Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6018: No Life

Lord Xue was still worried, but suddenly she stopped talking.

Because she knew the truth, she felt extremely shocked inside at this moment.

Chu Yan's real target... turned out not to be the Shenying Camp, but the Shenting's general battle area?

What a big heart this is.

To do such a crazy thing?

Blood King stopped talking.

Beyond the sky.

The power of God Shura was still pressing crazily against Chu Yan.


In an instant, the space around Chu Yan collapsed, and countless cracks appeared on his body.

This made everyone in the Divine Court excited.

Black Eagle watched silently and murmured: "Is it finally over?"

The Demon Lord looked at it and sighed.


such a pity.

Such a talented person is going to die here today.

But he understood that he could not take action at this time, otherwise, it would bring greater disaster to the Demon Palace.

The Demon Lord turned around and glanced at the Blood Lord. Now he just hoped that after Chu Yan died, the Blood Lord would stop going crazy.

Otherwise, the Demon Palace may not be able to protect the opponent.


At this time, God Shura pressed his hands again.


The terrifying power keeps falling.

Chu Yan was trapped deep in it, and the wind around him was like a sharp blade, as if it was about to be crushed at any time.

At this time, God Shura looked up at the sky, slightly disappointed and said: "Still not showing up? Does he seem to be afraid?"

In God Shura's view, things have reached this point, and the mysterious woman must have noticed it.

As Chu Yan's protector, there was no way that the mysterious woman hadn't discovered Chu Yan when he was almost dead.

But the mysterious woman did not appear, so there was only one possibility.

Chu Yan...was given up.

In other words, did the mysterious woman realize that the two Purges were in the divine court?

God Shura shook his head slightly, without any hesitation, and said to Chu Yan: "Boy, in the next life, live a smarter life."

After saying this, his palms were about to press down.


Suddenly, Chu Yan let out a low drink.

God Shura frowned slightly: "What? Do you have any last words to say?"

At this time, Chu Yan's body was cracked and he looked very embarrassed, but his eyes were extremely bright, without any fear.

He stared at God Shura and suddenly smiled ferociously: "Senior, I will give you a gift today!"

God Shura frowned slightly, but his expression changed drastically in the next second.


Suddenly, a terrifying aura emerged from Chu Yan's body. It was a light green light, causing green cracks to appear on his cracked body, like a broken porcelain.

"What a rich vitality!"

"What's this?"

At this moment, everyone in the Divine Court and the Demon Palace were stunned.

God Shura had sharp eyes and growled: "Everyone retreat, he is going to blow himself up!"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the Divine Court and the Demon Palace were shocked, and the weaker ones quickly retreated.

But there are some people who don't, such as the tenth-level experts like Black Eagle.

Chu Yan is not weak, and his self-destruction will definitely be terrifying, but it is not enough to threaten them.

Therefore, Black Eagle, a level 10 expert, just waved his arms and opened a defensive barrier on his chest.

This distance is enough.

However, as soon as their barrier was opened, their expressions suddenly changed drastically.

Because they discovered one thing... The power in Chu Yan's body was still rising.

At this moment, it has far exceeded the power of an ordinary level 10 self-destruction.

God Shura was also shocked, because the power in Chu Yan's body actually dispersed his forbidden power.

"Damn, what kind of power is this?"

God Shura roared.

Chu Yan laughed loudly and clasped his hands together in front of his chest: "Shura, don't you want to kill me? Then let's go on the road together!"

The next second, he uttered two words!

"Nothing, life!"

In an instant, with Chu Yan as the center, all the life forces were ignited like fuses.




In an instant, a monstrous force exploded, and Chu Yan's body was shattered directly under the green flames. Along with it, the surrounding space sank directly because the force was too strong, and a huge black hole appeared.


At this moment, some buildings in the Condor Camp were uprooted and all were sucked into the black hole.


Black Eagle and the others at Level 10 almost gasped, and all the defensive barriers in front of them collapsed, and before they could recover, they were immediately swallowed up by the force.


Countless powerful men of dozens of levels roared, turned around and fled.

Unfortunately...it's too late.

The power was so powerful that in just one second, they all turned into ashes.

Under this power, a level 10 expert is like an ant.

That power is still continuing, swallowing it in all directions.


At the last moment, the entire continent of gods and demons seemed to be shaken by an earthquake, shaking violently.

God Shura was closest to Chu Yan. His pupils shrank and he immediately concentrated his power in front of him.


But just for a moment, God Shura flew out backwards.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

On the other side, Xingjun had no time to recover, and was hit by the force and disappeared into the sea of ​​green fire.

The Demon Lord was also shocked. He grabbed the Blood Lord and ran away into the distance.

But even so, when the Demon Lord came to a distance of 100,000 meters, he only had one leg and one hand left, and half of his body was swallowed by the power.


The Demon Lord stopped and swallowed hard.

"What kind of power is this?"

The Blood Lord was also shocked.

This is not a self-explosion!

Self-explosion... can't reach this power.

Let alone Chu Yan, even if the Asura God self-exploded, it would not have such a terrifying power.

The next second, the Blood Lord turned around and looked around in the ruins: "Where are the Asura God and the Star Lord? Are they dead?"

The Demon Lord also looked at the ruins immediately.


At this time, a very embarrassed figure suddenly rushed out of the ruins.

Asura God!

At this moment, Asura God no longer had the dignity of the past. His clothes were almost burned to ashes, and the whole person was in an extremely embarrassed state.

The Star Lord was even worse. He was caught in the hands of the Asura God, but only a soul was left.

The flesh was directly destroyed.

The two stood there, and Shura God's eyes were almost ferocious.

Just now, he almost died?

And it was because of a junior.

Xingjun was too late to be ferocious at this time, and he was only afraid of the consequences.

He was even more miserable than Shura God. His body was gone. At the last moment, if Shura God hadn't taken action, even his soul couldn't escape.

Who could believe that the Divine Court almost used the power of the whole clan, but it still caused such a big loss.

At this time, Xingjun said in a low voice: "Shura, don't worry, we at least won, this kid is at least dead."

Shura God had a gloomy face.


Is this considered a win?

The Divine Eagle Camp is gone, and more than 10,000 people died in the Divine Court, and there are dozens of level 10 people.

But fortunately, Chu Yan is dead.

After a long time, Shura God finally nodded slightly: "Go find the body. Although the person is dead, we have to go back and report to the cleaner."

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