Did you use the defensive weapon?" Yin Jun's face changed slightly and he shouted subconsciously.

Chu Yan looked at him sarcastically: "This is your pitiful thinking. When you lose, you make excuses for yourself, but you don't know how big the sky is and how arrogant the country is. You think your attack is very strong, but you don't know. How strong is my physical defense? Is your attack worthy of my magical weapon?"

The next moment, Chu Yan stretched out his hand and grabbed it from the air. The sword slashed down and hit his arm, but it was like steel and undamaged. The arm turned into a green dragon's claw and clasped Yin Jun's throat directly. .

"With your strength, you have the nerve to take my life? If my life is like a piece of grass, who do you think you are?" Chu Yan looked at the person in front of him jokingly, full of disdain.


"Thief, you are looking for death!" Suddenly, countless terrifying auras erupted in the city lord's palace, especially the Yin family, with extremely cold eyes, glaring at Chu Yan, and yelled: "Let him go!"

"You have been shouting for my life, and now that you have been defeated by me, you still want me to let him go? Are you kidding me?"

"Tianjun!" In the distance, someone finally became restless. Yu Xieyu's eyes narrowed. At this moment, he realized that the young man in front of him was actually Tianjun.

In the Xu family, Xu Yang's face turned pale. The loser he had ridiculed before turned out to be Tianjun.

Xu Xiaoya also blinked her Qiu eyes. The eldest brother she saved was so strong, it was Tianjun's strength.

How could Xu Ying not be like this?

However, such a person has always been ridiculed and despised from the beginning of the banquet. Even a local king dares to come forward and kill someone. How ridiculous?

"Let him go. I will ensure that you leave alive today. Otherwise, no one will let you go today. Even if Prince Shang Yang comes in person, your life will still be kept." At this moment, a plain and arrogant voice came. Come on, everyone's eyes turned to Yin Wudao, and he spoke.

A disciple of the Immortal Sect, with absolute capital, on an equal footing with the prince.

Everyone looked at Chu Yan nervously. In their opinion, Chu Yan would definitely let him go. If Yin Wudao fulfilled his agreement, he might really be able to live.

However, at this time, Chu Yan looked at Yin Wudao ridiculously, he was so arrogant, as if letting him go was a gift to him.

"Up to now, it seems that you still don't understand. You have no idea who I am, where I come from, and what my background is. Can you treat me with such contempt just because you are so arrogant?" Chu Yan shook his head sarcastically and looked at Yin Wudao: "Who do you think you are? If I want to leave, when will it be your turn to guarantee it? I want to leave, not to mention here, this fairyland, this fairyland, who can stop me?"

After saying this, Chu Yan smiled sarcastically, and then he moved his hand slightly, and the sword immediately swallowed him up and strangled him.

Yin Jun's eyes were filled with fear. Under that power, he could not break free. He could only be strangled into powder and finally disappeared into nothingness.

Just like that, he died.

"Kill..." In the city lord's mansion, people's hearts trembled.

"Boom!" Almost at the same time, thousands of people in the city lord's palace were blasting towards Chu Yan, as if they were going to bury him.

However, Chu Yan stood among them, feeling quietly that the forces were spinning around him, but he could not get any closer. He held his hand, and the Heaven-Destroying Sword appeared. He smiled jokingly and looked up at everyone.

"In this case, today, I will let you know who I am!"

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