Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 723 Battle of the Two Heroes

The giant sword smashed down, turning the surrounding area into ruins.

This sword came too suddenly, burying Chu Yan's figure in the ruins.

Is this a sneak attack?

The people around stared at the giant sword, and immediately looked in the direction of the giant sword. They saw a purple-clothed young man standing on his back, staring coldly at the bottom, revealing a terrible sword intent.

"Beiming Tingtao!" When many people saw that figure, they were even more shocked. The people from Jianshen Mountain actually launched a sneak attack on Chu Yan.

It was still Beiming Tingtao. Doing this would definitely damage his reputation, but he still did it, which shows his determination to kill Chu Yan.

Moreover, although Beiming Tingtao's fame was short-lived, his combat power was extremely strong. He could see it when he fought against the three top Tianjuns. Now, with a full-strength sword, can Chu Yan still survive?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes immediately became serious.

Chu Yan is a disciple of the Dragon Alliance. In the fairyland, the Dragon Alliance has always been a special existence. Therefore, there is a rumor in the fairyland that people of the Dragon Alliance cannot be bullied.

It's one thing to make an appointment to fight, even if it's a life-and-death battle, the Dragon Alliance can afford to lose, and will not retaliate even if they die in the battle.

However, now Bei Ming Ting Tao is attacking by surprise, which is equivalent to bullying his Dragon Alliance. If Chu Yan really dies under this sword, how serious will the matter be.

Last time, it was because Su Changge bullied Wangfeng with his realm that Lin Ang went to Jianshen Mountain alone, killed Su Changge in front of all the disciples of Jianshen Mountain, and said that he wanted to start a war and the Dragon Alliance was waiting.

If Chu Yan died because of Bei Ming Ting Tao this time, the Dragon Alliance would definitely go berserk.

"Asshole!" At this time, the disciples of the Holy Dragon Alliance around were also angry, but as soon as their vitality burst out, the other disciples of Jianshen Mountain flew out together to stop them.

Hua Qingyu had stood up at this time, and he stared at the giant sword with an icy gaze.

Chu Yan, is he dead like this?

Bei Ming Ting Tao also stared at the bottom. Both he and Chu Yan became famous in this Xunxian Realm. There were even some topics comparing the two of them in Xunxian Realm.

Before, he had always disdained it because Chu Yan's realm was too low, but not long ago, Chu Yan defeated Chen Fengsheng, and finally made him feel threatened.

The Xinghai man who was not yet a Heavenly Monarch that day has now grown to a certain height, so from beginning to end, he has been observing the battle between Chu Yan and Hua Qingyu. He began to think that Hua Qingyu's combat power would definitely beat Chu Yan, but Hua Qingyu still lost.

This made his sense of crisis even stronger, and he did not hesitate to make a sneak attack for this. This might be criticized, but as long as Chu Yan died, everything would be worth it. The so-called Heaven's Chosen and Dragon Alliance legends would no longer exist. Even if the Dragon Alliance wanted to retaliate, as long as he left Xunxian Realm and hid in Jianshen Mountain, nothing would happen.

But at this moment, the yellow sand suddenly dissipated.

In the yellow sand, there was a thin figure standing. He stood there and let the giant sword cut his chest, leaving a huge bloody wound there, but he still stood and did not fall down.

Chu Yan's eyes were extremely cold. He knew that Jianshen Mountain was hostile to him. He had never been afraid of fighting, but the other party attacked him.

"It's Chu Yan, he's not dead!" When they saw that figure, everyone's eyes were fixed. It was hard to imagine that Chu Yan didn't die after enduring such a terrible sword. How terrible his body and defense were.

Bei Ming Tingtao's eyes also stagnated. Although the sword just now was hasty and not his full strength, Chu Yan still had no chance to defend, but he still failed with such a great opportunity.

Then, this matter is big. Bei Ming Tingtao attacked the disciples of the Dragon Alliance. Chu Yan didn't die. Will the Dragon Alliance let him go?

Thinking of this, Bei Ming Tingtao also felt a little cold in his heart.

However, he seemed to be unable to wait for the revenge of the Dragon Alliance. At this moment, a terrible force suddenly erupted from Chu Yan's body, directly covering him. With a thud, Chu Yan took a step forward, leaving a deep footprint in the ruins. Then he grasped the void, and his arm was immediately covered with magic patterns. The devil's hand emerged and grabbed Bei Ming Ting Tao directly.

Bei Ming Ting Tao frowned, then quickly retreated, slashed with a sword, and blocked the devil's hand.

"You are really strong. Even if you blocked such a sneak attack, you can't kill me if you continue to attack." Bei Ming Ting Tao said calmly.

"You will die today." Chu Yan said indifferently, taking a step forward, the terrible devil flame burned, wanting to shatter the earth.

Feeling the pressure of that breath, Bei Ming Ting Tao's face darkened, and then he snorted coldly and looked at Hua Qing Yu: "Prince Hua Qing, this boy is too arrogant and looks down on others. How about you and I join forces?"

Hua Qing Yu thought about it, and he must have made a feud with Chu Yan. If it weren't for Bei Ming Ting Tao, his luck would have been taken away.

"I want that magical power."

"The evil sword belongs to me." Bei Ming Ting Tao did not refuse, and Hua Qing Yu nodded immediately: "Okay!"

The faces of the people around him condensed. Chu Yan did show terrible fighting power before, but now Hua Qing Yu and Bei Ming Ting Tao joined forces, that's really a big deal.

Both Bei Ming Ting Tao and Hua Qing Yu are in the top 50 of the Immortal Seeking List. With their realm, they are definitely not comparable to ordinary people. They are the pride of one side. Now that the two of them join forces, how can Chu Yan win?

Thinking of this, many people broke into a cold sweat for Chu Yan.

There are also disciples of the Holy Dragon League around, but they dare not step forward. The disciples of Hua Qing Xian Dynasty and Jian Shen Mountain have been paying attention to them.

"Go inform the King of Qin, quickly!" a disciple of the Holy Dragon Alliance gave the order. At this point in the matter, it was no longer something they could interfere with, and the only thing they could do was to inform the King of Qin.

The two of them joined forces and immediately burst out with a terrible aura. Bei Ming Ting Tao's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Chu Yan had too many secrets.

The most amazing thing about the previous battle with Chen Fengsheng was the Wan Fa Lu and the Xian Bing Xie Jian. If he could get the Xian Bing, his status in Jian Shen Mountain would surely increase dramatically in the future.

"Even if you are extraordinary in combat power, how can you win when we two join forces now!" Bei Ming Ting Tao said sneerfully, and then the sword in his hand flew out, turning into an infinite and terrifying sword light, slashing towards Chu Yan.

Among the thousands of sword shadows, Chu Yan stood proudly, he was like a sword, and all the sword shadows were dormant the moment they approached him.

At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes condensed and suddenly burst out, but almost at the same time, Hua Qingyu also moved, and the scroll of Luan Jiang Shan unfolded, turning into thousands of divine weapons, endless.

"Chu Yan, both of us are in the top 50 of the Xun Xian List. It is also your honor to die in our hands." Hua Qingyu said coldly.

"You are a defeated general, you are not worthy of saying that." Chu Yan said sarcastically. Almost at the same time, thousands of ancient divine patterns descended from his body, blasting towards the heaven and earth, followed by thousands of magic spells and the operation of the Ten Thousand Magic Records, constantly strengthening those powers.

"Get out!"

The ground trembled again, and the surrounding power was infinitely expanded.

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