Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 702 Mengya’s Engagement [Three Updates]

Leaving the Peng Yao ruins, Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng walked through the air and landed directly in Tianjue City.

Tian Jue Wushuang still serves as the city lord here, but after meeting Chu Yan, he focused on cultivation and paid less attention to power.

Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng returned to Tianjue City and went directly to the city lord's mansion. Because they had already made an appointment, Tianjue Wushuang had already prepared a banquet to receive them.

Surprisingly, in addition to Tian Jue Wushuang and Tian Jue Luoyan, Chu Yan also saw several familiar faces.

For example, Li Xian'er, Wang Yue Fairy, Lin Qingyao, Mengya, and Gu Lie and Zi Yin from the Demon Sect all came.

Of course, this also includes some people from the Hundred Cities Land, such as Gu Ziang, the Jin clan, and other city lords from the Hundred Cities. Knowing that Chu Yan has returned, they all want to take this opportunity to please him.

In terms of status, the people from the Land of Hundred Cities came from the Immortal Realm, so they were naturally much higher than Zi Yin, Mengya and others, but today's protagonist was Chu Yan, and they were sitting a little lower.

The people of Xinghai are all here.

"Junior brother, that's amazing." Zi Yin and Gu Lie only broke through the Jun Realm and entered the Immortal Realm this year. But after they came here, they heard the rumors about Chu Yan and sighed.

"When I first met this kid, he was still being hunted in a small galaxy. I knew at that time that this kid would definitely have extraordinary achievements. I was right." Gu Lie smiled. road.

"Come on, senior brother, who doesn't know that junior brother Chu Yan is valued by the ancestor." Zi Yin curled her lips and exposed it in public. Gu Lie said unconvinced: "Although it was valued by the ancestor, wasn't it me who received it later? From the Demon Sect! Anyway, I have half of the credit!"

"Yes, you are the most meritorious." Zi Yin stuck out her tongue, then looked at Chu Yan and said naturally: "Junior brother, let's talk about cultivation. You should be very powerful now, right?"

"I'm afraid this girl doesn't know that the person that Master Chu is going to fight in two months' time is one of the most outstanding geniuses in the central part of the Immortal Realm." A city lord in the Land of Hundred Cities said with a smile.

"What state are you in?" Zi Yin blinked her eyes hard and asked without hesitation.

If it were anyone else, Chu Yan would definitely frown. After all, in the world of spiritual practice, it is extremely impolite to ask others about their realm.

But Chu Yan didn't care about Zi Yin's words.

Although he quit the Demon Sect back then, he was forced to have no choice but to still have an inextricable relationship with the Demon Sect, especially in their generation, everyone has a good relationship.

Zi Yin always regarded him and Wangfeng as her junior brothers, so she was very unrestrained when speaking. In her eyes, no matter what achievements Chu Yan achieved, he was still her junior brother.

"In the realm of a monarch, he should be considered relatively powerful." Chu Yan smiled cleanly, like a big boy, without any pretensions.

The people of Baicheng were slightly shocked as they watched, especially the people of the Jin clan. It was difficult for them to combine the easy-going young man in front of them with the man who looked like a murderous god outside the Peng Yao Sacred Elephant today.

It is naturally easy to get along with his friends and family, and the same goes for Chu Yan, who is completely different from the outside world.

"Then it seems that he is already a Heavenly Lord." Zi Yin suddenly realized, and then Duzi murmured: "It's so fast. Mengjun seems to have just become a Heavenly Lord now."

"Let's take a seat first." Tian Jue Wushuang took the initiative. Everyone nodded and took their seats one after another. During this period, Chu Yan was naturally sitting with Xinghai's friends.

After sitting down, Zi Yin looked at Liu Qingcheng again and said with a smile: "This is Qingcheng's sister-in-law, right? She is so beautiful. No wonder, in the fairyland surrounded by so many beauties, my junior brother didn't even blink. It turns out He has a lovely wife at home."

"Senior sister!" Chu Yan laughed dryly.

At this time, Li Xian'er and Wang Yue Fairy also stepped forward. Li Xian'er had already met Liu Qingcheng, so it was quite natural for him to take the initiative to say hello. Li Xian'er had also invited Liu Qingcheng to Wangxian Tower. .

Fairy Wangyue was slightly embarrassed.

It was no secret in the Immortal Realm that she fell in love with the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master at the Tianjun Ruins back then, but she was relieved when she knew the true identity of the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master.

"It turns out that his wife is so beautiful..." Wang Yue laughed at herself, and Li Xian'er patted her shoulder beside her: "Isn't it great to meet some people in this life and have some memories with them? Senior Sister."

"Yes." Wangyue also smiled happily.

"How about everyone, how are you doing in the world of Xunxian?" Chu Yan said with a smile.

In fact, Chu Yan had already suggested that they join the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom, but they were declined. Although they were not as good as Chu Yan, they were all Xinghai Tianjiao with some arrogance. They did not want to rely too much on Chu Yan, so they practiced alone in the Immortal Seeking World. , wandering.

It's rare to get together like this, so naturally I have to ask.

"It's okay, I'm not as monster as you, but Xunxian Realm is indeed the birthplace of geniuses, with countless opportunities. A few days ago, senior brother Gu Lie and I explored the ruins of a saint, and we gained a lot. Now senior brother Gu Lie has a high-level Lucky you." Zi Yin smiled.

