Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 70: Qin Shi, the King from the Small Town

In the Haotian Sect, the Law Enforcement Pavilion has changed its owner. Today's change is so shocking that no one expected it.

This year's new students finally created a miracle after holding back for half a month, something the Haotian Sect had never seen before.

The news of Qingzhi's death soon caused a sensation in the Haotian Sect. In the alchemy hall next to the Law Enforcement Pavilion, Xu Tiantian smiled sweetly and said: "Sister Ling'er, that little lover of yours is so powerful. You actually made a move. , and killed Qing Pheasant and his son."

Mu Ling'er smiled faintly: "That little bastard is still the same as before. He has never been a peaceful person and will cause trouble everywhere."

"Senior Sister Ling'er, he's out, do you want to say hello?" Xu Tiantian saw Chu Yan through the window and waved to Mu Ling'er.

Mu Ling'er also glanced at Chu Yan, his eyes full of tenderness, but finally smiled and shook his head: "No need, when it's time to meet, we will meet naturally. That little guy will not miss a place like the Alchemy Hall. "

Chu Yan's incident, in addition to the Haotian Sect, even the Ten Thousand Sects were also alarmed. At this moment, the Tiandao Sect was alarmed.

"Haha, you are indeed the disciple that I, Mo Tu, like, interesting, interesting!" Mo Tu smiled wildly while stroking his beard.

"Huh, teacher, you're still laughing! He's just a troublemaker. It's a good thing he didn't join our Tiandao Sect." Xing'er rolled her eyes.

"Little girl, what do you know? That kid will definitely shine in the near future."

Mo Tu's old eyes flashed, and he immediately began to look forward to it. He knew that Chu Yan had not yet risen, but he would definitely become a dazzling star in this world in the near future.

Now everyone looks at Chu Yan because of the aura of Barbarian, but he believes that in the near future, Chu Yan will gradually let everyone understand that he is not only the queen of Barbarian, but also a terrifying genius.

Chu Yan carried Ye Xun back to the freshman area. After today's incident, Chu Yan and his group deeply understood a truth, that is, they were still too weak.

Just as Qing Pheasant said, in this Haotian Sect, strength is everything. Qing Pheasant died because he did not have Chu Yan’s terrible background. This is not only in Haotian Sect, but also in the entire cultivation world. It's equally useful.

In this world, no one will reason with you. Reason is your fist and your capital.

As long as you are strong enough, you can get respect and even everything.

If you want not to be bullied by others, you also need strength.

The hearts of the young people finally changed on this day, including Chu Yan himself. Late at night, he was lying alone in the room, looking at a star in the sky. For others, Chu Yan might Already standing on the commanding heights of the world, he can have everything, but he knows very well that the real world of cultivation is this vast universe and these billions of stars.

The earthly world is just a small continent in the universe. Beyond the distant galaxies, there is a vaster world, and there, the wilderness is nothing.

After this incident, both Ye Xun and Fatty were deeply moved. The words Chu Yan said at that time shocked their hearts.

They don't have that background, but they have me, and I have that background!

Chu Yan is announcing to the world that from today on, he, Ye Xun, the fat man, may not be outstanding enough, and may not even be as good as some of the other disciples of the Haotian Sect, who have a royal family and sit on a territory. But what they have is him, Chu Yan, and he, Chu Yan, will always be their backing.

It was also today that a seed was planted in the hearts of Ye Xun and Fatty. It was also because of today that many years later, Ye Xun and Fatty became enemies of Chiyue Valley, enemies of Xue Mie Valley, and enemies of heaven and earth. They fought in all directions. , not for some power struggle, but for Chu Yan, they only fight for Chu Yan.

Ye Xun was seriously injured, and Fatty had been busy taking care of him for several days, while Chu Yan went into seclusion again to practice.

Late at night, Chu Yan was alone in his room and looked at the sky, where the stars were twinkling. Chu Yan knew that each of those stars was a continent, and the wilderness was just a grain of sand in the vast universe. Today he had the wilderness to rely on, but what was the wilderness after leaving the earth?

Chu Yan suddenly sat up in the lotus position, put his soul into his dantian, and went directly to the second floor of Jiutian Xuan Pagoda.

"The last time I saw a sword in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, the Xuantian Ten Thousand Swords. Back then, the King of Ten Thousand Swords once dominated the world in all directions with one sword, but it was just a sword that ranked 3,900 on the eternal list. What if the divine object is in the front? Is it a thousand heavens and earth?”

"How terrible is it for one person to dominate a thousand worlds?"

Chu Yan has been resting his mind with his eyes closed on the second floor. Here, in addition to the divine objects on the eternal list, there are countless records about the mysteries of heaven and earth.

In addition, Chu Yan can also feel the different energy from countless stars here, and then transform and absorb it.

In the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda, Chu Yan saw many arrogant kings, just like the King of Ten Thousand Swords, who swept the world in all directions with just one Xuantian Ten Thousand Swords. In addition to him, there are some more terrifying people in this second level. For example, in the world called Beiming, there is no continent there, it is an endless sea, and there is a big fish named Kun in it.

