Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 701 The Will of the Sage

"It's useless!" The leader of the Jin tribe said forcefully. The young man of the Jin tribe was half-hearted at this moment. He actually collided with the legendary Chu Yan of the Immortal Kingdom and threatened to kill him. Isn't this ridiculous?

The guards of the Jin tribe were helpless for a while, then stepped forward, and the terrifying golden sword light fell, directly killing the young man of the Jin tribe.

"Young Master Chu, it's my failure to discipline him properly," the leader of the Jin clan said in a low voice.

"Are the Jin clan dissatisfied?" Chu Yan said calmly. The leader of the Jin clan shook his head hurriedly: "Young Master Chu is joking, I don't dare."

"Really do not have?"

"Absolutely not." The leader of the Jin tribe smiled bitterly. He wanted to be dissatisfied, but he also had to be courageous. He had also heard about the Sword God Mountain incident not long ago.

On that day, Lin Ang went straight to Sword God Mountain, blocked the door and killed people, just for the sake of Chu Yan and his party. This kind of existence was definitely not something he, the Jin clan, could provoke.

"Then just retreat." Chu Yan said calmly. The leader of the Jin clan was relieved, and then he said with a flattering look on his face: "How can Young Master Chu have time to return to Tianjue City? Why don't you go to meet with my Jin clan today? This girl will It must be Miss Liu from Tianhua Immortal Palace, I will arrange the best banquet."

"No need, I have an appointment with Wushuang tonight. After that, I will go directly to the city lord's mansion." Chu Yan declined politely, but did not give the leader of the Jin clan any room to maneuver.

The leader of the Jin clan sighed and understood that the relationship between his Jin clan and Chu Yan could not go any further. Back then in Pengyao Shengxiang, he despised each other. Today, his younger brother collided with Chu Yan again. The other party did not hold grudges and destroyed Jin. This is already a great favor to my clan.

"Okay, in that case, Young Master Chu has come to the Peng Yao Shengxiang. Now I will help Young Master Chu clear his people and give Young Master Chu a quiet place to practice." The leader of the Jin clan said diligently.

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter. The Peng Yao Saint is here to choose his successor and inherit his will. Don't affect the Peng Yao Saint just because of me. Everyone can continue, don't pay attention to me, I will walk around as I please!"

"Okay!" The leader of the Jin clan nodded, then backed away.

After everyone dispersed, Chu Yan looked at Qingcheng with a smile: "With such a beauty beside me, it would be really difficult to move forward without any strength."

"When I saw that you had no strength before, there were always many beauties around you." Liu Qingcheng chuckled. Chu Yan's head was full of black lines, so he simply stopped talking.

"Ahem, let's go in." Chu Yan said knowingly. Liu Qingcheng smiled shyly and then followed Chu Yan's pace.

The ruins of Saint Peng Yao are still towering, and there are thousands of golden statues in front of him. Chu Yan walks with a strong golden light blooming in his body.

The golden light seemed to shine for nine days, and all the ten thousand golden statues turned around, as if they were worshiping the Holy Lord, with Chu Yan as the center.

It is a thousand miles away from here to the Peng Yao Statue. Others need to be careful every step because there are hidden murderous intentions in the golden statue. But to Chu Yan, these are as if they do not exist. He walked on plain ground and soon arrived at the Peng Yao Statue. in front of him.

Coming here again, Chu Yan looked up and saw that the sacred image of the Peng Yao was still magnificent, with its huge wings spread out, as if it was going to soar to the nine heavens and reach the end of the sky.

"Senior, I'm back to see you." Chu Yan bowed slightly, showing respect. Then he sat cross-legged under the ruins, and the medium purple luck was released, and the scene in front of him changed.

He once again saw the unruly roc fighting with the sky, soaring into the sky and breaking through the clouds. Then, there seemed to be golden roc wings blooming behind him, following the pace of the roc, surging all the way.

Suddenly, he found that there were countless thunder tribulations of heavenly punishment in front of him, each one carrying the power of destruction and destruction, blasting towards the big roc bird.

Under the void, there are common people, and they all laughed when they saw this scene.

As if mocking the roc for not overestimating its capabilities, how high is the sky, and where is the end? This roc dared to say that it wanted to go to the end of the sky to have a look, it was simply asking for death.

The roc ignores the eyes of the world and is shot down by a thunderstorm. It licks its wounds alone. After its level is improved, it spreads its wings here, with the east wind blowing, trying to catch the bright moon in the nine heavens.

I don't know how long it took for the roc to transform during the thunder tribulation, and its wings turned into thunder and gold wings.

Chu Yan looked at it, and was shocked in his heart. Last time he only saw the failure of Senior Peng Yao, but now, he suddenly realized that it turned out that Peng Yao Saint did not exist. He transformed in the thunder and turned into a giant with thunder and golden wings. Peng bird, a sacred beast.

Later, Senior Peng Yao continued to fight, and his wings actually turned into the sky. He did not reach the end of the sky, but he had turned into the sky himself, and his wings were like two extremely huge mountain peaks.

"Golden Winged Thunder Technique!" Chu Yan's heart suddenly trembled. In the photo of the Peng Yao Saint, he saw a higher and unpredictable movement technique.

The roc, the fastest bird in the world, with wings like clouds, has now turned into golden wings and thunder wings, which is even more lethal and has such a terrifying unique skill.

