Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 596 Rejection [Three Updates]

After the original body broke the emperor, Chu Yan found that his perception was even more terrifying. The sky that originally bound him seemed to be half a foot shorter.

After breaking the emperor, he was not in a hurry to forge the Juntu, but chose to consolidate his practice and break through the four true selves one by one.

When the four true selves broke the emperor, Chu Yan's mouth curled up.

Breaking the emperor, once the highest existence in the world, he has now reached it.

"The next step is to forge the Juntu." Chu Yan thought.

Juntu is also divided into levels. Some people use the soul as the foundation to carve the Juntu, which is regarded as an ordinary Juntu, while some people will choose to inject some blood and special elements, which is the extraordinary Juntu.

Above the extraordinary, there is a perfect Juntu.

This so-called perfection does not mean the best, but it is to forge the most suitable Juntu for each person according to their differences.

The casting and comprehension of the Juntu are related to the individual's temperament. For example, Bei Ming Sha Tian, ​​he wanted to dominate the court, so he condensed the Jiangshan Juntu.

Chu Yan now has four true selves. When he was casting the Lord Map, he had an idea. If he could integrate all four true selves and make them uniform, how powerful would it be?

In addition, the Nine Heavens True Method itself is a treasure. Now in the Star Sea, few people know about it, but the higher you are in the upper world, the more coveted it will be. Before he reaches the true self clone, he needs a way to cover it up. The Lord Map is the best way.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan began to do it. During this period, Ye Xun guarded the gate for him.

"Boom!" From time to time, there were terrible explosions and roars in Chu Yan's room. Ye Xun stood outside and frowned slightly. He wanted to go in and take a look a few times, but stopped.

The power of Chu Yan's explosion was too terrible.

At this time, his soul descended into the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower. Four true selves appeared here at the same time, fighting against each other. Each one revealed terrible and different powers.

Chu Yan wanted to condense the power of the four people into a king diagram. First, the pure power of the God Hammer Emperor. It seemed as if there was a giant between heaven and earth, holding up the sun with both hands, with infinite power.

After a moment, the power turned into a Cangshan dragon, with extreme speed, and often made a dragon roar, like the sound of a bowstring being plucked.

This was not enough. As the giant and the Canglong were entangled, the world suddenly changed, thick black clouds rose, and a terrible demon shadow appeared in the sky.

When the final king diagram was condensed, it was like a terrifying picture. Here, there were giants, demons, Cangshan dragon roars, hammers, swords, and bows, all perfectly integrated into this king diagram.

"Boom!" On this day, there seemed to be a strange phenomenon on Tianbei Mountain. The color of the sky and the earth changed, as if it was shrouded in a person's world.

Countless people looked up and were stunned by the terrible demon shadow and the giant. The demon shadow and the giant seemed to be in a terrible confrontation, with a Canglong lying in the center.

"Is this... someone casting a king diagram?" Someone suddenly shouted tremblingly on Tianbei Mountain.

"What a terrifying king's will, is this... a perfect king diagram?" Too many people were stunned, attracted by the magnificent scene in front of them.

They seemed to be deeply trapped in it, with the giant and the demon shadow right in front of them.

"I wonder which lineage this genius is from." Everyone speculated.

But at this time, Chu Yan was completely unaware of the shock he had caused. His king diagram climbed higher and higher, the giant and the demon shadow merged in the battle, the blue dragon lay, and his only son stood in the center.

The next moment, he wanted these three parties to surrender in a moment.

Ye Xun had been guarding outside the door. He turned around and looked, and laughed: "Perfect Juntu?"

"Deputy Sect Master." At this time, two Tianjuns from the Tiandi Sect came, and then they all looked at Chu Yan's room, and their mouths twitched: "It's terrible."

"Is everything ready?" Ye Xun stopped being naughty, and his mouth corners slightly raised, looking in the direction of the Tiandou Ranking: "Thinking that such a ranking can restrain a mad dragon under the Nine Abysses? Tianbei Mountain, how ignorant you are."

Seven days, fleeting, this day in the starry sea is very lively, because today is the day of the Tiandou Banquet.

People from all branches of Tianbei arrived early, and the old man and the young man on the first seat were still there.

Chu Yan, Wangfeng and others also arrived. After a long time, the young man slowly stood up. He looked around and smiled: "Are you satisfied with the seven days?"

