Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 599 Debt of Love

After the heaven-seizing banquet, people from all walks of life dispersed and returned one by one.

Accompanied by various news, such as the return of the first Heavenly Emperor sect leader in the Imperial Road, recasting the myth, using the Heavenly Emperor to fight the Human Lord, vigorously countering the rumors, and becoming the top of the list of Heavenly Emperors.

There was also the matter of refusing to be sealed. Chu Yan and his junior brother Wangfeng fought against Tianbei Mountain, which was said to be amazing.

At this moment, another news went viral. Tianbei Mountain released a message to kill Chu Yan. On the day of the Heaven Seizing Banquet, Five Great Meridians and a saint secretly pursued him.

When this news came out, many people secretly lamented that Chu Yan didn't know how to praise him, offended Tianbei Mountain, and died like this in his extremely young life.

The saint pursued him, but no one believed that Chu Yan could survive.

In Wangxian Tower, Wangyue and Li Xian'er were anxious after knowing the news. Wangyue wanted to go out several times to inquire about the news, but they were blocked by Lord Ningyue.

"Master..." Mochizuki Yinya bit her teeth lightly, the other party had five major meridians.

"During the Seizing Heaven Banquet, I sent a message to warn him. If he is smart, he will know what to do. Besides, Saint Mu Tian is still here, so he should be fine. It won't help if you go out." Ning Yue said, most likely thinking He didn't believe that Chu Yan could survive, and sighed: "What a pity for a genius. With his qualifications, if he does not perish, the sea of ​​​​stars a hundred years from now may be his sea of ​​stars, right?"

Li Xian'er was playing the piano in the bamboo forest, and the strings suddenly broke, which made her sigh several times: "We met in the land of stars, and it was a lifetime mistake."

Soon, the news reached the Demon Sect.

Wangfeng's incident angered the Purple Thunder Dynasty. After the Heaven Seizing Banquet, a large army attacked and enveloped the Demon Sect.

At the head, there was a prince, the youngest heir of Emperor Zi Lei and the only prince still alive. He was seventeen years old and his name was Zi Long. He looked at Mengya, full of greed: "Mengya, after today, I will definitely I want to take you back and use you as a bed-warming maid."

"Shameless!" Meng Yaqiu said angrily with cold eyes. Meng Jun and the master of the Eleven Demon Palace were both there, glaring into the void.

"Is the Purple Thunder Dynasty going to have a decisive battle with my Demon Sect?"

"Are you worthy of the Demon Sect?" Zilong laughed evilly from the side: "When my father kills those two thieves, he will personally visit the Demon Sect and level this place."

Zi Yin, Gu Lie and others were filled with anger in their hearts: "You bastard, you are a huge Tianbei Mountain. You claim to be the overlord, but you don't see how powerful others are. Your junior brother is extremely talented. If you don't join, you will be killed."

"He is seeking his own death." Zilong said with a proud smile, but the next moment, his facial features suddenly distorted, revealing a look of pain, and he roared: "No!"

"What's going on?" The people from the Demon Sect asked in confusion.

"Prince, what's wrong?" The monarchs and ministers of the Purple Thunder Dynasty frowned and asked.

"Father...Father, he." Zilong's whole body was trembling, and his pupils were full of anger and fear: "Father, he has fallen..."

The space suddenly became quiet, and gazes came one after another, full of shock and confusion. The Purple Thunder Emperor and the Five Great Meridians, a saint, were chasing Chu Yan at the same time. Now, the Purple Thunder Emperor has fallen?

"How is this possible?" Zi Lei Jun and his ministers asked in disbelief. Their emperor is invincible. How many people in the star sea can kill him?

"Could it be that Chu Yan was killed and Saint Mu Tian was so angry that he killed the Purple Thunder Emperor?" Some people speculated that this was possible. After all, the counterattack of a saint was definitely not something that Tianjun could withstand.

Even if there is another saint to restrain him.

But immediately, another piece of news came out, Jian Wuya, the sword of the sword god, sadly, means that the sword god has fallen?

It was far from over. On this day, a beast tide broke out in the Beast King Palace. Countless monsters looked up to the sky and roared. Their demon king fell while chasing Chu Yan.

In the galaxy of the Western Region, the king of the galaxy died in battle, leaving a galaxy without an owner and falling into riots.

At this moment, everyone was stunned. Many people couldn't help but sigh that Saint Mutian was going crazy. He cut off four major veins for Chu Yan.

But if Chu Yan died, it would be good news.

However, then news of an explosion came out. Emperor Jiuyou was still alive and escaped with a broken arm. Then he roared, claiming that the Jiuyou Dynasty would kill Chu Yan at all costs.

