Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 598 Destroying the Four Meridians

A top-level Heavenly Monarch fell under the chaos.

He was also the Emperor of a dynasty.

Jian Wuya, the Beast King Palace, the Western Region Galaxy, and the Nine Nether Dynasty were all angry and terrified.

"Asshole!" The Nine Nether Emperor's eyes were red, and he glared at the strong men in the sky: "Shenzhu Mountain, are you crazy? Are you going to start a war of hegemony across the galaxy?"

The Heavenly Monarchs of the Heavenly Emperor Sect looked indifferent, and Kun smiled obscenely: "In the Heavenly Monarch Ruins, you ignored your status and wanted to force our Sect Master to death. Did you ever think that this day would come?"


"No!" A scream was heard.

The Heavenly Emperor Sect was well prepared and laid a net here.

Jian Wuya's sword god looked up at Chu Yan, full of fear: "Chu Yan, let me go, as long as you let me go, I, Jian Wuya, will write off all grudges with you."

"Let you go? Are you dreaming?" Chu Yan laughed sarcastically: "Today, if my Tiandi Sect had not been prepared, would you let me go?"

"What nonsense are you talking to him? I'll cut him into pieces." Ye Xun's suppressed roar, and a terrible light curtain immediately slashed down from the sky. Jian Wuya's sword god came out with a sword, and used the sword to protect his body on both sides, trying to escape and ascend to heaven, but he was just daydreaming. His sword broke in the void and fell in the world.

After the Purple Thunder Emperor, it was Jian Wuya. The big demon of the Beast King Hall was really scared. Although he had the strength of a top Tianjun, he had no choice but to die in this situation.

"Chu Yan, my Beast King Hall is willing to follow you, let me go!" The big demon of the Beast King Hall pleaded without dignity.

"Follow me? What use do I have for you now?" Chu Yan shook his head coldly: "Blood debt can only be paid with blood."

"No!" The fate of the big monster in the Beast King Palace was the same, and it was impossible to escape death. Three top-level Tianjuns fell in succession.

Everyone was stunned. The five major veins that had come in a mighty manner were now withered.

Tai Yan was no longer calm in the void. Even though he was a saint, the result of today's battle was far beyond his expectations.

"Mutian, are you crazy?" Tai Yan let out a low roar.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. You thought you were very strong, and you chased and killed unscrupulously and slaughtered at will. At that time, did you ever think that there was a moment?" Mu Tian sneered. If Chu Yan had not been prepared, he would have died today. By the same token, who of the five major veins could survive today?

"The five major veins, claiming to be the overlords of the star sea, bullied countless people. Who dared not to obey, they would be suppressed by iron-blooded means. Your descendants are the same as you, and you have today." Chu Yan said unceremoniously.

"Kill!" All the laws formed an invisible wheel, crushing the earth.

After a long time, the King of the Galaxy died in battle, with reluctance and regret.

Only Emperor Jiuyou was left. He let out a raging roar, igniting blood at this moment, turning into a nine-headed demon dragon, roaring at Chu Yan, and rushing out.

"Stop him!" Ye Xun frowned and roared.

Immediately, three Heavenly Lords slashed with swords, but Emperor Jiuyou did not dodge or evade, and rushed out madly. In a moment, three of the nine heads were cut off in succession, turning into darkness on the ground.

"Get out!" Emperor Jiuyou was still roaring, and suddenly, one of his heads separated, opened his bloody mouth, and swallowed Chu Yan.

"Master!" Several Heavenly Lords looked cold and hurriedly retreated, but unfortunately, Emperor Jiuyou's move was too sudden. With his last breath, a terrible flame burned in the head of the demon dragon.

"Mr. Chu!" Shangcangxian'er's delicate face turned pale, and her jade hand gently covered her cherry lips.

"Boom!" Ye Xun's terrible aura burned, and he continued to cross the void, but it was too close. As an emperor, he could not stop the attack of the Heavenly Lord.

"Die!" Jiuyou Emperor's eyes flashed fiercely, and he was ferocious.

Feeling the terrible burning of the devil's flame, Chu Yan's face was extremely embarrassed. The Jedi counterattack of the Heavenly Lord level was too terrible.

It's just funny that for some reason, Chu Yan didn't feel afraid when he felt his life was in danger, but was full of longing.

The girl who had been standing in front of him for ten years, no matter when and where, she didn't come again this time.

