Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 744: Immortal Country Pays Attention

In the Fairy Kingdom of Shangqiu, Chu Yan, with his white shirt fluttering, was walking, letting thousands of eyes look at him, indifferently.

The top ten commanders and Yu Ming all had sullen faces. It was really embarrassing today. Countless of their top-level heavenly monarchs were here, but they were beaten to pieces by a person with an eighth-level monarch.

"We have to find a way to stop him. If we really let him walk to the palace like this, we will be embarrassed." The commander roared.

"Stop? Who's going? You or me?" Yu took a glance at the commander. At this point, how could he not understand Chu Yan's extraordinary power? No one in their group could be Chu Yan's opponent, just as he said , I am afraid that in the entire fairyland, there is no one who can compare with him.

"Damn it, who is this person? Where did our Shangqiu Immortal Kingdom provoke him?" The commander said depressedly for a while. As a member of the Immortal Kingdom, he was always aloof, but today, he was hanged and beaten in his own territory.

"Enough!" A clear voice suddenly came from deep in the palace, and then a golden light shot out and materialized into a young man wearing a dragon robe, looking at Chu Yan seriously.

"It's Prince Shang Yang!"

"Yu Ming is a disciple on the Immortal Seeking List. He has extraordinary fighting power and can't be defeated by anyone who is not a great evildoer in the same realm. But your realm is only the eighth level of a monarch, but you can defeat him. You must be from an extraordinary place. A great evildoer can never defeat him." You will not be unknown. However, I have never heard of you in the eastern part of the Immortal Realm. Who are you?" Shang Yang said solemnly.

"I come from the central part of the Immortal Realm." Chu Yan's voice was calm and he paused before saying, "A disciple of the Dragon Alliance!"

The Xu family is just a small family, and there is no immortal in the family yet, so it is impossible to know about the Dragon Alliance.

But the land of an Immortal Kingdom is different. There must be immortal figures who can cross the Immortal Realm.

So Chu Yan thought that the other party should know about the Dragon Alliance, so he told him directly.

Sure enough, Shang Yang's eyes suddenly shrank. He did know about the Dragon Alliance, and not just a little bit.

You know, despite the fact that Shangqiu Immortal Kingdom is a land of one country, it has hundreds of cities under its control and is extremely powerful.

But in the Endless Immortal Realm, a mere Immortal Kingdom is really nothing. There are too many forces and sects stronger than them, such as those top forces.

Once provoked, any Immortal Lord may be the disaster of the country's destruction.

If you want to survive in a place like the Fairyland where fish and dragons are mixed, one thing is crucial, that is, you must know which people you can offend and which people you must not offend.

Otherwise, one misfortune will lead to disaster.

The Shangqiu Immortal Kingdom belongs to the Great Immortal Kingdom in the eastern part of the Immortal Domain. It has been established for thousands of years, and the reason why it has remained standing is because of its widespread information, caution, and caution.

Therefore, Shang Yang knew that the Dragon Alliance was an entity that could never be provoked.

"In the middle of the Immortal Realm, a disciple of the Dragon Alliance of the Holy Dragon Alliance?"

"That's right." Chu Yan nodded.

"It is rumored that there is a legend in the central part of the Immortal Realm, which is the Dragon Alliance. The Dragon Alliance was only established for five thousand years. It was short-lived and had very few disciples. They were strict in recruiting disciples. There are only five disciples so far, but every disciple has a legendary experience. He is a great monster with unparalleled fighting power, and there is only one person in the realm of kings. Are you Master Lin Ang?" Shang Yang's posture was obviously lowered. If the other party is a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, it is definitely not comparable to the prince of his little fairy kingdom.

"No, Lin Ang is my senior brother. I only entered the Dragon League this time after searching for the Immortal Realm." Chu Yan said truthfully. Shang Yang suddenly realized, but he was still shocked. The young man in front of him had just joined the Dragon League and already had such combat power. With extraordinary temperament, Longmeng is worthy of being a legendary place in central China.

"It turns out that he is the genius of the Dragon Alliance. He was disrespectful and disrespectful." Shang Yang said immediately, then his eyes turned cold and he looked at the many guards beside him: "Who stopped Young Master Chu just now?"

Several guards in the distance looked embarrassed. They were about to suffer. They all looked at Chu Yan speechlessly. You have such a great background, so you should have told me earlier.

Of course, they didn't expect that even if Chu Yan told them that he was from the Dragon League, not to mention that they might not know about the Dragon League, even if they knew, would they believe it?

When the time comes, a fight is inevitable.

"Capture them, and they will be fined three years of salary and demoted to the third level." Shang Yang pretended to be angry and then looked at Chu Yan and said politely: "Master Chu, please come quickly."

"No need, I came here today to ask for something, and I hope Prince Shang can give me a favor." Chu Yan said calmly.

"Young Master Chu, you're welcome. It's our honor to be able to help Young Master Chu. What's the matter?" Shang Yang asked.

"When I first came to the eastern part of the Immortal Realm, I suffered some injuries. I was rescued by the Xu family in Yucheng and took the Restoring Pill. I happened to hear that Prince Shang also valued the Restoring Pill, so the Xu family was angry with my little sister and went out. I wanted to cause trouble to others, so I came to Prince Shang to apologize," Chu Yan said calmly.

The corners of Shang Yang's mouth twitched.

He almost destroyed the Yixian Kingdom. Is this an apology attitude?

But if Chu Yan said this, what could Shang Yang do?

Fight? Since he knew about the Dragon Alliance, he knew that it was definitely not something that his Immortal Kingdom could compete with.

