Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 71 Taking turns to challenge

After the battle between Ye Xun and Fan Ye ended, Ye Xun continued to practice.

The next day, a ray of light flashed over the new area, filled with stars.

All the freshmen were speechless for a while, because they knew that it was Chu Yan who had left seclusion, and the most helpless thing was that there were seven starlight connections on that star. That means that Chu Yan's current talent has reached his destiny. Body seven stars.

"This pervert..." Qian Dong couldn't help but cursed: "When he first came to Haotian Sect, he was only at the third level of moving dust and the sixth level of life body, but now, he has reached the seventh level of life body and the seventh level of moving dust. "

"Yeah, at that time, I was also on the seventh level of Dongchen. I competed with Chu Yan once, and he couldn't beat me, but now, I guess I'm no match for him." Zhao Yu sighed.

"Is everyone here?" Chu Yan walked out of the room, his face full of light, glanced at Qian Dong and Zhao Yu, and grinned: "How about it, are you interested in competing now?"

Zhao Yu and Qian Dong are both martial artists and believe in martial arts. Although they know that if they fight Chu Yan now, they may not win, they are still a little dissatisfied.

"Come on, try it!"

"You two, come together." Chu Yan glanced at the two of them, which made Zhao Yu and Qian Dong speechless for a while. However, when they saw that there was no trace of contempt in Chu Yan's eyes, they knew that Chu Yan had confidence in themselves.

"Okay, let's go together. Anyway, we have nothing to be ashamed of if we lose to him. This kid has always been the most talented among us." Qian Dong shrugged.

Zhao Yu also nodded. In Haotian Sect, everyone only knew that Fan Ye was the first among freshmen. After all, Fan Ye was the first when he entered the school, while Chu Yan and Ye Xun were at the bottom of the pile. Position, but the freshmen have always known that Chu Yan is the most talented among them.

Chu Yan has been involved in martial arts for a shorter period of time than them, it can be said that it is only a few months. If the time is longer, then they are not as good as Chu Yan.

"I'll attack on the left, you attack on the right, don't hold me back." Qian Dong explained, and Zhao Yu also responded. They are both freshmen, and they also have their own pride, so no one wants to lose.

"Qianju Dao!" When Qian Dong takes action, he uses the most powerful martial arts, which is an advanced Xuan-level martial skill and is comparable to Earth-level martial arts.

"Chu Yan, be careful. This martial arts is the most powerful set of palm skills in our Qianshan Kingdom. The total number of real and feint moves is a thousand punches. It is difficult to tell the true from the false. If you are hit by a punch, it will be marked. , the remaining nine hundred and ninety-nine punches will all hit, and there is no way to avoid them."

"Okay!" Chu Yan agreed readily. He looked at Qianju Dao who was moving very seriously. He only felt that there was a wall of iron fists pressing towards him. Each punch was very strong, layer by layer. If one is not careful, he will be killed directly.

"This martial skill is very mysterious. It is true and false, and it is very unpredictable. However, my mother once said that all martial arts have strengths and weaknesses. The strength of this martial skill is true and false, but the weakness is also here." Chu Yan thought in his heart, and then he fixed his eyes and carefully stared at every punch approaching him. His figure kept flashing, and occasionally he would throw a punch to test the authenticity of the punching style.

Finally, after more than a hundred punches, Chu Yan showed a smile: "I understand! I will break this Thousand Hands Technique now!"

"Boom!" Suddenly, Chu Yan punched out, and the power of that punch was like a roaring dragon. And the next moment, Chu Yan rushed directly into the countless fists of Qianju Dao. At this time, Chu Yan A punch appeared in front of him, and he clenched his palm to hold the fist in his hand.

"Boom!" The next moment, the rest of the punches disappeared, leaving only Qian Dong's punch, which was tightly squeezed by Chu Yan.

Qian Dong stared down. Although he guessed that Chu Yan could block his Thousand Hands Technique, he never thought that he would win by attacking the enemy.

"Have you seen through my Senju Dao?"

Chu Yan smiled and nodded: "Your martial arts skills are indeed very strong. It's hard to tell the true from the false. But I just discovered that every punch of those fists seemed to be fake and real. Later I discovered that these fist styles are all It is launched from your hand, that is to say, as long as this real punch occurs at the moment, the other punch shadows can be broken. "

"Awesome!" After hearing Chu Yan's words, Qian Dong spat out: "You two fight, I will admit defeat."

Zhao Yu opened his posture and began to send out a sword from the right side, but at this moment, a huge force of vitality came towards him like a tsunami.

"Boom!" Zhao Yu retreated fiercely, vomiting blood continuously, and fisted Chu Yan: "I'm convinced, I surrender."

After defeating the two, Chu Yan didn't have much reaction. He just smiled faintly. He understood his current cultivation level. Although he was only at the seventh level of moving dust, he was almost invincible in the moving dust state.

But there is nothing to be proud of. Once you encounter Juechen, you will not be able to deal with it. The mortal world is visible, the moving dust is ethereal, and Juechen is invisible. Once you reach the Juechen realm, the vitality will be invisible. With your own strength, you can still It's impossible to win.

