Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 597 Settling Hatred [Fourth Update]

"Everyone in this world is my Tianbei Mountain imperial commander. They have not wavered for hundreds of thousands of years. Do you know why?" Tianbeihe looked at Chu Yan coldly.

"Because of strength!" Chu Yan responded. In this martial arts, he has long understood that martial arts is respected. If you don't have absolute strength, why should the Sixteen Meridians respect you?

Tianbeihe nodded: "Yes, it is precisely because of our strength that I, Tianbei Mountain, have been the imperial leader for hundreds of thousands of years. Generations of sect masters have become immortals, and even some have extraordinary achievements in the upper world and have joined top immortal sects. , No one in the world dares to disobey.”

"And if you refuse now, you will be my enemy in Tianbei Mountain." Tianbeihe repeated again, and the terrifying Earth Lord shrouded him. Just his thought made Chu Yan feel endless pressure.

Tianbei River is much stronger than Beiming Shatian.

There was a glimmer of excitement in the eyes of the people in the Five Great Meridians. In their opinion, no one in this sea of ​​​​stars could survive against Tianbei Mountain.

Thirty years ago, Mo Wangchen was no good.

"My heart is still the same!" Chu Yan stared at the Tianbei River and said calmly.

"Boom!" At this moment, a terrifying murderous intent appeared in Tianbeihe's eyes.

As a direct descendant of Tianbei Mountain and the future King of the One Star Sea, he has better talents and insights than others.

So he clearly found that there seemed to be no fear of him in Chu Yan's eyes. It was as if he had never put the so-called Xinghai and Tianbei Mountain in his eyes.

That's not madness, that's innate. This is also the reason why Tianbeihe had murderous intention towards Chu Yan in an instant.

Such a person cannot be used by Tianbei Mountain, so he can only suppress and kill him, just like Mo Wangchen did thirty years ago.

"Just back off."

Tianbeihe's breath dropped and he looked away from Chu Yan. Today was finally a canonization ceremony. If he killed Chu Yan in the middle, it would inevitably cause some trouble.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Chu Yan and Wangfeng bowed their hands to Tianbeihe and left from the central stage.

The canonization continued, and everything returned to its original bustle, as if nothing had happened.

Anyone with a discerning eye can notice that the atmosphere is different.

Of course, they don't care. With today's canonization, their descendants from each lineage will be appreciated by Tianbei Mountain and join Tianbei Mountain. Their future will be bright.

The major lineages and ancient clans were chatting with each other, but Chu Yan, who should have been full of glory and the number one in the Duotian Ranking, was a little depressed at this time, and no one wanted to make friends with him, for fear of avoiding him.

Chu Yan looked at this secular world indifferently. At this moment, a voice suddenly came into his ears, which made him raise his head in surprise. He saw Lord Ning Yue in the direction of Wangxian Pavilion where he was sitting.

"The banquet is over, leave immediately! Tianbei Mountain will not allow a person with unlimited possibilities in the future to develop at will."

Chu Yan knew this very well, but he still nodded gratefully. There were many saints present, and even if they were transmitting messages, they might be spied on.

But in this situation, Lord Ning Yue is still willing to take risks for himself, which is rare.

The canonization ceremony lasted until the evening. Tianbeihe showed tiredness, and the overlords of all parties resigned one after another. Before leaving, the people from the Five Great Meridians looked at Chu Yan with cold eyes, let out a cold snort, and then left. As for the deep meaning in their eyes, I am afraid that only They themselves understood it.

Chu Yan and others also got up and did not stay at Tianbei Mountain. Instead, they rushed back to the All Saints Sect with Mu Tian.

Wangfeng did not return to the Demon Sect, and the Demon Sect ancestor was not surprised by this.

Today, Chu Yan and Wangfeng publicly rejected the invitation from the direct descendants of Tianbei Mountain. They were afraid that the disaster would be worse. Wangfeng would be safer if Saint Mutian was with the Saints.

"Be more careful yourself." The ancestor of the Demon Sect sent a message to Wangfeng. Then he raised his brows, glared at Chu Yan, and said through the message: "You brat, I didn't allow you to quit the Demon Sect that day. As long as the old man and I Until you die, you will always be my Demon Sect disciple."

Chu Yan was moved. At this point, the Demon Sect was still willing to accept him. He said in vain: "Ancestor, take care!"

This time, Mu Tian personally drove the wooden boat of the divine weapon, flying across the stars.

"It came so fast!" Suddenly, Mu Tian stopped, and a crack appeared in the void, and batches of strong men arrived, including a saint, Ji Longyu's master, Taiyan Saint.

