Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 712: Battle for the Appointment

He didn't even stay to watch Chen Fengsheng's fight, because in his heart, Chen Fengsheng would not lose this fight. The arrogant figure directly stepped into the Burial Immortal Cliff and became the first person to enter it this year.

"Just like that, went in?" There are two reasons why no one stepped into the Burial Immortal Cliff. One is that they want to stay and watch the two people's fight. The second is that no one knows the crisis and no one wants to be the first person.

However, Chen Huangsheng came here and entered without hesitation, bringing only that arrogance.

"Is this Chen Huangsheng?" Everyone sighed, how strong is he to have such confidence?

"You stay and meet me after entering the Burial Immortal Cliff." Hua Qingfu looked at the direction of Hua Qingxian, and then left a sentence, and his figure whistled, following Chen Huangsheng into it, as if he was unwilling to fall behind.

"Prince Huaqing has also joined! Is it a battle for the first and second place on the Xunxian list? Now only Lin Ang of the Dragon Alliance is left in the top three!"

The top three on the Xunxian list are Chen Huangsheng first, Hua Qingfu second, and Lin Ang third. However, this ranking is not accurate. The three have never fought each other. Some people also say that this time in the Xunxian world, there will be a strongest battle, and it will be born among the three of them.

Chen Fengsheng retracted his gaze, flashing with a strong fighting spirit. His brother has absolute confidence in him, so he can't lose.

"Roar--" Suddenly, a shocking dragon roar came from the void.

The dragon roar resounded, and the world stared, and then the clouds dissipated, and the huge shadow of the holy dragon hovered on the Burial Cliff.

"Boom!" At this moment, a figure suddenly leaped down, and then the crowd couldn't help but make way for him. He was peerless and walked slowly forward from the crowd, his eyes flashing with a demonic light, and there was an evil sword behind him. Just like that, he passed through the crowd and came to the front of the Burial Cliff.

On the other side of him was Chen Fengsheng. The two looked at each other across the cliff, but their eyes seemed to have a strong collision in the air.

Here they come! The people from the Holy Dragon League have arrived!

That person also came to keep the appointment!

Everyone's heart was shaking, looking at Chu Yan, this is really too crazy!

It was ridiculous for a junior Tianjun realm to challenge Chen Fengsheng, and what was even more incredible was that he really came now. In everyone's opinion, this was simply looking for death.

"I didn't expect you to really dare to come!" Chen Fengsheng also showed a playful smile.

"Chen Fengsheng, you didn't forget the appointment?" Chu Yan said calmly.

The two made an appointment to fight, Chen Fengsheng said that life and death were not important, and Chu Yan said that if he won, he would not kill Chen Fengsheng, but in the future, he would stay away from Liu Qingcheng.

"Remember, so you will die today." Chen Fengsheng sneered, the breath in his body burned, turned into a terrible phantom, covering the nine heavens, like a god descending from heaven, he looked up at Liu Qingcheng: "Qingcheng, after today, you will understand that in this world, only I, Chen Fengsheng, can be worthy of you!"

Immediately, the atmosphere of the Burial Cliff solidified, and the eyes of people from all sides flickered, and even consciously gave up a battlefield in the center.

"Since it is a battle, the Holy Dragon Alliance does not object to not borrowing the magic weapons, immortal skills, and luck?" A young man from the Tianhua Immortal Palace laughed in the distance.

"My Dragon Alliance disdains." Lin Ang responded coldly.

"That's good, in this case, lock the battlefield." Several figures flew out of the Tianhua Immortal Palace immediately. At the same time, King Qin winked, and people from the Holy Dragon Alliance also flew out, eight people from each side, a total of sixteen people, all top-level Tianjun, turned their bodies into formations, and saw an absolute battlefield rising in front of the Burial Cliff, covering the two people.

Liu Qingcheng stood there calmly. Today's battle was caused by her, but she had absolute confidence in Chu Yan.

