Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 700 Return to the Pengyao Ruins

After the battle at Sword God Mountain, Chu Yan finally became the Heavenly King.

His fight with Chen Fengsheng also caused quite a stir, but in the eyes of most people, Chu Yan's behavior was undoubtedly seeking his own death.

Of course, this is not a slight. Chu Yan killed Yang Sheng and defeated Kuang Mu one after another. Such a person was also called the Chosen One. Naturally, no one would look down on him anymore.

Just because his level is a little lower after all, even if he joins Tianjun, he is still not good enough. Compared with the top Tianjun Chen Fengsheng, there is still a big gap.

For this reason, Chen Fengsheng also said that on the day the Immortal Burial Cliff opens, there will be no natural choice in the world.

Chu Yan did not respond to this, and practiced silently. Now that he has entered Tianjun, his luck has become stronger, reaching the purple medium luck, and he can see and understand more, including some things he once went to. He walked through the ruins he had visited again, only to find that it was a different scenery.

The land of fairyland.

Now that the Nanfeng Fairy Kingdom has been destroyed, hundreds of cities have no owners. According to Chu Yan, he originally wanted Tian Jue Wushuang to take over, but he was rejected.

Tian Jue Wushuang's meaning is very clear. He has no intention to do this. Moreover, Tian Jue Immortal Sect in the Immortal Realm will eventually submit to the Nanfeng Immortal Kingdom. His behavior means rebellion.

Chu Yan didn't force it, so today's Tianjue City is a mixed bag, and there are also some top disciples from the Immortal Realm who often appear.

The Peng Yao ruins outside Tianjue City are still one of the ruins with the largest number of people. There are people from hundreds of cities, and there are also people outside Hundred Cities. At that time, Chu Yan's words "Looking at the sky" inspired many people. I saw Peng Yao. Under the golden statue, many people looked up at the sky.

On this day, a young man in white clothes strolled over, his steps gentle, he raised his head and looked at the ruins in front of him with emotion.

Liu Qingcheng, wearing a veil, was quietly by her side, and Xiao Lang was in Chu Yan's arms.

"This is the first saint relic that I studied in the Immortal Realm. At that time, I was just a new Earth Lord, and my luck was only top-notch. I was almost killed, but I survived thanks to inheriting the will of Senior Peng Yao. "Chu Yan smiled, and Liu Qingcheng felt a little guilty at the side: "I should have come to you a long time ago."

"Silly girl, what does it have to do with you? This is part of my energy, and it is a good thing. Now that I have returned, I am already in the Heavenly Lord realm, with medium purple luck. I wonder if I can inherit the will of Senior Peng Yao more deeply." Chu Yan smiled. Tao, and immediately want to step out.

Now in the world of seeking immortality, he has visited many ruins and gained something from all of them, but the one that has had the greatest impact on him is still the golden elephant of the roc demon.

When the Peng Yao was about to enter the Nine Heavens and go to the end of the sky, the scene he saw was hard for him to look away.

At this moment, several talented young people in the distance frowned and said, "Is this your first time coming to this ruins? There are thousands of statues of gods in this ruins, and there are hidden murderous intentions. You are the first to enter the Tianjun, here It’s not a place you can enter.”

"Are you from the Jin tribe?" Chu Yan took a look at the clothes of several people, and there was a gold character in the center.

Several young people nodded slightly, and one of them smiled as if he had a great sense of superiority: "That's right! My eldest brother is the leader of the Jin clan!"

Chu Yan nodded, then ignored it, turned around and was about to step into the Peng Yao ruins.

"Here comes another person looking for death!" The faces of the Jin clan members condensed, and then they let out a cold shout.

Afterwards, the young man looked at Liu Qingcheng. Even with the veil, it was still difficult to conceal the fairy-like temperament. Greed flashed in the young man's eyes: "This girl is a stranger. I have never seen this before. This Peng Yao ruins are full of dangers." , I am a descendant of the Jin clan in Tianjue City, how about you let me take you in?"

"No need." Liu Qingcheng said coldly, following Chu Yan.

Just seeing this scene, the young man from the Jin tribe became even darker. Now, he, the Jin tribe, has absolute say in the Peng Yao ruins, but the other party actually rejected him?

"You bitch, you are pretending to be noble, but in the end you entered the Peng Yao ruins, why don't you ask the uncle to take you?" The young man from the Jin tribe sneered coldly, without any concealment.

However, at this sentence, Chu Yan stopped and his eyes turned gloomy. He originally didn't want to pay attention to this kind of person, but he dared to scold Qingcheng, which he couldn't forgive.

"Apologise, I'll spare your life." Chu Yan looked at the other person. The young man from the Jin tribe was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Brother, you may be crazy, right? Do you know who I am?"

"Bang!" Chu Yan was no longer merciful and did not give the other party a chance to talk nonsense. As soon as he raised his hand, a terrifying demonic energy condensed out of the void, turning into a huge demonic mountain and smashing down mercilessly.

The face of the young man from the Jin tribe suddenly changed. Facing Chu Yan's demonic hand, he felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart, as if he was being suppressed by a mountain. His knees weakened, and he knelt on the ground with a thud, and the blood in his body surged.

"You are looking for death!" The rest of the Jin clan were angry and roared, but the next moment, before they could step out, the power of seals flew out and suppressed them forcefully.

