Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 720 Huaqingyu

It seems that several years have passed in the land of nothingness. Disciples from top forces are constantly entering it, but only a few are leaving.

So far, only the top beings such as Hua Qingfu, Chen Huangsheng, and Lin Ang have passed the test.

When Lin Ang left, under a golden tree, a touch of Holy Dragon Taoism was born, soaring into the sky and passing the test.

In addition, the Holy Sons of the Holy Academy have also made breakthroughs, as well as Jian Beifeng of the Sword God Mountain and King Qin of the Holy Dragon Alliance. They have passed the test one after another. Their realms are higher and they are more likely to touch the boundaries of Taoism.

The rest of the people have been trapped in this void world because they have never been enlightened. They have lost their mentality and are extremely irritable. In today's world, conflicts between major forces often break out, including the fairies of Qiong Yao Immortal Palace.

However, Chu Yan was not affected at all.

Since being separated from Ye Xun and others, Chu Yan has been alone in this world to comprehend. After this period of time, he has also improved.

On this day, he came under a mountain peak. The mountain looked very weird, like a huge palm, like a five-finger mountain. On the mountain peak, there were countless remnants intertwined, and those remnants were extremely deep and faint. It also revealed a mysterious meaning.

Chu Yan looked up at the mountain peak and was quite shocked. This was the first time he saw such a profound thing in this place of nothingness.

The next moment, Chu Yan continued to walk towards Palm Mountain. There were faint shadows of immortals overlapping above. It was very strange. Even the sky on Palm Mountain changed, as if there were thousands of stars twinkling, constantly projecting dappled light down. A starry sky road formed in front of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the road to the starry sky, frowning slightly. Logically speaking, there is no chance in this place of nothingness, and he can only rely on him to realize it.

But Palm Mountain actually gave him a chance. In other words, this starry sky road was his way.

"Go and have a look." Chu Yan thought and took a step forward. However, the next moment, the stars in the sky fused together and turned into colorful lights falling down.

"Boom!" With just this step, those powers pressed on Chu Yan's body, causing his face to change with shock. Some of those powers turned into terrifying tsunamis, some turned into countless vines, and golden thunder. Fire from the sky, meteorites from the stars, each one is full of extremely terrifying destructive power.

Deeply trapped in it, Chu Yan felt as if he would be swallowed up by these powers at any time, or be killed, making his face turn pale.

This state lasted for a long time before he calmed down. Those powers seemed to have reached a critical point with himself. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Palm Mountain with clear eyes.

"I really want to see what is in this mountain." Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and took another step.

"Boom!" As Chu Yan stepped forward, those powers became even more terrifying, as if all kinds of attacks were forming and forming countless storms, trying to annihilate Chu Yan's life.

But with the last experience, Chu Yan was well prepared to face these forces. He switched to his true self, and a dazzling golden light bloomed all over his body. Then his body expanded, and his armor and shawl were like the peerless Titan War God.

"Bang!" In a moment, I saw those colorful brilliance crashing down, bursting on the Titan armor, and turning into nothingness.

In this way, Chu Yan strode forward, gradually approaching the palm mountain. The world in front of him became clearer and clearer, and even five different worlds appeared.

"I know." Chu Yan's eyes suddenly brightened. He raised his head and looked at the mountain of palms: "The so-called five fingers are the five elements. The ways of heaven and earth are all evolved from the five elements. The five elements are the ten thousand laws. This is my own Tao. It turns out that I have been stuck in a misunderstanding."

"It turns out that I wanted to walk my own path and pursue a unique way, but I forgot that practicing all kinds of methods is not unique." Chu Yan smiled brightly. At this time, he had arrived at the foot of the Palm Mountain, with the tower above. The terrifying five elements of brilliance flickered and enveloped his body.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" At this time, a burst of applause suddenly came from the distance, and then there was a laugh: "As expected of the chosen one, he is indeed amazing. He realized his own way in such a short period of time. "

Chu Yan frowned slightly, turned and looked around, and saw a group of people standing in the distance. They were people from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty. The leader was a top-level Tianjun young man, wearing a dragon robe and with clear eyes.

"Is something wrong?" Chu Yan looked up at the other person and frowned. He had seen this person before, Hua Qingyu, a prince of the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, one of the top fifty in the Immortal Seeking World, even higher than Chen Fengsheng.

"Heaven and earth are nothing more than yin, yang and five elements. However, you have them all in front of you. What path have you realized?" Hua Qingyu looked at Chu Yan with a smile.

"What does it have to do with you?" Chu Yan said bluntly. He still remembered the time when the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty wanted to snatch the Wanfa Lu outside the Immortal Burial Cliff.

"If you don't want to, just forget it." Hua Qingyu shrugged indifferently and suddenly said: "I came today to invite you to join the Hua Qing Immortal Dynasty."

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed. He thought that the other party would attack him directly, but the invitation made him a little surprised. He said calmly: "I am already a disciple of the Dragon Alliance."

"That won't happen if you join the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty." Hua Qingyu said softly, with a rather confident look in his eyes: "The Huaqing Immortal Dynasty was the former dynasty in the central part of the Immortal Domain. Although it has fallen into decline, it is still the top power. And soon, the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty will be unified here. Joining here will be better for you than being in the Dragon Alliance. "

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm not going to quit the Dragon Alliance." Chu Yan shook his head and looked at Hua Qingyu. To his surprise, Hua Qingyu still looked at him with a smile: "You'd better think about it again."

"No need." Chu Yan said firmly, but this time, Hua Qingyu sighed with regret: "This is a bit of a pity."

"What a pity."

"Originally, a genius might be born in the fairyland soon, but now, a genius is going to fall." Hua Qingyu chuckled, but Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and then he immediately felt a huge oppression, like a prehistoric thunder, the world around him immediately changed, oppressing him.

"If you don't join, you will be wiped out? What a domineering Huaqing Immortal Dynasty." Chu Yan's face sank, and he was also angry at this time. He raised his hand and turned into a huge palm print and blasted it out. A thunder immediately shattered in the distance.

However, Hua Qingyu was very calm. Behind him, a shadow vaguely emerged, ruthless and endless, directly encircling Chu Yan from all directions.

At this time, the disciples of Huaqing Immortal Dynasty all revealed a playful look. In their opinion, even if Chu Yan now had some fame, if their prince took action, Chu Yan would definitely be defeated today, and the so-called Dragon Alliance myth would also come to an end.

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