Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 703 Qingyang Immortal Sect

Chu Yan walked out in person to greet the Holy Emperor Taxue. The guards of the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom just relaxed a little and sneered in their hearts. As expected, a Xinghai person should be polite when meeting the prince.

But only the Holy Emperor Texue understood that Chu Yan's welcome had nothing to do with his identity, it was simply because of the incident with Nanfeng, his attitude, and this friendly relationship.

"Why did the prince come to Tianjue City all the time?" Chu Yan asked with a smile when he returned to the banquet.

"I heard that you returned to the Fairy Kingdom today, and you happened to be not busy, so I came to take a look. Also, I heard that Miss Mengya is getting engaged. Because there is something going on in the Fairy Country, I can't stay, but I also prepared a generous gift to show my love. "Holy Emperor Texue said with a smile, and then waved to the people behind him: "Bring the things here."

A guard from the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom came forward, holding an exquisite wooden box carved from an ancient sycamore in his hand. He walked in front of Mengya and slowly opened the wooden box. A brilliant firelight immediately bloomed, and he saw that it was neatly arranged inside. There is an exquisite phoenix.

It is fiery red, with countless real phoenix feathers on it. Every needle and thread is extremely beautiful, which shows the degree of care put into it.

There is a real flame burning in this phoenix, but the temperature seems to be sealed, making people unable to feel the slightest burning heat.

"So beautiful..." Zi Yin looked at it dumbfounded.

Mengya's autumn eyes were slightly moved as she stroked her slender jade hand, feeling the texture above: "So gentle..."

"Miss Mengya, this is the sacred artifact of our Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom, the Immortal Phoenix. It was originally prepared for the imperial concubine when the prince got married. Today I learned that you were getting married, and the prince gave it to you." The guard smiled. .

"This... is too precious. Your Highness, I accept your offer. I can't have this Phoenix." Mengya was startled and hurriedly refused.

"A little caution doesn't hurt." Holy Emperor Taxue shook his head and smiled.

"Senior sister, since His Highness gave it to you, please accept it." Chu Yan said calmly. The Holy Emperor Texue gave Mengya something. This affection was actually for his sake, and he understood it.

But a holy weapon, in addition to being beautiful, naturally has defensive effects. Mengya and others come from the sea of ​​​​stars and travel to the immortal world, so they will inevitably encounter dangers. It is good to have a holy weapon to protect themselves.

As for this favor, he would repay it when he went to the Immortal Realm in the future. Anyway, he promised to unify the Immortal Kingdom of the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom.

"Okay, thank you, Your Highness." Mengya hesitated and accepted it, feeling that she couldn't leave her hand.

The women next to her were filled with envy when they saw this. Zi Yin curled her lips and said, "Little junior brother, when senior sister and I get married, do you also want to give me one?"

"If senior sister gets married, I will definitely host it myself and make it a grand event." Chu Yan smiled bitterly, and Zi Yin smiled happily: "That's pretty much it."

The banquet continued later, and it was very late. Because the Holy Phoenix Immortal Kingdom had many state affairs, Holy Emperor Ta Xue did not stay and hurried back overnight.

Because of Mengya's wedding, Chu Yan also informed Ye Xun and Wangfeng in advance. The two were on their way to Chaotian Juecheng and would arrive tomorrow as expected.

The next day, the rising sun emerged from Xiu, dispelling the darkness in Tianjue City.

Today is the day of Mengya's engagement. Early in the morning, Mengya put on her makeup and wore a fairy phoenix, just like a real phoenix, extremely beautiful.

It is said that when a woman gets married, it is the day she leaves home. Her autumn eyes were slightly nervous and uneasy, and Zi Yin, Qing Cheng, Li Xian'er and others were always accompanying her.

"Senior sister, don't worry. It's just an engagement. If he dares to bully you then, he will not marry you. When we get to the fairyland, I will find a better one for you." Liu Qingcheng chuckled.

"Thank you, little brother and sister." Mengya smiled sweetly, showing a bit of shyness: "But he is very nice."

Since it was an engagement, it was assumed that the man came to propose marriage, so everyone was not in a hurry and waited in the palace of the Lord of Tianjue City.

After a long time, someone finally came from a distance. The leader was also wearing a red dress and riding a crane. Below there were a few people carrying sedans. They looked a little pitiful and lazy. They arrived at the city lord's palace. , without much respect.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan frowned slightly. At this moment, the young man on the crane strolled down. He was simple and honest, and came directly to Mengya.

"Mengya, I'm here to pick you up." The young man smiled honestly, while Ziyin frowned at the side: "Shao Yang, is this your pick-up team? Are you so cold that you want to marry our senior sister?"

The young man's name was Shao Yang. After being scolded by Zi Yin, he didn't get angry. Instead, he looked at Mengya with self-blame: "Mengya, I'm really sorry. In the world of Xunxian, my cultivation has exhausted too many resources and I don't have any extra wealth. But don’t worry, everyone from my master is here and they will definitely not let you down.”

"Why don't they come?" Zi Yin took the lead and said angrily.

"This..." Shao Yang was a little speechless. He couldn't say it. His sect felt that Tianjue City was too small and didn't bother to come here, right?

"Zi Yin, forget it." Mengya chuckled, then looked at Shao Yang, and gently wiped Shao Yang's sweat: "It's okay, with you here, everything is the best."