At this moment, everyone was quiet. Is Chu Yan not dead?

In other words, the masters of the four major veins were not killed by Saint Mu Tian in his rage? But died by someone else?

Then someone reported the situation of that day. The Five Major Meridians were chasing after him. Saint Taiyan was restrained by Saint Mutian. The Heavenly Emperor Sect used thunderous means to kill the Four Meridians. The Nine Nether Emperor almost fell.

Everyone was completely alarmed, including Tianbei Mountain, which was burning with terrible angry flames. Saint Taiyan returned and immediately asked for orders from above to personally lead an attack to kill Chu Yan.


Chu Yan didn't know anything about the riot in Xinghai. After their group returned to the All Saints Sect, Mu Tian immediately summoned everyone.

"Tai Yan has asked for orders from above to capture you two. You can't stay in this sea of ​​stars any longer. I'm going to send you away now." In the hall of the Holy Sects, Mu Tian summoned everyone and said, this is clear. Yan was not surprised. This time they killed the top people in several major veins. Tianbei Mountain would definitely not give up.

"Ancestor, the nearby teleportation array has been blocked by Tianbei Mountain and cannot be used." Saint Tianyang stepped into the main hall and said.

"Well, it's faster than I expected." Mu Tian nodded, not surprised, and then he turned to look at Ye Xun: "Ye Xun, can you contact the saint at Shenzhu Mountain?"

"Yes." Ye Xun responded.

"Now you contact me and ask the other saint to open the space mark. I will forcefully tear open the space and send you away." Mu Tian said. Ye Xun nodded and communicated with his spiritual mind. After a long time, an old shadow appeared behind him. , is a saint from Shenzhu Mountain.

"It takes three hours to build the space. If you have anything to do, do it as soon as possible. Leave immediately after three hours." Mu Tian ordered. Chu Yan frowned slightly. His only son sent him a voice message: "Senior, you won't come with us?"

"Although the Saint Sect was only established by this Saint on a whim, it is ultimately my own hard work. If I leave, Tianbei Mountain will definitely destroy this place." Mu Tian smiled bitterly, then looked at Chu Yan, and the light of confidence bloomed in his old eyes again: "Young Master, you can rest assured. Although this Saint is old, I have not seen the Young Master return to the throne of the Palace of Gods. I am not willing to die. Tianbei Mountain dare not do anything to me."

Chu Yan hesitated and finally nodded: "Take care, senior."

"Go." Mu Tian smiled and established the formation with the phantom of the saint of Shenzhu Mountain.

Three hours is too short, so that even if he wanted to say goodbye to the people of the Demon Sect in person, he couldn't do it.

"Xian'er." Chu Yan walked over from the Saint's Hall, and Shangcang Xian'er smiled: "I heard from Master that you are leaving?"

"I am leaving." Chu Yan nodded, hesitated, and said: "Xian'er, will you come with me?"

"Will you marry me?" Shangcang Xian'er did not respond to Chu Yan, but smiled and raised her head, looked at Chu Yan with her beautiful eyes, and blinked.

Chu Yan was embarrassed for a while. He had complicated feelings for Shangcang Xian'er, with guilt and heartache. To this day, he still can't forget the girl who embraced Huangquan for him on Shangcang Island.

However, guilt is not love after all, and in addition to his current situation, Qingcheng's whereabouts are unknown, and Qingyi left again.

"Xian'er, you know, I can't promise you now."

For this response, Shangcang Xian'er seemed to have expected it. There was a little disappointment in her beautiful eyes, but it was fleeting. She smiled and shook her head: "I'm kidding you. The Saint Sect is quite suitable. There are Master and sisters. I won't go with you."

Chu Yan hesitated and finally nodded. This may be the best ending for the two of them.

"Take care." These two heavy words, Chu Yan stepped forward, hugged Shangcang Xian'er, and turned around. He didn't stay, even for a second.

"If you go back to the mortal world and take good care of grandpa, you will say... Xian'er is unfilial." Shangcang Xian'er's voice came from behind again, and Chu Yan nodded vigorously.

"And...if you regret it one day, come back, I'll always be here." Shangcang Xian'er's pent-up emotions finally shouted out at this moment. She would wait for her in this life. Chu Yan's footsteps stopped at this moment. For a long time, he looked up at the endless sky, but his face was already in tears.

Chu Yan once questioned himself, what virtue and ability did he have to make such a girl guard him until death.

He also thought about joining hands with Shangcang Xian'er, but he didn't, at least not now, but he knew that this was a debt of love, and he had to pay it back eventually.

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