Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 721 Chaos in the Country

Hua Qingyu, the prince of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty and the descendant of the Immortal Emperor, naturally has extremely terrifying talents. He is also in the top 50 on the Immortal Seeking List.

It is only because of Hua Qingfu that his brilliance is not so obvious and is ignored. However, in today's battle, as soon as it broke out, he immediately showed his terrifying fighting power.

His mind moved slightly, and immediately a terrifying brilliance of killing came out.

In an instant, the surrounding scenes seemed to have undergone tremendous changes.

There was a strong wind between heaven and earth, and thousands of divine weapons appeared in the void, including sharp swords, killing knives, and endless gun shadows, like a battlefield with thousands of troops.

Hua Qingyu stood in it, with his hands behind his back, but his figure seemed to be infinitely enlarged, turning into a peerless general. Those endless divine weapons were all commanded by him. The void kept changing, and black clouds pressed down on the city, forming countless killing whirlpools and light curtains, directly encircling Chu Yan.

With just this one move, the disciples of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty showed a proud smile.

"With your talent, it's a pity to kill you." Hua Qingyu's voice was calm, as if this single blow was enough to determine Chu Yan's life or death.

In the distance, many people were also attracted. Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes fixed.

"Hua Qingyu from Huaqing Palace, Chu Yan from Dragon Alliance!"

"Did the two of them meet?" Countless people fixed their eyes, and were shocked by the two whistling and colliding auras in the sky.

At this time, the two had not yet completely collided, but even so, the airflow was dyed with color. Behind Chu Yan was a golden light, like an unparalleled god of war, one man guarding the pass, and ten thousand men were invincible.

Hua Qingyu was just the opposite. He turned his spirit into divine thoughts, as if he had created a battlefield. He controlled thousands of troops and was in high spirits.

"That Chu Yan seems to have realized his own way."

"I wonder who will win if these two meet."

"It must be Hua Qingyu!" At this moment, a group of figures suddenly walked out of the crowd. Each of them was as straight as a sword, and they exuded a sharp meaning.

"It's someone from Jianshen Mountain!" Many people looked in the direction of the voice, and saw that the leader was a young man wearing purple clothes, and sword shadows kept turning around him.

"Beiming Tingtao?" This person, Jianshen Mountain Beiming Tingtao, became famous after fighting against three top Tianjuns a year ago. He was in the top 50 on the Xianxian Ranking. However, when Lin Ang went to Jianshen Mountain, he was repelled by Lin Ang in one step, which damaged his reputation. Now he appeared again in the Burial Cliff.

He is now stronger than the last time he fought with Lin Ang. His eyes are as sharp as a sword, and he looks at Chu Yan with a terrible chill.

It was a shame for him to be repelled by Lin Ang last time. For this reason, he practiced hard for three months, just to take revenge in the Burial Cliff.

Meeting Chu Yan here today, he will naturally not miss such an opportunity.

The collision in the void was even more terrifying. The divine weapons around Hua Qingyu intertwined and oppressed Chu Yan. He said calmly: "Since you have good talent, I will give you another chance. You don't have to join the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. Hand over your magical powers. Today, I will spare your life."

"Can't you bear to expose your true nature? From the beginning, this was your purpose, right?" Chu Yan laughed sarcastically in the storm: "If so, why bother to be so hypocritical? The huge Huaqing Immortal Dynasty claims to be the orthodox of the immortal realm, but in the end, it is so shameless. No wonder you will eventually fall."

"You are looking for death!" Hua Qingyu's eyes condensed, and with a thud, the thousands of divine weapons became more terrifying, as if they were about to crush Chu Yan at any time.

"So strong!" Countless people condensed their eyes, and were shocked by Hua Qingyu's terrible attack.

"How can the descendant of Emperor Huaqing, who has the most orthodox bloodline of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, be weak? It seems that we have underestimated Hua Qingyu before." Everyone sighed. Just this terrible power, not to mention the new Heavenly Monarch, even the top Heavenly Monarch would find it difficult to resist, right?

"Such a terrible attack, how can you block it!" Hua Qingyu said coldly.

However, facing the terrible killing, Chu Yan's eyes were cold and calm.

This is not the first time that the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty has troubled him. It was before outside the Burial Cliff, and now it is directly killing.

So, he stopped talking nonsense, took a step forward, his body continued to expand, and the terrible Titan armor glowed, making him seem to merge with the Heavenly Emperor. Then he sent out a huge palm print, colliding with countless divine weapons and sharp blades, and a terrible crack suddenly appeared where it touched.

"Blocked it!" Countless people looked wonderful.

Hua Qingyu's attack just now was definitely not weak. That terrible light curtain, even the top Heavenly Monarch would not dare to be careless, right? However, it was still blocked by Chu Yan.

But when they thought that Chu Yan was the one who defeated Chen Fengsheng, they were relieved. Chu Yan already had the combat power of a top-level Heavenly Monarch.

"No wonder he could beat Chen Fengsheng. His strength is really good, but it's a pity that he is not enough in front of me!" Hua Qingyu raised his hands, and a strong light pierced out from behind him. Immediately, his figure seemed to expand infinitely in the light, and then a scroll of the world spread out.

"Chaos Jiangshan!" Seeing this scene, countless people were shocked. The top magical power of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty was not weaker than the ancient text of the Chen clan.

At this time, Chu Yan also slightly concentrated his mind. The Jiangshan scroll gave him a very terrible suppression, which made his body tremble slightly, but it was only for a moment. He clenched his arms, and the devil's hand was deduced. Then he turned into a huge force and slashed out, bombarding the opponent.

"You think you are invincible after defeating Chen Fengsheng? In front of me, you are still too weak. You will soon know how huge the gap is between Chen Fengsheng and me." Hua Qingyu said confidently, countless magic weapons Intertwined, and finally condensed into a spear in the void.

But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly laughed, his eyes flashing with a trace of teasing.

"Are you laughing?"

"You laugh at you, you are too self-righteous." Chu Yan's voice was calm, and then he raised his hands high, and the light of all laws flowed in his body. Suddenly, a strange picture appeared, and a unique picture appeared in front of him. The picture scroll comes.

"This trick again? He has learned to mess with the world!" Countless people stared at each other. If Chen Fengsheng was a coincidence once, what about this time?

"Sure enough, it is a powerful magical power." Hua Qingyu's eyes also condensed, and his greed became more intense. If such magical powers can be taken away from him and given to his father, his status will definitely be one step closer in the future.

Even surpassing Huaqing Fu is possible.

"But, do you think I am Chen Fengsheng?" Hua Qingyu whispered, and then the picture of the country became even more crazy. The picture kept changing, and the pattern was huge: "Chaos of the country requires the power of the spirit to control it. Even if you learn how, How can it be displayed?"


Suddenly, the scroll that Chu Yan had just condensed shattered and was broken by Hua Qingyu.

"As expected, it won't work."

Chu Yan sighed helplessly. Luan Jiangshan was indeed powerful, but like the Demon Hand, it was a blessing magical power. Although he had learned it, he had no martial arts to use it with, so it seemed a bit useless.

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