When Chu Yan thought of this, he had some numbers, and he began to continue practicing.

During this period, the same was true for Ye Xun, and the same was true for Fatty, who had been practicing hard. After Chu Yan, Ye Xun also challenged Qian Dong and Zhao Yu, and defeated them respectively, becoming among the freshmen, second only to Fan Ye. Second place.

In the days that followed, Fan Ye felt helpless. Basically, when he was not idle, Ye Xun and Chu Yan seemed to have discussed it, and they kept challenging him. On the first day, Ye Xun, and on the second The next day was Chu Yan. This kind of challenge continued for about ten days.

"No fight, no fight! Damn it! Are you two finished? Are you using me as a human punching bag?" On the twenty-eighth day after the new student entered the sect, Fan Ye sat down on the challenge platform and looked at the stage. Chu Yan and Ye Xun, who were standing down, cursed.

In the past ten days, he was constantly challenged by two people. Although he won every time, it became more and more difficult every time. Until yesterday, when he and Ye Xun fought, he used all three hammer blows and defeated Ye Xun. The stage, but the next second, he also spurted blood and flew out of the challenge stage.

If they didn't follow the timing of their defeat, yesterday's battle would be considered a draw, but yesterday's Ye Xun was nothing more than an eighth level of dust.

"Hurry up, what are you saying? After the fight, you will not be short of elixirs." Chu Yan jumped on the stage and grinned. In addition to practicing these days, he has been refining elixirs like crazy. It is precisely because of his elixirs that he Only in this way can he, Ye Xun, and Fan Ye support such high-intensity training.

Fan Ye stood up with a wry smile. In fact, this kind of training was also good for him, and he was faintly about to break through to the Juechen realm.

"Don't forget the Juechen Pill you promised me."

"Don't worry, in a few days, there will be a mirror trial. After it is over, I will start refining the Juechen Pill." Chu Yan said boldly.

"Okay!" Fan Ye didn't waste any time and took out the heavy hammer at once. This was his sixth battle with Chu Yan. He could easily win the first three battles, but in the last two battles, he began to feel the pressure.

"Fight." Chu Yan moved his body, and the sound of wind lifted up a star on the ground, containing infinite power, approaching Fan Ye.

"Three hammer blows." Fan Ye didn't waste any words. He roared with all his strength, and the huge hammer came out fiercely. Three hammer blows. Each hammer has a superimposed effect, so the first two hammers are not critical. The most critical thing is the third hammer.

Unfortunately, when the second hammer fell, Fan Ye was shocked. Just as the third hammer was about to fall, he felt a blur in front of his eyes and his body froze.

Because the wind chant had stopped just inches in front of Fan Ye's throat. If it was a real battle, Fan Ye would be dead by now, and the third hammer would have no chance to fall.

"Gulu..." Fan Ye's throat rolled down, and he felt a feeling of being infinitely close to death. Then the heavy hammer fell to the ground with a bang. He shook his head bitterly: "You win, after twenty-eight days, you finally More than me."

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head: "No, your three hammer blows are very powerful, especially the third hammer. If it hits, even the first level of Juechen realm can't stop it, but the weakness is also obvious. , but the speed is too slow. I use a sword, and I pay attention to lightness and dexterity, so I have a chance to win. But in actual combat, you won't come up and hit with three hammers. "

Fan Ye did not deny it. In the past few days, he was annoyed by Ye Xun and Chu Yan, so he attacked with three hammers. The two seemed to challenge Fan Ye, but in fact, it was more like challenging three hammers. But if Fan Ye encounters a swordsman on the battlefield, he will definitely not use such stupid tricks.

"But if you lose, you lose. Your current level is still two levels lower than mine. If you were at the same level, I might not be able to hit you with the second hammer." Fan Ye said.

"Hehe, just admit defeat. From now on, I want the title of the number one freshman. Lend me your power for two days." Chu Yan said jokingly. As for the title of number one among the freshmen, he doesn't care. Every day, I am training myself.

"It doesn't matter if you win, I don't have to defend you two anymore." Fan Ye rolled his eyes.

"He beat you, and me too." Ye Xun jumped onto the ring with a smile.

"No fight, no fight, no matter what, I won't fight! I won't bully people like you two." Fan Ye sat down on the ground again.

Chu Yan and Ye Xun looked at each other and smiled, but they were not embarrassed. Ye Xun is not challenging Fan Ye, because he already knows his strength from yesterday's battle, and what the two of them have to do next is to work harder to make themselves stronger.

"One month has passed, and there are almost two months left." Chu Yan's eyes showed a chill.

But at this moment, someone came up from behind the freshman challenge stage, and the freshmen frowned when they felt the footsteps.

Seeing the person coming over, many freshmen's eyes turned cold. Is that person actually Mu Ye?

But at this time, Mu Ye was in a very embarrassed state, with many bloody wounds on her body, which could be said to be very miserable.

"What are you doing here?"

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