"It turns out that this is what happened. Young Master Chu was joking. It's just a Restoration Pill. If our Immortal Kingdom knew about it, we would definitely give it to Young Master Chu. By the way, Young Master Chu said he was injured? Our Immortal Kingdom also has many people who are proficient in fire. "You're an alchemist, why don't you, Mr. Chu, stay in our immortal country, and I'll send someone to heal your injuries?" Shang Yang said politely.

"No, it's no big deal. In that case, I would like to thank Prince Shang." Chu Yan shook his head, then paused and continued: "Chu has written down Prince Shang's kindness today. If necessary in the future, I will Chu will definitely do his best to help each other to repay today’s kindness.”

Shang Yang's eyes were filled with joy. What he wanted was this sentence, and he said politely: "Then I'll be able to help you, Master Chu."

"In that case, I'll take my leave." Chu Yan nodded, turned around and left Shangqiu Fairyland soon.

Seeing this scene, the people of Shangqiu Fairyland were speechless. He left now?

"Pass my order to Yucheng. The day after tomorrow is exactly my 100th birthday. The banquet will be held in Yucheng. Let the Yu family arrange it. This year, my birthday will be held in Yucheng." After Chu Yan left, Shang Yang immediately gave the order.

The ten commanders and Yu Ming all frowned, puzzled.

"Just because of a blank and powerless promise, is it worth it for you to do this?" Yu Ming and Shang Yang had a close relationship, so he walked up and asked.

"If it were someone else, it might not be worth it, but for the Dragon Alliance, it is worth it." Shang Yang's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he said to Yu Ming: "Although Xunxianjie is not the fairyland, it is also extremely difficult to cross the chaotic time and space. This person has come to the east at the cost of thousands of miles, and there must be something big. This may be an opportunity for my fairyland."

Yu Ming looked up at Chu Yan's back, still unable to figure it out, but a monarch, even if he is strong, can subvert anything.

After Chu Yan left, he went straight to Yucheng. He would not care about the thoughts of Shang Yang and others. With his current status, a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, the boyfriend of the disciple of Tianhua Immortal Emperor, a small fairyland, it is indeed not worth his attention.

Even the Saint of the Fairyland, except for the realm, has no sense of superiority in front of him.

After all, the Dragon Alliance is supreme, and no one dares to bully the existence in the central part of the fairyland.

Unless you want to wipe out the family, how about Jianshen Mountain, the top forces, how powerful?

But so what?

Isn't it the same as being suppressed by the Dragon Alliance and having no temper?

After returning to Yucheng, Chu Yan did not go back to Xu's house, but only found a restaurant to stay for a short time.

Although he was eager to find Qingcheng, he had waited for two years in the chaotic time and space, so two days would not be a big deal.

After all, the matter of the Xu family was caused by him, and he had to solve it at least.

In the restaurant, Chu Yan turned his luck, and the Eastern Xian Ranking appeared. Because of the battle with Yu Ming, his name had been ranked on the Xian Ranking.

"More than 700? So low?" Chu Yan frowned: "This position seems a bit embarrassing."

Yu Ming was here, and he was afraid that he would vomit blood when he heard this.

You know, there are a thousand people on the Xian Ranking, except for the first hundred, the positions behind are extremely inconspicuous, unless you deliberately look through them, you can't see them at all.

"Xunxian Realm is divided into five realms. I have only seen the tip of the iceberg in the central part for many years. Now the eastern part is extremely vast. If we just search for it, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is too difficult. It seems that we need to become famous quickly." Chu Yan sighed and then continued to flip through the Xunxian List.

But this time, he only looked at the top 100.

The easiest way to become famous in Xunxian Realm is to log in to Xunxian List.

In this way, everyone in Xunxian Realm can see it. As long as Qingcheng sees his name, he will understand that he is looking for her.

Of course, after a long time, Chu Yan's eyes condensed and paused at the top 20 positions on Xunxian List, revealing a touch of endless tenderness.

Xunxian List No. 17.

Liu Qingcheng.

This silly girl is really here.


In the next two days, Yucheng was boiling because there was a message that the prince of Shangqiu would come to Yucheng in person in two days to celebrate his centenary birthday.

This news also made Yucheng glorious. The Yu family was more active in making arrangements, sending out invitations to heroes and inviting heroes from all sides to the banquet.

Lincheng outside Yucheng was extremely envious and came to Yucheng to pay a visit a day in advance. Some people also said that Yucheng would be prosperous this time.

Not long after, another news came out that Prince Shang Yang would come to Yucheng this time and would probably choose a sister of a different surname in Yucheng to join the royal family.

Everyone was excited. All the clans and immortal sects selected the best women and introduced them one after another, but all this was unknown.

Of course, it was not to say that everyone was happy about it, such as the Xu family.

When they knew that Prince Shang Yang would come to Yucheng in person, and the day happened to be the day when the Xu family would pay tribute to the recovery pill, it was undoubtedly a bad news for the Xu family, like a bolt from the blue, and they were shrouded in a dead air.

Finally, time flew by, and the birthday of Prince Shang Yang arrived.

In the early morning, Yucheng was immediately bustling with people outside the city lord's mansion. Some big figures in the past came one after another.

In the Xu family, Xu Ying, Xu Yang, and many disciples all gathered here, with gloomy faces.

"Sure enough, he didn't come back!" Xu Yang's eyes were cold and he glared at Xu Xiaoya: "Xiaoya, today Prince Shang Yang is here in person. If my Xu family can't take out the recovery pill, we will be wiped out. The Yin family and the Yu family will not let us go. All this is your fault!"

There was a hint of loss in Xu Xiaoya's autumn eyes, but after a moment, she felt a little more fortunate.

She was kind-hearted and didn't want Chu Yan to come here. She thought in her heart that she had been sick since she was a child, which brought a lot of burden to her father. She took medicine all year round and was criticized by the family. Now it ended in this way. Maybe it was the best result. At least it saved Brother Chu's life.

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