Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 745 Banquet

"The young master of the Yin family has arrived!"

Outside the Xu family, a message suddenly sounded, and then a large number of figures rushed in from outside the door, staggering and extremely hurried, led by a handsome young man who was slightly excited.

This person is the young master of the Yin family, Yin Jun.

Today, Prince Shang Yang came to Yucheng, which happened to be the day for him to pay tribute. At that time, the Yin family will surely be able to take a step forward, and I might join the fairyland. There is also my younger sister. If she can be valued by Prince Shang Yang and be made a princess of a different surname, the Yin family will have a bright future.

"Where are the Xu family members? Come and greet them quickly!" A deacon disciple of the Yin family took a step forward, and the voice shook out.

"Xu Ying of the Xu family, meet Young Master Yin." After a moment, many figures walked out of the Xu family, led by Xu Ying, and landed in front of Yin Jun, bowing slightly.

"Very good, Prince Shang Yang will come to Yucheng today to hold a centenary banquet. You must have known about this. Get ready, take the recovery pill and follow me." Yin Jun said calmly.

However, at this moment, the faces of the Xu family members all became gloomy and they were speechless.

Yin Jun frowned when he saw this: "What's going on?"

"Replying to Mr. Yin, three days ago, Xu Xiaoya found a seriously injured person outside and gave him the recovery pill. Now my Xu family has no recovery pill." Xu Yang spoke aside.

Xu Ying's autumn eyes condensed, and she looked at Xu Yang unhappily: "Xu Yang, shut up!"

"Xu Ying, at this point, the prince is probably on his way. Do you think you can keep it secret without saying it?" Xu Yang retorted.

Yin Jun's face was extremely ugly. The recovery pill was gone?

Then all his plans were ruined. Suddenly, a terrible anger burned from his body and enveloped the people of the Xu family.

"Young Master Yin, my Xu family will take responsibility for this matter. We will find this person before the banquet, refine him into a pill, and pay tribute to the prince." Xu Ying said softly under the threat.

"Responsible? Can your Xu family bear it? If it weren't for the close relationship between the old man of the Xu family and my Yin family, how could such a rare opportunity be given to your Xu family? At this point, you actually gave the recovery pill to a useless person?" Yin Jun's eyes were cold and furious.

"You can explain this to the prince yourself." Yin Jun said bluntly, and then said: "Come on, take them down!"

"Boom!" Many people from the Yin family stepped out, extremely powerful, and directly surrounded the Xu family. The terrible power intertwined in the air and turned into a series of strangling forces.

The faces of the Xu family were gloomy, and Xu Xiaoya was even more frightened. She said in a tender voice: "I have also taken the recovery pill! Let my family go, I will go with you!"

"Stop!" Yin Jun suddenly raised his hand, showing a touch of surprise: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Mr. Yin, no! Xiaoya is young and ignorant. The recovery pill is extremely precious. How could she have the opportunity to take it." Xu Ying frowned and shouted. Although she was also angry with Xu Xiaoya, in the final analysis, she was her biological sister after all.

"It is rumored that the one that Mr. Xu loved most in his life happened to be the youngest granddaughter. However, this granddaughter has been sick since childhood, so it is not impossible." After Yin Jun finished speaking, he winked at the person next to him: "Go and check it out."

"Yes!" A disciple of the Yin family stepped forward, stepped on the ground, and circles of flames appeared on the ground, directly engulfing Xu Xiaoya.

After a long time, the disciple retracted the fire pattern formation and retreated: "Reply to Master Yin, it is indeed the body of the recovery pill."

A trace of greed flashed in Yin Jun's eyes: "Come on, take him down!"

"Stop!" But at this moment, there was a sudden shout, and everyone's eyes fixed, and they all looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a young man in white walking in outside the Xu family's door, with an extraordinary temperament.

"It's you!" The Xu family members saw Chu Yan, their eyes lit up, and the frost on Xu Ying's pretty face also dissipated a little.

Although she was also angry, she didn't believe that Chu Yan didn't know the current situation. It can be said that he was in danger of death, but he still came and fulfilled his promise, which made her admire him a little.

"Brother Chu!" Xu Xiaoya was horrified and shook her head desperately: "Brother Chu, you shouldn't have come! You shouldn't have come!"

Chu Yan smiled and walked directly through the crowd of Yin family members. His calm eyes fell on Xu Xiaoya's delicate body, and he smiled a little: "Silly girl."

"My Xu family is in this day because of you, and you have the nerve to come back!" Xu Yang roared.

"I said I would come back, and I would come back. But you, did you hit me too lightly last time?" Chu Yan raised his head, and his eyes immediately shot out a strange light. Xu Yang was shocked, and he felt as if he had sunk into the underworld. The blood in his body surged, and he quickly stepped back a few steps.

Xu Yang groaned and looked at Chu Yan viciously, but he didn't say anything.

Because he knew that Yin Jun was here, he didn't need to speak next, and Chu Yan would definitely not have a good end.

"Did you take the Xu family's recovery pill?" Yin Jun glanced at Chu Yan. With his realm, the peak of the Earth Lord, if Chu Yan deliberately restrained his breath, he couldn't see through it at all.

"It's me." Chu Yan said calmly, Yin Jun nodded: "Just admit it, in that case, come, capture this man for me, take him to the City Lord's Mansion, and wait for Master Yu to decide."

