Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 72 Mu Ye comes to apologize

The new students have never had a good impression of Mu Ye, because on the first day they entered the sect, Mu Ye taught them a vivid lesson.

Chu Yan glanced at Mu Ye. At this time, Mu Ye was much different from a month ago. She was no longer as arrogant as before, and Xiaoya was not following him. She was more like a bereaved dog, licking her wounds alone.

"I didn't expect you to grow so much in one month." Mu Ye watched the battle between Chu Yan and Fan Ye just now, and was filled with shock in his heart. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed it. The boy who was only on the third level of Dongchen a month ago is enough to threaten the ninth level of Dongchen a month later. Then the March promise that Chu Yan said back then might really come true.

"Hmph!" Chu Yan didn't have a good look towards Mu Ye, and he had been working hard for revenge three months later.

Ye Xun also stood in front of Chu Yan at this time, holding a black dragon. Now the two of them are no longer where they were a month ago, so if they join forces, they may not be unable to fight Mu Ye.

"I know you hate me, but you don't blame me. This has always been the rule in Haotian Sect. The old students grab the things of the new students, and the new students grab the things of the next freshmen. When I first came to Haotian Sect, I also talked with you. Just the same, I was very crazy and refused to admit defeat, but the result was worse than yours. I didn’t have any five points of honor left, and I was almost beaten to death by Lao Sheng.” A cold light suddenly appeared in the night.

"That's because you have no ability. You robbed us and we accepted it. I said that if you take my things for three months, I will snatch them back." Chu Yan said word by word.

"I am actually here to apologize to you." Mu Ye's words made many freshmen stunned for a moment. Are you here to apologize? Is this still the arrogant Mu Ye a month ago?

Chu Yan looked at Mu Ye suspiciously. This month he had inquired about some news about Mu Ye. He was a descendant of a small family in Cangyun City. He had no background, but he was very talented and had been working very hard. With his own efforts, he had achieved success in three years. He joined Haotian Sect as the number one before.

He has always been highly regarded in the Haotian Sect. He was the leader of the disciples three years ago, but he actually wants to join them today?

"I know that you won't forgive me even if I apologize, and you even still hate me. But I was not the mastermind of what happened a month ago. I was just doing things for others. In Haotian Sect, the people who are really in charge of things are five years old. Former disciples. Because they will participate in the Ten Thousand Sects Feast in three years, they are the people trained by the Haotian Sect. I am also under the orders of Lin Changsheng. "

"Lin Changsheng?" Fan Ye frowned, with a hint of seriousness in his eyes.


"I've heard that Lin Changsheng's background is not small. He is the second prince of Cangyun Kingdom. He is currently the number one person in the Haotian Sect. He will also be the seed player at the Ten Thousand Sects' Banquet three years later." Fan Ye said.

"Cangyun Country?" Chu Yan nodded secretly. This Cangyun Country is very special, because this country is not in the outer circle of the world, but in the inner circle. It is among the few forces that exist as empires. , he and Qin Ruomeng traveled there back then, and the people there were very strong.

If they recruit disciples like Wan Zong, they should be able to rank among the top ten of Wan Zong.

"But does this have anything to do with us?" Chu Yan said coldly. Although Mu Ye was not the instigator of this matter, he still did it.

"I want to join you." Mu Ye's words stunned the freshmen. A three-year old student wants to join the freshmen?

"I know that you doubt my character. Three years ago, I joined the Haotian Sect. Although I was the first person at that time, I was despised because I had no background. I came from a very ordinary small family. In the Haotian Sect, although everyone is equal after coming here, Chu Yan, regarding the Law Enforcement Pavilion, you should know that the so-called equality does not exist at all. "

Chu Yan did not deny that there is no fairness in this world. Strength is supreme, the strong are respected, and background is also a resource. He was born in the wilderness, so he has the capital to be proud of the world.

"I don't accept it. I have been working hard. I don't steal or rob, but it's useless. This is the world of martial arts. Qinghong entered a year later than me. His talent is mediocre and he has been slow to enter Juechen, but everyone supports him. I worked hard, but no one chose me. Until a year ago, I met Lin Changsheng. He said he was willing to help me in my martial arts journey and let me follow him. At that time, I knelt on the ground and kowtowed to him three times, which was regarded as my apprenticeship. "

"I don't feel ashamed to kneel down to a person of my own generation. Lin Changsheng is better than me. I respect him. I have always worked for him and snatched your honor points. This is what he asked me to do. In fact, I came that day, I just wanted to prevent you from making the matter bigger. If I went to find Lin Changsheng, it would be even more troublesome, but Lin Changsheng lied to me!" Mu Ye clenched her fists hard and opened and closed her eyes.

