Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 713: The Power of the Record of All Laws

The people of the Holy Dragon League became serious and stared at this battle.

No matter what, Chu Yan is a member of the Holy Dragon League after all. Today's battle represents the Holy Dragon League. They all sweated for Chu Yan.

"Chen Fengsheng can come to this day and become a leader in the generation of Tianhua Fairy Palace. It can be said that he is strong." King Qin looked at Lin Ang: "Chu Yan is two realms behind him. Can he win?"

"I don't know." Lin Ang looked at the battlefield, his eyes were calm and without any waves.

"Don't you care at all?" King Qin frowned and asked.

"The Dragon League disciple has never lost a fight. If he loses, he will not be my Dragon League disciple." Lin Ang said calmly, but King Qin was speechless. If he loses, even if the Dragon League does not recognize him, what can he do? Losing is losing.

The reputation of the Dragon League in the fairyland will definitely be affected by then.

Moreover, Chu Yan's talent is indeed very strong, but his realm is a little bit worse. If he does not die today, his future achievements will never be weak.

"Kill!" In the battlefield, Chen Fengsheng's eyes condensed, and a smile appeared under his big handprint. In his opinion, this battle was over.

"It seems that I overestimated you!" Chen Fengsheng shook his head, and the endless ancient texts finally crushed and merged into one. Chu Yan's figure suddenly disappeared and was swallowed up.

"Boom!" At this time, a strange scene appeared. The merged ancient texts cracked, and a terrible light shot out from it.

"Not dead?" Everyone's eyes condensed.

"Bang!" With a bang, the endless ancient texts shattered, and Chu Yan stood in it intact. Then he looked at the ancient texts scattered around him and nodded thoughtfully: "So that's it."

"Blocked?" Chen Fengsheng wanted to turn around and leave, but suddenly stopped, and then his smile became more intense: "This is interesting. But I'm curious, how many times can you block my attacks!"

"Condensation!" In an instant, endless ancient texts were suspended again.

"Another Chen clan ancient text!" Everyone said nervously, the power this time was stronger than before.

Chu Yan looked at the ancient text with a calm look. After experiencing an enlightenment, he suddenly waved his hand. In an instant, he saw a faint light blooming around him, shining brightly, and countless words appeared around his body. Compared with Chen Fengsheng's magical power, it was somewhat similar.

"This is also the ancient text of the Chen clan? Chu Yan can also do it?"

"Imitate me?" Chen Fengsheng was also stunned, and then sneered: "My Chen clan's ancient text is passed down from generation to generation and polished. It can be said to be a top-level magical power. Even if you can imitate my shape, how can you imitate my charm? How powerful can such power be in your hands?"

The world also frowned. The war is imminent, copying and learning? This is a taboo.

Even if Chu Yan is gifted, how can he defeat him with the power that Chen Fengsheng is good at?

"Your magical power? Look carefully." Chu Yan sneered. At this moment, his eyes were shining with golden light, and the Wanfa Record was running. The golden ancient text was given a layer of golden luster at this moment. If Chen Fengsheng's text was ancient words, then what Chu Yan was running at this moment was more like divine words.

"Are you worthy?" Chu Yan asked with a smile, but Chen Fengsheng's face was stiff.

He was sure that the power Chu Yan used was the ancient text of his Chen clan, but it was different. There seemed to be some of Chu Yan's own perception and derivation in that power. Those golden divine lights were like gods, which made him very puzzled.

"How did you do it?" Chen Fengsheng let out a low roar. Except for him, the others were also curious about how Chu Yan learned the ancient text of the Chen clan in such a short time and changed it to become his own power.

Is it a coincidence? Or does Chu Yan really have this talent? If so, is it only for the ancient text of the Chen clan, or all the magical powers in the world?

If it is the latter, when fighting with others, he can master the opponent's power. You can imagine how terrible Chu Yan is.

Of course, if it is just simple copying and imitation, it is not terrible. In the central part of the fairyland, there are many magical powers that can do it, such as some top pupil techniques, or some people who have practiced shadow techniques, who can also borrow the power of others on the battlefield.

But just imitating, there is only the form, no charm, and without the perception and polishing of ten thousand years, it is impossible to exert full strength.

The terrible thing about Chu Yan is that he not only imitates, but also transforms it to make it his own magical power.

"You don't need to know." Chu Yan said indifferently. This is the power of the Wanfa Record. Of course, he can't transform all the magical powers into his own use. For example, some special magical powers require the blessing of blood or elemental power, so he can't do it.

And not all magical powers are suitable for transformation. Chen clan ancient text is just a coincidence.

"Now I'm curious, is your Chen clan's ancient text stronger, or my divine text stronger." After Chu Yan finished speaking, the golden text around him made a series of chirping sounds, like thunder.

"Even if you learn the magical power of my Chen clan, it is only a left way after all. How can it be compared with the orthodox ancient text of my clan?" Chen Fengsheng's eyes revealed a terrible brilliance. Suddenly, the ancient text was blessed, and then a text light curtain appeared in the sky. This has not ended yet, and it is still condensing, as if it is endless.

Facing Chen Fengsheng's ancient text bombardment, Chu Yan also moved. The divine text around him soared, like the words of God, evolving in the air at will.

"Boom!" There was a sudden collision between heaven and earth. The ancient text seemed to date back to ancient times, revealing a strong primitive aura, while the other side's golden text was more holy, as if it was God's will.

Suddenly, the words on both sides changed. Chen Fengsheng gathered his countless ancient words and turned them into a sky-shattering spear, which swept out. Thousands of spear shadows formed a terrifying light curtain, containing the power of destruction.

The golden divine text responded accordingly, turning into endless sword light, and roc shadows sprouted. In the blink of an eye, those swords seemed to destroy everything, killing the world. The sky was no longer blue, but was shrouded in a terrifying sword curtain. Flooded throughout the battlefield.

Both of them were very strong and used similar magical powers. The audience at Immortal Burial Cliff became serious.

Today's battle was more terrifying than they expected.

In the direction of Qiong Yao Immortal Palace, the beautiful eyes of many fairies are rippling, and they all say that gentle ladies are very jealous. However, why are talented people like Xiang Chu Yan and Chen Fengsheng not the objects of women's admiration?

"Destroy!" Chu Yanmo's hand suddenly reached out, turned himself into a sword, and rushed into the sword curtain. Countless gun shadows in the distance were annihilated inch by inch.

Suddenly, the light curtain in front of Chen Fengsheng fell apart. With a thud, his body was knocked back a hundred meters before he stopped. Some of the ancient characters around him were also scattered.

This made his expression extremely ugly.

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