"Mu Tian, ​​hand over this person, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to escape today." Taiyan's voice was full of power, and he was crushed.

"I said, even if you are here in person, you are not worthy of saying this to me." Mu Tian snorted coldly, and then he stopped talking nonsense. He took out a sword in his hand and stepped forward to block Chu Yan and others. In front of the person.

"I'll hold Mu Tian down, and you guys can capture him."

Tai Yan ordered the people around him. Suddenly, the terrifying power of the Heavenly Lord crushed down. Many of them were people from the five major lineages, including the Nine Nether Emperor, the Purple Thunder Emperor, and the King of the Galaxy. They all came in person. Yes, their eyes were cold and ferocious.

"Chu Yan, today is the day you die!" Emperor Jiuyou roared angrily, and the terrifying demon dragon soul bloomed, looking extremely evil.

"Haha, Chu Yan, you really shocked me at the Heaven-Seizing Banquet. I thought you would accept the canonization, join the direct lineage of the Heaven Monument, and reach the sky in one step. Unfortunately, you don't know what is good and you refused to be canonized. In this case, No one can save you today." The Purple Thunder Emperor roared like this, causing terrible thunder.

Facing the offensive of the five major meridians, the faces of the saint sects and the heavenly kings and elders all turned gloomy.

The opponent was obviously well prepared, but now Saint Mutian was held back again. It was difficult for them to resist alone.

But at this time, Chu Yan slowly raised his head and looked at the other party indifferently, with a stronger killing intent: "Jiuyou Dynasty, Zilei Dynasty, Western Region Galaxy."

"Jian Wuya, Beast King Palace!" Chu Yan repeated the names of the five major veins and shook his head sadly: "Chu entered the Star Sea to practice, and I had no grudge against you. It was a relic of the Heavenly Emperor. You young people were arrogant and boundless. You said that my life was like an ant without fighting. I killed you. What's more ridiculous is that you are all Heavenly Emperors. Not only are you shameless, but you attack me without regard for your face."

The faces of the people from the five major veins condensed, and the Purple Thunder Emperor snorted coldly: "At this point, have you begun to repent?"

Chu Yan continued to shake his head: "Not repenting, just want you to understand that even today, if you don't chase me, you may still be alive, but unfortunately, you didn't."

"A dying person pretends to be a ghost." The King of the Galaxy scolded.

"I don't want to do this, why do you force me?" Chu Yan sighed again, and finally at this moment, he slowly took a step forward, and in an instant, it seemed as if the earth broke, and in his hand, a golden token appeared at some point, and on the token, there were three words, extremely dazzling.


Ye Xun, Huo Feng and others stood in the back, and saw this scene, their eyes were shining.

"Tianbei Mountain, some grudges should be settled." Chu Yan said indifferently, and the faces of Emperor Zilei, Emperor Jiuyou and others changed, and the surrounding void trembled wildly.

At this moment, countless strong men appeared around, more than the people of the five major veins, and higher realms. They were dressed in the same way, and they actually surrounded them from the outside.

"How is it possible, when did such a group of strong men appear in Tianbei Mountain?" Emperor Jiuyou said with a face as cold as the extreme.

"No, they are not from Tianbei Mountain, they are... Tiandi Sect." Emperor Zilei's face suddenly changed, and he looked up and glared at Chu Yan: "Asshole, have you been prepared?"

At this moment, Chu Yan was shrouded in holy light, facing the breeze, like a real monarch.

"Tianjun Ruins, being forced to death by you once is not enough, do you want a second time?" Chu Yan shook his head ridiculously. At this time, countless strong men from Tiandi Sect were shrouded here, surrounding the people of the five major veins.

"How to deal with them?" Ye Xun said coldly.

"Don't leave any!" Chu Yan shouted coldly without any emotion.

"No!" Emperor Zilei screamed and glared at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, if you dare to do this, you will be an enemy of Tianbei Mountain! There will be no place for you in this vast sea of ​​stars!"

"It has been a long time." Chu Yan was still indifferent. The moment he refused to be sealed, Tianbei River said that he would be the enemy of Tianbei Mountain, so why be polite?

The next second, the infinite royal power fell, and an emperor of the dynasty, a top-level heavenly monarch, was killed by random attacks at this moment, and there was no life left.

Countless figures were attracted from afar, and when they saw this scene, they seemed to think of the demise of Bei Ming.

Now, two years later, the Purple Thunder Dynasty is probably destroyed!

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