Everyone looked at the battlefield more seriously. This was a battlefield of life and death. Unless one side admitted defeat and the other side let it go, anyone who dared to escape the formation without authorization would be immediately killed by the eight top Tianjuns of the other side.

At this time, Chen Fengsheng took a step forward and looked up at Chu Yan: "Do you know? A long time ago, I knew you existed, but I never took you seriously, because at that time, you were not worthy of entering my world. What achievements could the son of the Star Sea have? But I didn't expect that you would join the Dragon Alliance, which is also qualified to fight with me, but the result will not change at all. From today on, there will be no Chu Yan in the world."

After speaking, Chen Fengsheng took the lead. There was a terrible light blooming in his body, which made people unable to see through it. There were also ancient characters surrounding him. Then he clenched his palms, and those characters jumped up, turning into chains, and madly bombarded Chu Yan.

Feeling the coming of that power, Chu Yan's eyes were calm, and the Soul-Slashing Heaven Sword was sacrificed. With the burning of the holy Soul Sun, it turned into a flaming sword, slashing out of the void, and immediately there were countless flames.

"Boom!" Just this one confrontation caused a huge wave.

"The power is good, but it's still not enough!" Chen Fengsheng said arrogantly, and then his figure kept pressing closer. As he stepped out step by step, those ancient characters became more and more terrifying, as if every word in those characters contained the words of the ancients, making a terrible buzzing sound.

Chu Yan did not explain, and those ancient characters flew out and turned into various magical powers, each of which carried the power of destruction.

Suddenly, the sky changed color, as if everything was under the control of Chen Fengsheng.

At this moment, Chu Yan's body leaped in one step, and saw an ancient character turned into a starlight chain in front of him, entwined, his arms expanded, there were bursts of demonic energy surging, the devil's hand evolved, and then he hit nine consecutive strikes, each of which shook the world, the sky walked nine strikes.

"Since the opening of the Xunxian Realm, the name of the Chosen One has been widely spread. However, the world has forgotten that the so-called Chosen One is just an opportunity given to you by my Tianhua Immortal Palace! It is a gift. Without my Tianhua Immortal Palace, what are you? Then how can you be worthy of fighting with me?" Chen Fengsheng stood in countless ancient characters, with his long hair flying, and said arrogantly.

Everyone's heart trembled slightly. Yes, the so-called Chosen One is the person of Tianhua Immortal Palace.

Then what is Chu Yan without Tianhua Immortal Palace? Now, he has to fight with the Tianjiao of Tianhua Immortal Palace?

This seems a little ridiculous, and the ending has become clearer.

"You are also worthy of saying this?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously. Yes, the name of the Chosen One did come from Tianhua Immortal Palace, but what Qingcheng fought for him at that time was related to him, Chen Fengsheng?

Moreover, he is still a disciple of the Dragon Alliance. Lin Ang said that the Dragon Alliance values ​​him, which is also the Chosen One.

"Today, the world will know that the so-called chosen by heaven is nothing but a joke!" Chen Fengsheng spoke lightly, and stretched out his arm. There was a huge ancient Sanskrit word in the distance, which turned into a mountain and pressed down on Chu Yan.

"What I practice is the ancient text of Chen Zu. How can you resist this kind of power?"

In an instant, the endless ancient text seemed to devour the sky. In a blink of an eye, it seemed that only those words were left between heaven and earth. Chu Yan's figure seemed extremely small and insignificant in it.

Seeing this scene, countless people stared: "What a strong power!"

"The ancient text of the Chen clan, this magical power, is the inheritance of the Chen clan. It was later carried forward by Emperor Chen. It has a history of ten thousand years."

"Is Chu Yan going to lose?" Countless people speculated in their hearts. The power of the magical power was too strong, destroying the world. The ancient text was even imprinted in everyone's mind. As long as Chen Fengsheng had a thought, he could wipe out the world.

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