"It's still far away. Junior brother should already have purple luck, right?" Gu Lie shook his head and Chu Yan smiled slightly without explaining anything.

"Xian'er, Wangyue, where are you?" Chu Yan turned around and looked at Wangxian Tower. Li Xian'er chuckled and said, "It's okay, but there are always some men from the Immortal Domain harassing me. If Mr. Chu can accompany me, such trouble There should be no more.”

"Uh..." Chu Yan laughed dryly, and then he looked at Liu Qingcheng and whispered: "Qingcheng, Xian'er and Miss Wangyue were kind to me in the Immortal Realm. Do you know the people from Yaochi Immortal Palace? See if you can help me. Give me a recommendation.”

"No problem." Liu Qingcheng agreed readily, stood up and said with a smile: "Thank you two girls for taking care of my Chu Yan in the Immortal Realm. I know a few sisters in the Yaochi Immortal Palace, and you can practice together."

"Then thank you Qingcheng." Li Xian'er leaned over and smiled. Wang Yue felt a little awkward, but still nodded lightly: "Thank you."

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, but Chu Yan was a little surprised. He found that a person who was usually very lively was surprisingly quiet today.

"Senior sister!" Chu Yan raised his head and looked at Mengya. Ever since he saw her today, Mengya had not spoken much, and she only said a few perfunctory words.

"Are you worried?" Chu Yan stepped forward and smiled, sitting next to Mengya in a carefree manner: "Say, who bullied you, junior brother will help you take revenge."

"Junior brother, you will always be my junior brother, right? No matter where we are in the future, our feelings will never change, right?" Mengya raised her head, her autumn eyes blinked, and Chu Yan nodded naturally: " Of course."

"Junior brother, I'm getting married." Mengya took a deep breath and suddenly smiled. Chu Yan was slightly startled, and then smiled: "This is a good thing. Where are you from? Junior brother will help you take care of it."

Mengya glared at Chu Yan and smiled slightly: "Don't you want to keep me? If you say so, I will not marry and will be your child."

"Senior sister, no matter how long it takes in the future, you will always be my beloved senior sister." Chu Yan smiled bitterly.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Qingcheng is so beautiful and she has been waiting for you for ten years. You have to treat her well." Mengya rolled her eyes at Chu Yan, feeling a little disappointed in her heart, but she immediately became happy again, just like Chu Yan I mean, they are senior siblings, and this relationship will never change. Isn’t it great?

"He is from the Immortal Realm." Zi Yin stepped forward at this moment and said with a smile: "He is quite a nice person, and he treats Senior Sister Mengya well. He has been pursuing her for a long time, and we all see it. Everyone is back today , One is because of you, and the other is because of this matter. Senior sister has informed Mengjun, and Mengjun also agreed. The two of them thought that now the Xunxian world has decided on this marriage. "

"By the way, junior brother, since you're back, let's come together. You can be considered part of your mother's family. We are all from Xinghai. You are here to make Senior Sister Mengya proud." Zi Yin said with a smile.

"This is natural. I will send a message back to Shenglong Mountain and stay to witness the happiness of Senior Sister before leaving." Chu Yan said seriously. When he first entered the Demon Sect, Gu Lie and Mengya took good care of him. In the blink of an eye, Many years have passed, and now that Mengya has found happiness, he is naturally happy for her from the bottom of his heart.

"Where are others? Why didn't you see others today?" Chu Yan looked around at the banquet.

"Don't look, he's not here." Mengya glared angrily and whispered: "His master sent someone here today, and he is naturally making preparations. He will come in person tomorrow, and we will go together then."

Chu Yan suddenly realized that when he got married to Qingcheng, he lived directly in the Liu Mansion because he was relatively indifferent to Manhuang. He had forgotten that marriage was the man's business and should be arranged by him.

"Okay, I will accompany senior sister tomorrow." Chu Yan said with a smile, and then everyone was very happy at the banquet. In the evening, Holy Emperor Taxue also came in person.

Outside Tianjue City, several messengers from the Holy Phoenix stepped out and sent a message: "Prince Holy Phoenix is ​​here to visit."

"Wushuang City Lord invites you." The guards from Tianjue City nodded and made way for an exit.

"How dare you, the prince of the Immortal Kingdom is here, do you want to invite him? Shouldn't Tian Jue Wushuang come to greet him in person?" the guard of the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom frowned and shouted coldly.

"Don't be rude!" Immediately, Holy Emperor stepped on the snow to stop the person, and then said seriously: "Remember, everything related to Chu Yan must not make mistakes."

Even though he was the prince of Yixian Kingdom, he was a little worse than Chu Yan today.

In other words, without Chu Yan, there would be no current Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom.

The guard was a little dissatisfied, but at this moment, a young man in white stepped out from the direction of the city lord's palace. It was Chu Yan. The Holy Emperor Texue arrived. He personally stepped out to greet him and said with a smile: "Your Highness, let's go in."

The Holy Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then felt warm in his heart. He understood that with Chu Yan's status today, even if he was told to come in, it would not be too much. But he could personally go out to greet him, which shows that he still remembers this in the other person's heart. The feelings are there.

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