Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 722 Sneak Attack

After breaking through Chu Yan's power, Hua Qingyu's attack became even more terrifying. Like a tsunami, it was devouring Chu Yan crazily, almost burying Chu Yan in it.

But at this time, Chu Yan was still standing in the center of the storm, defenseless, as if stunned, which made many people helpless.

"give up?"

"Why, since you can't steal other people's magical powers, do you have no trump card?" Hua Qingyu said proudly, her figure still expanding in the light.

"You said that you are not Chen Fengsheng. From the beginning to the end, you have been extremely arrogant and decided my life. However, do you know that I really used all my strength to kill Chen Fengsheng?" At this time, Chu Yan He suddenly spoke, and then his eyes flashed with a strange light.

"What do you mean?" Hua Qingyu frowned immediately.

Not only Hua Qingyu, but also everyone else's eyes immediately froze. Could it be that Chu Yan and Chen Fengsheng hadn't used all their strength in the fight?

But is this possible? Chen Fengsheng, a person in the top 100 on the Immortal Seeking List, and that person's younger brother, is surrounded by a halo.

If Chu Yan really didn't use all his strength, how strong would he be?

Chu Yan did not respond, but at this moment, his breath was restrained, and when he held his palm in the air, a terrifying sword intent emerged. In an instant, there was a clanging sword sound in the sky and earth, everywhere.

Everyone's eyes froze. Compared with just now, Chu Yan seemed to be a different person. Then there was no longer any magic around him, but a unique aura.

Chu Yan at this time is extremely unique. He is not anyone, he is just himself, like a young emperor.

Many people have long known that Long Meng Chu Yan is good at using swords, but they don't know how strong his sword skills are. Today, will he fight Hua Qingyu with a sword?

Hua Qingyu also seemed to feel the strong chill. The clothes on his chest were violently shattered, and he stepped back quickly, but it was too late. Chu Yan's sword seemed to be everywhere.

"You are indeed very strong!" Hua Qingyu failed to dodge the sword light in the end, leaving a sword mark on his chest. This made his eyes become colder and he stared at Chu Yan.

"You disappoint me, you are so weak." Chu Yan said coldly, the sound of the sword became stronger.

"This move should be enough to defeat you!" At this moment, he clasped his hands together, and then countless rocs appeared behind him. His speed seemed to surpass the wind, and there was a mist between heaven and earth that was impossible to catch. From his position, he saw a series of silver sword lights suddenly crossing each other, which was so fast that it was dizzying.

"Golden Winged Thunder Technique! Here comes the sword!"

Six words rang out between heaven and earth.

For just a moment, Hua Qingyu's face changed in shock. He felt as if he had endured extremely terrible oppression. At this moment, a holy will was born in the void. A golden figure appeared in his mind, which was transformed by Chu Yan. Like a saint, this made his face even more ugly.

"The will of the sages? Have you inherited the will of the sages?" Hua Qingyu growled.

Chu Yan still dismissed it. Saint Peng Yao left the will of a saint in his mind, giving him the power of a saint. Therefore, even though he had not truly entered the realm of a saint, a trace of the saint's will was still born.

Hua Qingyu only felt that he was not facing Chu Yan, but a saint. The infinite power was suppressing him crazily. He raised his hands high and kept circulating his energy, trying to dispel the power from his mind, but he found that he could not Unable to do so, the power of the Holy Will became stronger, corroding him crazily.

Finally, Hua Qingyu couldn't bear the power, her body trembled, and she spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Bang!" Almost at this moment, the picture of the country was shattered.


"Hua Qingyu, defeated!" Countless people's eyes froze. It had only been a short time since Chen Fengsheng's battle, and Chu Yan once again defeated Hua Qingyu strongly.

The terrifying sword intent just now was terrifying even to the disciples of Sword God Mountain.

"Prince!" The faces of the people from the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty froze, and they immediately rushed forward to support him. Hua Qingyu looked pale and looked up at Chu Yan coldly, also full of shock.

"Heir of the Immortal Emperor?" Chu Yan smiled sarcastically, but Hua Qingyu was speechless. He did not expect that Chu Yan was so powerful and had the will of a sage.

At this moment, the sword in Chu Yan's hand was slowly dragging on the ground. He walked very slowly. With every step, the sword in his hand would leave a mark on the ground, and he gradually walked towards Hua Qingyu.

Everyone's eyes were fixed, and the disciples of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty became even more nervous: "Chu Yan, what are you going to do?"

"If you want my magical power, you have to pay a price." Chu Yan said calmly. At this time, he had already walked in front of Hua Qingyu.

Looking at Chu Yan, Hua Qingyu's face was extremely embarrassed. He could clearly feel the murderous intention released from Chu Yan's body: "I am the prince of the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty. If you dare to kill me, I guarantee that you will kill me." There is no place for you to survive in this world!”

"Haha, after losing the battle, he brought up his background to suppress others. Is this the prince of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously, and then said calmly: "But you are right, killing you will indeed cause trouble, but If you take away my magical power, you should pay the price. Should you release your luck yourself, or should I plunder it?"

"You want to take away my luck?" Hua Qingyu's eyes narrowed, and the other party actually wanted to take away his luck.

The standard for the entrance to the Immortal Burial Cliff is a person with purple luck. Once his luck is taken away, he will lose the qualifications for the Immortal Burial Cliff. At that time, it means that the immortal's luck will completely miss him. This time he is looking for the immortal world. It is also equivalent to reaching the end.

"You are so presumptuous!" Hua Qing disciples were also angry, and many of them took a step forward.

"Whoever takes another step forward will collect the corpse of your prince." The sword in Chu Yan's hand flashed and landed directly on Hua Qingyu's throat. The sword energy whistled and cut a bloody mark. Now, as long as he exerted a little force, Hua Qingyu would die.

"Roar!" The disciples of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty were extremely angry, but they did not dare to move. They could only stare at Chu Yan.

"Hand it over." Chu Yan said calmly, and the sword intent pressed tighter.

Surrounded by the terrible sword energy, Hua Qingyu did not dare to gamble. Although luck is precious, if you lose your life, everything will be meaningless.

"You will regret it." Hua Qingyu roared, and a purple light slowly rose above him.

"Swoosh!" At this moment, a terrible sword light suddenly slashed.

The sword was so fast that it seemed to appear out of thin air, which made everyone's eyes fixed, including Chu Yan himself.

I saw a giant sword condensing in the sky above Chu Yan. The sword was as ruthless as the entire sky. In just a moment, the sword curtain had already reached Chu Yan, leaving him no time to dodge.

"Boom!" In a hurry, Chu Yan had no choice but to raise his hands, and a golden armor formed in his body.

In just the next second, the giant sword stabbed directly down, came out from below, penetrated a thousand meters of land, and directly shattered the ground. The thousand-mile gully was covered with yellow sand.

This abrupt scene shocked everyone.

Who is it.

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