"I have to rely on myself." Chu Yan sighed. Ye Xun had told him about Qingyi's departure. The figure who foolishly guarded him was now unknown.

But Chu Yan knew that no matter where in the world, one day, he would go to find her, just as Qingyi wanted to tell him, he would not let Qingyi down.

"Buzz!" In a gasp, Chu Yan's arrogance rose, and it seemed that a huge monster light and shadow rushed out from his body.

This light and shadow was Chu Yan's fourth bloodline. He could not operate this bloodline. He used it several times under extreme crisis.

Now it was the first time for him to operate it with a clear consciousness. His eyes flashed with a strange light. He was like a demon, shrouded by the ancient demon shadow.

"Dad, this should be what you left for me, right? But when you were in the God Clan, you were invincible with your spear, and your anger made the gods afraid. When you came to me, you were forced to be helpless by a small Tianjun. It was a bit of a shame for you and your mother's reputation." Chu Yan smiled bitterly, his willpower became stronger, and he frantically dug out this bloodline power in his body.

"You are my bloodline. If you are not moved by me, what use do I have for you?" Chu Yan roared in his body. The ancient demon shadow became more real. The formula of Tianxing Juechen Classic was running. In an instant, he felt as if something terrible had awakened in his body, causing his blood, soul, limbs and bones to resonate terribly.

"Break it!" Chu Yan raised his head and roared. The ancient demon shadow rushed out.

In an instant, the world was enveloped in a layer of golden light. As soon as the demonic shadow appeared, as if it wanted the world to surrender, it blasted out with a single move, creating a huge beheading. The Heavenly Lord's blow actually broke apart at this moment and was shattered to pieces. .

"Roar!" After failing to kill Chu Yan, Emperor Jiuyou let out an unwilling roar and turned around to escape without pursuing him.

"Run?" A Tianjun from the Tiandi Sect snorted coldly. The sword in his hand opened and closed with cold light. Even though it was slashed out, with a scream, Emperor Jiuyou actually had his arm broken, but he did not stop and continued to move crazily. escape.

Seeing this, the people from the Heavenly Emperor's Sect frowned slightly, and two Heavenly Lords wanted to get up and chase them out.

"No need to chase." Chu Yan shook his head with a pale face. Although he successfully circulated his blood with the blow just now, his body seemed to be hollowed out in an instant.

Now he and an ordinary person have no intention of noticing this, Ye Xun frowned: "What is your realm?"

"It should be fine. This has happened before when I accidentally used my bloodline. It will recover after a while." Chu Yan said. The power of this bloodline is indeed beyond his ability to use. Even if he has reached the Broken Emperor Realm now, Still not working.

"Do you want to continue fighting?" In the void, Mu Tian looked at Tai Yan coldly.

Saint Taiyan's face was gloomy. He originally thought that Chu Yan would die if there were five major veins this time, but not only did not happen, but the five major veins suffered heavy losses. Except for Emperor Jiuyou who escaped with a broken arm, the other four major veins could be said to have been completely wiped out. Including the top emperors and star kings.

"Mutian, you will regret it!"

Tai Yan let out an angry roar and finally turned around and flew away. He was not a fool. He had no chance of defeating Mu Tian alone, not to mention there were many Tian Juns now.

Although for a saint, the effect of the monarch's attack is negligible, the opponent's number is too huge, nearly ten thousand people. Just distracting his energy and allowing Mu Tian to charge up a single blow is not something he can bear.

"Let him go like this?" Ye Xun looked at the back and asked coldly.

Mu Tian came down and glared at Ye Xun: "Just kill a few emperors and star kings. Tai Yan is a saint. It's not easy to kill him."

"What a pity. I really want to see what it would be like if a saint died in Tianbei Mountain." Wangfeng said without fear of trouble. The people around him were speechless for a while. Today, it has been crazy enough. The Emperor, the Star King, the Sword God, the Great Yao, just the death of these four people will definitely cause a huge storm in the sea of ​​​​stars. This guy actually wants the other party to damage a saint.

"There will be a chance." Chu Yan said calmly from the side.

The disciple of Zhongsheng blinked.

These three guys are truly brothers.

"Go back to the Holy Sect first, and I will arrange for people to send you away."

Mu Tian said with a serious expression, and everyone nodded. They all understood that after today, Chu Yan and his party will no longer have a place to survive in the Tongtian Star Sea. Tianbei Mountain and the Five Major Meridians will chase them crazily and stay here. There is only a dead end.

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