Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6019: Divine Court General War Zone

At this time, Shura God was very depressed.

But he vented a lot.

Because Chu Yan was blown to death.

Xingjun nodded slightly: "Okay."

Then, he flew towards the ruins below.

Throughout the whole process, Shura God remained highly alert.

From time to time, he looked at the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord was just below.

At this time, the Demon Lord was also shocked.

He was amazed at Chu Yan's ferocity and madness.

At the moment of death, he could even make the God Court bleed so much.

Unfortunately, he died in the end.

But now, the Demon Lord is entangled again.

Now there is a great opportunity in front of him.

Shura was seriously injured.

If it were normal, even if the Demon Lord took action, he might not be able to win Shura God, and even if he won, he would definitely not be able to kill Shura God.

But now it is different.

Shura God was blown up by Chu Yan.

Although the Demon Lord was also injured, he was much better than Shura God because of the distance.

Now if he takes action, there is a great chance to keep Shura God and Xingjun.

Once this happens, coupled with the death of the good and evil gods, the two sides of the gods and demons will be completely broken.

At that time, there will only be two supreme beings left in the God Court.

However, just when the Demon King was struggling whether to take action.

Suddenly, a hand pressed his shoulder, making him come back to his senses.

The Demon King turned around and saw that it was the Blood King.

The moment Chu Yan exploded, all the rules around the Blood King disappeared.

The Demon King looked at the Blood King, but the Blood King shook his head slightly.

The Demon King frowned.


Now is a great opportunity.

On their side, there are two kings.

As for the God Court, there is only one Shura God and one Canhun Xingjun.

The two of them joined forces and had a great chance of winning.

The Blood King said calmly: "If you had taken action just now, I might have accompanied you. Now that everyone is dead, what's the point of taking action?"

The Demon King was about to speak.

But the Blood King suddenly took out a token from his arms and threw it to the Demon King.

The Demon King stretched out his hand to take the token and was startled. There were two words clearly engraved on the token: Blood King.

This is the king's token of the Demon Palace, there are only five of them.

Each one is very precious, seeing the token is like seeing the person.

The Demon King frowned: "Blood King, what do you mean?"

Blood King said lightly: "Demon, go back and tell the ancestor that I have given up the position of Blood King, and let him give the token to a suitable candidate."

The Demon King's face changed: "Blood King, are you crazy?"

Blood King laughed at himself: "I'm not crazy, but the Demon Palace has changed now, it's no longer the Demon Palace I want!"

"Back then, the era was destroyed, I stayed here for revenge and to rebuild our home."

"But now I understand that after more than 200 million years, the backbone of the Demon Palace has been bent. This is no longer the Demon Palace I am familiar with, so there is no need for me to stay."

The Demon King's eyelids jumped, but when he wanted to speak, Blood King did not give him any chance, turned around and left in the distance.

The Demon King just watched Blood King's back disappear.

After a long time, he finally sighed: "Are we really wrong?"

He didn't know.

At this time, Shura God couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Blood Lord leave.

Then, he began to heal his wounds quickly.

After a while, his physical body recovered first, which made him feel relieved.

With his physical body, at least he still had the strength to fight if Demon Lord attacked.

Then he looked down at the ruins below, waiting for Star Lord to search.

But a moment later, Star Lord suddenly flew back in a panic, his face full of fear.

Shura God frowned when he saw this: "Didn't you find it?"


Star Lord swallowed hard: "No! No! Found it..."

Shura God was puzzled: "Then what happened to you?"

If you find it, can't you go back and report it?

At this time, Star Lord's palms were shaking. In his hand was a piece of corpse debris. He handed it to Shura God tremblingly and said: "Shura, you, take a look for yourself."

Shura God frowned. The debris was Chu Yan's, which could be confirmed by strength.

He reached out to take it, but when he touched the wreckage, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked up at Xingjun.

Xingjun nodded in fear: "Yes! This, this is not the flesh of a living person! This wreckage... is a dead object, this is... a puppet."


Shura God couldn't control it, and a force suddenly shook out of his body, crushing all the surrounding space.

He took a deep breath, stared at Xingjun and said: "So... we spent so much effort from the beginning, the Divine Eagle Camp was destroyed, and in the end we just killed a puppet?"

Xingjun nodded helplessly: "It seems so."

Shura God's eyes instantly became extremely ferocious, as if his eyes alone could kill people.

The Divine Eagle Camp was destroyed, and he almost died, but Chu Yan was not dead yet!

This loss, even he couldn't afford.

The point is, there is only one day left before the time agreed by the cleaner!

"Chu Yan!!! You are kidding me!!!"

Shura God roared, almost going crazy.

Xingjun looked at Shura God and frowned, saying, "His puppet body is here, so where can his real body go? Did he escape?"

Shura God tried to calm himself down, but then he seemed to think of something and looked up at Xingjun.

Xingjun was also stunned by Shura God's stare, and then he thought of something and rolled his throat: "God's Court... General War Zone?"

Shura God's eyelids jumped: "Quick, send a message to the General War Zone!"

Xingjun nodded and took out a message stone without saying a word.

But when a force was transmitted, there was no response at all, and it fell into oblivion.

This made Xingjun and Shura God's faces completely gloomy.

"Damn it, we were fooled!"

"This boy's target was not the Divine Eagle Camp from the beginning, but the General War Zone!"

Xingjun also took a breath of cold air at this time.

"Let's go!"

Shura God disappeared immediately.

In any case, the General War Zone must not be in trouble.

Otherwise, the trouble of the Divine Court will be really big!

That is a price he can't afford.


Xingjun immediately followed.

Below, the Demon Lord was still a little confused, not understanding why Shura God suddenly went crazy.

But when he heard the three words "General War Zone", he was also stunned.


The next second, the Demon Lord rushed into the ruins, and soon he also found a piece of Chu Yan puppet's wreckage in it. When he took it in his hand, he was stunned.

"Puppet... Puppet... From the beginning to now, it's just a puppet?"

At this moment, the Demon Lord couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

God’s Court General War Zone.

At the moment when Chu Yan’s puppet exploded.

A young man appeared here.

The young man was Chu Yan. He stood quietly and sighed: "Still not working?"

He was connected to the puppet, so everything that happened before the explosion came into view.

The puppet exploded and used Wusheng, but it still failed to kill Shura God.

It must be said that the Supreme of the God Court is still a little strong for him now.

But soon, Chu Yan withdrew his mind. Since he was not dead, he would not bother about it. The puppet had played its greatest role, and now it was up to him.

The next second, Chu Yan looked up at the general war zone and walked towards it.

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