"Your brother is the leader of the Jin tribe. How dare you do this to me?" The young man from the Jin tribe glared at Chu Yan. At this point, he was still dissatisfied.

"Let your brother come!" Chu Yan said coldly. The young man from the Jin tribe clenched his fist, and then he was not polite and sent the message directly, and then stared at Chu Yan coldly.

"My brother will be here soon, and I will make sure you die without a burial place, and this bitch, I will play with her to death!" The young man from the Jin tribe roared, but the next moment, he spurted out A mouthful of blood went away, and the huge demonic hand struck again, with a thud, smashing the Jin tribe youth into pieces.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Peng Yao Sheng Xiang was slightly surprised and looked here.

Then he was shocked. Apparently everyone knew the young man who was under the devil, how could anyone dare to treat this person like this?

Don’t you know who the leader of the Jin clan is?

"This guy is going to be in trouble." Someone whispered.

"The Jin clan is one of the three major clans in Tianjue City, and now the leader has a very good relationship with Tian Jue Wushuang. His status in Tianjue City is rising rapidly. This person has offended the Jin clan to death, I am afraid it will be miserable! "The people around laughed.

"Your Excellency, have you thought about the cost of doing this?" The Jin clan disciples next to him glared at Chu Yan, but did not dare to take action. They were joking. The other party slapped the leader's younger brother away, let alone them?

"Here we come!" At this moment, figures suddenly flew from a distance, at extremely fast speeds. The leader was the leader of the Jin clan, holding a golden embroidered knife in his hand, with terrifying anger in his eyes. Next to him, there were several outstanding geniuses from the Jin clan, looking at everything with cold eyes.

"Who dares to be so arrogant here?" The leader of the Jin clan fell down and saw that his brother was seriously injured, his voice was extremely cold.

The people around him looked at Chu Yan with sneers. During the whole process, Chu Yan kept standing there, his white clothes fluttering, as if everything had nothing to do with him, which was puzzling.

Now that the leader of the Jin clan has arrived, he is so calm.

The same goes for the woman standing next to him. Although Liu Qingcheng doesn't know who the Jin clan is, but now, who knows Chu Yan's name in the land of Immortal Kingdom?

The eyes of the people from the Jin clan showed coldness: "This time, let me see how you can show off your madness!"

The leader of the Jin clan also frowned. Since the destruction of the Nanfeng Kingdom, his Jin clan had a higher status in Tianjue City, but today he was slapped in the face in public by his younger brother. Naturally, he couldn't bear it.

Thinking of this, he looked up, but when he saw Chu Yan's face, his whole body trembled suddenly, and the anger on his face disappeared, leaving only fear and even respect.

"Brother, it's him, kill him for me, and the bitch next to him, I will play with her to death." The young man from the Jin tribe got up and said ferociously.

Hearing his brother's words, the leader of the Jin tribe turned even more ugly, and cold sweat flowed from his palms. Then he suddenly raised his hand without hesitation.

"Pah!" A crisp slap, full of force and no mercy at all.

It's just that this slap was on the face of the Jin tribe youth, and he flew away directly.

After this slap, the Jin tribe youth was stunned. Not only him, but the onlookers at the Peng Yao Sacred Elephant Ruins were also confused. What happened?

At this moment, the leader of the Jin tribe trembled and walked towards Chu Yan. During the whole process, he bowed his body and lowered himself into the dust. He walked up to Chu Yan and whispered in a low voice: "Chu, Mr. Chu, I, I don't. I know it’s you…”

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. The leader of the Jin clan spoke so humbly? Was he even afraid of this young man in front of him?

Suddenly, countless people's eyes widened. Who is this young man in front of them?

Chu Yan looked calmly at the leader of the Jin clan: "I beat your brother, and I didn't want to trouble you, but they insisted on keeping me waiting. I think I'll just wait. Seeing you coming over, some The matter can be explained, so that if you Jin clan has any dissatisfaction, I don’t know and I will wrong you again.”

"Chu, Young Master Chu is joking. It's a good fight, as it should be." The leader of the Jin clan said in a low voice. At this moment, he already hated his younger brother to death. It's not good to provoke anyone, but he actually provoked this evil spirit. star.

"No, since he was beaten and he refused to accept it, he still has to give an explanation." Chu Yan shook his head indifferently. If the other party just humiliated him, maybe he could ignore it, but the young man from the Jin tribe scolded Qingcheng, so this matter It's impossible to be kind.

The leader of the Jin clan trembled in his heart, and then he felt a terrible chill, which made him feel frightened. Then he felt a sudden change in his heart, turned around and said coldly: "Come here, kill him!"

"This..." The people of the Jin tribe were stunned. Countless people's faces were extremely ugly. The young man of the Jin tribe was even more angry: "Brother, you are crazy! You actually want to destroy your own brother because of an outsider!"

"You're crazy!" The leader of the Jin clan yelled angrily: "Do you know who he is? Don't say it's my Jin clan. The Nanfeng Fairy Kingdom has been destroyed in his hands. If you want to die, don't hurt my Jin clan!"

"Boom!" News of an explosion came out, and everyone's hearts sank. A name appeared in the hearts of countless people.

This son destroyed the Nanfeng Fairy Kingdom? Then besides him, could it be anyone else?

He is Chu Yan.

The people around him were immediately shocked, and finally understood why the leader of the Jin clan had such a big reaction.

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