Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6017 The Truth

The Shura God was startled, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Haha, angry? What can you do?"

Chu Yan looked at the Shura God without saying a word.


Suddenly, he disappeared from the spot.

The Shura God narrowed his eyes, and in almost an instant, he grabbed forward with his left hand.


The Heavenly Sword was directly held in his hand.

The sharp blade passed over the Shura God's palm print, leaving only a string of sparks.

But Chu Yan didn't care, but suddenly let go of the long sword, put his hands together in front of his chest, and blasted at the Shura God.

The Shura God shook his head slightly, and pointed his right hand.


After a loud bang, the surrounding space exploded directly.

At the same time, Chu Yan took a step into the sky and stepped on the hilt of the Heavenly Sword.

In an instant, a terrifying power burst out from the Heavenly Sword.

Asura God had been holding the Heavenly Sword tightly, but after the kick, the Heavenly Sword shot out with a puff, passed through Asura God's palm, and stabbed directly at Asura God's forehead.

Asura God's face changed. The distance was too close. It was too late for him to defend. He could only turn his head quickly.

Swish - the next second, Asura God retreated a hundred meters. When he stopped, a drop of blood fell to the ground with a ticking sound, making the whole audience quiet.

Asura God reached out and touched his cheek. Just now, although he avoided the vital point, he was still cut by the Heavenly Sword.

Looking at his palm again, there was a shocking bloody wound.

This made the whole audience sluggish.

Broken defense?

You know, Asura God is the Supreme.

Chu Yan injured Asura God with his own strength.

The Demon Lord and the Blood Lord were also extremely shocked.

How the Good God died, no one knows, but everyone knows that it was definitely not Chu Yan's power.

But now, Chu Yan hurt the Shura God with his own strength.

The Blood King turned around again and roared: "Demon!!!"

The Demon King clenched his fists, powerless and helpless.

The Blood King's eyes were red: "Demon! Is it not enough? What level do you want him to reach? A few months! Just a few months! Demon!!!"

However, the Demon King hesitated for a long time and finally sighed: "No! The person behind him... is not enough! The Ancient Era... No."

If Chu Yan hadn't said that the mysterious woman came from the Ancient Era, the Demon King might have really taken action at this moment.

Because Chu Yan is really amazing.

The person behind killed the evil god, and he broke through Shura's defense!

The Demon Palace is worth a fight.

But now, the Demon King knows the background of the mysterious woman, who came from the Ancient Era. She is not weak, but not as good as the Clearer.

At this time, if the Demon Palace invests in Chu Yan again, it is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the Clearer.

Blood Lord gritted his teeth: "Demon! Why do you have to look at the person behind him? Look at him! Look at him! Isn't he worth it now? In three months, he can hurt Shura, and if he is given another three months, he can kill Shura."

Demon Lord shook his head: "Blood Lord, you are too naive. The Cleaner will not give him three months, and he will not survive today."

Blood Lord closed his eyes, completely disappointed.

At this time, Shura God woke up from silence, looked at Chu Yan and said with emotion: "Little guy, I really underestimated you! Do you know? If you didn't reveal the identity of the mysterious woman just now, I am now the Demon Lord, I am afraid I can't sit still and want to take action! What a pity... What a pity! The person behind you... is strong, but not strong enough!"

Chu Yan's mouth twitched, and he was also very irritable.


Blood me?

I know, the Ancient Era is so weak?

I thought I could scare you to death by bringing up the Ancient Era!

Chu Yan was helpless.

At this moment, Shura God's mind moved, and his injuries were instantly healed.

Immediately, he looked at Chu Yan: "Boy, the farce should end."


The next second, a hint of hostility flashed in Shura God's eyes.


In an instant, the vast land began to collapse.

A terrible purple air surged out of Shura God's body, and his body changed with it, and black curse marks appeared on his skin.

At this moment, he was like a Shura who really walked out of hell, with an extremely hostile aura.

Immediately, he raised his palm and clenched it towards Chu Yan in the void: "Forbidden, absolute!"


Suddenly, a force that destroyed the world fell from the sky, and the space in all directions collapsed directly.

Chu Yan was in it, and his face changed drastically.


Almost in an instant, he felt that the whole person was suffocating. His body was half squatting under the pressure of those forces, and his skin began to shatter continuously as if it was cursed.


At this time, Xue Jun roared, she struggled desperately, but still couldn't break the rules.

Xue Jun looked at the Demon King pleadingly: "Demon! Demon! Please, take action, take action!"

The Demon King lowered his head and remained indifferent.

Xue Jun was desperate, she turned to look at Chu Yan, but suddenly, her body shook.

Because she found that Chu Yan was also looking at her at this time.

The point is, Chu Yan was actually laughing?

Xue Jun was a little confused, but then she clearly saw that Chu Yan opened his mouth towards her and said a lip language.

"General, don't move, I won't die!"

Xue Jun was stunned.

Chu Yan continued to laugh and said: "General, you keep saying that I am a madman! Since you know that I am a madman, you should understand what a real madman is! A madman... is very crazy, how can he die in vain?"

Lord Xue frowned, hearing a bit confused.

But suddenly, she stared at Chu Yan and discovered a problem.

A very detailed question!

A problem that would never be discovered unless you were familiar with Chu Yan!


At this time, Chu Yan was wearing white clothes.

Usually, Chu Yan's true self also likes to wear white clothes.

However, there is a difference between the two white clothes. There is a unique embroidery missing on the cuffs of the clothes.

Lord Xue was shocked in his heart.

Because he has seen this piece of clothing, it is the piece of clothing of Chu Yan's puppet!


Suddenly, Lord Xue's throat rolled, and she who was originally irritable suddenly became quiet, and her heart was filled with endless shock.

"you you……"

Chu Yan didn't wait for Blood Lord to speak, and smiled brightly at her: "General, I'm sorry to take care of you, but I'd like to invite you to watch your fireworks today."

Lord Xue's eyelids dropped.

Suddenly, all the worries in her heart disappeared, leaving only shock: "You madman...Chu Yan, you are a madman, a complete madman!"

Oh my god, this Chu Yan in front of me is not the real person, but a puppet?

So the question is, where is Chu Yan’s true identity?

You know, the Divine Eagle Camp...is already the largest surviving war zone in the Divine Court.

The Shenji Camp and the Daotong Camp have been destroyed. The Chu Yan puppet has come here. Where else can I go?

Suddenly, Lord Xue's pupils shrank.


Camp Condor isn't the largest war zone... there's another one above it!

Shenting, the general war zone?

Lord Xue thought of this and couldn't help but swallow hard.

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