Kun once leaped across hundreds of continents, holding an eternal divine object, the Dragon Gate Halberd, in his hand, and fought fiercely in all directions.

In addition to Kun, there is also a big bird, which is like the ancient mythical beast Jingwei. This big bird exploded ten continents in a rage, which is embarrassing.

In addition to these, Chu Yan also saw an interesting figure in the second floor of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. The man was wearing a black robe and holding a dazzling divine sword. He came from a place called the Wild Spirit Continent.

It was a very inconspicuous place among billions of stars, but this young man swept across dozens of stars with a sword and killed many higher-level kings of the star continent.

The young man was called Qin Shi. He seemed to have fought in this world for many years and crushed all the morning stars. People called him Emperor Qin.

In the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, there are many records of his stories. Chu Yan reads them with great interest. From the whereabouts of the Wild Spirit Continent for decades, including the pride of the battle of the three realms, step by step to break through the reincarnation of heaven and earth for thousands of years, Chu Yan admires them very much. It's just a pity that when Chu Yan wants to continue tracing, the second level has ended. The young man named Qin Shi, with the power of a sword, finally swept across the eight directions, and finally broke the mountains and rivers, heading towards the higher stars, which made Chu Yan feel a little disappointed.

What surprised Chu Yan the most was that Qin Shi's goal was very clear, and it turned out to be the same place as him, that is, Uranus, where his mother was trapped.

"If there is a chance in the future, I can meet and make friends with this senior Qin Shi, how magnificent it would be." Chu Yan is a little looking forward to it, and he began to admire this Qin Shi.

This Qin Shi is different from him. He has the wilderness behind him and has a great trend, so if he has any achievements, it is not worth being proud of. But Qin Shi relied on his passion to fight his way out of a town and became a local king. He was truly admirable.

Chu Yan sighed and continued to practice. Over the course of one night, he once again felt a stronger absorption of vital energy. The Heavenly Star Absolute Dust Classic was different from ordinary techniques. This technique seemed ordinary, but when paired with the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, it could absorb the turbid vital energy of the heaven and earth and purify it. Therefore, Chu Yan's practice speed was no slower than that of the senior disciples who had better homes.

"Mother once said that every star is a piece of land with a group of practitioners, but the real cultivation world is unrestrained. If you want to be the king of heaven and earth, you must break free from this plane."

"In the mortal continent, there is the three dust realm, which is the realm of entering the mortal world. And the word dust is exactly the most ordinary. The cultivation world emphasizes being extraordinary, so as long as there is a dust word, it is not considered a real cultivator."

"Above the three dusts is the king, who can call himself a king. Once he reaches the king, the practitioner begins to cultivate his life body. Everyone's life body contains his own bloodline, and the real strong ones are It is to use blood as power and integrate martial arts to attack. The vitality condensed in the blood will stimulate a person's extraordinary talent. "

"Aokiji's move has a blood mark, and the vitality seems to be stronger!"

"It's a pity that blood awakening requires a lot of resources. In the Three Dusts, as long as you practice seriously and progress step by step, you can easily enter. However, once you reach the peak of the Dust, you will be blocked by the door of the king for your whole life and cannot enter."

Chu Yan recalled the method his mother taught him back then and began to sense it. If someone was standing by at this time, they would be shocked, because Chu Yan's body was actually flowing with a trace of blood power.

The vitality in his body was all imprinted with a blood mark, and those blood marks were all exclusive to Chu Yan, that is to say, these vitality can only be used by him, and are superior to ordinary vitality between heaven and earth.

After this incident in the Law Enforcement Hall, Ye Xun and Fatty became more serious.

Three days later, Ye Xun's injury finally recovered. Surprisingly, although he was seriously injured this time, it was also a great opportunity for him. He accidentally broke through to the seventh level of the Dynamic Dust Realm.

In the freshman area, Fan Ye saw Ye Xun and was speechless: "You guys are really perverted!"

"Brother Fan Ye, are you interested in a fight?" Ye Xun held the black dragon and looked at Fan Ye with a hint of excitement. He had just broken through and now needed to find someone to spar with him. Fan Ye did not refuse this. He was also very pleased that Ye Xun could become stronger.

When he first met Ye Xun in the Black Forest, Ye Xun was only at the first level of the Dynamic Dust Realm. In less than a month of practice, he reached the seventh level of the Dynamic Dust Realm. This speed of practice made him a little envious.

"Come on, try it!" Fan Ye took out the sledgehammer. In the past half month, he also broke through to the peak of the Dynamic Dust Realm. It was only a matter of time before he reached the Absolute Dust Realm.

The two of them started to fight, and immediately attracted many people. Qiandong and Zhao Yu and his group came to watch, but in the end Ye Xun was defeated. He could defeat Qinghong, but he could not defeat Fan Ye. Fan Ye practiced three hammers, and Ye Xun could only dodge two hammers, but the third hammer was still knocked out, and finally lost.

In other words, the position of the first freshman is still Fan Ye, but many freshmen have a premonition in their hearts, that is, this position is not far from changing hands.

Ye Xun's growth is too terrible.

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