Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 711: Chen Huangsheng, the First Immortal Seeker

After a period of time, Chu Yan kept his soul in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower and practiced the Record of All Laws.

In addition, he also chose some magical skills to try out, such as a set of sword techniques called: Taichu. This method is smooth and flowing, like a breeze blowing catkins, killing people invisibly, which is just suitable for Chu Yan's original body.

As the days passed, in addition to magical powers, he also did not delay his comprehension of blood.

Since entering the Xunxian Realm, he found that the ancient blood in his body was more active, but he still couldn't use it, which made him very speechless. For this matter, he also found Qingcheng alone and asked about it.

It's just that Qingcheng's answer to him is ambiguous. Qingcheng's blood awakened from the palm of the Soul Palace Supreme at the beginning, but it seems that the blood in Chu Yan's body is even stronger. Even if it has erupted several times, it is still uncontrollable.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed, and the Burial of Immortals Cliff was about to open.

The air in Xunxian Realm seemed to condense, and everyone could smell a sense of tension.

The top forces from all sides have begun to gather their troops and prepare to set off.

They are the top forces in the fairyland, with the title of overlord. The people sent this time are the most outstanding among them. It can be said that this Burial of Immortals Cliff will be the most outstanding gathering of the generation of Junzhi in the central part of the fairyland since the opening of the Seeking of Immortals.

In the direction of Jianshen Mountain, Jian Beifeng was like a sword shadow, and hundreds of swordsmen had gathered behind him.

"Are you all ready?"

"Yes!" The sound of the sword shook the world.

"What does this Burial of Immortals Cliff mean? You all know it, right?" Jian Beifeng asked again.

"The glory and survival of Jianshen Mountain! This battle must be won!"

"Then let's go!" Jian Beifeng nodded, and then his eyes were sharp, like a sword shooting into the sky.

On the same day, countless scholars from the Holy Academy went down the mountain. They were wearing ordinary cloth clothes, holding books in their hands, and looked a little thin. They were just walking in the crowd, but no one dared to despise them, just because they were from the Holy Academy!

Huaqing Immortal Dynasty, led by Hua Qingfu, just standing there, gives people a sense of holiness, a young emperor.

Behind him, there is an army, standing powerfully, ready to go, this is the former first overlord of the central part of the fairyland, a generation of emperors.

"Let's go!" Hua Qingfu's eyes flashed with determination, and he stepped into the air.

Tianhua Immortal Palace, led by Chen Fengsheng, and another group of people, Su Tong, and Liu Qingcheng's guards and maids, lined up alone.

Yaochi Immortal Palace, located in Tianchi, surrounded by fairy mist, with beautiful women dancing, beautiful.

On this day, countless fairies flew out and headed towards the place where the Immortal Burial Cliff Valley was located. The leader was a beautiful woman. Even standing among countless fairies, it was still difficult to conceal her peerless temperament. She was the leader of the Yaochi Immortal Palace Junyi generation: Lin Xueqiao.

On Shenglong Mountain, the seven alliances gathered, including the Ghost Alliance and the Killing Alliance that Chu Yan had never seen before.

King Qin and Lin Ang were at the front, with Ye Xun, Wang Feng, and Xiao Lang at the back.

"Has it not come out yet?" King Qin calculated the time and said with a wry smile, "It's almost too late."

"Son of God, Senior Brother!" Just then, a clear voice came from a distance, and Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng walked towards the crowd holding hands.

"Have you made any progress in this month?" Lin Ang said calmly, and Chu Yan smiled faintly, "You'll know when the time comes."

"Let's go!" King Qin's eyes condensed, and then a huge holy dragon flew over the sky, and countless people jumped on the back of the holy dragon, and the dragon wings flapped wildly, rushing into the sky.


The Burial Cliff, as the name suggests, is a place where the cliff falls, but this cliff is extremely dangerous, like a natural moat, dividing the earth in half.