"So, is this the true will of Senior Peng Yao? Ignore the light of the world and transform in the thunder." Chu Yan was quite excited. The wings on his back also changed into gold, with feathers stuck upside down. , there was lightning flowing above him, and he even found that he could feel the flow of wind.

Liu Qingcheng was watching quietly from the side, with a smile in her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent tremor in the Peng Yao ruins, and everyone's eyes froze. Everyone here looked up, and saw a light curtain emitting from the Peng Yao ruins in the distance, and then the holy elephant disappeared?

Chu Yan was also startled. The originally tall sacred image of Senior Peng Yao suddenly disappeared out of thin air? Immediately, he felt an image appear in his mind. It was a thundering golden-winged roc bird soaring through the sky and the earth.

"What's going on?" Chu Yan himself was very puzzled. The image of the senior Peng Yao Saint didn't disappear, but went to his mind?

"The saint's photo taking itself is a kind of inheritance of willpower. If you inherit the will of the senior Peng Yao Saint, he will naturally choose you." Liu Qingcheng smiled proudly: "The inheritance of the saint's will has also appeared in the world of Xunxian, but it's just that Very rarely, this time, you did it, which means that when you become a saint, you will not have any shackles. As long as you reach the state, you can directly become a sage. "

Chu Yan was pleasantly surprised. He thought he was very lucky now and would be able to regain some of it when he came to the ruins, but he didn't expect such a good thing.

And he seems to have discovered that there is a memory interspersed in the photo of the Peng Yao Saint, some about his experience in the Immortal Realm. Of course, the most important of them are some extremely precious magical powers and practice experience.

The lifelong cultivation experience of a sage can be seen how precious it is. This will mean that Chu Yan will not encounter bottlenecks or shackles on his cultivation path for a long time to come.

These experiences are enough for him to overcome the thorns and haze ahead.

Thinking of this, he raised his head slightly. Even though the saint's statue was no longer there, he still bowed to show respect.

"Thank you, senior, for helping me!"

However, this scene made the people who were originally studying in the ruins speechless, and the corners of their mouths twitched. Is this okay?

Many people had dark faces. Many of them had traveled across mountains and rivers to come here for this relic. However, now Chu Yan directly took away the photos? Please, have you ever considered how they feel?

But the other party is Chu Yan, what else can they say, they can only endure it.

I saw the remains of the Peng Yao Saint being taken away by Chu Yan, and the ten thousand statues of gods suddenly shot into the sky, turned into a curtain of light, and descended in Chu Yan's body. Then, the ten thousand statues of gods were eclipsed, and the entire There is nothing magical about the Peng Yao ruins anymore.

Just like an ordinary dilapidated ruin.

"I didn't mean it!" Chu Yan said with a trembling smile as he felt the unfriendly eyes around him.

"Young Master Chu. Awesome!" Someone in the distance smiled bitterly, and then stood up slowly: "Let's go, we can only change to another ruins."

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" At this moment, there was suddenly a strong sound breaking through the air in the distance, like thunder, and several figures riding on the storm quickly descended on the ruins of the Peng Yao.

They wore the same luxurious clothes, which showed that they came from the same place. However, this group of people had their eyes above their heads and were arrogant about everything, as if no one in the land of hundreds of cities was worthy of their attention.

Immediately, one of their leaders focused his gaze on the gloomy Peng Yao ruins: "Has this ruin been taken away?"

There was a beautiful woman next to the young man. She frowned slightly and looked at Chu Yan: "Is it you? What did you get?"

Chu Yan raised his head and glanced at the other party, then ignored him and looked at Liu Qingcheng tenderly: "Let's go."

"Okay." Liu Qingcheng smiled sweetly, but the eyes of several figures in the void turned cold.

They have been staring at this roc demon ruins for a long time. Now that they have just arrived here, they have been taken away. How can they be willing to accept it?

Especially that beautiful woman, when had she not been a noble being, to be ignored like this? And the woman next to the man was so beautiful, which made her jealous.

"Stop!" the woman yelled, but in the next second, Chu Yan's figure had moved, and he flew directly towards the distance without stopping at all, leaping towards the direction of Tianjue City.

"Asshole!" the woman scolded, but at this time, the young man beside her said with a comforting smile: "He's just a lucky guy, why bother with him? Anyway, this Peng Yao relic is just a photo of the saint, and the Immortal Burial Cliff will be there soon. It’s about to be opened, and when the time comes, there will be immortal luck, and I will help you get it.”

"Hmph! Good luck to him!" After hearing this, the woman calmed down a little, and then her beautiful eyes blinked again: "Tian Jue City is nearby. I really can't understand what senior brother thought, to come to this barren place. If it weren’t for Master’s sake, I wouldn’t come here to get a wife, dirty.”

"Forget it, he is a senior brother after all. Although he is a little less talented, since he wants to marry a wife, he cannot embarrass my Immortal Sect in this land of a hundred cities." The young man said with a smile, and then there was a hint of greed in his eyes. They come from a good Immortal Sect and said with a smile: "But I heard that there are several unparalleled beauties in this land of a hundred cities. I really have some expectations."

"Virtue, am I not enough?" The woman scolded, and the young man laughed loudly: "It is enough to have a junior sister, but wouldn't it be beautiful to have a taste of a mortal woman?"

"Leave it to me tomorrow. If you like them, it will be their blessing." The woman's beautiful eyes also shone with light.

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