"Those two weapons are indeed very powerful. When Lin Changsheng saw it, I was willing to give him one. But he was greedy and injured me. He scolded me that I was not worthy of being his dog, and he also took away your weapons. ”

Chu Yan and others suddenly understood the cause of the matter.

"So what? Isn't it like this in Haotian Sect? If you don't keep your weapons well, it's right for him to snatch them from you."

"Yes, he is right to steal from me. This is martial arts. I admit it, but I don't accept it!" Mu Ye said word by word: "Chu Yan, you have an extraordinary background. In the eyes of others, you may only see jealousy and contempt. , in their opinion, you are just a descendant of the wilderness, relying on your ancestors to cast a shadow, but in this world, why is your background not just an opportunity, but a resource? And your talent is even more amazing, the aura of the wilderness is too strong, in their opinion, I only saw your aura after the wild days, but your talent was drowned, but I believe that you will definitely achieve something in the future. "

"A good bird chooses a tree to live in?" Chu Yan understood Mu Ye's words. It was nothing more than knowing that he was a descendant of Man Huang, and wanted to join him. He had seen many such people. If he recruited one by one, he would not be able to recruit them all, and he would be able to organize an army of an empire.

"No, if Lin Changsheng had not harmed me, I would obey him. Although I am not a good person, I despise villains, but he deceived me." Mu Ye shook his head: "But I admire you. When you were a freshman in the sect, you could have used Man Huang to suppress me, and even ruined my future, but you didn't. You followed the rules. Qing Hong was killed because he broke the rules, so he deserved to die. I admire you, so I am willing to follow you."

"I won't use my background to help you get revenge." Chu Yan said in silence. He was very useful to Mu Ye's words, and gradually admired this person. But if it was Ye Xun and Fatty's matter, he might use Man Huang, but Mu Ye, he would not.

"I don't need it. That's not what I want."

"You are an old man. Don't you feel ashamed to join the freshmen zone?"

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. This is how the world is. People always say that a sixty-year-old is better than a young crown, but it is not true. A seventy-year-old Juechen Realm should call a twenty-year-old Wangzhe his senior. I am only three years older than you. Following you, I am nothing." Muye said.

"And I also know that you came to Haotian Sect not to use the power of the wilderness. Although you are strong in the wilderness, it is probably not what you want. You want your own power! Or your own power! A power comparable to the wilderness! But that takes time and a lot of manpower. I can help you take care of these. You can concentrate on martial arts. With your talent, it is only a matter of time before you become an emperor. I don't ask for anything. I will do my best to pave the way for your martial arts."

Chu Yan's heart was moved. Muye's words touched his heart. Wasn't the reason why he left the wilderness and didn't return for many years just to prove it? I want to defeat him, but I can't do it in two places. Creating my own power requires hard work, but the road of martial arts cannot be distracted. If someone takes care of it for you, you will have a lot left.


"Because I can choose now, it's not too late. Although I, Mu Ye, am a mediocre person and an unknown person, I also have ambitions. I also want a lot. I also hope that one day in the future, I can carve my own name on the Chenjian stage. Of course, this is selfish! I also know that you are just a child now, young, I can be yours, but many years later, I, Mu Ye, will be nothing, but by then, you will be a star in the sky, and I won't even have the chance to meet you. This is my chance, and I want to seize it."

"And... I also want to personally watch a king rise up. One day, when I see you become the number one in Haotian Sect and step on Lin Changqing, I will feel very happy."

Chu Yan smiled. Mu Ye was telling the truth. With Mu Ye's background, if he wanted to step on Lin Changqing, he would have to rely on others, and he might be his best choice.

Chu Yan tilted his head and glanced at Ye Xun beside him. Ye Xun smiled. He had been listening to Mu Ye's words. There were some things that he didn't want to be false. For example, when he came to the freshman area a month ago, although he took away two honor points from Qian Dong and Zhao Yu, he didn't kill them all.

"Anyway, my goal is to snatch the Iron King Dragon Spear. Since it's not in his hands, Lin Changqing will definitely step on it."

Chu Yan grinned and glanced at Mu Ye: "Do you have money?"

Mu Ye was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes!"

"I'll treat you, let's drink!" Chu Yan smiled generously, turned around and walked towards the restaurant. Ye Xun was on his left, carrying the black dragon, and the fat man was on the right, looking thick and simple. The rest of the freshmen followed. Mu Ye saw this scene, smiled, and followed directly.

That night, everyone was drunk. After arriving at the freshman area, they finally had a good drink. Of course, all of it was paid for by Muye, who had no objection. He drank a glass of wine and laughed excitedly: "Lin Changqing, you son of a bitch! You wait! Haha!"

A group of teenagers, still so innocent at this time, laughed when happy, cried when sad, and got drunk. It was also this group of teenagers who came to the martial arts world full of blood and rain, accompanied each other all the way, and went through the grievances and hatreds.

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