There is fairy mist lingering below, and the sound of wind like ghost howling can often be heard.

Today, many heroes have gathered on the Burial Cliff to establish their own territory. In addition to the top forces, some second-rate forces have also come here, not wanting to miss this miracle.

At this time, countless fairies descended from the void, attracting countless gazes.

"The fairies of Qiongyao Fairy Palace! So beautiful!" Someone whispered, "I have only heard that the girls of Qiongyao Fairy Palace are beautiful. Now I see them. It is a great honor. Each one is so exquisite, really like a fairy."

"Of course, do you see the one in the middle?" Someone pointed to Lin Xueqiao.

"There is such a beauty in the world? Who is she?" Countless people were shocked. Lin Xueqiao still stood out among countless fairies and was beautiful beyond words.

"The leader of the Jun generation of Qiongyao Fairy Palace, Lin Xueqiao! According to legend, ten years ago, she was known as one of the three beauties in the fairyland, and the other two had already broken through the Jun realm. The Jun generation is probably unparalleled in the fairyland!"

"That may not be the case. Have you forgotten the one from Tianhua Fairy Palace?" Someone immediately refuted, and then everyone's eyes fixed, as if they thought of something.

"Liu Qingcheng of Tianhua Fairy Palace is as beautiful as her name! From this point of view, the fairyland now should have four beauties."

"What a strong sword intent! The people from Jianshen Mountain have arrived!" At this time, Jian Po Changkong, led by Jian Beifeng, and countless disciples behind him descended together, like a sword forest standing tall.

"People from Huaqing Fairy Dynasty and Holy Academy!" Someone else said, and everyone's eyes fixed.

"The Burial Cliff of Immortals is open, and it turns out that the top forces don't want to miss it, but the Holy Dragon Alliance and Tianhua Fairy Palace haven't come, and there is another appointment today!"

"Chu Yan and Chen Fengsheng!" Everyone talked about it with relish.

"Guess who will win this battle?"

"Chen Fengsheng!" someone said confidently, and the people around him were surprised: "So sure?"

"Chu Yan is indeed very strong, but his realm is a little lower after all. If Chen Fengsheng is an ordinary person, it doesn't matter. They are both geniuses, but it is impossible for them to be in the same realm." The man determined.

Of course, some people disagreed, thinking that although Chu Yan's realm was weaker than Chen Fengsheng, as a chosen one and a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, he must have something extraordinary.

But they didn't argue. After all, the war was about to start, and it would be clear who was stronger and who was weaker.

At the Burial Cliff, strong men kept coming, and finally the people from the Tianhua Fairy Palace arrived, riding on the huge Demon Kunpeng.

Chen Fengsheng stood in the first place, with an arrogant look, as if the next battle had nothing to do with him. He came straight down and stood on an open space on the cliff, waiting quietly.

"The only thing missing is Chu Yan, but will he come today?" Everyone discussed, and with the arrival of Chen Fengsheng, the atmosphere of the Burial Cliff became thicker.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of sword in the void, and a young man walked alone in the distance.

Judging from his appearance, the young man was somewhat similar to Chen Fengsheng, but he did not belong to any top power. He was born in the Chen family, the descendant of Emperor Chen, and the first on the Xunxian list, Chen Huangsheng.

"He is here too... Is he here to watch Chen Fengsheng fight?"

"Brother!" Chen Fengsheng also looked up. Even though they were of the same generation, he was full of respect for his brother, just like treating an elder.

"Yeah." Chen Huangsheng nodded casually, his eyes turned and fell directly below the Burial Cliff Valley: "It is said that the Burial Cliff is the battlefield of ancient immortals. Although there are endless opportunities, it is accompanied by dangers. Since we have entered the Xunxian world, how can we not go and explore it. Fengsheng, quickly end your grudges, I will wait for you inside."

After speaking, Chen Huangsheng stepped out, and his arrival seemed to be the opening of the Burial Cliff.

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