"Mengya, I will definitely give you a good wedding in the future." Shao Yang swore, but Mengya smiled calmly and didn't take it so seriously.

"Mengya, who are they?" Shao Yang looked at the rest of the people. Ziyin was from the Demon Sect, and he had seen it before, but he was not familiar with the rest of them.

"They are all my friends in the star sea. This is my junior brother, and this is the Lord of Tianjue City." Meng Ya introduced them one by one. Shao Yang nodded hurriedly, and then nodded politely to everyone: "Qingyang Xianzong Shao Yang, meet you all, you are all Meng Ya's friends and brothers and sisters, and we will be a family in the future. If you need me, just ask, I will do my best." Shao Yang said, and patted his chest, very sincerely, which made the originally slightly unhappy people feel a lot more comfortable. It was just that when he saw Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng, he was full of surprise. He practiced in the fairyland, although he was only in the Tianjun realm, but he had seen many people, so he could feel that Chu Yan and the others stood out in the crowd and were very dazzling. Although the two did not release their aura and could not see their realm, their temperament alone was extremely extraordinary. Even in his Qingyang Xianzong, few people could compare with them. But since she was Mengya's friend, Shaoyang didn't ask much and said softly: "Mengya, in that case, let's go?"

"Okay!" Mengya agreed, and then looked at everyone. There was only one sedan chair, which was a bit embarrassing.

"It doesn't matter, use my Tianjue City's warship." Tianjue Wushuang waved his hand, and a golden divine warship appeared in the void, which was enough for everyone.

Everyone didn't make trouble, so they stepped onto the warship in the air, floated into the air, and prepared to set off to where Shaoyang was.

The people of Qingyang Xianzong were located in a mansion a little further away. This mansion was the property of Qingyang Xianzong. It was very glorious, with a bit of the artistic conception of an ancient manor. It was surrounded by mountains and a forest of flowers, which was extremely beautiful.

On the way, on the golden warship, Ziyin was unhappy all the time, snorting coldly: "What's this? When my senior sister got married, Qingyang Xianzong didn't even send anyone. If they look down on us, why did they agree to this marriage? It's as if we are giving it away."

"Senior sister, all right, today is the big day for senior sister Mengya." Chu Yan smiled bitterly.

"Chu Yan, what do you think of Shaoyang?" Liu Qingcheng also asked in a delicate voice at this time. Chu Yan hesitated: "I haven't had much contact with him, so I can't tell. But as far as what happened just now is concerned, it's not bad. At least his feelings for my senior sister should be real. That loving look can't be faked."

"I think so too." Liu Qingcheng nodded lightly, and then said: "But do you feel that today's engagement is a bit hasty? Shaoyang's sect doesn't seem to take it seriously, and today's ceremony may not be able to go smoothly."

Chu Yan nodded. He could see some embarrassment in Shaoyang's eyes just now. He turned and looked at Tianjue Wushuang: "Wushuang, Do you know about Qingyang Xianzong? "

Tian Jue Wushuang nodded: "I know a little bit. Qingyang Xianzong has a fairy city in the middle of the fairyland. Although it is a fairy city, it is more prosperous than many fairy kingdoms. It can be regarded as a famous and prestigious sect. Although it is not as powerful as the top forces, it has a long history in the fairyland. As long as it does not provoke the immortals, it can at least survive without worries. Moreover, with the successive generations of disciples, it has become very powerful. "

After a pause, Tian Jue Wushuang said: "It can be regarded as a third-rate or even second-rate force. "

Chu Yan suddenly realized that it was a force that was superior to the fairy kingdom. No wonder it was a little arrogant.

But this is normal, he can even understand it. After all, Meng Ya came from the star sea and had a bad background. If it were him, he would naturally hope that his senior brothers and sisters could find a suitable one. Of course, the most important thing is that the two people are suitable and cherish each other.

He just hopes that the other party will not be too much. Since he entered the Demon Sect, Meng Ya has always taken good care of him, and he does not want Meng Ya to be bullied.

Soon, a group of people came to the Qingyang Peak. The manor was vast. Because today was Shaoyang's engagement ceremony, many guests came and it was quite lively.

As a second-rate force in the fairyland, after years of accumulation, they naturally made many friends, and some allied sects in the Xunxian Realm also came to congratulate.

For example, at this time, a snow-white giant ape flew over from a distance. On the palm of the giant ape, there were several figures, all handsome, elegant, and quite arrogant.

"Gu Wangzong came to watch the ceremony, congratulations to brother Shaoyang." The young man on the palm of the giant ape bowed and smiled.

Immediately, a figure flew out of the Qingyang Manor and greeted warmly: "Thank you, brother Gu, for coming from afar. Please come in quickly."

"You're welcome. Today is brother Shaoyang's wedding. You don't need to pay attention to us." The young man smiled and jumped off the snow ape and walked towards the manor.

At this time, the golden warship arrived, and Chu Yan and others just stopped. But after a while, no one responded, which made Chu Yan and others look cold.

"Everyone, you are all Meng Ya's friends. Now in the Xunxian Realm, elders cannot enter. You represent Xiao Ya's family. Come in with me." In the end, it was Shao Yang who stepped down from the crane and took the initiative to receive them.

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