Now Chu Yan knows the identity of this young man. His name is Tianbeihe, a Tianjiao of the direct lineage of Tianbei. In addition, he has another identity, that is, the head of the eleven people of Tianming.

The Tianbei lineage has been passed down from generation to generation, but the talents are extremely high. In the generation of Tianbeihe, it has reached an extreme. Now, after practicing for fifty years, he has already entered the ranks of earth gods.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Your Highness." People from all lines smiled politely.

"As long as you are satisfied." Tianbeihe smiled calmly, and then he raised his hand slightly, and immediately a fairy flew into the air, holding different treasures in his hands. The weakest of them were all level eight magic weapons.

"I am very satisfied with the performance of the Tianjiao at the Duotian Banquet. Now let's start the canonization." Tianbeihe said calmly: "All the top 100 of the Duotian Banquet, come out."

Everyone was excited, especially the top 100 disciples, who felt proud to stand in the middle of the crowd at this moment.

The awards were given one by one, and everyone accepted them and thanked Tianbeihe. In a blink of an eye, they were in the top ten.

Everyone was even more excited. The rewards for the top 100 were all level eight magic weapons. How strong would the top ten be?

Could there be a level nine magic weapon that only exists in rumors?

But at this moment, Tianbeihe suddenly took a step forward with a smile, standing with his hands behind his back: "You must all be curious, why are there no awards for the top ten, right?"

Everyone nodded without exception, and Tianbeihe continued: "Next, I will personally award the top ten rewards. People of Xinghe, listen to my orders. From today on, the top ten of the Duotian Banquet are all direct descendants of Tianbei Mountain, and are given the surname Tianbei!"

"Boom!" The crowd below the stage was boiling. The reward for the top ten was to be given the surname Tianbei.

This seemingly simple surname is more tempting than any reward.

Just because in Tongtian Xinghai, the word Tianbei represents power, and at this time, some people immediately began to congratulate.

"Congratulations to Jian Wuya, there is a person with the surname Tianbei." Several major veins flattered. Zhuoyang is Jian Wuya's disciple. Now, he is called Tianbei Zhuoyang.

In a blink of an eye, ten fairies flew over the stage, each holding a scroll in their hands, and handed it to ten people with a smile.

"Thank you, young master!" Fu Kuangren, Beiming Shatian and others knelt on one knee, holding up the scroll with both hands, showing great respect.

However, at this moment, everyone's eyes fixed, and they found that there were two figures on the central stage that were particularly dazzling.

Chu Yan, Wang Feng, these two people did not kneel down, and did not accept the appointment scroll.

The air suddenly became quiet, and it seemed that there were only these two teenagers in the world.

"Boom!" Then the next moment, the two Tianjuns on the left and right of Tianbei River burst out, and the terrible monarchy enveloped the world: "How dare you! Your Highness is conferring the title, why don't you two kneel?"

"At the Duotian Banquet, I did my best to show myself, which was what I should do. As for the so-called conferment, it is unnecessary. I am afraid I can't bear this heavy weight." Chu Yan said calmly.

"The Tianbei surname is too heavy, I am used to it, and I hope Your Highness will take it back." Wang Feng followed on the side, and the two seemed to have expected it.

The two Tianjuns wanted to say something, but Tianbei River suddenly stopped them and stared at Chu Yan.

He had long discovered that Wang Feng was very obedient to Chu Yan's words.

"Do you know who you rejected?" Tianbeihe asked calmly: "Since I can give you the title of the first in Duotian Banquet, I can end him myself. I will give you another chance, kneel down and accept the title."

Everyone else was stunned. Mengya sent a message to Chu Yan: "Fool, don't be impulsive!"

However, Chu Yan faced it calmly. He would never join Tianbei Mountain. He suddenly said ridiculously: "Duotian Banquet recruits geniuses, but it has never said that if you win the first place, you must join Tianbei Mountain. If I had known this, I would not come."

Tianbeihe stared at him. Chu Yan was right. According to the rules, Duotian Banquet never forced anyone to join.

But as the overlord of Yixinghai, who would refuse them?

So the top ten in Duotian Banquet joined the direct lineage of Tianbei Mountain. This has long been an unwritten rule.

But today, everything was broken. Chu Yan and Wangfeng refused to join.

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