Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6016 Chu Yan is angry

Chu Yan stopped after running for thousands of feet, his face gloomy.

Damn, it can't be scared.

At this time, Shura God, including the Demon Lord, were also thinking.

Ancient Era!

This was the first time Chu Yan mentioned the mysterious woman.

Is it possible?

Not necessarily!

Because they had investigated for a long time before, and tried to find some information about the mysterious woman, but failed.

They couldn't find it.

This means that the mysterious woman must be above the God and Demon Era.

The Ancient Era is indeed very suitable.

But at this moment, Shura God suddenly showed a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Yes, it was disappointment.

To be precise, not only Shura God, but also the Demon Lord showed the same look.


"Just the Ancient World?" At this time, the Demon Lord murmured alone, and then shook his head slightly.

Of course, this is not because he looked down on the Ancient Era.

In a sense, the Ancient Era ranks first among the three eras, and it is still above the God and Demon Era.

But even so, the Ancient Era is also in the Era.

The gods and demons had speculated about the identity of the mysterious woman before, not that they had never thought about the Ancient Era.

For an existence like the mysterious woman, especially after killing the evil god, there are probably only two possibilities.

The first is what Chu Yan said, from the Ancient Era.

The second is from some mysterious forces, such as... the Clearers.

The Clearers are some mysterious forces. The Gods and Demons Era has been destroyed for 200 million years, but they still don’t know where the Clearers came from.

As for the Ancient Era, some research was done, because the Ancient Era is still in the Era after all.

The Clearers... are outside the Era.

The gods and demons reached a consensus a long time ago.

There are two kinds of strong people in this world.

The first kind is the strong people in the Era.

The second kind is the strong people outside the Era.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that there are no absolute strong people in the Era. There are some, but compared to those outside the Era, they are still a little worse and still subject to some power restrictions.

This is the case with the gods and demons. They are affected by the avenue of the era.

Once the era is destroyed, they will become rootless duckweed. If it weren't for the appearance of the Heavenly Cave in the Gods and Demons Continent, they would have died of exhaustion 200 million years ago.

Only the real strong outside the era can achieve unrestricted growth.

Of course, the strong in the era, if the era has always existed and has not been destroyed, can also be very scary.

The strong in the era... how to say it.

There are pros and cons.

Now, Chu Yan said that the mysterious woman came from the ancient era. It can only be said that she is not weak, but it is definitely not to the point that the gods and demons are afraid.

At least compared to the purger, it is definitely inferior.

The reason is also very simple.

The ancient era... was destroyed. Like the Gods and Demons Era, it experienced a great catastrophe. The ancient strong who survived now are just the remnants of the era.

Of course, the Demon Lord didn't know how the strong men of the Ancient Era survived without the Sky Cave, but there was a high probability that there were some in the Ancient Era.

But in any case, they were all losers.

Moreover, the disaster of the Ancient Era was also caused by the Clearer.

This means that the Ancient Era was also defeated by the Clearer once.

At this time, Shura God sighed: "Boy, it seems that I overestimated you!"

After speaking, he looked up at the sky.

It was still light and peaceful.

There was no movement.

Shura God said lightly: "It seems that she is not going to show up? In this case, you can go directly on the road."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped down.


What's going on?

He said that the mysterious woman was the goddess of the Ancient Era, but why did Shura God feel a little dissatisfied?

At this time, Xiao Jiu's voice sounded.

Although it is a puppet body, Xiao Jiu, as a boundary spirit, can penetrate the original body and the puppet body.

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "You said that the mysterious woman came from the Ancient Era, so naturally the gods and demons underestimated her."


"The Ancient Era was destroyed."

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "In this world, mystery and the unknown are the most frightening. Those who didn't speak up would be more afraid if they didn't know where the mysterious woman came from. But now they know, and it's an existence they can touch, then this layer of mysterious veil has disappeared, it's strange that they are still afraid."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched: "What it means is... I'm understating this?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "That's probably what it means."

Chu Yan: "..."

Suddenly, he was a little speechless.

Of course, this can't be blamed on him.

The main reason is that he doesn't know any other forces that can be boasted except the Ancient Era.

He thinks the Ancient Era is pretty awesome, after all, it's above the Gods and Demons Era.

He regrets it now.

It's a pity that regret is useless.


At this time, Shura God disappeared again, and the Shura stick in his hand hit Chu Yan's face with force.

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched, and he swung his sword again.

Swish - a black and white sword energy slashed out.

Yu Tian.


Chu Yan retreated again, and this time he just stopped and his arm fell down.

At this time, Shura God was still about to attack.

Chu Yan couldn't help but twitch his mouth, and said in a low voice: "Stop!"

Shura God looked at Chu Yan: "Are there any last words?"

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "I don't understand, are you really not afraid of my sister's revenge?"

Shura God laughed: "Little guy, your sister may be very powerful, but have you ever thought about one thing?"

Chu Yan frowned: "What?"

Shura God said: "Why did the Demon Palace invest in you?"

Chu Yan was stunned, and then his eyes narrowed: "Are you doing this on purpose? You want to use the people behind me to deal with the Eliminator?"

Shura God shrugged and did not deny it.

He really thought so at first.

At this time, the two envoys of the Eliminator were in the Divine Court.

The Divine Court certainly did not dare to fall out with the Eliminator.

But once Chu Yan died, the people behind him appeared, and the Divine Court pretended to be unable to beat them, so that they could divert the trouble.

Just like the Demon Palace.

Chu Yan's face darkened.

The next second, he suddenly took a deep breath, and the fighting spirit that had been given up was rekindled.

At this time, the original power around Chu Yan even solidified. He stretched out his hand and a faint flame burned on the long sword.

Seeing this, Shura God was slightly startled and narrowed his eyes and said: "What? Don't give up?"

Chu Yan stared at Shura God.

At this moment, he was very unhappy!

Very unhappy!

How many times has it happened?

Forget the Demon Palace, the God Court is also like this.

Think about it, these people have never looked at me straight?

Just because of the mysterious woman and the people behind me?


Am I so inferior?

Suddenly, Chu Yan stared at Shura God and said word by word: "Very good, you have made me angry now!"

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