Xu Xiaoya was anxious when she saw this, she looked at Xu Ying with a somewhat extravagant look: "Sister...save Brother Chu!"

Looking at the countless people pressing down, Xu Ying also frowned, she looked at her younger sister's eyes, a little moved, and finally took a step forward, and immediately countless fire patterns rose into the air, descended, and turned into a circling fire dragon.

Yin Jun frowned, looked up at Xu Ying: "Xu Ying, what are you going to do?"

"Young Master Yin, this is my Xu family, you are so presumptuous." Xu Ying said coldly, Young Master Yin's eyes narrowed: "Xu Ying, do you know why you do this? Do you, the Xu family, want to rebel?"

"see a visitor out!"

"How dare you!" Yin Jun's aura exploded, turning into countless flying knives that focused on Xu Ying's fire dragon in the air.

After saying this, Yin Jun's gaze was like a sword, passing through the Xu family crowd and stabbing Chu Yan: "Do you only hide behind women?"

"Who do you think you are?" Chu Yan shook his head contemptuously, then turned to look at Xu Ying: "Miss Xu, today the prince is hosting a banquet for the whole world. The Xu family should also be a part of it, right?"

Xu Ying frowned. Indeed, this time the prince held a banquet, her Xu family was still an honored guest, but she always thought it was the reason for the Restoration Pill, so she didn't feel excited about it. Instead, she felt like she was facing a formidable enemy.


"In that case, let's go to the banquet." Chu Yan said softly.

As soon as she said this, Xu Ying frowned. At today's banquet, all clans will pay tribute. When the time comes, the Yu family and the Yin family will definitely target Chu Yan. But now that Chu Yan has proposed to go to the banquet, isn't it like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?

"I am at the same level as Yin Jun. I can barely protect you here, but if you go to the City Lord's Mansion, the Yu family, the Yin family will definitely not let you go. When the time comes, there is nothing I can do." Xu Ying sent a message to Chu Yan.

"Miss Xu's kindness is appreciated. Today, no one can do anything to me." Chu Yan said with a smile, but when the people around him heard this, they found it extremely ridiculous.

What kind of banquet is today? The centenary banquet of the prince of the fairy kingdom.

Who are all the people coming? They are all the geniuses in the world, countless city lords, people on the list of seeking immortals may appear, and there are many top-level heavenly monarchs who the Xu family needs to look up to.

However, Chu Yan actually said that no one can do anything to him today?

How arrogant.

Xu Yang stared at the side and said sarcastically: "Xu Ying, since this person is so confident, he may be a peerless person. It's because our Xu family has underestimated him. Such a talented person belongs to my Xu family, so don't neglect it. Since If he asks for it, agree to it and go to the banquet.”

Chu Yan glanced at Xu Yang, shook his head, and was too lazy to pay attention.

"Are you sure?" Xu Ying confirmed again that once she steps into the City Lord's Mansion, all the situations will no longer be under her control.

"When we get to the city lord's palace, I will try my best to help you out and try to get the prince to spare you!" Xu Ying sighed and sent a message to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was slightly surprised by this, and then smiled gently: "Thank you."

At this time, in the center of Yu City, there was a magnificent palace, which was the city lord's palace of the Yu family.

In the past, this place was like a gated city, but today it is even worse. There are heavy soldiers guarding it thousands of meters away, and it is overcrowded. In the sky, some rare monsters can be seen crossing the city and coming down. There are dragons, phoenixes, Xuanwu, unicorns, and so on. Some of the bloodline of ancient murderers, such as Yaozhu and Qiongqi.

They all have extraordinary origins, some of them are geniuses from other cities, and there are also outstanding families in the eastern part of the Fairyland.

At this time, in the city lord's palace, there was a young man who nodded slightly, with a smile in his eyes, and was extremely happy. It was the young master of the Yu family, Yu Xieyu.

Yu Xieyu is a direct descendant of the Yu family, and with top-notch talent, he now sits as the lord of Yu City.

Guests continued to arrive, many of whom were people of extraordinary status, attracting many looks and envy. Of course, the most dazzling one was still Yu Xieyu, who sat at the head of the hall.

At this banquet, the Yu family can be said to have stolen the limelight. They are probably the only ones who can allow the prince to attend in person and hold the banquet in the city.

Many people were filled with emotion. Around Yu Xieyu, there were many geniuses. They were all key disciples of the Yu family and had good status. There were also some beautiful fairies-like women who danced with them. They hoped to take advantage of today's opportunity to be smitten by the prince. value.

"Dongyang City, Dongyang Mu came to the banquet to congratulate Yucheng for its prosperity." At this moment, there was a hearty laugh, and a huge Kui Niu monster fell from the sky. There was a young man above, leaping directly into the sky. In the main hall, many guests gave way after seeing this.

This person is the Lord of Dongyang City, Dongyang Mu, a talented person.

"Haha, Brother Dongyang is here too, please come in as distinguished guests." Yu Xieyu stood up to invite him. Dongyang Mu had a very high status in the city.

"Dongyang Mudu came in person. Yucheng really stole the show at this banquet."

"It's not surprising that even the prince came to Yucheng to celebrate his 100th birthday. After today, Yucheng's status is destined to advance by leaps and bounds."

Later, many guests arrived, all of whom were top-notch beings. At this moment, there was another commotion, and an independent figure appeared in the sky, wielding a sword, and it was extremely light.

"Yin Wudao! He's here too!"

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